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February 26, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…~Ij It. ot7A.fn VoL. V. No. 102. UNIVERSITY-OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. UIYCLUB LECTURE. .PROF. THOMPSON ON THE INDI- VIDUAL AND THE STATE. A Discussion of the Problem of the AdJustment of Labor to Capital, and the Distribution of Wealth. Prof. Tihonmpson gave a very sug- getive taper before Unity Club last .-veiilg 0n "The Inldividulal and 111e :State." It was given in place of one accnmulations of wealth abo...…

February 26, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. S. gi+ the averseeop~inion which wasotheld (_______ ______-SIHOES. SITOES. of lt", lull e5 iilli theeior eo Ot ntt Socsgtsa f ubl hl daily (S.uiday eseete'l)l urneg Titl itnir Moc goesi tilatttttl 1' liauldgyai 1l(ince t'itiut teide tihl techical ,14 Reduce Pac s, THE Ut Of M, IND[P[NDE ASSUIUITI N, i~l tyq!t1111111 i ~t-~. . e OFFICE: Tittle builtiii' N. Maln st., oppositeL TL post oilier jitit Xi'rliieotleittSo 11 ARCH 1S...…

February 26, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAiLY. At the Grand Opera Houae. BUSINESS LOCALS. U. OF AF. GALENAR Time Table (Revised) Nov. 8, 189.ttt lak ('rook is eatititigin all is [oisiseihi iso t herae e., Mar. 1.--Freslitia i-class so- s~ i ,atitt ititt'. ntirat-ng tosi-titiit'of 5cents1 per lise. Special rateo for longr cti nCliger ' tt. Malsoup itertb ±Ci rory, gorgeous eltio(Ytnliti' t hoIAtylte5 o sie i rot a.,Snr 2 .tt. i -ttigtfiii MaladE _--350 Mail 8T R3T --Anic...…

February 26, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. chaIers Bookstore!',A Solid Back Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Washington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. 95% LAWS!: HAVE YOUE VANE ENGRAVED WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. TRADE MARK MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday...…

January 26, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…IJC U. of M . W1ail VOL, V. No. 83. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATUTRDAY , JANUARY 2(l,l9. Pattut: ,TiIailtE CENTS. T{EUNOoPRT. ia rental 1'ee wh lit'h lenllimes ovecr Athletics at Smith College. palYs 101rall iihe e hiosofi etling t1o Tll c-i--iet OhilberI-of tho( 'i-turi-l THE SOCIAL EVENT OF THE SEA- 1-miiiii5 l ld for dancing. BU Mligaeziili' (Oitaiis a1n iterstsings(-i- SON. stillsniore unjust clodiset 511 lieiiit coof articles oil h'e...…

January 26, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OPt M. DAILY. ~t s~l ~and Jefferson. a IUeW of te' ~rtesent- IVictor Footballs Icold Weather r Ilhe'Colalit at ea.,tby THE , f SF M. INEPND[NT ASSCIATION ch i,:''imies taillitia\. titt t..o p st I poisae.ttta offaie.t-t, iosmay Ibe left at t iii tilifth fle DlI-Lt', of taiditiaor-thoie olvtr clay. iiAdd tiss almtriiniit tenfo jpi- catin t the\laa n- E ito. A lbinesit-i THE U. OF M. DAILY, Ann liboMih a dwn oun vouiies f Clr'naionii an...…

January 26, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…TrHE U. OF Vi. DAILY. U!mrTrir ar'YPD AT Athletics at Smith College. I?. OF \I. CALEND)AR. NOTICES. j11V1V iJA .JX l4 UJL1 I i\TIJ 1.'ii11i XaohlillatiooiillI'Elili 'iiid t l lime Table (Rlevised) Nov. is184. C NTIN E] 10051 FRS P GE I Sa.,J. 't3.-.l pha. Nu :Art r100 ecital. j icn lisoriy ileigioil for tllioske viio iASTill iEST. S Ielltililly l i' 4 l \ vell; a Sal.,.T1a11. 21.- lDediealoll of Aliellplli 'wiEee ontitionled 1ii11 101 o~e...…

