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March 25, 1967 - Image 1

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Showers or

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


D ly News Analysis
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
part of a series examining the views
and policies of candidates for Ann
Arbor's April 3 City Council and
Mayoralty election.
Party platforms especially at
the local level have the notorious
reputation of dealing only with
broad generalities and have known
to have been scrapped once the
victors know that they will not
have to face the voters for an-
other year with another set of
The current Republican and
Democratic party platforms for
the City of Ann Arbor at least
fall into the first category in sev-
eral key issues.
Voters in this election will have
the much more stimulating exper-
Columbia To
Alter Class
Rank Policy
Change Comes After
Students Announce
Boycott of Classes
The Columbia University Coun-
cil recommended Wednesday that
the school not make class rank-
ings available to the Selective
Service system.
Final decision on the recom-
mendation rests with Columbia
University President Grayson Kirk.
Kirk will consult with the school's
board of trustees at its April 4
R The President and the board
traditionally have rubber-stamped
the University Council's decisions
onmatters of academic and non-
financial policy.
The University Council is com-
posed of 40 faculty members and
30 high-level administrators. Pres-
ident Kirk is known to favor with-
holding class rankings.
Vigil in Snow
Over 40 Columbia students
awaited the decision by staging a
40 minute silent vigil in 9 inches
of snow.
Students had also planned a
boycott of classes for next Tues-
day and Wednesday which would
have taken effect had the Council
ruled to preserve present ranking
An editorial appearing in the
Columbia Spectator, the school's
student newspaper, yesterday com-
mended the University Council for
"responding to campus sentiment."
Kirk had denied that student
opinion played any part in the
Faculty members in two uni-
Versity units-Columbia College
and the School of General Studies
-had voted to urge the admin-
istration not to release rankings
to the Selective Service.
Other schools which have abol-
ished rankings or withheld class
ranks from the "Selective Service
system include the University of
Chicago, Wayne State University,
Reed College in Portland, Oregon,
and Haverford College, in Haver-
ford, Pa.

Platforms Stress




ience of hearing the candidates,"
whose respective platforms are
sufficiently broad to allow any
candidate a measure of independ-
ence and originality. Issues in the
campaign often seem to focus on
the University.
Indeed, of the ten city council
candidates eight are either pres-
ently or were once associated with
the University either as students
or faculty members. Both parties
have selected candidates all with
at least one attribute in common-
Since the majority df the races
pit incumbent Republicans against
Democratic candidates without
previous council ecperience, often
it is the former who come across
as most knowledgeable on current
city issues. However, the Demo-

_._ 1... ...:41 a i. ... 1,-.. -

crats seem to nave come up with aetermine tneir justincation ana tax to help finance local govern-
several new ideas, including es- necessity. ment. Other proposals concerning
tablishing a city youth organiza- -Fostering increased economic city finance include:
tion, reapportioning the city to growth to enlarge the city's tax -Investigation of all possible
provide for six wards instead of base. sources of revenue with emphasis
the current five, and advocacy of -Increase in weight and gas on user charges for city services.
a city income tax. tax rebates from the state in lieu -Opposition to any further
City finance is the area to which of Ann Arbor's increased popula- property tax extensions or charter
the Republican platform calls spe- tion. proposal which would raise the
cific and critical attention. The -Payment from state and fed- limit the city could charge on such
platform maintains that the fi- eral governments to help support taxes.
nancial needs of the coming year the services granted to govern- * Study of proposal for city
can be met with the 'expected in- ment-owned property. income tax that under state law
crease in tax receipts but says -Negotiations with the Univer- would allow the city to tax resi-
that future demands for expanded sity to adjust payments to cover dents one per cent of their income
city services may not be met with the costs of city services to the and one-residents one-half of one
the current tax base. University. p'er cent..R
ecommen- The Democratic platform is less -Evaluation of the University's
SpecificRepublicanrecomspecific in its proposals but con- contribution to city government to
dations along this line include the demns Republican Mayor Wendell determine the right proportion
following multiple approaches: Hulcher's plan for a return of the University should be paying.
-Review of city expenditures to locally collected federal income A key issue in the campaign

