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May 26, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-26

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VOL.CIV.-No. 172.



LOSE TO PRINCETON. l St. Anarew's Vested Choir. Prof. Stanley's Birthday. -odPths, COLUMBIAL BICYCLE
By a Score of 21 t 4 ,-BondPice Th above choir will give a popu- Last evening at 7:30 o'clock a I
to Save Hollister for Cor-
nell Today, tar concert this evening at Harris meeting of the Choral union was FOR SALE.
The isexws of a z1-, defeat by Isall at 7:30. The progranm will in- hseld in-Frieze Memorial hail which
Priceonyeteraywa adisppin- dude solos b~y Mr. C. W. :Mellor, was, not summsoned by the director. lvs:iNein-vride -an nsi, is-tOse-t
ment to those who had hoped to see bas, and Master Gerald Brown, ft was the eve of Prof. Stanley's
th tam mae godshwigboy soprano, a vocal octette, and birthday and all waited eagerly the Price, M1ay nth, $9.0
agis rneo.Teoeshi-choruses by D~onizetti, Richards, arrival of the genial professor. He $1"61' LESS EACH .DAY.
ingdfawaacone fohw Schunann, Cowan. etc.., rendered was led in, amidst great applause,
ever, whsen it was found that ttol- by the choir. The secondi part con- by Prof. dePont, who in a very
litrwsbigsvdn o h ists of a one act theatris at farce, neat speech, explained the object of 51 South Male Si-
listr ws bing ave upfor the
Cornell gaume and that Bonid hedel characters being represeantedi by the mseeting, swhich seas ''to pass
see lntin hebo. VosA. S. tloughton, mniager; Mr. judgament ons this mnr.'' lHe then
'lle tnis tatjilyedPrnceonAustin 11isekneli, U. of It. Dent,' proceeded to ''charge'' him with
enssoisesti cangd i it mae-9J; ste. (Cart HarrimseanI-idsvarious ''high crinses and nsfsde-
llolite 1.itdoes fisthmteschool,'04; Miss Belt Mlasoin, U. of ineanors,''esnierating the great
at5. '1H 1 iIl-ocuitionary dept.,.''4; Missi things lie thnslone foir the interests
Peppsle seas again put in at short and , fi fmsc n h nvriy Te
Hanlon took rigttfielit until Ithe Lena ttisosaseon fH ~ossos fis sioenisiversity. ten,"
fouirth inniiigwhess he took lBond's j ary dciit., '9)4.asteexrsisofte'jcniu' .
laeadWetot eint into I Prof. "Mechems's Lecuire. osteohrsfse o ie$'sca b,i$:.yeao i5he~sati-tovvnsnia p iryits
plcIniWes otisociety' upon this work, Prof. dePont t~5l 15 "i rbor5pridanse i n fo5 aaloev-o
ighstfheld. iiresenteds litoehims aud eleganiti gold5
The ganseseas a six innisig ganse, A large aiidieisce assembled in the prsne1oliiaseeatgl
lawletur rom as e-nig vatcls anidchain.
rain preventing its being finished,.aetcueros atcesn oAe
Pictnwntegneoheba-hear IProf. Mfechem's lecture on 1Prof. Stanley' expressed Isis ap 10.R ss-isa Woonesse C
sing anid base-running, and also "1he Depsorts and their t)se. A pIato ey elnl'sysgla DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
stayed a great fielding ganse. (Oce history of the early Eniglisli repoarts his pleasure seas equalled only by'
~~thtwihhfetorthwainencouraging feature of Michigas's seas givens and the later systenisissed tawhclifetortexay-i THE "lWAVERY WHEEL
plaiti yeteray an ~nebating in En gland and the United States which the chorus acquitted iself in e5iii neni-iiihs0&51
eleven hits being msade off Altmsan. (were outlined. The professor ex- Saturday's concert. tire-iarv$85.00 5istie sensx mu uSofshe
Deanss Hollister I epple and Water-I plained the best nianner of using Prof. Kelsey, tpresident of the hor eee.Se iinithe indow of
man ted thii , battinig. the relsorts, and gave goosd advice in Unsiversity' Musical society, then BR W SD GS RE
regard to the purchase of text-boosks spoke of the great influence of Prof.
nRINCETON. and reports. Stanley's work aned said that ini no I
A.13. I. l. 110, A. . This lecture is the first osf a series otlier institustions in lis counstry'sa
paeyne,r. 5353 - ter scha usca d-eto-a
Kein 5:,is- -- 6 5 o tobe given on subjects of tpractical teesc- seia ietra
w5aes, c>I------ 5 1 05 value to law students just beginning Prf Sale sorscha cou as
Aetsenzie , the-practice33of 0lseirep rofessions. the P. Of ]NIt.now xsupsports.
stea 1 -p- 410121 nsaa-- -- Ini conclusion, all joined iss sine la5e:tsIi5elis'vis5 see ise laii, isues'i-t .i-asld
ilvessi.-., s...- - -ii 5'High Sc-hool Wins,. u te"Yetloweasid Blue,'~n h isAsss ii scesCgnestei
xiisiist,e ----4 2 54I3 0 o ',1 NO. 6 HURON STREET.
Osa isC 5 ,3 b -------50 Th Highscsool bait teans de- tprofessor tironsised to entertain the
--- - feate d a picked nine of taxes iin an esri et''isa'eeiewli; F RES HASSORTMENT
lcrorasneot Torgayissee.gwt

