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March 25, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-25

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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VOL. LXIX, No. I26





Peace Restored
In Tibetan City
r Red China's Troops Stem Revolt;
Rumors of Guerrilla War Persist
NEW DELHI, India (P) - Peace was reported restored yesterday
in Lhasa, the two-mile high capital of Tibet.
Amid indications that Red China's troops had stemmed the
week-end revolt, there was speculation that guerrilla warfare might
.4 persist in the countryside.
Roundabout advices to Tibetans in Kalimpong, an Indian trading,
center on Tibet's frontier, said Lhasa was quiet, though tense.
No Verification
One report, which could not be verified, estimated that 300 Red
troops and from 50 to 60 Tibetans were killed. The battle was set
off Friday by Tibetan fears that the Communist overlords planned

.Suggest Two
Council Plan,
Two proposals for the revision
of the Student Government
Council Plan were presented to
the Clarification Committee yes-
The first plan, presented by Ron
Gregg, '60, SGC treasurer, call
for a "significant departure from
the present plan" according to
Prof. Charles Lehmaxin of the
education school, chairman of
the group. It advocated bringing
in the function of the Board in
Review at an earlier stage in
Council action.
w The Committee decided to hold
its first open meeting 7 p.m.
April 6, in the Third Floor Con-
ference' Room, of the Student Ac-
tivities Building, Prof. Lehmann
-The Board in Review, unde
this plan, Prof. Lehmann said
Would not be involved primarily
ua reyiew body but would mee
requently with the Council in ax
advisory capacity. Gregg's pro
posal also would give veto powei
to the Vice-President for Student
I A second plan, Prof. Lehmann
a dded, submitted jointly by Mor
Wise, '59, SGC executive vice
p r e s i d e n t and David Kessel
Grad., retained the basic formula
of the SGC Plan but specified the
withdrawal of recognition of stu-
dent organizations from Counci
The plan also called for a sligh
change in Board in Review coin
position, reducing its size, and in
stalling the Vice-President foi
Student Affairs as chairman.,
Lichty Says,
Creal Makes
Play for Votes
A trip to LAnsing made Monday
by Cecil 0. Creal, Republical.
candidate for mayor of Ann Ar
bor, was attacked last night by
Dr. Dorman E. Lichty.
Lichty is chairman of a Citi
zens' Committee supporting Dem
ocrat Lloyd M. Ives, Creal's op
It is incredible," Lichty said
"that: the obvious play for vote.
f thile Republican candidate fo
Mayor should be given the prom
inence that it has received."
On his trip Monday; Creal hai
been reassured by four state legis
lators about the state's financia
The Senate majority leader
Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair)
told him that he would do all h
could for the passage of bills t(
mortgage the Veterans' Trus
"During his eight years as City
Council President," Lichty saic
"this man was in a position t(
give real aid ot the Universit3
but he did nothing except com.
plain about professors minglin
In city affairs."
Group Studies
New Calendar
The University Calendar Stud
Committee will meet at 4:15 p.nm
today in the Regents' Room o

>to kidnap the Dalai Lama, 23
years old, called "The Living
Kalimpong heard that the Dalai
Lama is safe, though his where-
abouts remained a mystery.
The assurance of his safety was
reported given a group of Tibet-
ans living in India by the Indian
agent in Gangtok, capital of the
Himalayan kingdom of Sikkim.
He relays radio messages from the
tIndian consulate general at
_ (However, the Hindustan Times
claimed that revolt has spread
from Lhasa to all corners of Tibet.
s (The paper supports Indian
1 Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
(Another prominent Indian pa-
e per, The Times of India, reported
f that Peiping may ask the Indian
g consolate in Lhasa to close down
3 or suspend work in Tibet.)
Delegation En Route
Dispatches from 'Gangtok said
a delegation of Tibetans, includ-
ing militantly anti-Communist
Khamba tribesmen, is en route to
- New Delhi to plead with Prime
a Minister Nehru for active inter-
vention on behalf of Tibet.
Details of the battle of Lhasa
Y were still in dispute. Some border
t sources said the fighting lasted
o two days, others four. The fight-
- ets, armed largely with rifles and
r a half dozen old four-inch can-
t non, were reported at one point
to have turned captured Commu-
n nist machine guns against the
,Red troops.
Nationalist Chinese in Taipei,
, who claim to have underground
a contacts in Tibet, said the rebels
e may have been forced from Lhasa
itself into the mountainous sur-
- rounding countryside, where con-
ditions are better for guerrilla
_ Resumes Contact
They said Communist-
r controlled Radio Lhasa, which
went off the air five days ago,
resumed contact with Peiping at
noon from the forbidden city that
is the seat of the Dalai Lama;
A pessimistic view was taken at
Darjeeling, India, by Jyalo Thon-'
dup III, one of the Dalai Lama's
four brothers.
"Our religion is going, our race
is going," he told newsmen. "We
are going to be wiped out by the
y Chinese."
n High Chinese Nationalist offi-
. cials said both sides had ordered
y up reinforcements.