has been the proposed charter
revisions which would allow for
the city to be apportioned on a
six ward basis. Though the issue
has been clouded by partisan cries
of gerrymandering and power
grab, Democrats claim enactment
of the proposal would provide a
closer working relationship be-
tween a councilman and his con-
Republicans have claimed that
the wording of the amendment
was intended to insure minority
domination of city council. They
cite efficiency studies of city coun-
cils which indicate that such
councils work most efficiently with
five to seven members.
Aggressive implementation of
city planning and improved an-
nexation and zoning procedures

are issues which both' platforms
endorse. Expansion of park lands
within the city and establishment
of playgrounds have the approval
of both parties. The Democratic
platform along these lines called
for a study of possible purchasing
of recreational facilities outside
the city limits.
A wide divergence of opinions
is seen in the respective party's
proposals in the area of human re-
lations and the need for public
housing and the Housing Commis-
sion. The Republican platform
states, "The reputation of the City
of Ann Arbor as one of the most
enlightened cities in the nation is
widely known." It further urges
action done in the private sector
of Ann Arbor to continue improv-
ing human relationships.



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THE DETROIT FREE PRESS reported today that John W.
Gardner, U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare is the
"top choice" of the University Regents to succeed retiring Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher. There was some doubt the 54-year-old
cabinet member would take the job although Regents.are pressing
him to do so. He was reported as anxious to continue in his
cabinet post. The report.is unconfirmed.
Gardner was described as "the man the Regents have at the
head of the list-but there is little chance they can get him,"
The Free Press quoted a source as saying. The paper said the
next two "ranking candidates in a list of five possibilities to
succeed Hatcher, are Dr. Franklin D. Murphy, and Robben W.
Fleming, respective chancellors of the University of California
at Los Angeles and the University of Wisconsin. The paper added
that California Berkeley Chancellor Roger Heyns was "on the list
of five candidates" but has been ruled out as being too "con-
troversial" for the Regents. The fifth prospect is John Lederle,
President of the University of Massachusetts.
recently that the nation's education expenditures for all levels-
public and non-public-totaled $45.1 billion during the 1965-66
school year. Spending reached an all-time high both in terms of
actual dollars and as a percentage of the gross national product
(6.7 per cent). Annual expenditures on education are now five
times what they were in 1949-50 with further increases expected
in the years ahead. The announcement was reported in the
March issue of American Education.
LAW SCHOOL HONOR AWARDS were presented to 157
University students at the annual Honors Day Banquet recently.
Those honored included members of the Order of the Coif,
national society of the top 10 per cent of the third year class:
editors of the Michigan Law Review; senior judges of the Case
Clubs who run the school's moot court program; the executive
board of the Michigan Law School Legal Aid Association and
winners of the various scholarship awards.
After the awards, Dean Francis Allen of the Law School dis-
cussed the -value of assessing huinan competitive performance.
"It is often said that in the United States we are so much con-
cerned with what is better or best that sometimes we cease to
ask whether it can even be called good," he said.
E. WENDELL HEWSON, professor of meteorology in the
College of Engineering, has been appointed to a three-man board
to edit a series of publications on man in relation to his physical
envii'onment. The series will emphasize interdisciplinary reports
, and establish a broad view of the significant and interaction of
environmental factors for living things. Prof. Hewson has been
actively concerned with the application of meteorological knowl-
edge to air pollution problems since 1938.

The Board in Control of Student Publications last week appointed new editors for Gargoyle and Generation. Gargoyle editors (left
picture) are Robert Rinzler, '68 (left rear), business manager, Phil Zaret, '66, (right rear), art editor, Rick Bohn, '67, (left front)
editor, and Dick Platkin '68, associate editor. Generation editors are Ronald Rosenblatt, '68 (left), associate editor, and David Appel,
'68, editor.
Final Decisiona on Sophomorfe

