S. gi+ the averseeop~inion which wasotheld (_______ ______-SIHOES. SITOES.
of lt", lull e5 iilli theeior eo Ot ntt Socsgtsa
f ubl hl daily (S.uiday eseete'l)l urneg Titl itnir Moc goesi tilatttttl 1'
liauldgyai 1l(ince t'itiut teide tihl techical ,14 Reduce Pac s,
THE Ut Of M, IND[P[NDE ASSUIUITI N, i~l tyq!t1111111 i ~t-~. . e
OFFICE: Tittle builtiii' N. Maln st., oppositeL TL
post oilier jitit Xi'rliieotleittSo 11 ARCH 1ST, 1895.
EDITORS. eJisiletovet tinotitit 151011 thei tAwO ____________
II.-tirillA, Lit. '57, Masat g Editor. an, of0 nelIy (dua11ttltit pa it hitJAC)3 11 (( L A T
tG. It. Ito~ io I00 Lb' '9I Assist a. (10(0 itot scum1 ('orittetit if) caOse '5 t ,) ct
A. A. Sa~is', il.p'10, Aescistr, THEl ii ia,1e1'o llttis i '.1 VICTOR TRADE MARK Masli'tiioi lieo An Artie
7iA. PatuEot Lit ', Athleicsto. ller byite ao ity is ten's, il i i s oilabslute g011rantee of 00alily. P. S-This includes all our FinePat
.1. S.I iEAiii Law 9Business Ai .It s ee foun 0on( ainy 1)01 tihe (lest ent Loather and Russet Shoes.
ii* ~ i~~s. ,is, liaiiipee 'ltltiig pepl well Vsii ersedin p ini- od
11 TV L~Y aw' li, Assistiat. -gos O S
Associate Editors. iles (If orliloty. thlti 11110 or fotur per- Victor Afllelie floods fault1 with 'rillE GRANik) OPERA HOUSE.iylsadae eoin N IGTOL
S. Bi. Shiley, Lit. 'J5. 11. A. IDancer, Litl'95. rolls( Shoulid1 se,' 1lltlil't in lit d~ieely mior popilaree y 1111lay. I eeloil O E NIH O
E. L Evass, I(1 a'913 E.It.liSude rllillit'llt~loitlilt.iull) ne tloasebll, 'lelnnl, foo1t TUE TSDAY 1L B.~' C 5 l
Carrie V. Smitih,'i L. iilfla l'1,Law '. balllsll timnast. andJJ ~ ± Atlei; u -
E i . Bartlt lit '97 1V A. (Spill, I bo,1f Il oride that the 111 'isolt (If t"iug', IlCtyl~l i~I((1 ll~i sp fooing is Iti of i ' 11 '(I'll s ee '1 ((lee
,Gilll1 '" ' 9 H. I . I oAlet.10'h pl1'c TIhl (Istel Iioft I ec l ll is 11.1
oeMirie AI. Thoteessi Iloll.Ger, H LC RO
1ubsc1itionlpieE ~ery t(111 (l l leI(li' it is tiV sslv'5i1 that1 unifortin- ''T E A K C 0
l n puclgeeollslel x ,01111 Per year,'5' Iiiibi i tititi. O E M N WHEEL CO. I lo ll (11'11ei l lelO 1rle
Vll5ll-lal''lf'ictorBicilyles. by 1111' lIr r 1i rvl'eo'
at Stolitds Ilt State st. nelw 011110, w11 ith anyiill litdititii . 11.r. itlOf lol .. l I and l' dsl sh1111t 1:, ' yllr
of the. ei(Itors or a(utth(oriced solctos cide1 oi1l t ill,; m rits of thoulght. 10'o Ni'i X, ie airgo, Penvei'. '71e el ie iinrgly Love1'ly t''IeI s .
o'coc- i i. f tio I if - ~gcvs l'rt o lod olilpllous eery. Tonsof lias-
Odiy. A 11111155 ll matter1111111 inen e 11(111 pu l lutlsliolll'I wh111 off" 111'Slp ilkl' i" gis''i ______________________________ I i,A o.lllll r~ll'lil Ba10l11 l let, A11(1 1 ho
lie" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H ANNna eRYIit3 BANKy ntt'.1opomydfe PRICES, - 35c, 50c, 75ceand $1.,
THE U. OP M. DAILY. 111 1111po 5111 ill~litic n oito Ill Ilill 1 'oxl ii Aon Arbo, Sild II p 1 t 1111' 6(11 0,000.
Ann Arblor, lK +EE .tS CO
\h wn by sx.ifei '1c't(i Il1,,'6 ( ll l~ti e ltl ao t l'll lt 1111 citie if ther
sibll'fllrtlhepiniiisorstaesl'ofclres- Uitedill St(ales. Ii,~(10111l 0(1111,11 111propl FISKRS GE CIS
tlll ts1, 011011rin ((11 (ill' te o'.LY 1 (hI' ratinig of spye'0l',l l'lliill'1(alits itifection. fcislil ) Iah '0(.t I. 1.T A iiti R ili
whseini1dala11'y-i no1 d fi sMooei, ,11 vi t e as , I ,t Ilsok Chcgosi.,35aaahev.