Supporters of Mike Fishman,
'60, whom Student Government
Council refused a seat after the
recent election, are circulating a
petition defending Fishman's posi-
tion and calling for his appoint-
ment to the Council.
It was also reported by a Fish-
man partisan who remained
anonymous that an organized
demonstration for Fishman was
scheduled for this afternoon.
This source, however, reported
that the Dean of Men's office had
turned down the idea and refused
permission to hold such a demon-
Statement by Goldman
In other action, retiring SGC
President Maynard Goldman, '59,
yesterday issued a statement ex-
pressing his position, as president
of the Council, on the Fishman
Fishman said last night, "I was
elected. The issue that SGC is
concerned with is over and done
with. What the student body is
concerned with is that their demo-
cratic choice be left ot of SGC
and another person appointed.
"This has nothing to do with
the recent decision of SGC in re-
gard to my violation," he added.
Falsified Account
Goldman said that the question
was not one of the amount over
the limit Fishman had gone, but
"the fact that Mr. Fishman know-
ingly falsified his expense account.
"This was the falsification of a
document by a candidate for pub-
lic office, an office with a public
trust that had been violated,"
Goldihan's statement continued.
Commenting on the Council's
Jurisdiction in this area, Goldman
said that "The Council has the
right, as does any legislative body,
to seat candidates for membership.
See Text of Memorandum, Page 8
Club To_ Hear
Indian View
Dr. G. G. Parikh will address an
open meeting sponsored by the
Democratic Socialists Club tonight,
8 p.m. in the Union.
He will speak on "Political De-
velopment in India: A Socialist
The aim of the Democratic
Socialists Club is to present to the
Campus the goals and ideals of
democratic socialism.
A youth leader in the Praja So-
cialist Party in India, Dr. Parikh
is currently touring the country
with an Indian group sponsored
by the World Assembly of Youth
and its American affiliate, the
Young Adult Council, a coordinat-
ing body of American youth or-
The group, recently at the Uni-
versity, is meeting with political,
labor and industrial leaders across
the nation.

V e terans'
Sees Chance Krshnw
With a master's degreei
ness administration in hi
case, and the satisfactiol
Younger Says State many of his goals have beex
Must Meet Salaries pleted, P. Krishnamurthy,
president of the Intern,
By ROBERT JUNKER Students' Association, will
to India next week.
A plan to mortgage theVeteran's Krishnamurthy, better
Trust- Fund has a good chance to arnampurthy, Kbetter
pass the State Senate, Sen. Pauli around campus as 'Krish',
-over his job to ISA vice-pr
C. Younger (R-Lansing),chairmanoeRobert Arnove, '59, last mi
of the Veteran Affairs Committee, Annual elections will b
said last night. next month.
"We need money; we have to do Upon taking office last
something," Sen. Younger said, Krish aimed at developing
"We're not going to sit here and cooperation and friendsh





murthy Fulfills Many Goals

''Vote Sends
BJtoSntFor Action

m busi-
s suit-
n that
n com-
e held
;t May,
ip be-]

'U', MSU
If Group

To Receive
for Loans

Fun d


NEW YORK (JP)-A move for1
New York City to secede from
New York State was begun in
the city council yesterday.
Democratic sponsors intro-
duced a secession resolution as-
serting the Republican-domi-
nated state legislatdre was
treating the city like "an un-
wanted stepchild" fianacially.
watch a payless payday come with-
out doing anything," he declared.
"You can be sure of that."
He said the Veteran's Fund is a
practical solution. The fund has
50 million ready dollars and money
is needed quickly, he said. He add-
ed Senate committees are con-
sidering other possible solutions to
the tax crisis, but he refused to re-
veal these.
- To Begin Consideration
Sen. Younger said the Senate
will probably begin consideration
of the House bills tomorrow. He
explained that passage will re-
quire at least five days.
Sen. Lewis G. Christman (R-Ann
Arbor) told a local audience Mon-
day some plan to utilize the Vet-
eran's Trust Fund to bail the state
out of financial trouble would win
Senate approval.
House Speaker Don R. Pears
(R -Buchanan) indicated the
House proposal would have trouble
winning Senate approval.
Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St.
Clair), Senate majority leader, said
Senate passage will be more diffi-
cult than obtaining the necessary
two-thirds majority in the House.
Sen. Beadle 'said he would "do
everything I can" to see the emer-
gency measure receives Senate ap-
To Meet Payrolls
The recently passed House meas-
ures would provide $22 million to
meet state university payrolls be-
tween now and June 1.
Monday, University President
Harlan Hatcher predicted a solu-
tion to the state's cash crisis would
be found "in April, late in April."
Last week veteran's leaders en-
dorsed the use of their fund for
fianacing a state capital outlay
program to include university and
government building. Leaders of
veteran's organizations have gen-
erally opposed "mortgaging" the
fund for any purpose.

