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March 25, 1924 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-25

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n Antonio Aeronautie Association
Aillicipates New Mark In
Balloon Races
San Antonio, Texas, March 24.-
y AP)--A new American record and
new world's record for free balloon
ghts are anticipated by members
th'e San Antonio Aeronautic As-
cati n and by entrants in the Na-
nal Balloon race which is schedul-
to start from Kelly Field on the af-
'noon of April 23. The Americanj
cord of approximately 1,400 miles
smade in 1910 by Post andf Haw-
r, who landed in the wilds of Can-
a, north of Quebec. T'he world's
cord is 1,896 miles and was made



Air Favo-abe
13y making San AntonIo the start-
,^ point, officials believe they haveI
ade it possible for new records to
e established. It is pointed out that
e drift of air cur.rents in previousj
ces has almost invariably carried
e balloons toward the mouth of the
L. Lawrence river. From Kansas
ity and St. Louis, both of which have
een starting points, the distance is
bout 1,100 miles and this has been
e normal course of the flight. Fron
an Antonio the drift of the air cur-
?nt~s also is toward the mouth of
ie St. Lawrence. Thus, balloons
sing here will have a possible flight
. approximnately 2,400 miles.
The race, besides deciding the free
illoon supremacy of the United
ates also will serve for choosing
ie three contestants to represent
its. country in the International 13aI-
on Race. f

Dear Admiral Clharles P. Pluinkett.
Prove it. That's the retort hurled
at Rear Admiral Charles P. Plunk-]
ett by Roy Haynes, national prohibi-
tion conmmissioner, after Plunkett de-
clared that Washington was the "wet-
test city in the United States, wetter
even than New York." President'
Coolidge asked Commissioner Haynes
to question the admiral.

Arehbisiop Ulyes anad Mundelein are
Appointed as Delegates
to College
Rome March 24.- (By A. P.)-
American representation in the Sac-
red College was increased to four
when, at a secret consistory today,
Pope Pius XI proclaimed Archbishop
Hayes of New York and Archbishop
Mundelein of Chicago cardinals. The
Americans now members of the Sac-
red College are Cardinals O'Connell
of Boston and Dougherty of Philadel-
The elevation of cardinals is one of
the most impressive ceremonies of the
Roman Catholic church and is con-
cluded with the public consistory at
which the new cardinals are conse-
crated and formally received into the
College of Cardinals. At the secret
consistory the cardinals, in the full
robes of their sacredoffice, assemble
to hear the Pope's announcement of
the prelates who are to be elevated.
As the name of each is pronounced
J the Pontiff inquires "Quid vobi s yi-
detur?" (How does it seem to you?)
and the cardinals reply by rising,.
bowing and lifting their red hats as
a token of content. Tshe Pontiff then
proclaims the new cardinals.
Between the secret and public con-
sistories the Pope receives the newly
created cardinals and confers upon
them the red biretta as the first pos-
session of the dignity of their new
f office.. Th~e thanks of the new Cardin-
als is then expressed by the dean
among them.
The public consistcry is one of
I great splendor and brilliance, which
has come down through the centuries
unchanged, and is characteristic of
the impressiveness that clings to the
rites of St. Peter's. It always attracts
a distinguished congregation.
After the congregation has assem-
bled there comes into the great hall aj
majestic procession as escort to the
Supreme Pontiff. After the latter has
ascended the papal throne the cardi- I
nals arrange themselves about him in
order of seniority. The new cardinals
after taking the oath of office enter
from the Sistine chapel, bow low three
times advaiice to the papal throne,
;wlere tjy nelganl pay, homage to-
the PontifT, and then take their places:
iat the :r~i t of thei throne.






Doyour clients say

"Give Me





LTHOUGH through the evolution of AD-
VERTISING different conceptions have
been brought forward, the chief progress being
made is in the direction of adopting a sane pro-



It is the follow up method that brings re-

Enter Panloon.
Ten balloons are expected to be
entered, three of them being United
States Army entries. A cash' prize ofj
$1,000 will be paid to the winner. The
second prize is $800; third, $600; four-
th, $300; fifth, $200, and sixth, $100.
09 bonus of $1.00 will be given to the
pilot of each balloon starting in the
race; a bonus of $125 will be given
to the pilot who breaks the American
record, and an additional bonus of

These two principals of demand represent
the opposite poles of popular belief. They are
predicated in the sale of merchandise in one of

Plans have been cqmpleted for the
annual symphonic league banquet for
7 students in the University School of
IMusic, wh=ich 'Wil be held at 6:30 o'-
clock tomorrow nglit in the Union.
The party will take on the aspect of
a mah jongg session, with the various
speakers on the program giving little
talks on phases of the new game.
Each class in the school will bet

two ways.

(1) By the demand of the consumer

for the product, or (2) b the consumer's accept-
nce of t without resistance when offered by the

$125 to the pilot who breaks the represented by a speaker. Prof. Earl
world's record. V. Moore, director of the school,
Each balloon probably will be equip- Charles A. Sink, secretary, and Palm-


ped with a radio receiving set and
pilots will keep in touch' with broad-
castjig s4Ation,4jin the country over
whici ythe ovasIto the weath-r
'onditiois ahead. Aeteorological data,
from all stait o in the United Stateg
and Canada'.vil 1'be provided during
the rae
'Albt Bond Lambert of St
Loui i as referee of eh race.
In Telegraph Meet

- I

w _ _ .

I er Christian, University organist,'
are among the faculty spegkers. Tick--
ets may, be obtape1W at-the School;
cY- Music.