Quite, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i a' ('i..illf ofilaactoigcraher.I J tyAsstn asir
e 1(1(1st,5 sup11rio1 aibility (If (111 (('01' Metropolitan Cafe Theil( molst comllelle Agecey iSyw '(1 tllttc
theeilrt 11sf bll a ~;nod1 i11a1117 s1111e1 yet. -iFouth Alve., i t IleuRool .rliogl o o iH i S_._oel______, s
Tann wilb rqurd tt o l 'Iohiilhit traim lb' attenidats a.5 wed( and ( it y Of~lice tBoidinlg. fOpenI all C(ENl'tIlfS 'lI .OCTE 5'
als Ill contlestattl1l15I'15'1'5. hors. Biosto,,ui (litan, l D isutn,I.C,
thr~ll da(ys in te f1' e'lo;u. ali si11 tic Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. Nrinrt YrI, (u,'Anigeles Toronto,.
light at irllS. 'lo fr but1 fe'w iiu59 Practice for Sprinters.~ Aletnelel 0f1 tac Ie Tfie leroes' Asso'
only 11i5" presenl'ited'1wc lI'l'l'5Icra 1V'nllil5 '1110le didl FIRST CLASS CUSTOMU TAILORING Cosby & Me~eon R. R. Ticket Agency
Tit D ek ~ 11111 1 x. 11eet, espah l ly17 in thc -111 y'Ih1'IS clasht, Coerner of State aindi Williamo sts., (1111n1ty 1 Il~ leh 11 NI 1 . 1001(1 st., Ano
('Ihl. TlSIak ia atctii S illia",t5.entIIralnlce Arbor, Mnialo.
1115'111 1. bih(11'('019 (II~I~l'' 111' trip (If caull us ill hIb 1(111 allros thec S'0 ' ~ ~~'5.'5''e " ~ 1'w'~ '~'I"
new'ien.~~'lI 111 Othe ro '(lliillI. run 11a~ie'111 o lrO2,hlidrht Sii10~ H T ~ v E I
(If Shulclilig otf~ i(1111111' fil r t .1 o 11(0' l tilsi (1 or ('111ctud fn ..s ~ IR'~nE1~
atio a ll ther x stdns ho are1 l' i11h 5 eti 11 shs ll r t a 51 ls tol reor111]
111o trtfor ithhteevns U h o ratc this is'ir ('Vielt (itt' 111 ,(111 elno thaitod ,coF Vea S
hepants ine idea ofsl giobog th il l tee betha
Ei~lls'ewhin or olu ns is 1111 (5( o uit the other n29,~f ind addtio tos itsl eon Editedt byLBRg.HA
o101~ cig0'111, caiss't n ates rel lef 111101 for ll(it [ t o of ar eoliiiiohoul 00 - l fsRE,' E gadtoghtemguieisl as no atal
to1151111Icuon~l lixt t'ii'tgl3 ev11 I m yet( n of reprin of th Engis edtin ltl deal most) largel oilt
Ti u sol bi -oto seitool5sa c lnits reeived111' smncninepnene
fonrea, d fift ut(ri l' n of mohI lll e , e foil th wrsln evnt Thel Rei cuf Review is a th l time ly ein illusRtin wast a 1
I)d .Sils J lav, MUsIC ari instantl inal toticl s eok movmetsa oftey to, ai dree nvr
home, stheil isel' Ittgt rolsiwisl amn thmteels ae ntewolsyta h eiwo
rat for theo forc ofIiis't' 111118 "Sixei Lov SogE ue cnmc n soialprou ess the mostzinfetl mesno ad women
tNt. hreass fluesls ltsisuemscl eacKa 100 vla~e whl fo %rfs
clalposhp t icg ndi d lsetols Heav Paer Tb~o nts. sionabl an buiessrn t ofsh sEmpls edait., eals most agely..',
ttf ltm5 isth tse T til c r 'sito st Clr rcnce byfairefu an speiald ist efc neednei t w fie
trite a stuaihitiy of ju d0tcs scuthe- The tdtdoietoofClgeons sTe ofReriew coRevwiewdeuis a nthy tiey the illstrtinessid charxt,
for ~ ~ ~ ~ Oe lac of sold.iv Hevo Parer, 50 beor drae'fTauad fra erswolfer kte irlin om eiostn
WOshould asecaici wit lit. frilit'ces Clth Gilt, $1th soe f e immeayitestnmin ore wmerldeytha, the Review of ves&
intats ofp t fnt ole ttti'ti, D ou'tsand- a ~l pei c uries aei eachly whit the se ko e ot de letister.
mulio~OLEG SONG FORd GIRSr tht~1+* n ueeoos pandsoca hyotheseie The ostifleial miendand wome.V
Btyt lotsk E.ei Sahyeri irnsatln oflil Six'~r of al reewsadapris have arobl tanoh famicn aftercd to os, t
rtei of tsssr. aofh s tio 100 Osly e' bolfs tyis ils pxubish Titeia eurcedeoned saucess win h ittrenl idri cle for ecofes
setings.teav Peaer,7 ientosomn, cedPr ci
Thle plrt luii h ororial us tet sot-ildbuins mni is~ simly a at ie ,ale - Tb A
A w OLG SNS nilenble eTivlue deatant ev;~ ~ i inrrd e aln
bentdtSan phrers. Ar ecni eoaetnh nuand- timeins he Reiewo R,-eviewsrnir
doe.ts i tre il ,t'iiner atl a - um oyr cns- ;, ssisiiPii ii ii.i has~e ts reular departint s: iir
toC L EG O G FO G I L . , All t i e li ns w y t e R v e s T e P o r s of5 thi e iWrld. A t ust r a
ied that the pyres Ilt tho ettloe d forC.' Any boak cant postpit us receipt uf price. Oiherd, ,nartmntee caefully inw
R'TI~~T ~ mEVEWaRpMWS in helehts didxsofalatce
ilititing~~i the ability of thes con tantsOLVE terse__ __ __ __ _
llliiiinz,~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 13c blt ftoCl (S'1USO IE IS NCQ Astor Fles New YorkC dilyrecrd o unve canis
is unfai r in the main, sodc this fact 5345Wslgo 1, osn c ~
is no 1orC cearny 5sen 1ha by C, 11. Ditas & Co. N. TI:.