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March 25, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-25

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. No. 130





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Sunmumons Sent Out To Morris, Sharp,
And Co. For Records On
Smith Estate
Washington, March 24.-(By AP)--
One section of the congressional mill
of investigation, the Daugherty com-
mittee, today stilled its wheels tem-
porarily because the illness of Senat-
or Wheeler in charge .of the investi-
gation and the absence of other sen-,
ators forced the committee to call offr
the hearing set for today to wind up
the story of Roxie Stinson, divorced
wife of Jesse Smith.
Also Chairman Brookhart announced
that the committee would be in recess.
until Wednesday but there is a possi-
bility that it may proceed tomorrow
if Senator Wh'eeler should be able to
return. He was confined to his desk
today with a severe cold.
The halt in the hearing may enable
Mrs. Mable Walker Willebrandt, as-
sistant attorney general, to conclude
other work on which she is now en-
gaged and be present to conduct Miss
Stinson's cross examination.
Today's recess in the investigation
enabled senators to look over the
field of possible witnesses and pre-
pare sub-peones. A summons was
sent out to the Commercial Bank of
Morris, Sharp and Company, Washing-
ton Court House, Ohio, the home of
Jesse Smith. The head bookkeeper was
was ordered to submit records dealing
with affairs of Smith in running down
a report that his estate was larger
than has been generally understood,
:iniid' alo that funds of the est'ite bad
been withdrawn from the Midland
Bank which is headed by M. S. Daugh-
erty, brother of the attorney general.

Tryouts, For Band
To Meet Tomorrow
Men interested in trying out for
i positions in the Varsity Band are ask-
to meet Wilfred Wilson, director of
the band at 7 o'clock tomorrow night
at the band rooms in Morris hail.
There are 15 places to be filled in all
sections of the band.
Persons successful in the tryouts
will be taken on th'e trips which will
be made by the organization after
spring vacation. Several of these
week end trips have been arranged to
cover various parts of the state.
Noted Anthropologist Will Disess i
"Belief [i iRelicariation of
Siirit" Ton ight
Colonel Thomas C. Hodson, noted
anthropologist, who has been conduct-
ing classes in his subject at the Uni-
versity since the beginning of this
semester, is to be the principle speak-
er at 'a meeting of the Institute of
Religious Education, at -7 o'clock to-
night in Lane Hall under the auspices
of the Student Christian association.
Colonel Hodson is to talk upon theI
subject "The Belief in the Reincar-
nation of the Spirit."
This particular speech by Colonel
Hodson is considered one of his most
famous adresses, and was first given
before the Oxford Society in 1909. He
has repeated the speech many times
Colonel Hodson has contributed
considerable information of scientif-
ic, value to his study, and since his re-!
turn from India, in 1895, has become
one of the foremost anthropologists
of the day.i
In 1914 he entered the military ser..
vice, as an interpreter in the Indian
corps, and held at that tine the rankI
of lieutenant. At the close of the
war he was appointed acting director
of forestry, and held the rank of Co--
onel. He has written several books,
and numerous papers for the anthro-
pological journals, and his works,
"The Meitheis" and "The Naga Tribes
of Manipur" hve elicited considerable
I favorable comment.
The meeting tonight is to be open
to all interested. There will he dis-
cussion of the speech immediately
following the meeting.


Pedagogue Regarded as Jack of All
Trades; is Expected to Teach
All Subjects
That the business world in general
regards colleges and universities as
places to admire and avoid was the
statement made by Prof. Prdston W.
Slosson in an address last night on
"The Teacher as a Business Man" at
the Men's Education club meeting at
the Union. tie said that this results
from the fact that the teacher is gen-
erally believed to be isolated from
life, and that therefore the services
the teachers renders are impractical.
Professor Slosson denied this, as-
serting instead that the business man
is the one who is isolated from life
for he meets practically the same peo-
ple throughout his career, while the
teacher comes in contact with a wide
variety of youig men and women and
older people.
"Teachers are salesmen," Profes-
or Slosson declared. He said that al-
though they do not sell material
things they do sell their services,
which is exactly what the corporation
lawyer or broker does. "But the teach-t
er is not paid the salary of a business
man because the difference between 1
the skilled and unskilled teacher is
not immediately apparent as is the
difference between a good carpenterI
and a poor one. The ones who choose.
the teachers are not themselves
judges of good teaching, and accord-!
ingly they can have no basis on which
to base their estimate of the teacher's
"Ateacher is regarded as a jack of
all trades by many school boards,"
Professor Slosson said. "He may m 6
offered a chair of history but he soon
j finds tha the has been given the sofa.
if he has specialized in History he
may nevertheless be asked to teach
f French or Manual Training classes'
or he may even be asked to teach1
singing although he may have no ear
for music. "American adaptability,"1
however enables the teacher to carry{
"Any attempt to change or in any
way to influence his method of teach-t
ing is sufficient grounds for a teacher
s eithe. to change his profesin or
his place of practice. The way her
shall conduct his craft is the teacher'sj
own business for he knows more about

