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Sir i4 4au
Cloudy with light
snow likely
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
ELI Roommate Rule: A
Case Study
Threats Disrupt Teach-in
Two bomb scares last night in-
terrupted what was described as
the biggest demonstration in Uni-
versity history.
The first occurred at 7:25 p.m.
interrupting an "illegal" movie on
Viet Nam held in Greene House
in East' Quadrangle and the be-
ginning of the demonstration in
Angell Hall.
The second came as 2500 stu-
dents, faculty, and spectators were
packed into the four auditoria,
fishbowl and many passageways
there to hear the three lectures
denouncing United States policy
in Viet Nam.
Third Talk
But the third talk was barely
underway when helmeted police
strode up to the lecture stage to
inform students and protestors
that the buildings would have to
be cleared.
In the dormitory film showing,
the Greene House Lounge was
cleared as police searched for the
nonexistent bomb. Afterwards, the
film continued.
The movie, brought back from
Cuba by students, and distributed
through the May 2nd Movement,I
an organization founded on May 2,1
was a propaganda film used in
South Viet Nam villages by theJ
Viet Cong. The film expresses the
opinion, among others, that the
Geneva conference which divided
Viet Nam was void, and that thef
Viet Cong was only trying to unite'
their country against the alleged
"United States Imperialistic Co-~
In the first speech later, Robert
Browne, economist from Farleigh
Dickenson University and adviser
in Viet' Nam for three years for
the State Department, blamed the !
United States for the problems in
Southeast Asia.
"John Foster Dulles' fervent
anti-communism forced the United
States into a war, beginning as a
liberation movement, which we
cannot win," Browne declared. He
pointed -to general ineptness on
the part of the State Department
in Southeast Asia as a primary
reason for U.S. troubles there.
Following B r o w n e, Professor
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the Bogota, Colombia, hoped to sup- 'day consisting of laboratory, vo-
dscund pathe ngalish anguage i plement their classroom instruc- cabulary, pronounciation, pattern,
stitute-s policy of not allowing their tion in the English Language In- practice and grammar.
students who live in the quads to stitute by arranging to share Echenique, who will major ir
room with Americans. rooms in West Quad with two business administration at the
By NORA TITTERINGTON American students, Alan Sobel. University of Mexico in Septem,
and CLIFFORD OLSON '68, and Alan Kaplan, '68. ber, hopes to avoid the problem
Permission Repealed He has studied at an American-
The English Language Institute sponsored English school, and twc
rule prohibiting the rooming of ! After the four had lived to- years ago spent two months liv-
ELI students with American stu- fr three weks, un ng with a family in Gaylord
dents in West Quad is not mere- pealed the permission which had Mich.a under the Michigan Coun
ly a theoretical problem, but an allowed the switch and made the cil of Churches Youth for Un-
actual law. four return to their previously as- derstanding program. He hoper
The rule has been enforced this signed rooms. to further his English through!
semester. Two Latin American In January, Echenique and Ruiz the ELI program.
ELI students were not allowed tc came to the English Language Ruiz also plans to use his khowl-
room with two Americans by Eu- Institute, which offers short- edge of English to aid his busi-
gene Hahn, director of residence term courses to people of non ness advancement upon his re
halls of the Office of Student Af- English speaking nations. Th( turn to Colombia. Both Ruiz anc
fairs. Antonio Echenique from eight- or fifteen-week program: Echenique are on a 15-week pro-I
Mexico City and Jorge Ruiz from are concentrated in a five-houi gram.
Both were involved in what fol-
lowed soon after the original room
switch. The floor captain, James
Everett, '66M, discovered the
switch and referred the students
to the resident advisor in ordei
to obtain the necessary permis-
sion. The adviser in turn referrec
the four to the housemother of
Lloyd House, Mrs. Dorothy Jack-
son, who told the four that they
must present a permission slit
from the West Quad ELI advisor
John E. Chandler.
Chandler did not realize that
the move violated a clause of thE
ELI contract and therefore gave
the necessary permission. The stu.
dents considered the switch ap-
proved and permanent. But new:
of the permission for the switcl°
reached Haun's office who recog
nized the violation and brought it
to the attention of Chandler.
Chandler was forced to comply
with the established ruling and
asked the four boys to return tc
their original rooms.
