See Editorial Page
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 142
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 25, 1976
10 Cents Ten Pages
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Police and firemen cordoned off Main St. be-
tween Liberty and William yesterday afternoon
when a building under renovation threatened to
collapse. The crisis, which held passers-by spell-
bound for hours, began at about 2:45 when a sup-
port beam failed to hold its weight, causing the
entire structure to creak and groan. Workers were
evacuated from the building, which formerly hous-
ed Purchase Camera and a Scandanavian gift
shop. The project's engineer was called in to help
find ways of keeping it propped up, and as of
late this afternoon they seemed to have succeed-
ed. But if you're driving down South Main in the
near future, you might keep a wary eye out the
-.begin at 3:30 this afternoon in the Ander-
son Rm. of the Union with a discussion by the
Young Socialists Alliance on "America's Road to
Socialism, after which there will be a question
and answer period ... The Advisory Committee
for Recreation, Intramurals, and Club Sports
(ACRICS) meets at 3:30 in Waterman Gym,
Rm. 6 ... Princeton Prof. Karl Utti lectures on
"The Myth of Poetry in 12th and 15th Century
France" in Rackham's West Conference Rm. at
4:00 ... Dr. Ray Padilla speaks on "Transforma-
tional Education: A Pedagogy of Individual and
Community Development" at 4:00 in the English
Language Institute ... The Undergraduate Politi-
cal Science Association is holding a mass meet-
ing in the Commons Rm. of Haven Hall (6th floor)
at 7:00 ... The Women's International League for
Peace meets at 7:30 at One Oakwood in Ypsilanti
... Wendy Rutledge and Kathy Luchtan read their
poetry at the Guild House, 802 Monroe, at 7:30
Today is the last day to speak with a recruit-
er from Action, VISTA, or The Peace Corps at
the Career Planning and Placement Office, or the
Natural Resources Building ... University of Chi-
cago Prof. Adam Trzeworski lectures on "Class
Ideology and Voting: Theory and Models of West-
ern European Politics" in Rackham's West Con-
ference Rm. at 8:00, and there is a reception
for him at 2:30 at the Center for Western Euro-
pean Studies, 202 S. Thayer ... The University's
intramural ice hockey champions, The Fish, take
on EMU's champs at 9:45 at Yost Ice Arean.
Quiet: Recording
Two crude listening devices were discovered
Tuesday in the Atlanta office of George Wallace's
Georgia campaign coordinator. The coordinator
at first blamed Jimmy Carter or a Carter sup-
porter but later backed off that allegation. Be-
fore his denial, Ned Moore said "I don't see
Morris Udall or Fred Harris or those guys bug-
ging us ... what does that leave? Either Carter
or a Carter supporter." Wallace told reporters
in Montgomery, Ala. that "there is no need to
make implications. I don't know what you learn
by bugging anyone's headquarters anyway except
maybe some salty language." Carter was not
available for comment.
On the inside...
Editorial Page features a Pacific News Service
story on the Marianas Islands ... Arts Page offers
Music in Review ... And Rick Maddock of our
Sports staff previews this weekend's NCAA swim
meet in Providence, RI.
On the outside ...
In spite of a little cooling today the weather
may take a turn for the better this afternoon.
A cold front that came through early this morn-
ing will cause some showers but by afternoon
skies will break up and the sun will come out.
Tonight will be fair and cool. Highs today will
be 53-58, lows tonight will be 30-36. Friday will
be warmer with considerable sunshine.
I wmwmm..W i
By AP and Reuter a very convi
of a Senate group which met did not giv4
with President Ford yesterday of the plans
said the administration is con- should the
sidering various responses in. tarily in Afr:
the event Cuba continues mili- But when
tary activity abroad. of Cuba was
swered, "Al
Secretary of State Henry Kis- would fit th
singer Tuesday refused specifi- studied."
cally to rule out a U.S. invasion
of Cuba if its troops engage in THE COP
further intervention in Africa. "There is1
Sen. Richard Stone (D-Fla.), mind that c
who attended Ford's meeting being drawn
with the bipartisan Senate There ha
group, said the President under- speculationt
scored this nation's warnings to black guerr
Cuba by declaring, "We mean to try and to
it." Stone said Ford spoke "in Ian Smith's
ncing tone of voice."