London, March 24.-Three I
j British airmen will head south- j
( ward over the sea from South- j
j ampton tomorrow in an attempt
j to fly around the world on theirj
own. They expect to fly to Ly-
ons the first day and go froma
jthere to Brindisi. j
thEach of the trio belongs to
the Royal Air Force but their
efforts 'to circle tIre earth be- jI
fore the Americans, who left j
Calffornia last week to turn the !
trick, is purely a private ven-

Senate Committee hearings Ceuter
About Possible Aggregate
Of Rebates
Washington, March 24.-(By AP)-]
Internal revenue bureau files on tax
returns of the Standard Steel Car
Company, the Gulf Oil corporation and
other concerns in which Secretary
Mellon, of the treasury department is
interested probably will be filed to-
morrow with the special- senate com-
mittee investigating the bureau.
Bureau officials told the committee
today that this probably would be done
in answer to insinuations by com-
mittee witnesses that Mellon's com-
panies had received preferential
I treatment in tax matters. The comn
mittee will also receive from the bur-
eau by request of Senator Couzens.
Michigan who has been conducting
the investigations, a copy of the bur-,
eau records of the tax statement he
received and which involved large fig-
ures. Senator Couzens explained that
he would present this record to show
the opportunity for graft that exist-
ed in the bureau.
Chief interest in to-days hearing
on the part of the committee members
went to the question of what the ag-!
gregate of tax rebates, or abatements E
or other allowances might be. The
officials present could not estimate
this, which is in addition to the tax
refunds made to the bureau and which
ran last year to more than $123,000,-
Issue Of Garg
Features Well
Known Parody

Dance' Tickets To
Go On Sale Today
Tickets to the Military ball, which
will be held April 25 in Waterman
and Barbour gymndsiums, will be on
sale from 1 to 5 o'clock this afternoon
in the main lobby of the Union. On-
ly those who applications have been
accepted may buy tickets at this
The sale will continue through the
same hours tomorrow afternoon at
the Union. The price of tickets is
Michigan Women's Lettgue Bu lding
and Endowment Drive Discnssed

Twelve Excursions To Nearby
And Niagara Falls Under C
of Hobbs, W eas
Lectures by Univeryity prof
and famous educators from ot
stitutions, concerts, excursion

Position of Senators Me( ormilek
LaFollette on Rate Said
to be Doubtful


Washington, March 24. -(By A. P.)j
-The Mellon income tax rate schedulej
was voted into the revenue tonight by
the senate finance' committee in place
of the Longworth compromise adoptedS
by the house. This schedule, the cen-
ter of controversy in the tax bill, was
adopted by a vote of 8 to 7.
The committee is composed of ten
Republicans and seven Democrats.
Senator Gerry of Rhode Island and
Reed, both Democrats, were absent
tonight but were voted by proxy!
against incorporating the Mellon rates
in the bill so that the seven committee
members of that party stood as al
unit in opposition to that proposal.
The Republicans present were Senator
Curtis, Kansas, Reed, Pennsylvania,
Stanfield, of Oregon, and Smoot, Utah.
Those absent, but voted by proxy, I
were Senators Watson,. of Indiana,
Earnst of Kentucky, McLean of Con-:
necticut and Elkin's of West Virgina,
giving a total of 8'for the Mellon'plan.
The ,position of both Senator M'e-'
Cormick who is out of the city, and
of Senator La Folette, who is at home
here ill, :toward the Mellon 'rate has
? been. reported by Republican commit-
tee members recently as doubtful.
Chairman Smoot in saying that the
pr'oxies of these two Senators had
'not been asked for did' not go go into=
the reasons.


ty Glee Club
'gs In Concert
Vith Ohio State

Mlichigan'ti Var'sity Glee' club tre-
:uined Sunday n ight from the concert
held in conjunction with Ohio State's
club at the Masonic hall in Cl veland#
Saturday. The affair was stagbd un-
der the auspices of the Big Ten club,
an organization composed of alumni
of all of the Conference schools,
R. Winfield Adams, baritone soloist
with the club, sang several selections.
Ohio State gave several vaudeville
acts for its share of the program. Per-
haps the biggest hit of the evening.
it was said, was the medley of school
songs given by the Big Ten club chor-
isters. The local club, under the
guidance of George Oscar Bowen, gave
several groups of chorus singing, their
efforts being mainly toward a more1
classical type of entertainment than!
was offered by Ohio State. Booth's
orchestra furnished some of the in-
strumental music on the program.
The local club arrived in Cleveland
Saturday evening and stayed at the
Winton hotel. A dance in the Masonic
ball room followed the concert.