At this time Sobel appealed the
decision to Haun. He received the
reply, "we'd like to help you, but
we can't. Haun could nothelp
Sobel .because a clause in th_
.housing contract prevents ET
students from living with non-
ELI students.
Number of Reasons
It is based on a number of
reasons. First, there is the prob-
lem of accounting. ELI student
in West Quad sign contractc
whicheare effective for either
See ELI. Page 2
Salary St
rSee System
-Daily-Frank Wing
auditoria, and rooms scattered in throughout Angell Hall as part
of a "teach-in" protesting U.S. policy in Viet Nam. The protest
started when 20 faculty members decided to cancel their classes
in protest to U.S. policy. This drew attack from the state senate.
In response to growing publicity the teachers revised their ap-
proach and decided to have the "teach-in."
EXpect Board Opinion
J o h n Donahue, anthropologist
from Michigan State University
who has done field work in Viet G r e b c
Nam, said that the people of Viet
Nam are tired of "foreign domin-
ation" and asserted that a reverse Takes Blame
domino theory is in effect if we Tao't eavsSoth ietNam
don't leave South Viet Nam.
The concluding speaker, Arthur F E
Waskow of the Institute of Policy
Studies, who was cut short by the
scare, assailed U.S. policies on
the basis of his observations By SHIRLEY ROSICK
along three lines: 1) Stated U.S. Registrar E d w a r d Groesbeck
actions in Viet Nam such as the said yesterday that the reduction
use of phosphorus and gas; 2) in the number of study days
Statements of Aid to Interna- scheduled for next fall was "all
tional Development officials say- his fault." However, students willI
ing economic development is not still have the advantage of study
important except to drive the time since exams will be spread
communist out of these areas and out over a longer period of time,
3) the "sentiment" of the "back-! he said.
bone of America," it's citizens. e
The purpose of the demonstra- The calendar approved by the
tion, at one time scheduled to be Regents last Friday set aside'
a work moratorium, was outlined Thursday, Dec. 9 through Satur-
at a press conference late last day, Dec. 11 as study days and
night: Monday, Dec. 13 as the first ex-
"We are searching for alterna- amination day. The fall time'
tives. We want at least to stimu- schedule, which has been out since
late people's thinking, enabling early this month, lists Dec. 11 as
them to develop positions." the first exam day.
William Gamson, one of the Fixed Schedule
teach-in leaders, expressed as- GFoesbeck, chairman of the
tonishment at the number of peo- co ste tharaned the
ple in attendance but said he was committee that arranged the ex-
displeased with the "sitting-in" amination schedule, explained that
tactics of those opposed to the he didn't notice in time that
demonstration. there was a conflict between the
Afterwards, about 600 freezing exam schedule and the time pro-
people gathered in a torchlight vided for study days in the calen-
rally on the diag to hear Prof. dar. The calendar was drawn up
Kenneth Boulding of the econom- by a special committee headed by
ics dept. and Prof. Frithjof Berg- Vice-President for Student Affairs
mann of the philosophy dept. at- Roger W. Heyns and Dean Steph-
tack an American policy that was enhH. Spurr of the graduate
based upon a "fairytale." school.
Pro-Viet Nam involvement Groesbeck said that the next'
marchers interrupted the rally. winter term and all subsequent
Newsmen streamed in from all terms will have three study days
over the nation to cover the af, and exam periods shortened to
fair, and a Detroit television sta- six days. Rather than rearrange
Award Campbell Decisions
J. Alan Galbraith, "66L, and
Duane H. Ilvedson, '66L, were
declared the winners in the 41st
annual Campbell Competition by
United States Supreme Court As-
sociate Justice Potter Stewart at
the Case Club banquet last night.
Yesterday afternoon the final-I
ists in the competition gave their
final arguments before Stewart
Chief Justice of the California Su-
preme Court Roger J. Traynor
Judge Paul R. Hays, U.S. Court of
Appeals, Second Circuit, Dean Al-
lan F. Smith of the Law School,
and Prof. Russell A. Smith of
the Law School.
The mock court room in Hutch-
ens Hall was packed with specta-
tors and guests. The petitioners in
the case , John C. Provine, '66L,
and Thomas L. Ledbetter, '66L
presented their arguments to the
panel of judges first with re-
spondents, Galbraith and Ilved-
son, following.
