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March 25, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-25

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See Editorial Page





High- O
For details, see Today

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 138

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 25, 1973

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Labor for Mogdis?
While the traditionally Democratic United Auto Workers
(UAW) colnty leadership has given its blessing to Bendix-em-
ployed Democratic Frank Mogdis' candidacy for city mayor,
rank and file UAW members at Buhr Machine Tools, plant, re-
veal they voted 74-1 to ask union officials not to endorse Mogdis.
Buhr union steward George Judy says the Buhr workers have
found all Bendix management personnel "strongly anti-union"
and they ftear Mogdis would feel pressure from Bendix to keep
them in line in case of a strike. Mogdis calls the remarks "fal-
Empty cupboards
When members of the Goddard House Co-op went to
their cupboard early yesterday morning they discovered that
it was missing its supply of turkey, ham and pork sausage. It
seems as if some $40 worth of meat and poultry had been pouched
by 4 protein-crazed carnivour who raided Goddard's icebox dur-
ing the night. Although city police had no comment, it seems
probable that the thieves were reacting to the outrageous prices
of meat and poultry. Was Nixon to blame for Mother Hubbard's
lament too?
Happenings ...
.today include the March Art Fair sponsored by the
University Artists and Craftsmen Guild. It will be held in the
Union ballroom from 12 noon to 6 p.m. . . . a meeting of the
Community Women's clinic at 3 p.m. in the basement of St.
Andrew's Church . . . a workshop in transactional analysis led
by Dr. Stephan Karpman will be held at the Campus Inn from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. . . . an art auction will be held at Weber's Inn
at 3 p.m. An exhibition will precede the auction from 1 p.m. to
3 p.m. . . . and finally there will be a lecture by Ray Pabilla
on "Chicanos as survivors" at Rackham ampitheater at 10 a.m.
sponsored by the Confederation of Chicanos at Rackham . . .
Monday's only announcement is a reminder from the Future
World's people that they need co-ordinaters for their music
and art activities. They can be reached at 763-1107 from 1-5 p.m.
Sex acid confession
ROME (P) - Italians snapped up copies of "Sex and Con-
fession" yesterday while the Vatican asserted that any bookstore
owners selling it are automatically excommunicated from the
Roman Catholic Church. The book, based on tape-recorded faked
confessions, was already sold out at two of Rome's major book-
stores after being on sale for less than a day. Reacting against
what the Vatican called "soul spies", Pope Paul VI ordered the
excommunication of anyone who, like the authors of "Sex and
Confession" tape-records Roman Catholic confession.
Lennon's lament
NEW YORK (UPI) - Rockmusician Jchn Lennon has not
yet decided whether to appeal a U.S. Immigration Service order
that he leave the country within 60 days, the National Commit-
tee for John and Yoko said yesterday. A spokesman said Len-
non informed the committee from Los Angeles that he and his
wife Yoko Ono were still considering what action they should
take. They have ten days to appeal.
Roller derby?
READING, Pa. - William Weihe was walking on a Reading
street when a man on roller skates and wearing sunglasses roll-
ed by and struck him over the head with a sword. It took seven
stitches to close the gash. Police are investigating.
A lot of bull
MADRID - Matador Luis Segura rushed into a crowded
square here a week ago and killed an escaped bull before anyone
was hurt. Now the police are out searching for the bullfighter,
who had announced his intention of coming out of retirement.
They allege that Segura arranged for the bull to be freed from
a truck while he waited with a photographer.
WASHINGTON - Can a $2,758 hair transplant be tax deduc-
tible on grounds of health? Senator William Proxmire's tax expert
thought so. The deduction was listed on Proxmire's 1972 tax
return which he published in the Congress this week. "On re-
consideration," Proxmire said, "I simply must disagree on the
justification for the mnedical expense as necessary for my{
On the inside
is a Sunday Daily feature by Robert Barkin on
homosexuality . . a Sports -Page report by Rich Stuck
on the University's gymnastic team's first place finish in
the Big Ten championships . . . and a review of "Applause"
by Alvin Katz on the Arts Page.

The weather picture
Cloudy is the weatherword for today. Winds will blow
mildly and expect some showers by afternoon. Today's
high will be around 52 and low around 42. Tomorrow will
be windy and rainy.