January 26, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…T1~U F i. IY Schalei' 000Stor , o nierly prfutimed toilt sop for Fortnei ly with (George War, r19 sI.Washinetonst. Headquartersfr o OL.GATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP everything a Student needs in the AiSi) line of Text-Books, Stationery and loigale's Oatmeal Soap. Mfiscellaneous Stock in general. C'oigate's Glycerine Soap, ('elgatesa white CleimotiesSoap MVARTIN SCHALLER, Cogt oe op s 'olgorte's Almnod teal Soap, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, Co aes...…

November 26, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…Ijc Ul. Of } - I { J" It { J VOi-. V. No. 4. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN, M.ONDAY, NOVEMltiBER 6, 1894. IP RIc'E-Ti4Rth CITS. __ - SOUVENIR NUBR CORNELL HUMBLED AT LAST, on 11.1_10011 '0111011'1 I50 xyards -then lnhngin ob okh ll 40y0110 111 1w0 mlinuts t er and F1111 1 (e1101 'oi11g arun '1011the end(0 s. Dyr anid tloonings- ton Ithrou~gh ine an'i illacarroy- rashes. '0(111 111., s1ip''1010d111il (1111011 got lie hall 1111 holding. With l...…

November 26, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…'II1I tl.o1", M.DArILY'. 1111ished Dalily (Sn dyeceptdl du(1110 the chlee year, by THE U DEMHIP[NDEN ASSOIAIO OtCr: Times building N. (aloin t,.Oppoite ot ofie. ]everybody turn (oit to te 1110s sleeting 111nd bofire tonight. We have met the enemy and(1tey are ours. We have met Cornell ad 011tie firt timn hie history of tie gomeo have fairly beaten them. Fairly )ve sa~y, for iby lihe' admisionilof t(bri oiwncaptin the ily were otlallyd, falril...…

November 26, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…THE' U. OF M. 1)AILY. CORNELL HUMBLED AT LAST.I lioc nit tortihe bondl half. I-;i-ott thoy keepoot it up this hal,*." t1-1-t3' O0l)' 0a0 eonlideuit tiley woul1(1 ini spiteI ofI til'e Cornell represtaOtives 1 oast 10St filt asser'tionsO that C'ornell wouhd11mop11 he' earth withi Michigaio. Jo the steond half, Ilyet catrred C'ottoetis kick-off hack to to' 25 yardso ingotoll made(1 I5 yardso Pice 11 eae1r1 111nd1 11 111'1t made111 i 11h111t ;s11...…

November 26, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…THE Ii. OF M. DAILY. Scalr. STEBBINS, THE I W CRANDALL TYPEWRITER flCI'DENTALBosor, D0cD,% AIIlUMM ~ f l-oinleely With (George \Vain 19 IWL;L L1IVI~Vfh E. Washington st. Headquarters for YPSILANTI, MICH. evetything a, Stuident needs in the R[01is elling coupon hooks good line of Text-Books, Stationery and for .8for $2. 50. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, iclaeu tc ngnrl " -MARTIN SCHALLER, ._ . ~~stdent.s ad citizens should makhe this B O S L E S...…

October 26, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…je . a . lailn. VOL.. V. NTO. 24. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1894. PRICE-THREE CENTS. ANNUAL FALL FIELD DAY. Senior Dent Class Meeting. Many Entries will be Made-Foot- Tilhe senior dental class Iset vester- ball Between Fresh Lits daly farenlon at 9 oclock illtile de- and Reserves. mlonstration roomi, for the elution of Till'entlry list for till allflllll fail officers. President Ball plresiding. Tile field day is of go...…

October 26, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…THE U. 01F M. DAILY. I'ni lila d IDaily ("'na i y', cpt'ltt(Jing ie colbt ~year, by 1HE U. Of MINDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION OItCETtlitmes building N. Main st., opposltite' post onicie. tusrpil rite X2.50 c ycar-, in'-,'ia bly in advanceti. Sitngletoes3a' i'tt',.sucrp tiotns may bl'eft;theii' tittaloiteI)AM, it Statltit's, at Sttate st. new stanci, withil any otf the editors ortanthiedoicalitors. Comtmnictioans should t'eac'hithei'office by 7 o'ct'...…

