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February 26, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-26

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~Ij It. ot7A.fn

A Discussion of the Problem of the
AdJustment of Labor to Capital,
and the Distribution of Wealth.
Prof. Tihonmpson gave a very sug-
getive taper before Unity Club last
.-veiilg 0n "The Inldividulal and 111e
:State." It was given in place of one

accnmulations of wealth above a cer-
tailn limit should be hlandeld over to
the state. This would prevent the
amassing of vast fortunes and the
willing them a lway, to tile degenlera-
tion of the recipients of wealth whlichl
thley hlive not eairnedl, and~ to tile die-
satisfacetion andl envy of tile1p00r
The Coming Conference.
C'omlete arranlgemlents for tie' cias-

wichlwas115o10hlvel1)1111reald by sisal conferec to be Ileldill Anll
Fi hel' Kelly, a1111certalily nthing Arbor 'Marchl 27-25 are being concltud-
. ould hlave been lost by the chasnge, Id, 111111tile lprospIets.ire thait tile
J-lls lisle of thoughlt 011sts follow:: attendanlce wiii be very large. It is
Every age 'has its soeial Iproblemlto e lxIIII-It that redueed raliroadl r ates
solve. 'Thfat of thseits0' 5till'adjulst- wilt ll'e51ecuredt illIeiglitlortilesttets,
,elitly ihistory(If 0o11rInationl it wals g-,an.
versall suffiralge were' till'panacea. ilforle tl'Scholmatllstelrs'(club wvtose illtel'lSt
c01110 to 511' that thttrel'areI (vils wich lie lttelllltties, the' adtdress5of Jothln W.
evenl thleelannot iprevent. Thle grow- White, (If Hatrvatrdt.011"Grteek ill'Mol-
welthl 1100 brougt.lwithl it a conlstanlt Thutrsdaly insotead~ of (Ill'Wednesdlay,
ousy' anion-g tie Iiffrt lassoies (If programl. It is seldomlltthat s0ollmany
society, Thlere is toda~y equliltly tbe- ltistillglishtllt eduaeltors tare ellec'ltedl
fore law, equltllity at thell's1t, 111111togethe~r ill 11111asstembllageas will tbe
distributionllof wvealilelthlas'slluncqullplortunlity t toertile addrlesse's of tile
The murmurstll of discontenlt itamong tie' in Memory of Judge Walker.
poorer clalsses over tis inlequality,-
'1111 followinlg resoltutionls hatve beell
mIurmursll'5whichl swlled to stuch alarml-
in~g prolportionls lttst stlltllet ill Chi- adlop~tedllb1y'till law classes of tile Uni-
sag, ust nt b inordthe manvt'tsity relative tol til ethli of Jutdge
cagot111051renolton igfrd.they1110011stC. I. Walker, whlo wias a11 lllllltlt'of
arenotremvedtill first law facuilty of till't'liv ersitfy:
'Whereas, God ill His infin~ite wisdoml
Two things hlave' brosight abotit tile 111s1remiovted fromi this life Jtitte
.resent inelquality illtile distributioin Walker', of Detroit, who was 0110 of
of wealth; inventions, whlichl Piave ill- the first lectttrers and for mianyly ears
creased the incomle of caplitali and de- a5 ieiiiber of tile faculty of this in-
creased the earnings of labor, and the otittitioii, aiid who lissallways boen
,effot ofnov0110n of its warmlest friceids antd most
efetofgvrument to protect 111111ardeiit suplporters; therefore, be it
foster certaini classes of industries.,lRlsolvedl, Thiit it is but a just tribute
thus allowing souse to grow enlormlous- to tillsmeniory of tile departed to say
ly rich at tile expense of others. that ini regretting his rcnioval fronm
How restore the old conditioin of tis life we iiourn the loss of one who
equl dstrbuton f walt? Terewas in every way worthy of our cc-
equa disribtionof wisih? Ter spect.
must he permitted no laws which al- Resolved further, That thtcse resoin-
-low an individual to flourish without tions he spread upon our records, and
-labor. The most flagrant violation, of that a copy be seat to the family of
-this principle is in the ihrtneo h deceased and to the Detroit, Ain
thi prncile s i th inerianc ofArbor and Chicago paptei's for publics-
vast sunts of money. Htencoeitt time tion.
laws permitting such inhieritanuce be Discussion of Currency Problem.
altered. If a law could be pitt today-
Upon the statute hooks of New York Prof. F. ',%. Taylor will read a paper
-prohibiting Jay Gould from leaving on rethe curreincy question in the lec-
thanhalfa milionor s turech room of Tappan ball, Wednesday
moie tan alfa mllin o soto achevening at 7 o'clock. Tbis is the same
-of his children, the rest of his fortune paper Prof. Taylor read some time
-to go to the state for the promotion of iago at Kalamazoo,, before the Micli-
all the best interests of the people at gan Economical association; and fab
large, It would do more titan any otiier view of the present promninence of this
.one thig t satsfythe ealusy nd such talked about, but little under-
O~e hin tosatsfy he ealusyandstood, question in national politics, all
dj1otent of the laboring classes who would have well founded opinions
'Law should everywhere provide that upon It should hear Prof. Taylor.