Whether the controversial voluntary C orn
funding proposal for Student Government
Council on this week's all-campus elec- T
tion ballot passes or fails will not be The conflic
determined by voting results for that ter confuse
issue alone, due to contradictory word- structuring S
ing of the referenda. ton and redu
At least two of the referenda ques- destroy the v
tions are mutually exclusive: the first Students fa
proposes lowering the Student Govern- may be tem
ment Council assessment from $1.00 to funding also,
$.45 per term with $.30 for the Student enough stude
Legal Advocate; another proposes mak- funding, volu
ing all SGC monetary assessments op- feated.
tional. But if the s
In the event both proposals are passed, reduced fundi
the "winner" will be determined by age of volun
which of the two proposals receives more dents voting
votes, according to the SGC all-campus would d e f e<
constitution. measure.





tradictory proposals may baffle voters

t of the two proposals, fur-
d by a third proposal re-
GC with a new constitu-
ced dues, could potentially
oluntary funding issue.
avoring voluntary funding
pted to approve reduced
unaware that, should
nts also vote for reduced
ntary funding will be de-
tudent instead votes no on
ng, hoping to aid the pass-
tary funding, enough stu-
against voluntary funding
a t even the compromise

SGC President Bill Jacobs, however,
claims the wording of the proposals will
not confuse students.
"I don't feel that it's unclear as it now
stands on the ballot," says Jacobs.
He said any confusion will be explained
in the SGC newsletter, Michigan Student
News, saying "I can't be responsible for
everyone not doing their homework" if
the explanations are not read by stu-
According to Bill Dobbs, an SGC mem-
ber-at-large who is an outspoken pro-
ponent of voluntary funding, Jacobs and
the present SGC leaders "have done
their damndest to effectively cloud the
issue of funding via the new moderate

proposal of $.75."
"It's unclear what they're going to do
to throw out whatever passes if they
don't like it," he said.
How much SGC needs the student
assessments, in addition to the healthy
sums it receives from the Regents and
its charter airlines and insurance policy
programs, is unclear.
But SGC apparently was w o r r i e d
enough about the outcome to include a
program making all college governments
subject to voluntary funding.
Jacobs explained the proposal as
"making other student governments
help us campaign a g a i n s t voluntary

During a heated SGC discussion last
week, however, LSA Student Govern-
ment member{!Bob Stephens contested
the inclusion. of the proposal, calling it
an "attempt to pull all student govern-
ments into your leaky boat to help you
bail out."
Stephens also said the issue of volun-
tary funding for the LSA government
was resolved when students approved
a proposal for mandatory funding i the
fall of 1971.
The proposal was stricken from the
The controversial movement for volun-
tary funding began early this term with
a petition drive under the leadership of
Matt Hoffman, SGC-at-large candidate,
and Chuck Perlow, a member of the
University Housing Council.



in publication dispute

In what appears to be a greater push for
publication and a national reputation, two as-
sistant English 'professors have been denied
Professors Joseph Mullin and John Raeburn,
described by a colleague as "two demon-
strably effective people in the classroom,"
were recommended for promotion by a major-
ity of the English department executive com-
mittee. By recommending the two for tenure,
the committee gave approval to their teaching,
departmental service and publication, the
three criteria needed for promotion.
Passed on to the Literary College (LSA)
Executive Committee for final approval, the
two tenure requests were turned down. A
subsequent appeal to the college also failed.

Although the college policy is not to comment
on individual tenure cases, it is considered
common knowledge among English department
members that the LSA committee considered
the candidates to be lacking publication.
The college's decision highlights the struggle
which exists over publication and its relation-
ship to tenure.
On the one side there are those who agree
with the college's supposed equal weighting
of all three requirements; on the other, those
who believe too great an emphasis has been
placed on publication in recent years-at the
expense of teaching.
"I do not quarrel with the criteria in the col-
lege," says English department chairman Rus-
See PROFS, Page 10