AID the President
e details about any
under consideration
Cubans move mili-
ica or elsewhere.
asked if an invasion
ruled out, Stone an-
1 of the options that
e offense are being
no question in my
ontingency plans are
s been widespread
that Cuba might aid
illas if they decide
opple Prime Minister
white minority gov-
:rnment in Rhodesia.
Both President Ford and Kis-
inger have warned C u b a
gainst any further "adventur-
sm" but Kissinger declined to
pecify what action the United
tates would take if Cuba - as
t did in Angola - sent armed
roops into another southern
4frican nation.
"WHAT WE will do I cannnot
ay," he said, "but we are
erious and we have pointed this
)ut to Cuba. We were accused
f not making our issues clear
n Angola, but we are making
hem clear to Cuba.
A major U.S, concern in Afri-
:a at this time is that 12,000
"uban soldiers now in Angola
night be used in wars against
:he minority white rulers of
Rhodesia and South Africa.
"We stand strongly for ma-
ority rule in the African nations,
)ut not as a threat from Cuba,"
Kissinger said in explaining the
J.S. policy toward those na:ions.
"We have pointed out the
Dangers to Cuba. We are serious
about what we have said.
GEORGIA'S Jimmy Carter
:riticizedSecretary of State
lenry Kissinger yesterday for
naking what he termed vague
tatements about possible U.S.
nilitary action against Cuba.
Carter, who is campaigning
for Wisconsin's primary April 6,
hided Kissinger for making poli-
:ies without consulting public
He said he did not understand
what Kissinger "has in mind.
We don't want to shoot down a
Russian plane," he said; re-
ferring to the Soviet airlift of
Cubans to Angola. "I hope we
learned our lesson in Vietnam."
GMans hair
Ford strong despite
Reagan's N.C. win
Gusty wind played havoc with this woman's hair yesterday as nature tried its best to hinder
students' progress to classes.
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - Victory in
North Carolina is a shot of ad-
renalin for Ronald Reagan's
White House challenge, but poli-
tical arithmetic shows it will be
difficult for even his optimistic
projections in smaller states to
outweigh President Ford's dom-
ination of the larger ones.
Meanwhile, the Senate passed
a bill yesterday to restructure
the Federal Election Commis-
sion (FEC) and make other
changes in the 1974 campaign
finance law.
Passage of the measure, a
compromise fashioned by lead-
ers of both parties, ended the
stalemate that had threatened
to keep the Senate snarled in
ON THE Democratic side, in
Tuesday's contest, Jimmy Car-
ter won his fifth primary in six
tries. His 3-to-2 margin over
George Wallace further damp-
ened the Alabama governor's
chances of doing anything more
at the Democratic National Con-
vention ,than using a core of
delegates in an attempt to in-
flnence party policy.
For Reagan, the 52 per cent
victory was a needed boost both
psychologically and for his
fund-raisers. After last week's
thumping at the hands of Ford
in Illinois, a number of Re-
publican officials had started
to exert pressure on Reagan to
quit the race in order to aid
Republican chances in Novem-
Now Reagan can push on to
the Texas primary May 1 and
other delegate selection events
he claims will put him in posi-
tion to win the nomination in
psychological and arithmetical
victory is well illustrated by
North Carolina. Reagan won
only three delegates more than
Ford, 28 to 25. That leftdthe
President still in over-all dele-
gate command 206 to 81, with
52 others uncommitted.
The FEC legislation, approv-
ed 55 to 28, now goes to the
House, where no action is in
prospect before next week.
One last-minute addition to
the Senate bill was a sweeping
financial disclosure provision
adopted 76 to 13, applying to
Congress members and all oth-
er top federal officials.
C O N G R E S S already
has missed a March 22 deadline
set by the Supreme Court for
restructuringthe FEC, created
to enforce and administer the
1974 law. As a result the com-
mission lost its key powers, in-
cluding authority to disburse
funds to help presidential can-
didates finance their primary
See N.C. Page 7
By AP and Reuter
(kl) - The military junta that
ousted President Isabel Peron
in a bloodless coup began yes-
terday the gargantuan task of
imposing order on this chaotic
nation. Troops moved swiftly-
with occasional gunfire-against
traces ofP eronism and left-
wing political groups.
