Puldished Daily (Sundays excepted) during
m-Coll e e ar, 1vy
ALL those who have not yet paid
their DAILY suhscriptions should do
so at once. It takes money to run a
college paper an) the past year has
been an exceptionally hard one.
The DAILY asks, therefore, that suh-
scribers who have riot as yet paid up
should do so without further urging.
A Letter from Harvard.
The following extracts, is refer-
ence to the U. of M.-Hurvard game,
are taken from a letter sent to a
friend in Ano Arbor, hy a recent
Michigan graduate:
"The irt tinnin:g opened) nith:a.:flionrish.
Hinhlande was pitching and tihe boys -enried
t toc s):hint up frely. (iti: twonmel: 51
bases Sm~eltze-r nmade- a beautful lhomse ron,
and: thus three run~s were n:etted ter A::: Ar-
bore. Th~en ca:me Ha:rvard's tort:. A rather
easy onte was:hit Is Hlli-ster whs fumbhied it,
atnd then noird) mad~e suec: costly erros etht::
beforetMich~igan: had recovcered, four runs
were ill. Pevple nttools0111 taird' ln111at::)n
playeda fOne snift glme. In: iact alter th:e
first inntin:g Ann Ar)o toeup0ns:I:firnt-cla-s
eate, tile best see:: hero thin season. In theo
6th inntintg Michigant,:aided by erro:rsof1:1Ha:-
yard, madet.1 runs. Itt tho ;h Hollister ma:de
a co:stly erronr. Th~e hal [twas khnod totward
3cdstnd hith i:roert-ry twide oftflent, so t::a:the
bulltstrntup into theograntd nand, andlbefo:re
Hart got it theomn ha1:11cor:eod. In t e8th
Wigrin put aswift grotnder ocerecn nd
bertught i:n asonre, an:d tenscretdono ili-
latnd'sqtile. VToeoel: end):o Michigan's
batting listcould tin nthting atnd thtogvnte
nas:end::ed. Shields and::lWatermn made;: tt
nome very pretty catche, wheittStmeltzer
caugh~t anti ba:tt-d welt. Hlnli-ter pitched:a
fine gome ant iscth goo:d supponrt is a wintntg
pit:c)::r. He soll piteit in tihe Cot:::-))game
whicih the bo:ys aroeonxpectintow0::nt. Thoe
areosoomenvey good platyers on:tth:-e te whih,
hoeer,sdoe0111 sem tolbetwell ibalaned,
anon:ly:aboutL ihalt:0ot toe 1m-n can bede-
pend:ed up:::: at aoil :tookehoait. Th~ere:-re
pre-rnt:tt thegame out::20 U. of M: :1cc
wioegaette Miclhigatntyoels t vt l)
A Peculiar Law Suit.
plaintiff to fulfill terms of contract. CasWN PENsCa. FaUNTAIN ANDGOD
The jury, which was composed of 0 SATE SEE,nnn PEN MAKERS.
prominent business men of theciy CIAO
were out five minutes and brought= °" -
in a verdict of "no cuuse for action."mAWAvRDED HEATH
This decision sets quite an import- ADEtPN
ant precedent. "fTakes Fist Place." .BIDN 63
* + - The name stands for just what it is.
Freshmen Make Merry, The beat Bicycle buIlE fcr $125.00. Ann Arbor Savings Bank'
Ann Arbor. Mich. Capital Stoch, $0t,000.
B3aseball andS Lawn' Tennis. Surplus, $150,000.
One of the most successful social Spa.ling'siBaseba:ll end Lawn::Toenntis goods Oreanized undor nne General Banking Laws
ar:srr:o: edelunivoly throogihonttshe U S.aond) of this State. Recoives deponits, buys and
events of the college year was the Catnadi:. Scptldisv's Tondo maork ion varateec setllsehange on i'th prinsipatlcitrelo the
banqet f th frshmn clss ohiht h:t:go:nodaroete best. Complee ilion- United States. tirafts cashed upsn pesper
baqut f h fesma lashihterated l ~ one reatdy. Sen:t tree. identifioation. Solety deposit boxes to rent.
occurred last evening at Grangers. A. G. Spalding & Bros.. HarrimanVch rsiasMoot:,iPro;,wCa0
Chicago. New York. Philadelphia, shier, ltAJ.eitz Asst.Cashier.
