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March 25, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-25

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Women swimmers
take 15th at
See SPORTSmonday
* Page 1.

ItpIUU4 Ut

Mostly sunny;
High: 52, Low: 32.
Increasing cloudiness;
High: 60,clow:in38.

Since 1890
Vol. CI, No. 118 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 25, 1991

Communication rifts separate
by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter communication between students icy-making. However, the two sides act are brought forward. They should decisions, butn


not binding ones," she

The proximity of the Fleming
Administration Building to the
Michigan Student Assembly cham-
bers in the Union has not prevented
the large communication barriers
that exist between the University
administration and the assembly.
Behind many problems the Uni-
versity community faces every day
lies a bigger issue of communica-
tion, or the lack thereof.
University Interim Vice President
for Student Services Mary Ann
Swain - the administration's key
liaison with students - described

groups and the administration as un-
"We're obviously having difficul-
ties in communication with elected
student government. We have good
communication with the Interfrater-
nity Council, Panhel, and some
groups working in environmental is-
sues. Communication has not been
as good with the Black Greek Asso-
ciation," Swain said.
Administrators and MSA repre-
sentatives agree that ineffective
communication has proved to be a
stumbling block in University pol-

differ on where the specific problem
lies, and who is responsible.
/ c. Daily news
n t and.
First of two articles
Swain said one of the biggest
problems with administration and
MSA communication is the way the
student group approaches a problem.
"A lot has to do with ways in
which proposals on how they inter-

be framed as problems for mutual
resolution instead of ways that 'this
has to be done,"' Swain said.
MSA President Jennifer Van Va-
ley disagrees, saying that sufficient
dialogue has taken place between
MSA and the administration. She
contends MSA needs to be given
more power in the decision-making
"It is not enough to say that a
policy had students' input. We need
to give students decision-making
power," Van Valey said. "(MSA)
doesn't have power. MSA can make

Administrators contend that dia-
logue cannot take place because Van
Valey has not accepted administra-
tors' invitations for meetings.
"We normally had meetings every
month with the president of MSA
and this year we have gotten no re-
sponse at all," said Special Assistant
to the President Shirley Clarkson.
Moreover, Clarkson said the ad-
ministration sent an officer to each
week's MSA meeting last spring.
She did not receive a response when
she tried to continue the program

again this past fall.
Van Valey said these types of
programs are futile because no tan-
gible decisions result from meetings.
"I never get invitations ... My job
is being the student government
president. It is not done by meeting
after meeting with administrators...
none of the meetings do anything,"
Van Valey said.
"Until something concrete is
changed, meetings won't make any
difference," she added.
While Swain said that communi-
cation problems are not exclusive to
See RIFT, Page 2




students grapple

with fin(
by Joanna Broder
Each year, students graduating from
the University worry about their fu-
tures. They attend career workshops and
job interviews and share their concerns
with friends.
Each year, however, graduating stu-
dents are not forced to face the effects
war and economic recession have on the
job market.
This year is different.
The graduating students who packed
Career Planning and Placement's
(CP&P) special "Graduating in a
Recession: Job Search Strategies for
Tough Times" program could probably
speak to that.
Or, if not them, maybe the people
who attended the recent Summer Job
Fair could. This year, approximately 200
more people attended the event than last
Those students feeling the sting of
this year's 25 percent drop in recruit-
ment at CP&P could provide insight as
In addition to CP&P, fewer re-
cruiters are visiting placement offices at

ling job4
the schools of Business Administration
and Engineering. Staffers at those of-
fices, however, remain optimistic.
"I think the same numbers of people
are going to be successfully either em-
ployed or in graduate school," said
CP&P Associate Director Anne Richter.
Richter senses from recruiters that
the economy is picking up, even though
this term some 27 organizations have
cancelled their CP&P recruitment visits
and the office notices anxiety among
"I still see job opportunities out
there. I hear about them daily," Richter

s in a recession

need to modify their job expectations
and be creative in conducting their
"In recession times you might need
to settle for something that's a little bit
less than what you might have hoped for
originally," Richter said.
RC senior Teri Adelberg, who origi-
nally hoped to secure a human resource
position with a company, but recently
landed a marketing job in Scotland, ad-
mitted to doing just that.
"Originally I was very very selec-
tive," Adelberg said. "I only inter-
viewed with companies that I thought
the corporate culture fit my style, but as