The Democratic platform is
sharply critical of the appoint-
ments to various boards and com-
missions particularly "to the ex-
clusion from the Human Relations
Commission of leaders in the civil
rights field and persons from the
community primarily to be served
by that commission." It charges
"emasculation" of that . board's
The Housing Commission, the
platform declares that the com-
mission "is moving too slowly in
programming the 200 units al-
ready authorized" by the federal
government grant. The commis-
sion is further criticized for its
decision "to meet bi-weekly, when
it should have been meeting week-
ly since its inception."
Plead For
Tax Reform
Economists Predict
'Bankrupt Michigan'
If Changes Rejected
Five Michigan economic pro-
fessors explained the urgent need
for state fiscal reform at a busi-
ness administration school confer-
ence yesterday.
Although they did not advocate
any specific tax reform plan, they
expressed a belief that Gov.
George Romney's proposal, which
emerged from committee in the
Legislature Thursday, was ade-
Romney's bill; as amended by
the House, calls for a three per
cent personal income tax and a
six per cent corporate income tax.
House Republicans caucused yes
terday and agreed to support a
fiscal reform program, but left de-
tails of specific ch nges in the bill
until Monday. They hope to have
a final version of the bill ready
for a vote by next Wednesday.
Vote Monday
The Senate Taxation Committee
reported their version of the fiscal
reform bill Thursday and it may
come to a vote Monday.
Education represents about half
of the proposed budget for next
year. The University is currently
designated to receive $62.2 mil-
lion. University administrators
have warned that this x is not
enough and have urged tax re-
forms the only means to make
more money available for essential
programs. r
The nine economics' professors
who prepared the statement pre-
sented yesterday explained they
were concerned with not only the
educational aspects of the budget,
but with the entire complexion of
the state's economy. They. said
that they hoped their statement
would "clarify, in the minds of
Michigan citizens, and the Legis-
lature as well, some basic fiscal
issues facing the state at this
The professors at yesterday's
conference were William Haber,
dean of the literary college and
professor of economics, 'Warren
L. Smith of the economics depart-
ment, Robert Lanzillotti, chairman
of the economics department at
Michigan State University, and
Paul McCracken and ThomsGies
of the business administration
Other signers of the, statement
were Profs. Carl Fischer and Ed-
mund E. Bay of the business ad-
ministration school, Prof. Mark L.
Kahn, chairman of the economics
department at Wayne State Uni-
versity, and Prof. Mordechal Kre-
Inin of the MSU economics de-

"If tax reform is not passed this
year," McCracken said, "the state
will be plunged into another fiscal
crisis and ressurect the national
image of a 'bankrupt Michigan'"

Curfew Rests with

V-P Cutler

By MIKE THORYN ber, Mrs. Elizabeth Davenport, as-
sistant director of student coun-
ommendation to eliminate soph- seling, John Manning, assistant to
omore women's hours rests with the dean of the literary college,
Vice President for Student Affairs and Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie, assist-
Richard Cutler. He did not wish ant director of the office of stu-
tocommnte on hi possible dei- dent community relations favor
to comment on his possible deci- eliminating sophomore woman's
sion but said that the ruling -would hours completely.
be made within a matter of weeks,
in time for inclusion in the Stan- Miss Mahler, who did most of
lards for Students Booklet. the research prior to SGC's rec-

freshman year are unnecessary.
Mrs. Davenport agreed with
Miss Mahler and added that coun
seling services should be extended
to the dorms so that the confusion
many students feel when assuming
the responsibility of making their
own decisions can be alleviated.
Manning said that,. "a move to-
ward abolition of non-freshman
curfews is desirable. It makes little

and senior women in. the Off-
Campus Housing Bureau, Mrs.
Leslie said that she found that
most junior women have demon-
strated their ability to handle
legal and financial matters as well
as personal decisions of conduct.
Fred G. Smith, '67, an outgoing
SGC member, was the only coun-
cil member to vote against the
elimination of hours. He believes
that the present system is fine the
way it is. "Some women teter on
the brink" he said,' "with hours
they might not slip."


"It doesn't have to be a cate-
gorical yes or no," Cutler said.
"There are many possible ways in
which I can act."
Bruce Kahn, newly elected Stu-
dent Government Council Presi-
dent can see "no reason for soph-
omore women to have hours." He
dislikes the arbitrary distinction
between sophomore and junior

ommendation, believes that stu- sense to preach responsible, self-
dents have the maturity to make managed maturity while we are
their own decisions. assuming the worst about people."
She stated that hours after the I Citing her experience with junior



Sen. Muskie Seeks Committee
To Meet Technological. Change

To Probke

IT-P"PQ nlnt nnc

No PowerI
Kahn realizes that SGC does notI

Speaking at a reception for the
Democratic slate for Ann Arbor
municipal offices last night, De-
troit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh
called for greater cooperation be-
tween urban and semi-urban
areas, and reiterated one of the
basic premises of his unsuccess-
ful primary campaign for the
U.S. Senate by asserting the need
for increased state and federal aid
to urban areas.
Cavanagh, whose performance