October 26, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF \I. DAILY. MIXCHIGAN GENT1\AL Timie Table (Revised) July 1,1894. EAuodS. 40 ESTl NY.Special---510 N. Y.Spcial--- 0 EasteruEx----10 25 N. S.Liiteld.-_92A t aii x---131 Atlantic Ex---;471..f 1). N. Express---5411 WesernuEx---- 5 G. R. Express --Iti03 Chi.Nt. E -----I0I2 10. W. lRio1 S , 1 ..IYS G.1 .Ag. Chio. . gO., Ass Arbore. T. A. A. & N. X. RY. Tao- fet S unday, Aug. 1, 1894. T'rinleae 5Ann Arbo~r on Central tand- 18 pa. . I 71010...…

October 26, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. jDA1LY. CRANDALL TYPEWRITER HARRIS HALL, THE SIMPLEX PRINTER. 7i T 4 { Q A A new invention for duplicating 1 i1 ta y M.0 copies of writings and drawii gs. MR ANSBACH, The Magician , Witt give one of his deligetful entertainments in :' SOS $50. The only High Grade Machine on the Magic, Mirth and Mystery. Market sold at a Reasonable Price. Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; Permanent Alignment; Instantly Changeable Type. J. S. P...…

May 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…din dab 4 VOL.CIV.-No. 172. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 189,4. PRICE, THREE CENTS. LOSE TO PRINCETON. l St. Anarew's Vested Choir. Prof. Stanley's Birthday. -odPths, COLUMBIAL BICYCLE By a Score of 21 t 4 ,-BondPice Th above choir will give a popu- Last evening at 7:30 o'clock a I to Save Hollister for Cor- nell Today, tar concert this evening at Harris meeting of the Choral union was FOR SALE. The isexws of a z1-, defeat...…

May 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Puldished Daily (Sundays excepted) during m-Coll e e ar, 1vy THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ALL those who have not yet paid their DAILY suhscriptions should do so at once. It takes money to run a college paper an) the past year has been an exceptionally hard one. The DAILY asks, therefore, that suh- scribers who have riot as yet paid up should do so without further urging. A Letter from Harvard. The following extract...…

May 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAN ST. Director and Manager. Time Table (Revised) Feb. 11th, 1894. EAST. WEST. AM AM. Atlantic Express. 5 50 Mal & Sxp..... 50 D. &; J. Express .. 75 Chic. Spic.7..105 G. H. Exp...1105 N. S. Limited.... 1030 Nail sod Exp.d..IS18Fast West's Sxp. 1i:5 Fast East'n Ep.. 0720 G R.Ex..0...605 N. S. Limited..10531 Pacific Express... 953 0. WV. EUnsGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. F. & T. Ar...…

May 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…THEU.01 ~.DAILY. FIN . , iek v2 to June 2. We [ u ( io ciir!'te-. ci lt o l Fe- 50o 0t-OF'':LED AT 37c. t $i v F3 7'LEA AT 73c. E: O E ~ i l te-Vcdso h Fine Hat f1,4'$.00. At the Popular Outfitters, -QCT"& EM IC)'L~ NO.6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ___________________________________ 7_ AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TIA-7 h. -JL-SOT-e72 T O' TE09S, SE ]BALL A.N Ir'S"PORTw"ING GOODSZ'-- Whliche they Odfer at pi ce'Guarnteeott o e as Low as can ...…

April 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…j e . o AL VOL. IV.-No. 146. ATHLETIC DIRECTORS MEET And Decide that Co-eds Must Pay at all Baseball Games This Spring. Mr. Cadwell presented to the board a very satisfactory report of the southern and western trip, show- ing a gain of $1Y8.84 over expenses and money advanced by thse board. After considerable discussion it was decided to limit the sale of season baseball tickets to members of the association with the end in view of thereby...…

April 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. '.of ' Wf. Tcifu. Published Daily (undaya excepted) during b tColi- e tar, by THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price V.0 per year, invariably ic advance Single copis 3 cet. Subcrip- ins may be left at the cffice of the DALY, at Stoffiets, with aty of the edtr or authorized solicitors. Communications should reach the offet by 7 o'cioch P. M. if they are to appear the net day. Addess all matter intended for ...…