The competition honors the late
Henry M. Campbell, a University
Law School alumnus who was a
member until his death of the
Detroit law firm of Dickinson,
Wright, McKean and Cudlip.
The Case Club sponsors the
Campbell Competition in addition
to other practice court activities.,
Presiding judge of the Case Clubj
is Terrence Croft, '65L..
The problem case, constructed
by Smith, concerned an unfairI
labor practices suit filed by a un-
ion against an auto parts com-
pany alledging that the company$
had violated a collective bargain-
ing agreement-by sub-contracting
maintenance work to another cor-.
poration and laying off 75 unior
members. Two lower courts hac
previously ruled for the company
in the case and the court way
asked to consider the justice of
the lower court rulings.t
The progress for last night':
banquet began with the introduc.-
See JUDGE, Page 2
On Flint in Early April
e a ea
"I expect the State Board of Education to issue an advisory
opinion early in April on the University's plans to operate its Flint
branch as a four-year institution next fall," Sen. Garland Lane
(D-Flint), chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said
after an appearance before the board yesterday.
At the board meeting, Lane also revealed a plan for the city
of Flint to offer 60 acres of land as the site of a four-year institution
in three to five years. While the plan does not specifically stipulate
that the institution should be a
branch of the University, Lane
Four Released made it clear that local sentiment
overwhelmingly favors expansion
nBon d From. of the University's branch rather
than establishment of an auton-
Al Ja iomous four-year institution.
Alabam Jail Highways
The 60-acre site for the campus
By THOMAS R. COPI and could be made available' because
JULIE W. FITZGERALD construction of two superhighways
t Uthrough the city is expected to
The four University students leave the- acres cleared, Lane ex-
who were arrested in last week's plained. The idea of offering the
civil rights demonstration in land for a separate campus is
Montgomery, Ala., were released currently being considered by a
yesterday after posting $100 bond group of "prominent local citi-
each. zens."
David Aroner, Grad, Barry I The plan would eventually have
Goldstein, Grad, Dianne Runkle,' to be approved by Flint voters, but
'65, and Helen Jacobson, '65, who Lane reported that the commun-
had been staging a hunger strike ity is solidly behind helping to
in protest of their arrest, planned, establish a four-year college.
to join the March from Selma, The University currently is
Ala., to Montgomery. operating a two-year senior college
The four University students in Flint which shares facilities
3 were released along with nearly with Flint Community College.
250 other out-of-state students 5000 Students
yesterday, leaving only 50 of the The proposed new campus, ac-
nearly 300 who were originally cording to Lane, would "undoubt-
jailed still behind bars. edly be able to accommodate 4000-
Charles Conley of Montgomery 5000 students." Establishment of
who is the lawyer for all the stu- a separate campus was included
dents, said yesterday he has been in original plans for University
taking action all week toward get- expansion in Flint.
ting the students' trials moved "The State Board listened to
from state courts to the Federal Lane's comments and briefly ex-
District Court, plored them with him," Thomas
He has filed "removal petitions" Brennan, board chairman, said.
which move the trials to the dis-
tict.- court. -u~ 7w r+r r7~ ~
As More
tion carried it.
next fall's exam schedule and "de-I
Seminars were held into the stroy the work of students who
morning, with the last few hours h a v e already arranged their
saved for planning of future ac- schedules," exams will start on
tivities. Saturday as indicated in the time
In the bitter cold, an estimated schedule and students will have
1000 students gathered to hear only Thursday and Friday as
speeches after the bomb scare study days, he said.
forced them from hearing the
speech. Enough Time
Protesting groups picketed the Even with the elimination of
teach-in, backing administration the week-end study time, Groes-
foreign policy; they marched beck said he felt students would
around the midnight rally wav- have enough time to study sinceI
ing flags with "Drop the Bomb" exams would be spread out for a,
and "Peace Through Strength." seven day period.
-Daily-Frank Wing
following the final presentations of four students on a mock
case to five judges. The students were participating in the annual
Campbell Competition, and awards of $150 for the winners and
$100 for the losers. The winners this year were J. Alan Galbraith
'66L and Duane H. Ilvedson '66L.