_______ it than any outsider.
Coach George Little will address "There is too much 'school of -du-
nine members of the hockey squad at cation teaching. The teachers are
a banquet to be held at 6 o'clock to- taught methods but are not tauhtA
night at the Union. Besides the mem- s what to teach.oeng normal school
bers of the team and Coach Joseph lasses know how to teach everything
Barss, the minor sports manager andb
assistants and two freshman hockey _
men have been asked to attend. S
Letters are to be awarded at this tine
and the captain for' next year elected. HHU
The Varsity men invited to he U!
banquet are: Edgar A. Kahn., '24M
captain of last year's team. ,Janies A.
Beresford, '24, George C. Weitzel, '25,
Carlton Lindstrom, '25, Daniel Quirk, With the advent of the first few
'26, Robert Todd, '26L, Wadeck Levi. balmy (lays of spring, atomob
25E, Daniel Petermian, '26L, d a Ir- hae' been mang a' rush to e
ving C. Reynolds, '25. I 194 license plates. Up to date more
Robert V. Rice, '25L, minor sports than 13,700 sets of plates have been'
manager, will be toastmaster at the issued by County Clerk J. G. Prayi
banquet. Carl Ohlmacher, '25, Ritter who expects to issue an additional 25,-
Levinson. '25, and Frederick C. Betts, 000 before the season ends.
'25, assistant managers, will also be "Each year we have an increasing
present. number of students.applying for lie-
enses, and quite a number have al-
ready applied this season," said Mr.
N F sPray. "Usually the plates find a rest-
Given To Library ing spot on a delapidated derelict that
j is worth less than the two licenses,"
Facsimiles of a letter written by he added.
Francis Parkian, the American his- I Chief of Police O'Brien has issued
ttorian, have already been 'received by a warning to all who would yen-
the main library as a gift from the lib- ture to drivea car with last year's
rary of Congress. The letter was from license Offenders will be promptly
Parkman to Henry B. Dawson, editor brought to justice, he says. The fine
of ' th, H istorical Magazine in 18i. I1for this violation is $25.

Freshmen of all colleges Will meet
at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night in the4
assembly hall of the Union for a
class mixer, at which Prof R. M. Wen-
ley. of_ the philosophy department.
will speak on 'The Difference Be-
tween the School and the" University
The pro'ram for the mixer includes
the presentation of freshmen bowling
medals by Franklin Smith, '25, chair-
man of tile Union freshman activitiesf
committee under whose auspices the
meeting is to be held.
Directly following the general meet-
ing of the first year men, they will
divide into groups for the purpose of
I organizing and planning a baseball
tournament to be held after the spring

Ranging .rom "Scorn Flakes" and
"Shredded Excelsion" in the line of
breakfast foods to "Sta-Stuck" and
"That Skin You Love to Touch" and
other. beautifiers, Gargoyle will pre-
sent ,its first big business number
of the year "to the campus today. It
is a parody number on advertising, for
burlesques on many well-known trade.
marks and advertisements are the fea-
tures of the March issue, and are
scattered plenteously throughout.
Among the more prominent featur-
es are a full page trade mark parody
by G. Fred DeBolt, '26, another full.
page sketch of the "Packillac straight
sixteen" by Albert Peck, '25, and "Ad
Slogans Taken Literally and Other-
wise" by Max B. Tunnicliffe, '26.
The issue deals almost entirely with
humorous twists of advertisements,
containing few lengthy written artic-
es."Childen Cry For It", "Just a
Darn Poor' Car", and other such slo-
gans are reproduced pictorially from
beginning to end in humorous fash-
ISeveral other unique features area
embodied in the new issue in the style
of art work and general makeup. The
cover design which carries out the
idea of the issue, presents an attract-
ive combination of colors.
fliflitn IT riinrnniiinp