State Aid to Colleges.
Pofessor Simton Newconb, th ft-
mous10 astronlomler, iiiall articlein i the
tFebruary issue of the N, A, Review.
favoriiig the fotndationl of the "Na-
eational work: of promotion of cotgi-
"The aplianlces for this e ttentiton
cainiot be adequately supplied by tie
local athiorities, and the5severaliislts
of till'tUnion therfore iiakt' provisiol
foi it. This recgitionil of its tsful-
1115s has mlet with till'pproallof ll11
prideI. Tht'elminentlreatsoalentel'tss of
tis tpolicty is justilie'd bythtil'eosill-
Il. ittillilthat this orderl' of 11111(01 1111is
of impt~orttnce to the letire stat. If
poplatllhilontale lrequtiredltill t~lhelarnd
professions, it is llleesaly thaitt.ts
e11l' tredlI for theis'dutites to siety;3'
whlichi lre lessenltillyh3of aituic har -l-
"Ttako'at.f lw 11physialthivstigtotrs
olut of I aellgenerations11111we1'sioldil
11aveI 1111knowvledge' of tes fore lot
,1'aimt. Tttke 1away aii.few hpresrIs
themIlselve's with theIln lvestigatoni lf
the curiotss proerties of elecriity,
and twe shtouldhave'no kowldg (f
till tpractical uses of tait agnt. 'fak
out a few phlilosophercss, a1nthwee1 sold~ll
tnt hae oulriprsentI ietas of hutmlani
righlts, liberties 01111opularhltgovr-
mnit. Had110110 11an1in a miitlioi been
takens froml each generation we sholdl
reh tills eid of thIe ninetenlthic'li-
tully in thte codition of the sixtenth.
The Harvard Faculty on Football.
A special mteeting of the tHarvard
facilty woas leldTu tesdlayafterlon,
at whiichi it was decided that in the
opiinioit of the faculty it wouli be well
to put an end to intercollegiate foot
ball, Thle object of the meeting ws
to discuss theo question of conining
football to colege grounds and to
consider means of reforming the exist-
ing athletic evils. Before any action
could he taken upon these questions it
was moved that in. the opinion of the
faculty intercollegiate football should
be prohibited and this motion was car-
ied. Professor Morgan, secretary of
the faculty, nade the anouncemnt
It was v otead that a comumunication
to this effect e sent to the corpora-
tion, requesting that body to forward
the same to the athletic conmittee.
The action of the faculty is merely an
expression of opinion, the settlement
of the question lying with the mem-
bers of the athletic committee 'rhtl'h

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Some people though try to use
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or iso tone.
We Say Buy Those Which Hae Tone
We sell that ind.
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tiosil failities for plcig sudeasts opsiio.
Boardad roam $2 o $.75 peeuweek i priata
fomilies. These ras redced is isiso by sl'
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consists of nine miembers, three from
the faculty, cooe from the graduates X J l-''I'm
and three from tlb undergraduates. VI "1H 11 S

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