April 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW RH CLEMENT, 51 SO.. tAiN ST. Director sod lMacarer. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST hlURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A.F. COVERT, Prop. 2a IYears in the Businea.'" CITY LAUNDRY, M. X. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth .Ave. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MONDAY -8 p. m.Advanced Caso fe La- diesacid Gentlemen. MON...…

April 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…'THE U. OF M. DAILY. __ _ w * BANDAGES5 ": id4tl aritaliniments _i lmany ohe totcacs Olkins' Pharmacy.I M The SeeC PinkC Shirt is all the go among fine Dressers. Dnr fine Line. THE OUTFITTERS, BO0WIDISH (3& A2w=r3som3' ,QIW:J & NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ___________________________________________7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. IR2 .A 1:1T7 7, A SO RM N2'OF_- T.1 WNNIS, BASE BALL .AND SPORTING GOODS whicl) they otter at p~rices Gu...…

March 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…t't* -of . a l . VOL. IV.-No. 1 28. oc. I.-No.195. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARCH 2, 18941. PIETRECN. PRICE, THREE CENTS. TALK ON "BUSINESS." Mr. Mills gave an Interesting Dis- course on that Subject Yes- terciay Morning. Mr. Mills addressedi the S. C. A.j Sunday morning on the subject 'Business.'' The business mass has come to occupy a position of spec- ial influence in the irlil. Souse ofj the nmost lrominent officials iii the ...…

March 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. . . Of . T li u. The Yale Nine's Spring Trig. _____The Tale baseball team started on Puablished Daily (Sundays excepted) during its Easter trip south on Wednesday. ste,Csllere year, hy Fifteen tutu were taken along. The THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION following, which will be the make- Subscription prie $'s.501 per year, invariably tp of the team in the gamies of this iadvaul's Single copies 3 rents. Subs...…

March 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. RIGHT IN LINE FOR JUNIOR HOP... orgain cyq- LEW H. CLEMENT, Long and Shodt B1som1WhiteDres Shit. lWhitcand IPeal d Giloves. I1S8. MIN ST. Director and Manoger. Whfkte Dress . W hiteSilkiI adkerci l hite~ienladleel 10 ir & . EXCELSIOR LAUNJ1DRY DA INE', & GlbSUI® 20 'AST OCrRON STREET. D-,A TIK RS_ ao Good Work Guaranteed. Gioods called forNo9ouhanstetoedToSn) and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. !_...…

March 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. What is nicr for Eas- A Dolar Line of Easter Ties ~ Iter than a box of Calkins' a Th Oufitters, chocolates, 25c, 50c, 75c, or more. QW DIS= e& wrE°T s2 T_ MQQIEJ& WIVEcXsE NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. SSA -7.T2a. FT77II, AO ZM 7z'TO _-. - E " I m i? .L.L, I' A-y'' m 11 1%0 1H it"0 A ''"D YMS 3aox ' t , tlgsB W M . ' p dse!r eE ;~. ; ,c <iF U L DE11 s., . 4 ,. T 6..,.. ° tll/' . ®.t W T fi ...…

February 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV.-NO. 104. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 189. PRICE, THREE CENTS. SOPHOMORE ORATORS. in his gestures and style of delivery. INTERCOLLEGIATE LEAGUE. T i~eA aJ - -' ~The musical part of the programI New Rules Adopted-Milchigan Not. The Sophomore Competition in the was furnished b Miss Colton. Reresentedgby Delegates.- Oratorical Contest Won by hy Surplus Divided. ( 55' a elsomeFii, l 0 pnee isan Mr. F. P. Sadler. The decisi...…

February 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M1.. DAILY. Pultished Daily (C annuay excpteat) duriat; the olliee oat-aso TIHE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Ali copy inat',be' at the oftice before vati t.m of thetdaty ot publicatiaon. St :aNnt 0EaITO'Ri'sS FCrE:1-l017', a 'he Mttaniag Fditort'mauy b ti ttti a:t tarImF ,f aotie('tt ht'tttioainglatr:ttt' ontiy. iteate-- lay atndtFr'taay, frot ttito'clockh, p. a. 1Ev- et'yt -eniattnaom730 1ot6 by stories anti music. Miss ...…