Dean .Asks 'Liberating,
Pleasurable' Education
The educational experience should be liberating, broadening,
and pleasurable, Associate Dean of the Literary College James H.
Robertson said last night.
Speaking on "Private Talents and Public Service" before the,
annual banquet for the College of Pharmacy and Rho Chi Society,
Robertson said "knowledge should be liberation from ignorance, mis-
conceptions, and half-truths."
Knowledge is a static process that serves as the means to wis-
dom, he said. Each student at the University is free to choose between
_______________________*playing the "numbers game" and
seeking the continual goal of wis-
dom andservice, he added.
"Wisdom is liberation from fool-
ishness, prejudice, and conform-
ro s ity," Robertson said.
Grants Equal Pay
For All Months
Of Three Terms
The Office of Academic Affairs
has announced a faculty salary
policy which will pay faculty
members equally as much for
teaching one-half the summer ses-
sion as they would receive for
teaching one-half a regular term.
This is a revision of a proposed
salary scale policy released last
year for the trimester system
which would have given the fac-
ulty 22 per cent of their salary for
teaching a half of the summer
session instead of the 25 per cent
the faculty pointed out they
would be paid for teaching one
half of either the fall or winter
Nevertheless, the financial as-
pects remain the same as in last
year's proposal. What has changed
is the basis of payment. The fac-
ulty will now be paid on the basis
of a new concept for an "annual
salary wage," which has been sub-
stituted for the "University-year
Under this "annual salary rate"
the academic year is defined as
eight months - two terms - of
teaching, with two days of paid
non-teaching time being accumu-
lated with each month of teach-
ing. This extra month made up of
t h e accumulated non - teaching
days can be taken when the fac-
ulty member desires, but must be
spent on "scholarly activities."
Under last year's draft, the ex-
tra month was defined by the
University as being a part of the
academic year - resulting in a
nine-month year-and was to be
spent in unspecified activities in
the time period following the end
of the two teaching terms.
Thus, the new policy is more
flexible for the faculty and at the
same time provides the basis for
equal payments for all teaching
It was around this that the
controversy over the first draft
revolved. The University had de-
fined the academic year as nine
months and offered one-ninth of
the University-year salary rate
for each month taught during the
summer session.
Since faculty members were to
teach only one-half of the ses-
sion, they would receive two-
ninths their salary as remunera-
The faculty, defining the aca-
demic year as the eight months
spent teaching, asserted that they
should be paid one-eighth their
University-year rate for each
month spent in the summer ses-
sion-resulting in their being paid
25 per cent of their salary for the
two months of the half term
Under the new system, the an-
nual salary rate is established at
A rt Show Di*Sniavs Student .C
,L. AIL- W ~ r.,,.,,r s M/ v v v MEL .,- vv r v w T v
He noted that the courage to
serve is "liberation from selfish-
By KAY HOLMES ness, neutrality and alienation."
A failure to help the community
In the midst of the personalities that the Creative Arts Festival stems from a timidity and moral
has introduced to Ann Arbor, sometimes local artistic endeavors neutrality. "Service does not im-
are ignored. However, an equally intrinsic part of the two week Fes- ply subserviance to an idea or,
tival are such features as the current Student Art Show at the cause," he said. Man must act on
Union through March 27. knowledge and wisdom - only
Organized by Jean Klue, '67A&D, the show has a dual aim. Since those who use their talents are
the usual architecture and design open house will not be held this the hope of the world, he con-
year, it provides a place for students to display their work. A second uInitiated into the Alpha Chap-
goal of the exhibition is to encourage the exchange of ideas and com- ter of Rho Chi, the honorary
petition, as the students expose their works to the University audience. pharmacy fraternity founded at
The Art Show evidences diversity both in medium and mode of the University in 1922, were
expression. It includes drawings, woodcuts, sculptures, and paintings Gwendolyn Sue Bennett, Grad.,
done in varying formats of oil, watercolor, and collage. The works Peter Bernardo, Grad., Bong Hea
range in style from representational 'to abstract expressionism, and Hong, Grad., William Carl Johns,
also include products of pop art. Grad., Sandra Lee Ostrand, '65
t~ 1 ___: __a .....;..«, ..f..,"1 7%-Af'he~l7cPh f'Carol Ann 'Ramonv.Grad..
_ ; :7 :;