Appearing for, ,Iir~ t vne this 'erg ,4efts ,nretcar
yer,.the. Stan ghrether While .isputinl; the right of way
wvithMrs .elen S f jI t, and with astreetcar, a Ford automobile
Miss Nell B. StockWel.an both belonging to four freshmen came to
of the School of ', r ~d their grief yesteriay aftercnool.i on the cor-
annual concert i4 -9 4 z itoriuni ner of State and Wilhamsi streets.
Sunday in the re i 4'. e :cof T i- Of the consolim rmaiks. which
light faculty recitals iweie passed after the accident, one
tIPicked fromn tbe st~that thie cam- was Well, this will give you e
nira ffr the rhnc imia 'f th ca7r t fr)I Yi~z fn




In meeting the DePauw bowlers via direction of Mrs. William 'Wheeler,
ilegraph tonight, Michigan's bo l- sang an unusually interesting pro-I
ig team is entering its seventh dual gram of flve songs, the best being
eet in the Intercollegiate Bowling Debussy's "Afterglow," which they,
"eaguesponsored by.Yale.Mlt"chigan sail- ithcgreat.efect. The chors
ow is in second place in the league, h as alovely quality of tone, but suf-
aing tied with Minnesota. Syracuse fernfrontlack in numbers. They sing
>ps the league. with coniderabie yariety and color-1
The 'season will continue until April ing, and in a song of the delicate andI
6, when final compilations of scores ethereal magnitude of that of Debussy'
re made and the prizes awarded. or the first number of Foudrain, they
Thus far Michigan has defeated I cannot fail to please. But when they
:entucky twice, Yale, Renslaer Poly- attempt a stronger number where vol-
echnic Institute and Minnesota, los- unie counts as much as shading and
ig only to Syracuse and once to Min- beauty of tone, one finds them inade-
esota. quate. Foudrain's Carnaval, really
Among the leading 10 bowlers in the finest of the numbers on the pro-
le league are Gus Rump, '27, who in ram, was sung with great freedom.
1 aligaes has tallied an average of The andel Sonata in G for flute
SG, and Matthew C. Locke, '25,' who and piano was an uninteresting work,
as an average of 179 in as many I suffering net so much from flaws in
ames. Others on the team are J. J. execution as from the fact that a fluteI
Valker, '26, Verne Warney, '25 and I was never made for a concert instru-
'elson Ulseth, '24. Clifford Yeakey. mnent. The work itself is not a big
|4 is manager.one, and lacks that bigness of musicalI
conception which- alone could make
Hanover, New Hampshire, March it lnter sting. Nothing could approach
4.-Most students, according to the the siuke'ry smoothness of the tone off
artmouth Alumni Magazine, think a flute, but like the colorature's voice,
,.out seven things: themselves, wo- the infinite shading and coloring that
len, activities, studies, religion, mov-i make music worth whole is not there.
s Miss Stockwell closed the program
__s,_and______._ with some numbers of Chopin, the
beautiful Noctrine in D flat which
"AXT MAY hES'T'IAL Dc Pachmann played here, two Pre-
Iludes, Nos. 18 and 23 and the Polo-
ROMaS!, naise, op. 26 No. 2, the least note-
worthy of the master's polonaises.
Ann Arbor residents who can , Of the three, the charming Prelude,
furnish rooms for guests who 1 No. 1$ was the best. Miss Stockwell
will be here for the May Festiv- plays with remarkable clarity and fin-
al .and Commencement week ish, and one is always conscious of a
are asked to leave all details great reserve power in the artist.
concerning the rooms and their -R. G. R.

cuse to st ay away rI - Io I r ur
N Igts so* to !; 2.60
GARRICK Sa -a-c -
Wed. Mat: 50oto$1.50
F. Ray fomstock nnd lorrIN Gest
Present- -
Oenevlieve TOBIN
Gny Bolton s gay comedy of the movies
oI V oc
* r

CCo ing to the first principle, advertising
causes the buyer to' clai, "GIVE ME." Ac-
cording to the second, the advertising influences
the purchaser to say, "I'LL TAKE THAT."
The latter principle has been assailed on
every hand during the last two or three years.
People do not read the advertisement and rush to
the nearest store, but they are influenced by the
advertisement and in that way make their de-
It is therefore the impression that an adver-
tisement.creates in the mind of the individual
that they are influenced. Furthermore the best.
results are obtained in arranging the campaign,
which has a sane central idea, which is construc-
tive, and is the lasting relation between product,
sales and advertising.
In the freshman days of advertising men
raised a great hubbud over demand created by
advertising. Then the reaction set in, and the
merchant began to take notice of another prin-
The Advertising Service Department of The
Daily will aid you. Possibly you are interested?


When the fingers
and brain start to
slow up-page Oh
Henry! A delicious
way to add speed!

A Fine Candy
1 Oc Everywhere
Oh earyisthe registered trademark efthe William-
audy Oos., Ohicago, Ili,, Go. . WIimsOna res.


address with the Union opera-
tor. The work of securing rooms
for guests at these times is tak-
en care of by the Union alumni
rooming committee.


L delightful tour of 36 d'i ys through
glazed, Belgium, and France for only
0 including foreign rail, hotels, au-
trams, carriages, museum admis-
ns, guides, baggage transportation,
vice fees, etc. See Shakespeare.
intry, Oxford, London, Greatest
tish Exposition, Zeebruge, Bruges,
'is, Olympic Contests, Chateau Thi-
y, etc., etc. Under chaperones and
dership of well known college men
3 women. This tour specially ar-
ged for students, teachers, the busi-
; man and his family and those who
i only spare a short time from1hom1

The Michigan Daily

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