February 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CH EQUAM EGON ORCHESTRA. tS TAR 51 Oi:nt sio1kb Hirer-torra~agor. hex' Spring Styles in Neg+lige hrs 011NC'W0P l' BI 011(1 Caps. (Comin1and1(1See IThem. OF EXCELSIOR. LAUNDRY D .TNE, ?u EA'' r iHURON Sill' Er. D.A TINK 9-W Good WSii ork i nerd (Goods eolrii for o 9 South Maui street, -rSt-r o etly ori-opied by T1'oc~z ) andl deli iviled. A. F.k OVERT, Prop._____________________________ AI6 .n~iIEclForb. t'oe fTHE FISK§...…

February 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. All the new Spring Styles and Novelties in Gents' Wear. AT ) L UTITTE1 ILI S . & .. MQQEJ &Wc7 ZE0 , NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. -T.a77 ~ F I I2 O TEXT BOOKS FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER IEAN' ND)'SECOtNDtIlANI). iNOTE"41-1i4)OKi//A SPECIALTrY. z Aran Arbor Saving Ei Et -M 1"3 Ia (l31 Vi. i w i i{!.iri 'ii'. __ iati2 iaiaa V a[/va - t ia. '(1/.i la. i t1 Ot' 111 S)lt r laathiliai /a Ia aaw/)t...…

January 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…Vol". IV. ---No. 8. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1894. PR~nE, THEEN CENTS. MR. POST s SECOND LECTURE. The exposition of the H-ery I OUR CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. _ -TO Gife Aufai - George theory by Mr. Pot was en-i The Inter-Collegiate Debate Wil be An Exposition of the "Single Tax" tertainingly clear, and famnishes a for the Next Two Years litMnti-lelpnilad by an Able Advocate andwihNrhetr.ehve:oufn lapeisad Earnest orker. Igood basi...…

January 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -'ZC. of W~f. T aitg. eubisahed Daily (Sunidays excepted) during the College year, by THE LU. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subsecription price i$2.50 per year. inivariably i ii advancer ingir enpira 3 censa. 8Sabicrip- teans may tbe left at the otfice of the DAILY, ast Stoffletas, wsth any of the ediaors or authorized solicitors. Gan matlicatiossehauld reacts the office by i aciatch P. m. if they are te aappear the next l...…

January 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…I /A THE U. OF M. DAILY. a t~iE~a. ' a a ' WHEN YOU WISH YOUfR THE CH rQUAIEGONOfRCHESTA. 11w tH e:tt tNlt bk30 S~lnKr. tiretrari;,a~a-A}NTFO HE E C L Christy Hat. London.L. L & A. Hat, warranted. Roelofo HastfP et'FH9Goes11O1 6 A AT l HNSrtEr.asonarFiHMns1it It~3sttt Si aUsflhd n Ha, Good Wol, Cl aooo ted fodst leta Utf o store orierIY Occupied Iy tay0'WOO AH . l o1~t andstoeed. A. F.OVNTProp _Doe-cal to__Galeyanddoe il h itt ed i te sualtar...…

January 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…'HE U. OF ',.DAJ7.. _ BET07TR STILL\ Here 4; a Takere fUI Our Tan lShoe3.< LOWNEY'S 'SUPERFINE°'010 1, o\ iESad 1111 S ONEL-FORTHIO011 CHOCO.&'I1111l) I INED (A OX L a ir MITONI' Fill. 1 1 'II. p~ AT THIS ()UTFT heLifr1Bes1tsRobbers in ow for'h r ic, Oalk ins' Pharmacy BQWI7jS & 'I'ESONz M:OGMEJ &R7 Q' NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. INVITE .ATruTNO 111HI,1IIEAUTiFUL 1,AND (HE.X Pt1 COLUMBIAN + EXPOSITION ALBUMS - AN...…