In Detroit rational motion pictures and
-- tainments of various typos are
BUILDING NEEDEDI BECAUSE offered during the summer
OF INCREASING ENROLLMENT of 1924 it was announced yet
afternoon by Dean Edward H.
Various plans for obtaining the co- More than 60 lectures have b
operation of alumnae all over the expected to be added to the list
country in the University of Michigan the opening of the sessions it
Women's League and Endowment 1 One of the outstanding speake
campaign, and means for carrying out nounced is Dean W. L. Bragg
these plans were discussed at a meet- niversity of Manchester, Ei
ing of the National Conference held - eanBragg, a Nobel pride
will talk on "X-rays and (
last evening at the Hotel Statler in structure." Professor W. A. (
Detroit. of Oxford university also is seh
Divisional chairmen who attended to appear on the program July
this meeting included Mrs. John D. wiltalk on'"The History o4 the,
MacKay of Detroit, Michigan divisio:; Sunidall Opens Prora
Mrs. James Leslie French, of Toledo,!PfJohn Sundwall, direr
Ohio division; Mrs. William Jacquette student welfare, will open the pr
of Swarthmore, Pennsylvania divi- on June 23 whenhe will talk o2
sion; Agnes Wells of Bloomingtn, University and Public Health
Indiana division; Mrs. A. Lawrence the following day President
Hopkins, of Cambridge, Mass., New will deliver an address in Hill
' England division; and Mrs. E. Sher-, 6
man Fitz of Brookline, Mass., vice- orium and Prof. William H. H(
ma zoth oo ne~lnas, y e ,the geology department will g
chairman of the new England division,.h elg eatetwl
t is e e tt te c aign. illustrated lecture on "Austrail
It is expected that the campaign Remote Continent". On Jul
will reach completion before com- PremotentCntinenBt".on wil
menciment in June, throughr theco- President and Mrs. Burton will
operation of the alumnae and under eception for the students and
graduates, and acompleterganiza- ties of the summer session and
tion is being planned by means of evening the faculty of the Sd
" music will give a concert in Hi
which' every one of the 9,400 womn
who have attended the University may itorium.
y my iTwelve excursions 1ave been
hear of the League project and he ap- ed out for students, ten f thi
pealed to on its behalf. Each divi- der -the direction of Carlton "
sional chairman will appoint a stah the rhetoric department and 1
chairman, who in turn will appoint a tainine two under the leader
local chairman in every city or town ariltwner thder
in which there are five or more Ini-Po gWlly.nr.oWll4tthl
versity of Michigan women. of geology. Mr. Wells wil
The League Building project has Itihos around in Ar Hbb 'ens h
been before the attention of the alum- troit, while Prof. Hobbs has
Inae.,for several years, and as increas Or one going to Niagara Fallsa
Ing numbers of women enrolled in the other to Putln-Bay, Lake Eri
University each year, a need for suchm Faculty SpeaJlers
a building has steadily grown. Bar- Importmnt tmlks will, be gi
bour. gymnasium, built in 189,4, when . various member's of the uni
there were 500 women studens, a t faculty. Prof. J.R. . Hayden
Michigan cannot meet the present day political science department wil
need of accomodating 3,000 women. on The Japanese Colonial
A national campaign committe, made and Prof. H. A. Sanders of th
up of representative men and women 1 department will talk on "Man
from Detroit, and Mrs. Edwin Dwight 1 Hunting in Spain". Geologic-
Pomeroy of Chicago, alumnae chair- servations in the Greeat De
man, operates from national heal- Peru and Chile" is the topic
quarters in the Real Estate Exchange P. E. James, while Prof. R. M4
building in Detroit. Headquarters ley of the philosophy departml
were moved from Ann Arbor to De- speak on "The Romanticism E
I troit because the largest number of Davidson."
alumnae of any city in the country re- Dean Maximo Kalaw will
side there. i "Present Day Philippines" in a
trated talk. "Common Honesty
ernment" will be related by
Hamburg Crowded Thomas H. Reed of. the depart
W ith E migrants political science, while Prof.
W + E g nt Hussey of the astronomical o'
ory will tell of "The Propose
Hamburg, March 24.-(By A. P.)- African Observatory of the
Hamburg has become the gateway to sity." Prof. C. P. Wagner
r North and Sounth America for the Spanish department is to sr
travelers of eastern European states. "Spanish Literature" while'
According to emigration statistics, 82,- M. Donaldson of the fine arts
400 persons passed through Hamburg ;rment will give an illustrated
last year bound fpr the United States I "Augustus St. Gaudens. Scul
and 50,300 for South American coun- Dean Kraus also has sera
tries. Shakespeare Playhouse- cora
All told 136.118 persons embarked New York- city to give open-
from here last year, or about 51 per- formances on the campus :
cent more than during 1922. Of these Prof. R. D. T. Hollister's play
73,000 were Germans, the others being ion classes also will give a f
from the various countries of east- ductions, and one marionett
s ern Europe. under F. G. Brown and R. B.