tween the American and inter-
national student. April 9 he will
leave the United States believing
this has been achieved "to an ex-
Cites Cooperation
He points to the activities of
International Week, planned by
ISA, the Union and the League,
as an example. The Union and
League worked with internation-
al students in presenting the Pete
Seeger concert, the World's Fair,
the soccer match with the Univer-
sity of Toronto and international
student orientation.
Krish did not notice a lack of
American initiative in cooperative
projects, saying "this is the first
year there has been extensive
contact between the. two groups.
If more is done in the future, the
response will probably increase."
Student leadership has been
very enthusiastic in working on
these programs, he said. It is up
to this leadership to continually
devise ways to increase contact
and to maintain this enthusiasm.
Reduce Opinion Differences
Reducing the opinion differ-
ences between nationality groups
within ISA is another goal Krish
saw fulfilled. It is an unwritten
policy to have the executive board
members represent a variety of
different countries, he pointed
Occasionally political differ-
ences show up in heated ISA po-
litical debate's, he said, but the
students realize how valuable it
Folklore Club
Biegins Sale
Of Publication
Folkways, the Magazine of In-
ternational Folklore, will go on
sale at bookstores around campus
today, according to Al Young, '61,
technical director.
The magazine, which is pub-
lished by the Folklore Society,
will contain songs, articles on how
to construct musical instruments,'
record listings and folklore
The Folklore Society is current-
ly seeking serious contributions
from anthropologists and musi-
cologists on folklore and folk mu-
sic, as well as from interested
students, Young said.

-Daily-David Arnold
P. KRISHNAMURTHY-"Krish," former president of ISA, leaves
the International Center where many of his days at the University
were spent. He will return to India with his master's degree 'in
business administration and will pursue a career in pharmaceutical

is to understand each other as
well as the American.
The coordination of all the na-
tionality clubs into one compre-
hensive organization evolved only
four years ago, Krish said. He il-
lustrated the cooperation that
this has brought when he spoke
of Israeli-African and Indone-
sian-Indian club social functions.
'Maximum Out of Stay'
Through being ISA president
and membership chairman as
well as Indian Students' Associa-
tion secretary since his arrival in
September, 1956, Krish believes
he has gotten "the maximum out
of his stay here."
"It is a two-way process .
learning about America and ex-
plaining about India," he said.
Besides getting a degree in one
specialized subject, Krish said,
the international student should
understand America . . . "the
leader of the free world."
Krish sees one place for this
exchange of ideas in the ISA
which should not deteriorate into
the exclusion of Americans, he
Works in Theosophy Group
Krish's participation in a stu-
dent theosophy group was anoth-
er step toward completing his
"two-way" process. The- purpose
of this organization, he said, is
to study and understand compar-
ative religion, and then, through
this understanding, seek the
brotherhood of man.
Upon his return to India, Krish
will add his master's degree to
his bachelor's degrees in phar-
macy and science from the Uni-
versity of Madras, and begin

Council To Hold Election
Of New Officers Today
Election of officers will be the first order of business at the
Student Government Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Stu-
dent Activities Building.
Jo Hardee, '60, administrative vice-president, and Ron Gregg,
'60, treasurer, have announced their candidacy for the presidency.
Al Haber, '60, is running forY