October 26, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…t j e tt* of ,. la VOL. IV.-No. 23. NO COMPROMISE POSSIBLE. Both Factions of the Inter-Fi-a Row Stand Firm-A Few New Facts. The little trouble among the fra ternities over the election of Mr Townsend as freshman toastmaster is still the subject of talk amon frat men, and all hope of any coi promise between the two factions h about as far distant in the vague fu ture as is the day when the Water mang ymnasium will be completed That there wi...…

October 26, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY.________ Pulished Daly (Buaayt excepted) during the Colee year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sul tription price $2.5) per yra, invaiaby in ta cec Sinle tpesets3rettt. Sbcrip- ttons may be left at the ottier of the DAILY, at Stottet,twith aty at the editrt o authorized solicitors. Commuicatoac shold reah the office by 7 oclock P. M. if they ae to apper the net Icy. Addesnl matter inended fot publica- tion to the M...…

October 26, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGAIZE 160. NCORORAED 886 U. OF At. CALENDAR. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LE W H. CLEMENT, Fri., Oet. 2-Riley and Sherley, in S. L. A 51l0 So RT'ST.t irector and Manager. EXCE SIO LAU DRY Sat. Oct. 28- Senior law election, law lecture E C L I RL U D Y rosmn 8:30 a. m 20 EAT HUttON STREET. Saturday, Oct. 28.-Ninety-six class meeting, Good Wosrk Guarnnteed. Goode roiled tar SRooma A, Sa. im. and delisvered. A. F. tOYERT, Pro...…

October 26, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. IRO S ----- ASr SA.IJBL- Alt 2.50, $3.00. $3.50 and $4 00 Hats, excepting 0Silvenssa oetats FOR $1.98. - QE *, EIGHT DAYS ONLY antoy, 0ct 28th. W;. i o 9.1. A, l. ~FIDAY' Oct. 20 to SATURDAY, Oct 28th Alt Stles ad Sz' Calkiius' Pharmnacy STATE STREET. STATE STRPEET. CSRO, & ~NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER; OF WILLIAM. Have a Iltlli Assortttent of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new atd second hatnd, and all hids of ST...…

May 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…NEE i AIL a + aT,.III.-No. 1iN. ANOTHER VICTORY. Mlichigan Wins from the Iowa Rall Players In a Well-Played Game. Grinnell Defeated. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, FIIIDAY, MAY 26, 1893. public programe to which all are TENNIS AT CHICAGO. welcome. Papers will lie readl on i1od lyrsSoldTyCa 0 H-oiiieliolil Sanitation, Scieitlific Teamn Going to Chcago t (Cookers aiiil Houlsehldll cono- June 2nd and 3rd. ci iil n il u iiteIii h hl t i i iiciI PRIC...…

May 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…-THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~ ~- ~ icyaii distance ranner, was a featare ,~J.. oJf ofI theecday. ie hlie the one soil two- ________mile recorils, after magnilicent ran- f ied Daily(5 nn xceped) dutring I11102 nid close finishes, the tirnelieiiig oh oIr er, )y:1 and 10:8'13-5 respectively. hFillia, a A .N O THE U. OF .M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION of 1Itoiwt. made a great shossg ntrwn teh~nr a ingiiein EDITORS. it fetechthree and one-halfidihes. FA~N SHQE...…

May 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST AND BEST RAT SALE.- 4i4REE DAYS ONL IY. Asoataoeol of NEGLIGEE itttltTS in the City _________Friday, Saturday and Monday. ItAVE Y0oU SEEN 01 JR NEW SPIONG STOCJX? Choice of ay Soft at Stilt Hat ineour stot (Ko adL inticlit Benett- asal ti) jat $1.85. Thse hats cosot $-0, $2,75, $300 aol $4 00. 'hy wiSg)wt I is a Spleondid Shooing of Stls ad Overcoats. Etr Valor at Lota Prices. arsh, s coe early. WadhamS 4. Ryan 4...…

May 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. D..A.IY A-F 'FINE DI8PLA Yj y.p- 3 7( 1.I AY IiAN .14a4nTAl o edge or.I it ricke tin alyitlicr If Youiar 11ti tsfieid 'ifici 151!1the Stop we oill gladly te'ion your msoney. Evcrybodly is saifed so far out of toi o than i00 purchasers. Calkins Pharmacy. Ghitarss j3ai)jOS, M~adolins, VIiI)5, sEtc, AllElegantily Firinhed and Rich in '['ane Wtill bt he hin0g for Suiomeri wear. Yo wanitoe WILSEY, - The Music Dealer. IjNF.O8ILEJ EB...…