About thirty couples were present -_________________
and enjoyedi the festivities of the
occasion. After the guy attendants CONSOLIDATED
had gathered arottnd the spactous ' -
table, President Emumons spoke a Semu-Tasorain -rn
fewe weords of wvelcome to the mem - IJiMOoN1Pi (AR5i WT
bers of the class, after sehich the ( ,1$Noter ihIa Taspraion
orator, Mr. Louis H. Hays, was n ARE THE BEST. j
troduced. He spoke at length of CIGARETTE SMOKERS wile ace wilt-
tag to pay a 1)1te01500 thathe50prife 0man
the clasus which is soon to enter upon eharged toe tho ordinary 1tr:1eCigarettes, ____________
tsophomore year. Then followed wl d~lRNnpcotaltos
Miss Thompson with an appropriate The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 4 Saillins per Week 4
closs poem. In the absence of M\r. CIGARZ:TTES ar aefoIh rgts. otdlct To aned from
Levy echo seas to read tihe class hts- ianfavo, and highestlcontSOLD LEAF 1 OH ICAGO0
toyhis produtiton seas delivered by grown in 'ViBWAEcFIITIONSnbev
Mist Hill. This proved to be the most that too nameof 1thoeoosmanatuers as
below ii on every- pacage.Ludinto, 'Maoistee, Fraekfor:tLe-
interesting part of the program, and landl, Traveose Csity, Clhurlevi,eeoix, ]'c
oil present attested to its excellence. To ,OK 4 & E MeRcWTBACCaoe 0 t::shoy, Boy ViewLHarbore Springs
'ifter~liss W~aters had fitly prophesi- t' BRANCh ts , tt.5astNVlPaINIA Mtackinac tsltand, hlen):i, antl all
ed the future of the class, the ban- KEEP YOUR ACCOIUNT WITH THE North~en Michigan: Poets.
quet seas partaken of. Toastmaster +$TATE $AV~fl2G$ BAI2K+ I:: d to Tw::It o-tGudii nl tpa-
rose sedsa et nrdcdan .L :r.Moin oand WshngtonStreets. thi::l:.
sendvasnettintodued ad A L.N:nLc, Ores. RReTtHILLIPS, sush'r,
he following toasts responded to: B. L. BURKE, Cen. Pans. Agt.-A N RB R
ANNAR OR. jEast End:) iilo::::t., Chicago,Ilit.
'The Claso, .C Lyster- "Alma
dater,' H. R. Gates; "The Girls," NH M{ J f1UNDRiY CO.___________
:V. R. Carpenter; "The Independ- 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS
°nts,' IV. J. Wu-rfel; "The Boys,' E. SFK. BItvss, - Mnag er'. PRINTING and~ -
Mliss Otis; "The Fraternities,tt E. - P B IH N
J. Cornwell. The tables were then , S©I. UBLSH N
emoved and dancing indulged in. ~nsjj~ueslol~el~ihl~l~l tda okaSnily
- - 1Caipital, $Sis:ooe, surplls;atdlolP'fits $17,000. (lot ot5:rkmn :an:d Lowesst Pries intthe City.
EReports of Gdamie at Field Da-Y. Dos a tone-rIbannkingi:::oinees. Pays intr-
-- ---..--- _ - - --_.--_---_-;. eel n :Sseinra Orponitn. tins Saloety t351105 sW. eiOtO sW, leriet. Groerc f
Deist Boxe-s for ront. R oses, Calrna:tions atd yiowvers:of nil sa--
RIt. iI Pres. FR. BELdER, Casier, ety. Flo:ral designs ma:de upnsot 0ii
Tl:sl: ouen 5Satt:rd:y :-veniegr. N:o. Observa tovy street, opp. cemetey0::tt..
I ®as/oR
A case of considerable interest to tiorsford's Acid Phosphate
the stutdent body was tried by jury ste otefctvan aie-
before justice Pond, Thursday. The i h 1otefcieadare
case was that of H. G. Prettyman able remnedy in existence for
versus J. C. 'Travis, '9 lasw, to re-
cover $125 for alleged breach of plrevenftinlg indigestion, anid te-
contract. ft appears from the testi- lieving those diseases arisintg
mouiy thot in the fall of 92a, IMr.
Travis node a parole contract for from1 a dlisordleredtl 50)1ihacl.
rho rental of a suite of rooms from D.XV I.Grnr pigod
Mr. iPrettynman for the considerution Muss., says: "I value i 01 00 excellent
of $200 for the college your, with preventative of tndigestio, and:a pleasat
certain conditiono, regardling privi- acitdnlato:ddrittk weho properly diilu:ted wit:
Aiter occupying thte rooms for wueai weee.
abotut tsweive weveks, Mr. Travis left
them, having paid $75 on tihe rent, Deeiptive pamphlet feontplict~iott to
$10 more than seas dole for the time RutmfordChemical Workn, Prsvidne,R.I.
of ccuancnewaroe of Substitutes ant ImIitations.
oocuacgiving as is reasons
for leaving, failure on the part of the For Sale by all Druggists
King of all yam--= Absolutely
Bicycles, the Best.
Liht Weight and y. Superior laterial
Rigidity. Every Ma= and Scientific Work=
clinefullywarranted nianship.
'5 Style
Eighest IHonors at the World's Columbian Exposition.
Seniltwmoant stamp far sac 24=page Catalogue-A work ofldArt.
Monarch Cycle Company,
Rottil Salosoo20Wabash Ace. Lake and Halsfed .Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
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