Peron was believed flown to
a resort-like air force compound
in the interior. Reliable sources
in Madrid said the Spanish gov-
ernment had been unofficially
informed that she might travel
to Spain this weekend.
COMMANDERS of the three
armed forces set up an austere
military government, ordered
an end to political and labor
activity and said they would at-
tack Argentina's political vio-
lence and economic woes.
The junta led by Gen. Jorge
Videla, moralistic 50-year-old
army chief, also said it would
reorganize the country for an
eventual return to "republican
democracy" and would align
Argentina within "the Western
and Christian world."
Argentina's official radio net-
work said the junta would ap-
point a president after it imple-
mented its changes. Military
sources said the juntaiwould
name Videla president but gave
no indication when this would
be done.
would control areas essential to
security and national develop-
ment and would "ensure foreign
capital the conditions it re-
quires, without interference."
However, the poor perform-
ance of the military during the
many years it ruled Argentina
before the late Juan Peron re-
turned to power in 1973 made
it doubtful Videla and his col-
leagues could solve the economic
problems. The military also had
some trouble with guerrillas
when ittruled before, and partly
for these reasons was slow to
end the 21-month rule of Peron's.
There was no immediate sign
of activity by leftwing guerril-
las who lost at least 11 dead in
a major battle with security
forces in La Plata, 38 miles
south of here, on the eve of the
THE COUP left only Venezue-
la and Colombia with civilian
governments in South America's
major nations.
By contrast to the last pre-
vious South American coup, the
bloody overthrow of Salvador
Allende in Chile in 1973, the
Argentina overthrow was done
with finesse and apparently
little violence.
But unconfirmed reports said
troops made mass arrests in the
pre-dawn hours, detaining a
number of government and la-
bor figures.
THE COUP followed weeks of
rumors that a military take-
over was imminent because of
widespread political and eco-
nomic chaos and growing po-
litical violence.
The hemisphere's first woman
president w a s arrested and
flown to the interior just after
midnight yesterday and within
hours the military dissolved
congress and took over muni-
cipal governments and main la-
bor movements.
Expert not surprised
bycoup in Argentina
The deposing of President Isabel Peron by the Argentine
military came as no surprise to University political observers,
according to Time magazine's former Argentine bureau chief, Prof.
Charles Eisendrath.
"Isabel Peron was at one time a Cabaret dancer, she was
completely ill prepared and unequipped for any role in politics,"
said Eisendrath in an interview yesterday.
EISENDRATH was blunt in stating that Peron's main quali-
fication for the presidency was her late husband's fame. The
name of the charismatic Argentine leader, Juan Peron is well
remembered there, even today.
Peron's executive incompetency had become all too apparent
in recent months, Eisendrath said, as the country's inflation rate
The question of whether d<
registration should continue i
created a rift between the tw
parties in town.
Voters will decide the issu
as an advisory proposal,1
city election. A similar propo
last year, but a resolution
tember allowing any register
become a deputy registrar h
the issue back to the ballot b
line split seen
or-to-door issue
IN Councilman in the Second Ward, shares
oor to door voter Wheeler's views.
in Ann Arbor has "One of the principles of the Democratic
vo major political party is to get a maximum number of people
involved in the political process," he said.
e, which appears "Democrats believe if you are eligible
in next month's (to vote), registration should be an automatic
sal was defeated thing."
passed last Sep- He adds, "The Republicans believe if you
red city voter to aren't willing to take the effort to go down to
as again brought City Hall, then you don't vote."
ox. DEMOCRATS contend that the system is
Doily Photo by PAULINt LUBENS
Here's looking at you!
Circuit judge issues
order blocking state
resdential primary
LANSING (UPI) - An Ingham County Circuit Judge
issued a temporary restraining order late last night
blocking state and local officials from holding Michi-
gan's May 18 presidential preference primary.
Judge Ray Hotchkiss said he would rule by April 1st
whether the election should be scrapped or can be held
as scheduled.
THE ORDER stemmed from a suit by local govern-
ment organizations nrotesting the lack of state fundine
Belcher confident, Flanks
hopeful in 5th Ward race
Lou Belcher, the Republican
candidate in the conservative
Fifth Ward is confident, even
cocky about a win in the April 5
city council election.
city election '76
L -- ..