4 0

I .

P.O. a.
a i
55} 1

noon by' a score of S' to p. Errors
'plentiful assetBilts scattein'g:
I~i~ltsci oo ______ _-_-- 65 1 U t 15 0 ii
Pi(kedNisi . .------- -- I () ( 0 5 15
0 Senior Law Orations.

Today-s gaiuse eiths Cornseliprom-i
leies to be tihe hardest tplayeed osseof
the trips. hue teasrs is feelinig des-

J Uee ST+e~ ~e.s jn(u
r 4111 ,-4 ~ fsf t

Hanlon'zifeasrhe--t es1. 1ssar1i , ot i, u p-Ierale ans i llxiiplsay- tis xwix. Los -- ,-
i en, 1. f"------ - nl, Mills ansd Keene wxill be the isell has a strong teami this y ear,
konisdii, ae-s--tstasts-fr-oatorsif ue essir iavinig once defeated sue P . of 1'. -
--- laxv class. T'he conitest wiii be heidt Her nmost receistpamses are: Cotrsell BA EBi51 O D
To'1.----------ves-ty30ss4 Frday x-esisig 7, Lehigh o; Coirsell-4, Virgissia;
115in s--------1 2* 45' scs ast6ii eoes oteGeorgetowen 7, Cornell 4-. Stuits 1Und Gymooasitto Sup-
Pvrisseetn __-- 0 4 z o _1 J ne Ia d w l bip n t h -1.. - --
itlsieifan___- _--- s s I s o 2 i0 4 subtic. Creek Play at Albion. islies.
Ernied runs-tieii'n 2,IPriucetons 5. Tess Today at a o'clock a large nun-i- Albion college wili fuse the Greek
baseC bits -Hoilister, Haiier, tts. Three- hro itsno tn ls -l e tagd "edpsYoyrnu,' asrSse insviteiito e s zssiire stocek aid peices.
nine ilts--Holis~ter, Dcans, King.ShieldiMi br otesnirlwlaswlleragdy"Oeips______, o
ienze, Hrooks. Hoeseunm-ictenezie. Snn- adniltted to practice sin the circuit TusayeeinMy s.Elbr
en Willies-Paiyne, )Rie tol s ,Caner,llrond sn
?, Wvilliams. First bsenes basis-Byr Bonsd 33, court of iyashlenaw county. Next ate preparations have been made,'
ley Hanlon , by Altmsn z. Strucik ens--Hr Monday and T1uesday they xwiii base and niany professors frons other colt
BoniyAlxudtan. Doueepla--Atmain, an opportunity to sign the rott of teges cill attend. 'Tie play wilt be UNTEST BOOIVSTOR
Wiiass1. Wild pitcesn-BHnsd , Atemae, 2. attorneys admitted to tpractice be- given in the Albion college chiapet.
Varsity' Field Day Today. fore the suprense court of the state. Admission 25 cents. STATE STREET, ANN ARBHOR.

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