April 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…ii) 3 t 3£3tU ( ei 5 -4 or 1)-l tiS 31>i; y "s del0)> )- r'a .ROl'! MIC BANQ ETE E in'S k. l tenic.'. l"T 1.Ii 1 :_ )iil10F(1. ..... 5 lo --~--- ________ tiS no ii. 1 iii t - t ~ lon 1310 lo 1oi ,i , e ainoil.i.o li 1hi o o rs1(, i, te iti irl ' lI 0 l( l tin fte lii n;Xi olthc1e i i lp ttroeot I i of says ti nit1 recoj ils givnd in t ll hoo l.V l il1011010 010 5el tlatll~c~ oicrt i1 en das. i~cr wler n c tl('(li-een t i, ld d 0 i)e1)5ttso...…

April 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ZC. of T af , itu. 115 tes idlay ini rceivisg oiy will S IPB I N G S T Y E S 1 8 9 3 It is deirablel that as much citpy lie tlished nily' Sn a 5eeptett) dtin eft liat theoffice every es-ciing as is t I i i a i li L i io t-ls is-i.T aaila t,-Coletea, y osibeaste dior w llbeth r THE U Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION poshiaste itr wl itlir for the puripose o reeiving stich- EDITORS. I r. 'litis is an ironclad rite ( A. 'r: 1 o i...…

April 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…THE U.. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST AND BEST FoR PARTY WE/VAR \lsrme fIic I : I 01.'IG I oI T n te it 14lAX'E YOU SEED OiJi1 NEW' SpJiING tSTOCII? f I 'c~k I151 c~sfct clttece B N If Fiske, Clark & Flagg t lop e I ) c 11nI Goves, Iress ess ('Icb Uouse Dress Tiesc, Si't, Steds, ll thes Late-,,t at W adhcmS 4.Ryan 4. & 4. Reule. crWI- AWO S _i S Ann Arbor Savings BankPARNZ OWEN' S BARBER SHOP ! WRDSFRR~Hr!J S xcelsior L T' s aundv Ann ArborMcti. ...…

April 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…iANC OIIRS - KiTT 'OK rot i) D i C m-:;: ,S" 1, 2 R G TTs 'R "4' ~0 04~4'5Ooo4o'4 4r'1~FIj14r~xr~~Ub) 1 JVVJ.~L5~..UL5].L ....OaD ~r R, OO~S N ' AN) SEC)ONID HAN. Our St.ock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. ,~t Makes CHICAO1 14405 '1 BicYCLES. M ru~g Store. Will 1You Look 11 REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY 31lb. 'Clipper 1B1and"1 Solid meat Tomato4es for $1,10) per (10z. I; <'Dolphin GL ' ' 44 "t " 1 1.) cG 3 "c""River...…

January 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…je 'eof , . 1 . VOL. III.-N-O. TS. VOL. 11-No 78. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THUiRSDlAY, J A-NLAIIY26, IS9<l. PscTttzeCNS Tfji.,,F, , CENTS. THE JANUARY INLANDER. ;K. Friedman, and "Anita," by f U. OF P. MAY WITHDRAW, }Stewairt 1:. White. The Alumni Question Discussed by She is Disgusted at the New Rule - Ralph Stone-A Number of n erse, Lawreiice A.1cI ii ill Passed by the Inter-Collegiate Good Things. has the prize poem, Broken FotalAsiton ...…

January 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…'W. of W(. $Taity. Published Dsaily (Sundays exscepted) during the Colleive year, b~y THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION subscription pricesh..dl per year, invariably n draneo Single opies i3 sents. Subscrip- tions may be left attsthofire to the D~AILYs, us Stutlot's, swith uany sothe editors o autborized solicitors. Comutnicattions sluld reach the office by 7 o', it theynare to npperthe test dny. Asddress nlsnatter intendest tue pub...…

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