open mind as to what types of jobs I'm
interested in."
LSA senior David Segal said he has
gone to many interviews but has so far
only received one verbal offer, and that
was later retracted because of economic
conditions. He said he knew someone
else who had been put in the same posi-
tion by the same company.
"There's not a lot of opportunity for
entrance positions," Segal said.
LSA senior Carson Spencer described
his search for marketing and advertising
positions as "challenging."
"I think the recession is smaller than
most people anticipate. Hopefully op-
portunities will start to open up soon as
employers realize the recession will
lift," Spencer said.
George Fulton, a researcher at the
University's Institute of Labor and
Industrial Relations, characterized the
recession as mild and short-term. He said
improvements will likely follow this
Paul McCracken, a Professor
Emeritus in the School of Business
See JOBS, Page 3

'I think the recession is smaller than most people
anticipate. Hopefully opportunities will start to
open up soon as employers realize the recession
will lift'
- Carson Spencer
LSA Senior

It's possible that job searches will
last longer this year than in previous
years, she said, adding that students may

time has gone on, the offers have not
been coming in as expected. I definitely
(have) been forced to have more of an

'U' issues new TA salary proposal;
offer called disappointing by GEG


negotiator suggests mediation might be necessary to resolve differences

by Stefanie Vines
Daily Faculty Reporter
University bargainers offered members
of the Graduate Employees Organization
(GEO) a 4 percent salary increase in
1991-92 and a 4.5 percent increase in
1992-93 at a negotiation session Friday.
The University proposal was a revised
version of an earlier economic package
which called for a 4 percent increase over
the next two years.
No other substantive changes were

proposed, said University bargainer
Colleen Dolan-Greene.
"We were disappointed with the of-
fer," said GEO spokesperson Alan
Zundel said he was dissatisfied for
three main reasons.
"The salary offer was a very small
step in comparison with our 3 percent
drop. They didn't respond to other issues
like class size limits, and they kept in
the proposal for third-person arbitration,"

he said.
"They made us feel that they had done
the very minimal they could have on
their part," he added.
Dolan-Greene said if no agreement is
reached soon then GEO and the Univer-
sity bargainers could go into a period of
"Because they aren't allowed to strike
legally we could go into a period of offi-
cial state mediation where state mediators
come in and try to settle the issues," she

Dolan-Greene added that if the period
of mediation is ineffective then the next
step would be for a state fact-finder to be-
come involved.
"If you have been through mediation
then a fact-finder can resolve the conflict
by finding out the facts of the situation,"
she said.
However, she added that if the fact-
finder and state mediators could not re-
See GEO, Page 2

Go fly a kite
LSA junior David Glick spends some spare time flying
his kite on the Diag Saturday afternoon


4=1, 8-1
by Matt Rennie
Daily Hockey Writer
BOSTON - The roller-coaster
season of the Michigan hockey team
came to a final and abrupt halt
Saturday night at Boston
University's Walter Brown Arena.
The Terriers notched an 8-1 vic-
tory over the Wolverines to com-
plete a two-game sweep and advance
to the national hockey semi-finals in
St. Paul, Minn. Boston won Friday's
game by a 4-1 margin.
The Wolverines never seemed to
.aptrI~. int h cenri,~n b whch

SAPAC contest highlights
'best' use of sexism in ads

by Purvi Shah
Daily Staff Reporter
The winners of this contest are
also the losers.
As a part of Rape Prevention
Month, balloting for the seventh
annual Sexism in Advertising con-
test begins today and ends April 15.
In the contest, University and
community members vote on na-
tional and local ads which utilize
sexist advertising to sell products.
Individuals submit ads to the
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center (SAPAC)

throughout the year. A special
SAPAC committee then decides
which ads to use in the contest.
Pictures of the ads with ballots
are available from the SAPAC of-
fice, the Women's Studies Program,
and the Guild House. In addition,
balloting tables will also be set up
periodically throughout campus.
A "winner" in each category
will be announced at the Take Back
the Night rally April 20.
The purpose of the contest is to
raise awareness about the presence
of sexist advertising and its effects,

contest organizers said.
"One goal is that people will be
aware and that it'll be a societal
consciousness - that people will be
turned off by these ads," said LSA
junior David Cain, a member of the
SAPAC Sexism in Advertising or-
ganizing committee.
"A lot of people don't realize
how much sexism is used in adver-
tising, and it really is a key tool for
advertisers these days. Sometimes,
they won't even show the product,"
he added.
See CONTEST, Page 2

Schwarzkopf: permanent U.S.
post in Mideast 'a possibility'


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