Centenarian Dies
In Fall From Bed
Flint, March 24.-Rev. Seth Reed,
100 years old, Michigan's oldest Meth-
>dist Episcopal clergyman died this
aternoon at 5 o'clock from injuries
resulting from a fall from bed a few
days ago. The "grand old man of
Mlichig;an's Methodismx" as he, was
known, was conscious to the last, and
only a short time before his death
joked with callers.
Baternan Attends Society Meeting
Prof. John H. Bateman of the high-I
way engineering department and
head of the highway laboratory has
been attending the meeting of the
committee on standard tests and speci-
fications of the American Society of
Testing Materials in New York yester-
day and today. 'It is expected that he
will return tomorrow.
"The constant gnaw of Towser
Masticates the toughest bone.
The constant drip of water
Wears away the hardest stone.'



and is a description of a picture forn-1
by Parkman in the archives of the
French government, showing the early
French settlement of the city of De-
tro it.
According to the letter,- the .colored'
sketch of Detroit as it looked in 1796!
showed a village of small French
houses surrounded by a stockade. The
only public buildings were a church,
a powder magazine, and a barracks.
The library has also received as a
gift two, volumes on theosophy by
Madam H. P. Blavatsky.

Judge Stands :Pat
On BootlegCase,
At a lakq hour. yesterday after-
noon Judge George W. Sample had
not reversed his decision in the mat-
ter of.George J. Goss, confessed vio-
lator of the eighteenth amendment.
Judge Sample ruled Saturday that the
petition could not influence the de-
cision of the court.
The petition states that the signers
are convinced of the honesty and
trustworthiness of the defendent. It
was signed by several faculty mem-

vacation. ___IVIb 9 u RUND
De M olay Chapter I Captain I. C. Holm, U. S. A. has
W ill Initiate 15 retethe fairgrounds west of the city
Wi I nitate151forth use of his riding classes, and
1 will take from 1 5 to 20 horses there
Ann Arbor chapter, Order of De Mo-. Thursday. Since last fall lecture
lay; will hold a ceremonial convoca- classes have been held by Captain
tion at 8 o'clock tomorrow night at Holm in the Engineering building and
Harris hall at which 15 men will be now an opportunity for outdoor work
initiated into membership, receiving will be afforded. .
both DeMolay and Initiatory degrees. Classes will be conducted on the
The work is to be exemplified by the roiling country in and about the fair
regular officers of the local chapter grounds, and a jumping course i1
under the direction of Carl Olmacher, planned along the western side.
'25, head Qf the chapter. He will be Later Captain Holm expects to con-
assisted by Donald Warren, '26A, and l vert the 'ground inside the race-track
George Bailey, '27, senior and junior into a- polo field, where contests will
councilors. be held..
Members from DeMolay chapters at A meeting of those interested will
Ypsilanti, Dexter, and Northville will probably be held at the fairgrounds
be present to witness the work. Four Saturday morning.
men from Dexter will take their de-,
grees with the local men at this time. ARTICLES FROM DAILY ABOUT
Following the initiation, Robert OPERA SENT OUT TO ALUMNI
Campbell, University treasurer, visit-
ing membsers and local members of the One thousand clippings of the Dail3
Order will give short talks. articles describing the action taker
by the University Senate in decryin4


Adephi House of Representatives
will hold a general discussion of pol-
itical parties, their advantages and
disadvantages, at the reguar weekly
meeting at 7:30 o'clock in the Adelphi
room on the fourth floor of University'
hall. This will be followed; by a short
meetings given to special motions.
All members, and especially mem-
bers of the newly-elected freshman,
debating team, are urged to be pre-
sent. Visitors are also invited to at-,


Adelphi Will Hold
Political Mee ting

son will be presented on Jul
Economics CW Meets
Under the direction of Piy
Day of the Economics Departni
Economics club held their
meeting last night at 7:45 in ro
Economics building. N. L. Smit
'addressed the members on the
| of "air Returns" which was f
I by a gene'ral discussion alo'
Perslhig Asked to Ball
General John J. Pershing h
asked by the -Military ball-co
to attend the dance of which th'
charge. Major-General H.: 0.
of the Michigan district, has a
asked, to attend the ball.
Portraying campus life with
filmed from ten years ago
year. a film made under the
of the Alumni association,
cently been completed and


Professor Bruce M. Donaldson of the
Fine Arts department will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "Florentine Sculp-
etrs of the Renaissance at 8 o'clock

The constant wooing lover
Carries off the blushing maid.

I -, - - - ,- -- 0 I

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