practice in pharmaceutical ad-
As Krish departs, he leaves ISA
and the campus with several co-
operative projects, which, if they
are kept up, will fulfill many po-
tentialities for friendship among
the international and American
Ann Arbor
To Choose
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of two articles about the City Coun-
cil, candidates in the April 6 Ann
Arbor election.)
On April 6, Ann Arbor, voters
will elect five city councilmen as
well as a mayor.
One Democrat and one Repub-
lican are running for each posi-
tion. Each Council winner will
represent one of the city's five
wards for two years.
Aside from racial discrimina-
tion and the 'needs of individual
wards, the campaign has con-
tained at least one major issue-
Urban Renewal.
Urban Renewal is, a project to
improve a '75-acre area, mostly
residential, in the north-central
part of town. It involves the re-
moval of 1'7 to 43 houses, the re-
habilitation of others and other
It is, hoped that the federal
government will pay two-thirds
of the net cost of the project. The
net cost is estimated at $1,641,354.
Plans for the project are, now
awaiting federal approval, rejec-
tion or approval if modified.
These are one half of the can-
didates and their positions:
See ANN ARBOR, Page' 2
SOC .Petitions
For- Vacancy
Ready Today
Petitioning for the vacant seat
on Student Government Council
will begin this morning, Jo Har-
dee, '60, SGC administrative vice-
president announced.

LANSING ()-While dozens of
veterans looked down from the
galleries, Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams' plan to mortgage the 50
million dollar Veterans Trust Fund
passed the House yesterday by the
skin of its teeth.
Capping a half-hour debate, the
key bill in the four-bill package
won a 58-40 vote of approval, two
more votes than the passage re-
quirement. Once it cleared the
lower chamber, lawmakers passed
the other three in rapid-fire order
and routed the whole package to
the Senate.
Twelve Republicans joined 46
Democrats in voting for the mort
gage plan, which had met defeat
in the house twice in the last six
Last Resort
The governor proposed it as a
last resort for averting payless
paydays for state employes. Defeat,
he said,; would leave lawmakers
the alternatives of liquidating the
fund or allowing the state to fail
its financial obligations.
Under his proposal, securities In
the fund would be transferred to
the University and'Michigan State
University for use as collateral il
borrowings. Other securities would
be placed in the school employes
retirement fund, releasing equiva-
lent funds for state school aid
This action is best for the citi-
zens as a whole and for the vet-
erans, Gov. Williams said. "If
there was liquidation, it would
take care of the citizens but
wouldn't do anything for the vet
Vets Organize
Leaders of four veterans organi-
zations - the American Legion,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Dis-
abled American Veterans and
Marine Corps League-summoned
their members to a protest dem-
onstration against mortgaging the
fund. Only about 75 members of
the group showed up in the house
galleries to watch the vote.
Gov. Williams said he had "real
hopes" the Senate would go along
with the mortgaging proposal. He
declined to estimate a deadline an
passage for avoiding payless pay-
Bankers have indicated they
might require a court test of the
plan before making any loans to
the two universities.
"This may take as long as tyo
months, although hopefully, they
won't have any suit at all," said
Gov. Williams.
Union Selecs
Junior Staff
The following eight men were
appointed to executive council
positions on the Union staff, Tom
Patterson, Union president, said,
James Hadley, '61, was ap-
pointed to head the Personnel
Administration Committee; oel
Handeman, '61, International Af-
fairs Committee; Stephen Hunter,
'61, Publications; Gayle King,
'61E, Alumni Faculty Affairs;
Perry Morton, '61, Special Events:
Michael Rollins, '61, Social; John
Ross, '61, University Affairs and
Michael Turoff, '61, Student A-
fairs Committee.
Nineteen men petitioned for the
eight positions.
YR's To Hear
A )

executive vice-president and Ron
Bassey, '61, and Phil Zook, '60, are
competing for the office of ad-
ministrative vice-president. Roger
Seasonwein, '61, will seek the
treasurer's position.
A motion to establish a special
committee to coordinate a Human
Relations Education Program will
also be submitted to the Council
by Miss Hardee. The bill calls for
a special group composed of a
Council member, a member of the
Student Activities Committee and
two members of the Human Rela-
tions Board.
Similar in purpose to the Inter-
national Week program, the plan
will extend over a longer period
of time and the student commit-
tee will contact "appropriate"
.ca.., 4- ~n.1ns~ oA rlmni~4-t.

Gargoyle Bohemian Issue To Be Sold

Thick, starkly realistic - and
The new 56-page Gargoyle, the
thickest in'history, will be sold on
the Diag, the Hill, at the Fish-
bowl, the Engine Arch and the
Union as well as bookstores
throughout Ann Arbor for only
25 cents cheap, David Newman,
Grad., editor, said.
"This issue is the Bohemian is-
sue featuring a photo story on
'Boh life at the University'," he
said. Such things as basement
nnortip _the TUnionnSnac ar. a~rcnd1


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