Data from
W of { f
bike study
released4{ f

Daily Photo by RANDY EDMONDS
John Kolmetz, a member of Sigma Chi fraternity, collects donations for Shamrocks for Distrophy
during a traffic slow-up yesterday in front of Angell Hall. The muscular distrophy drive, in the form
of city-wide efforts by numerous fraternities and sororities, was highly successful.
E I eaeofPO WS
stalled b y technicalit
By UPI and Reuter prisoners held in Laos, despite Uni- Until the communists agreet
SAIGON - Release of the re- ted States claims to the contrary, this, the withdrawal of the r
maining 148 American prisoners of are not covered by the cease-fire maining 6,300 American servic
war in Indochina, originally sched- agreement signed in Paris in Jan- men in South Vietnam will be he:
uled for this weekend, was delayed uary. up, the United States announce
yesterday at least until next week The United States' acting chief Thursday.
by new demands from the commun- delegate to the JMC, Brig. Gen. The communist demand announ
ists which the United States re- John Wickham, rejected the de- ed at yesterday's meeting of th
jected. mand for withdrawal of all U.S. JMC was in response to the pos
The Viet Cong told the Joint military men in uniform.
I Military Commission (JMC) the Wickham stressed that ttion taken by the United Stat
prisoner release would be resumed rine detachment was legitimate for
only if the U.S. agreed to with- an embassy as big as the Ameri-
draw every one of its uniformed cans maintain in Saigon.
Imilitary men in South Vietnam,'
inctheUd1s But Lt. Col. Bui Tin, press of-
ficer for the North Vietnamese del-
at the U.S. Embassy i Saigon. egation said, "The U.S. Marine F 1
If the United States agrees, the guard is more than a com'pany (in
communists said, the prisoner re- numbers) and it is unreasonable
lease can begin again tomorrow that they should demand so many
in both South and North Vietnam. Marines to protect the embassy." By LOIS EITZEN
j The North Vietnamese added that Bui Tin added "A gward of BLIE

University bicyclists wish drivers
and pedestrians would make more
of an effort to stay out of their
way, according to a recently-tab-
ulated bike survey.
The survey was taken at regis-
tration at the beginning of the
term by ENACT. The replies re-
ceived are "indicative of the trends
of thought," according to ENACT
representative Karen Mitchnick.
A desire for improved bike paths
is apparent, as 59 per cent of the
students considered automobilesta
serious problem to bicyclists and
71 per cent thought there was con-
flict between pedestrians and bi-
The problem of bicycle security
is a major issue. While only 45
to per cent of the students replying
e- said they were registered with the
e- city of Ann Arbor with a bicycle
Od license, 85 per cent said they
d would register their bike if made
possible for them through the
c- University.
e Mitchnick suggests that hopefully
a more effective register of bi-
i- cycles could be devised and estab-
es lished at the University which
See ENACT, Page 6

AP Photo
Cold cure?
Dr. Thomas Merigan, of the Stanford Medical School, poses in his
laboratory in Stanford, Calif., where he and colleagues announced
successful testing of a preventive remedy against the common
cold. Merigan calls his cure "Interferon," but concedes one point:
It costs too much to be widely distributed.


ds. frogs by the thousands

Tracking' brews controversy
in Ann Arbor public schools

The method of placing high school students.
into general or accelerated courses - usually
called "tracking"-still exists on a large scale
in Ann Arbor schools although some administra-
tors believe it is banned.
Tracking is more subtle than it once was,
perhaps, but its effects-racial and economic
segregation-are not.
aMniir.P, un ,di Fl,,. of a CfiA A_..-.. D._..Rnrr

Tracking usually begins at the junior high level
in Ann Arbor on the basis of intelligence tests,
teacher recommendations, and past performance.
The problem is that once someone is deter-
mined to be "better off" educationally by being
in the "lower" or "higher" tracks, it is esoe-
cially difficult for the student to get out of that
track and into another one, particularly the
higher one.

that size is not normal. We are
ready to discuss an acceptable fig-
ure with the U.S. side."
The Vietnam cease-fire agree-
ment specifies that both the pri-
soner exchange and the military
withdrawal be completed by next
The United States three days ago;
insisted publicly that withdrawal
of its troops from South Vietnam,
as outlined in the cease-fire, was
conditional on the release not onlyr
of Americans held by North Viet-
nnm and the Viet Cong but also
of those cantured by the commun-
ists in neighboring Laos.
There are 107 Americans still
held in North Vietnam. The Viet'
Cong yesterday gave Wickham a

What else would you call a place
where they raise frogs by the
thousands? C.R.O.A.K., of course. °
-the Center for Research OnAm-
phibian Kinships.
That's what the sign on the door r.>..::
says, but the University knows it
as the Amphibian Facility. The
frog for your biology lab was only
one of the thousands it shipped out
this year to researchers across the
The facility is the only one of its
kind in the United States. With its
sister facility at the University of :
Hiroshima, it is the only source
of many wild species of amphib-
ians raised for the first time in cap-

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