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March 25, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-25

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom




Showers possible in the morning, and
cooler, with a high of about 43 degrees.

Vol. XCIV-No. 139 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, March 25, 1984 Fiteen Cents Eight Pages

crash in
S. Korea
kills 18
From AP and UPI
SEOUL, South Korea - A U.S.
helicopter crashed into a rugged moun-
tainside before dawn yesterday, killing
all 29 Americans and South Koreans
aboard in the second accident this week
in connection with joint war games.
U.S. military authorities said the CH-
53D Sea Stallion c'hopper went down in
bad weather at about 4 a.m. about 24
miles north of the eastern coast town of
Pohang, 170 miles southeast of Seoul.
ALL 18 AMERICANS and 11 South
Koreans were killed aboard the helicop-
ter - one of six choppers taking part in
a "night insertion" mission in which
troops move in darkness from one point
to another, officials said.
The military said the copter, one of
six in the maneuvers, had been headed
back to base at Pohang after
deteriorating weather conditions forced
cancellation of the night exercises.
A fire, spotted on the mountainside,
was the first indication of a crash.
THE REPORT said "some bodies"
See 18, Page 2






War Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Members of Phi Delta Theta fraternity battle it out in the tug of war yesterday during the Greek Week
olympics. The Phi Delts went on to win the contest staged in Burns Park.

MSA to question students about code

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - Lef-
tist rebels killed 32 soldiers in an am-
bush east of the capital yesterday and
attacked an army communications cen-
ter, sharply increasing guerrillas ac-
tivity on the eve of the first presidential
election-in seven years.
Election officials expect 1.8 million
Salvadorans to vote today. Security
forces were on alert in anticipation of
rebel attempts to disrupt the balloting,
which the Reagan administration hopes
will provide an underpinning of popular
support for continued military and
economic aid.
MILITARY sources said army and
national guard troops were surprised
by guerrillas just north of Tecoluca in
San Vicente province, about 45 miles
east of San Salvador.
Reporters counted thebodies of 32
soldiers in a hospital morgue in the
nearby city of San Vicente and military
sources said 27 soldiers also were
wounded in the attack.
Col. Roberto Rodriguez, head of the
5th battalion headquartered in San
Vicente, said it appeared that 15 of the
dead soldiers were killed after being
captured bythe guerrillas. "It appears
that most of them - some 15 troops -
have head wounds. Maybe they were
eliminated," Rodriguez said.
REBELS also blew up high voltage
electricity towers, blacking out half the
country and a large part of San
Salvador, officials said.
Guerrillas set up a roadblock at El
Triunfo on the Pan American Highway,
about 70 miles east of San Salvador, but
troops chased them away with no
casualties to either side, the sources
Not far away along the highway, two
civilians were wounded when a truck
hit a mine. The guerrilla threat to mine
highways had paralyzed most transpor-
tation, especially in the east.
ARMY PATROLS cruised the two
main east-west highways, the Pan
American and the Coastal, to keep

Michigan Student Assembly members
are hoping that this year's MSA ballot
questions will give University officials
a better idea of what students think of
the proposed code of non-academic
conduct for students.
Tuesday and Wednesday's ballot will
ask voters two questions to determine
their feelings about the proposed code.
Profiles of each. of the parties
running for the Michigan Student
Assembly appear on Page 5.
" THE FIRST simply asks if the
University and MSA should support a
code of non-academic conduct.
The second asks if the University and
MSA should support such a code

without first putting it to a student vote.
Opponents of the code, a number of
student groups including MSA, some
fraternity and sorority members, and
an organization calling itself "No
Code," hope the ballot question will end
administrators claims that the code
floes have strong student support.
MANY University officials have said
that opposition to the code appears
stronger than it really is because the_
code's opponents are more vocal than
its supporters.
Mary Rowland, president of MSA,
was confident that a student poll would
show strong opposition to the code. And
although only about 5,000 students vote
each yeas, she said that strong op-
position would accurately reflect

student opinion.
"I think that a vote on the idea of a
code will overwhelmingly show that
there is a broad-based opposition to it
from the students," she said.
IF THE vote turns out as Rowland
predicts, MSA and other organizations
opposing the code hope it will shock the
regents and administration into recon-
sidering the importance of any code, or
at least the specific code they have
They also hope the vote will. show
enough opposition to the code to bolster
their bargaining positioning as they at-
tempt to convince officials to make
changes in the drafting of the code.
Whatever the outcome of the vote, it
has no official bearing on whether a
code will be adopted. The poll would

only be used as advisory information
for administrators, regents, and
student government representatives.
Also on this week's ballot, the Public
Interest Group in Michigan (PIRGIM)
will be electing its board members for
next year.
All students are eligible to vote in the
PIRGIM elections.
The candidates and their priority
issues are as follows: Steve Dobbs -
Voter registration, environment,
human rights; -Daniel Dreytuss
ecology, consumer fairness; Cathy
Haddock- radioactive waste, media;
Barry Horovitz, Sanda McNeill=
Toxic waste, voter registration, con-
sumer awareness; Jeff Parsons -
radioactive waste disposal, toxic waste
management, acid rain; Leslie Sch.
wartz - media; Asim Varma - infant

...says he will win
them open. Some patrols pushed metal
rollers ahead of their vehicles in an at-
tempt to set off the mines.
Government troops backed by war-
jets and artillery also fought guerrillas
around the far northeastern towns of
Ciudad Barrios and Anamoros,
military officials said.
A three-hour firefight near Ciudad
Barrios, 63 miles northeast of the
capital, killed at least five rebels and
two soldiers, officers at the 3rd Infantry
Brigade in San Miguel said.
THE DEPUTY Director of the
National Police, Lt. Col. Ricardo Alfon-
so Casanova, said the nation's 39,000-
member armed forces were on a "state
of alert until further orders from the
high command."
Many Salvadorans, fearing that
violence could disrupt the voting,
rushed to grocery stores to stock up on
"We don't really know what will hap-
pen, so we thought we should be
prepared for anything," said one
See VIOLENCE, Page 2

Mondale ahead of Hart in Kansas.