(,1 .l .. .111111 have power over individual con-B
duct rules. "SGC as it is presently
0 FTCI A e set up has power over organiza- "Changes in modern technology
tional rules and regulations. The are putting tremendous strains on
Ml" I .O. O . Office of Student Affairs had a society, on our democratic insti-
veto over this power until we tutions, and on our citizens," said
broke with them." Sen. Edmund Muskie (D-Maine)
gether. Our last frontier," he bor's chief improvement obtacle by breaking, we did not auto- speaking in Rackham Aud. yester-
said, "is overcoming the lack of remains to be increasing the ef- yatically assume the power over day morning before the National
dignity for people which all of us fectiveness of the city Human Re- individual conduct rules, a power' Student Sesquicentennial Confer
are entitled to." lations Council in dealing with i i cn d ." ent
Eale i h eeigPece rblm fpoverty and prejudice. which we never had." ence.
Earphyicia who evedng, t , rJohn Feldkamp, director of Uni- Discussing the problem of "Pol-
a physician who served a two- versity housing does not favor the itics in a Society of Transition,"
year term on the City Council elimination of sophomore hours. Muskie remarked, "Most Ameri-
vating the University students' role He cited evidence he had gathered cans are only spectators in the
in Ann Arbor to that of "full from his staff, Dr. Donald Schaef- political game, but as long as!
citizenship." He noted that stu- ei, Chief Psychiatristhand director there is faith in the government to
dents and student families com- of the Mental Health Clinic, and produce the best results in the
prise 4 per cent of the Ann Arbor Mrs. Mary LaMore, Senior Psy- long run, we are all right."
population, and deserve the full chiatric Social Worker, also of the He cautioned, however, that
rights of the rest ofsAnnArbor's Mental Health Clinic. trust is increasingly hard to come
residents. "SGC based their recommenda- by as the pace of technological

today, Muskie said, "Politics is a
profession; lots of experience,
training, and skills are needed.
The tools of the politician are
simple: he must become a man
who knows what he is talking
about, he must seek advice and
counsel, he must always stand
firm on his decisions, and he must
!learn to communicate effectively
and use good timing."
"Timing," he said, "is an im-
portant consideration in following
,foTrell disc

one's personal commitments as at
politician. One must ask 'Is it
bet-ter to press a conviction today
or wait so you can fight more ef-
fectively later on?'"
"Some Southern Senators, for
example, have compromised their
belief in integration in the face
of ' some pretty stark political
realities. I can't really blame
them; they have also contributed
significant services to their coun-

iplines Draft Protestors


in Ann Arbor last
one of the brights
campaign, addressed

August was
snots of his

a gathering I "However," Pierce noted, "along

of approximately 200 party work- with full rights of citizenship, the'
ers at the Old German restaurant, 'students must bear full respdnsi-
particularly in behalf of Demo- bilities." This, Pierce elaborated,
cratic mayoral candidate Ed implied full legal and criminal re-
Pierce. .sponsibility for students within,

tion on intuition and what they change accelerates. Theemotion-
think exists on the campus," Feld- al and devisive impact of our cur-t
kamp said. "The difficulties SGC rent problems is increasing. We
sees are not gvounded in realities." are too occupied with the material
Slow Starters development of our affluent so-
"I asked SGC to look into soph- ciety, and the modern pace con-

The Cornell University Faculty
Cormittee on Student Conduct
(FCSC) yesterday upheld the de-
cision of the Undergraduate Ju-
diciary Board (UJB) to discipline
ten students who solicited pledges
to destroy draft cards last week.
The FCSC upheld the repri-

gency session voted to direct "the
Proctor at his discretion to tem-
porarily suspend students who re-
fuse to cease and desist in their
violation of university rules or
refuse to identify themselves."
Following the meeting, a peti-
I tion was initiated and circulated
among the faculty, urging that the

more rational form," Roberts said.
According to Roberts, the "well-
attended' panel discussion "ser-
iously decreased" the number of
students attracted. to the tables
manned by members of the Cor-
nell chapter of Students for a.
Democratic Society. SDS has been
soliciting the draft card pledges.
sn.q nn. to n nue soliit-

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