. From the Associated Press
Walter Mondale stormed to victory
over Gary Hart in Hart's own state of
Kansas yesterday, but was not able to
overcome a strong showing by The Rev.
Jesse Jackson in Virginia as of press
time last night.
With all but 13 of 117 Kansas county
and state senatorial district caucuses
reporting, Mondale had 363 local
delegates, Hart 322 and the Rev. Jesse
Jackson 15. Forty-five were unpledged.
When projections on how the local,
delegate strength translates into
national delegates were completed late
Saturday night, Mondale was expected
to gain at least 20 of Kansas' 37 pledged
With results in for 2,102 of about 2,500
delegates to state and congressional
district conventions in Virginia,
Jackson had 653 delegates or 31 per-
cent, Mondale had 646 delegates or 31
percent and Colorado Sen. Gary Hart
had 406 for 19 percent. Uncommitted
delegates also ran at 19 percent.
Another 1,000. delegates were to be
chosen in meetings Monday night.
Jackson swept the largest city's
caucus with a personal appearance. In
speeches in Norfolk and neighboring

cities, Jackson had urged supporters to
"overcome a bad system" of selecting
delegates by swamping the mass
MEANWHILE, Hart and Mondale
pitched their appeals to voters in New
York City yesterday.
The next big prize is the 304 delegates
at stake in neighboring Northeastern
states - 52 in Connecticut and 252 in
New York.
Sandwiched in between Tuesday's
Connecticut primary and the April 3
shootout in New York are the Kentucky
caucuses next Saturday where
53 delegates are at stake.
AT A LABOR rally in New York City,
Mondale compared his battle with Hart
for the Democratic presidential
nomination to a fight between "average
Americans" living from paycheck to
paycheck and those who are "on the
"We need someone who knows what
it's like to be an average American
depending on the rest of society for
hope, fairness and decency. That's what
it is all about," he said. "All of my life I
have fought for people."
The Democratic politician, for exam-
ple, said his parents - a Minnesota
minister and a music teacher - were

the kind of people he wants to
"LIKE* MOST Americans, they
weren't on the make," he said.
Mondale did not specify what kind of
Americans are on the make, but Hart
has drawn strong support from young,
white professionals who are often
called upwardly mobile.
Talking to more than 2,000 en-
thusiastic union members, the former
vice president lashed out at Hart for his
opposition to the Chrysler Corp. bail-
out loans, linking the Colorado senator
to President Reagan for that stand.
At the regional AFL-CIO rally, New
York Gov. Mario Cuomo accused Hart
of "political flashdancing" with all his
talk of "new ideas" and contrasted that
to Mondale's ideas.
"THE PRINCIPLES, the programs
and the programs he has been putting
forth so consistenly throughout this
campaign are often new, sometimes
old, but always good,"" Cuomo said.
"With Walter Mondale, there is no
novelty for the sake of novelty, no daz-
zzling simplistics, no political flash dan-
cing - only reasonableness, intelligen-
ce, compassion, and the truth."
See JACKSON, Page 3

egi ns
From AP and UPI
BEIRUT, Lebanon - French troops
began a phased pullout yesterday from
the Lebanese capital where Druze
militia, having crushed rival Moslem
rebels, turned their fire on Lebanese
army positions in the mountains
overlooking Beirut.
Police said at least 25 people were
killed and 110 others wounded in the
war for control of Moslem west Beirut.
Druze leader Walid Jumblatt's Syrian-
backed militiamen claimed final vic-
tory yesterday over a smaller Sunni
Moslem sect, the Mourabitoun.
JUMBLATT'S Progressive Socialist
Party said it smashed the Mourabitoun
to restore law and order to west Beirut.
The defeated militia had repeatedly
violated cease-fire agreements with
See FRANCE, Page 3

AP Photo
Presidential candidate Sen. Gary Hart answers questions from a panel of.
local businessmen in Buffalo, New York. Hart was in Buffalo yesterday in
anticipation of the April 3 New York primary.

EORGE McGOVERN WAILS: "You picked me once,
so pick me twice, please pick me again." And
defeated Alan Cranston laments; "California,
here I come; right back where I started from."
The nee'sion is the annual night of fun and frolic for those

off on "My Fair Lady" in the show. "Why can't a woman
vote just like a man?" the pair sings. "Men are so stable
and always on track, all voting for Ronnie without looking'
Chewin' and spittin'

complained that they had to walk around the pools of spit,
said DiComenico, who does not smoke or chew. "We have
sidewalks all around the school (and) some of the teachers
and kids said they didn't want to be stepping on the spit," he
said. "We have a patch of grass out there, a little spot that
doesn't grow anyway. We thought it would be more

Also on this date in history:
1938-The University's Department of Public Health
found sanitation conditions in 23 Ann Arbor restaurants had
improved since an August survey, but were still sub-
standard. The survey found an average of 300 organisms
per cubic centimeter on the restaurants' plates, 200 more
than the acceptable level.
"1968-120 University students drove to Wisconsin in
chartered buses to campaign for Sen. Eugene McCarthy
(D-Minn.) in the state's presidential primary.
"1970-More than 2,000 people marched in the streets on
the fifth dav nf the Bick Action Mnvement strike Class at-




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