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April 26, 1893 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1893-04-26

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'OK rot i) D i C m-:;: ,S" 1, 2 R G TTs 'R

"4' ~0 04~4'5Ooo4o'4
1 JVVJ.~L5~..UL5].L

....OaD ~r R, OO~S
Our St.ock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest.

,~t Makes
CHICAO1 14405 '1
BicYCLES. M ru~g Store.
Will 1You Look 11

31lb. 'Clipper 1B1and"1 Solid meat Tomato4es for $1,10) per (10z.
I; <'Dolphin GL ' ' 44 "t " 1 1.) cG
3 "c""Riverside c cc tc << "120 ''
3 " Puimpkin, - - - - 10 "
3Squash, -1--1. 0" <
2 " Winslow Corn, - - - ' 11
2 " Primrose c - - --1. 1338""c
2 " Lake Shore," - - - " 1.50 "
And all othler Canoed Goods at proportionate p~rice of
44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.

Call on Win. Fulde. the
Tailor, opposite the Law Building, 0on
Willian-st., first door west of State-sr.
('leaning, repsiringsollpressing done01neatly.
Suits toordersa specialty. All work first-class.
Buy anla O Cook
orihave some Repairing dose go to
M, myi. Arnohk5 36 Main Street
roo sandsi4lts-, ra ('t444141 oe-al
560 West Liberty Street,


Prof. Patton, professor of Politi-

Y y 4J44r .J0'.144W &tS' 00(4 W((10%' calLEonomy, Utiversity 01f4Peon-
41.e(11 1ope0.you'll marr'y Wite sees. sylvania, will lectore to the class in
At our Show 'Winsdowl Itefols AsdhSell take you afar0 Finance this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
its 45r4 sf(rv aout I1, is('('441 44(
ItS wnStiiV ot i 0414.ft silly, sicein siso444, The University Nesvs, the daily of
U I T R S eniorclassat -001(444' the Chlicago University, of Chicago,
GI u ae ilwa has suspended piublication for the
AN) ! te cap and gowvn. the year, as it was issited at a loss,
PRICES. I 1Prof. Truehlood is able 1tonmeet financially. t:itlication xiii be ye-
THE ANN ARBiORt ORtGAN CO., his classes thio week. sumned October t.
,,>isout114in bstreet. 11\1r. B. 0. Finney is confined to Thle setnior lawv class of Yale, has
his room with tonsilitis. issuerd this year for the first lime an
.R IHGA E ~ L fDr. Burchsfield, of the '9g2 dental annualunuder thse striking title of
Cinc Tble(Rvisd)1V~veber clso, is visiting frietnds in the city. Yale Siingle. AI by woul11( it tnt be
'AS. p14. . WEST. a. m1. 11. AV. Htolmes, 194 lit, has left wise for the law department of the
Day~ Exss--o----3,i8 Day Express--ii 2 school ots account of sickness of U. of _St. to follow Yale's examlple.
N.(Y. '1 i ... __44 35N . _5. Boid_(4 rirelatives. 'Ihe tOratorio of St. Pal asilMOS en-
34004(0.1Fills 1454'1 *7 (p.4(. ,
a m,000.. (1. (44444(40111440r.4) Prof. Adatis will be ouit of the dlered in Detroit. 'Monday night of
at14ant(c4Expre4s-08 si40 054.Nighti xp-- 9(40,city tomiorrosv and ilsultsot toet tis sveek. This is otse of the satme
44 wx exi 1144,40 H. W4. Iovs, hisclasses. svorks whlichls Ibeing studied b
U.F& . A e'41,.'14ic'414. AltI. Ann 1Arbor4. , ,5 0
___________________________T___ Thle Ne044 Symph4lony O.rchiestra, the Choral Union, for future rcn-
FIRST NATIONAL BANK IlDanrosti leadier, will give a cotceert dition. :Prof. Stanley hsas beets di-
01'ANN AROR.ou .t the Autditoriumls in Dletroit Fri- I rector of the Detroit Mtusical Soci-
'(Tra4(lnsacts ge14rl bnkin4 uines 4411404,tor- Rev j(14). -ely for three 'ears past, buit laidl
'lee~~~~~~~~~~ IoS~0 0,4405(t1(01110(4451 'e.3 . Suiide rland while (4d1odiitelaon t
S.1'rAxotCsir OAF- 1(5. ri tF.ougmitheIeaS.o thurreaccount of his -increased ditties as
S. v. t~sboos, ooliel 1). rsvn F Smth,1).5. If hedirector elf thle Conservatory of
DANCING andi DEPORTMENT. t.Of .1. 1Stusic its this city.
esa'nsc IITIlIIT A good mnsy of the athlietes 'The first nuniber of the Utniver-
h \i tI C kU1-UJty ma1nutifested enoughs interest to keep sity Riecord for '93 is ready for salc
'1'h1buletis; peci l1y11yi 1by411(14a4' It upo.eirpr14ice attheuphlttheirte practicefic. Tit nm- w athletic at the rra Steward's insrucioffice. duiThise anum-n
(bet 41414404 004144e4400400 o'illt(4l1441 , drig tte acaiot.ber is very interesting, containing
t() 54' 104404 in tSe Sts'e. A lecture on Alexander vons Hunm- ats account of thle passing of the
OfficeefCenter Entrance, fi MATNARD fiT. boidt will be given at Usity Clutb t-6lnill tax and the consequent re-
net tionayevnng, by Po.S sults. "University E1xtension,'
ple Reotail (toby expr0ss01' Pechm
Ihell 51CANIL~tiniAznerica. -1ekFam of Ann Arbor. "University Reforim in Italy,''
Put up1 41n410 le-~n oute440 nd5 11 4
str1ictly'pu110 Suile54for V. G. Eseing and 'II. I. Wilson "Courses of instruction given the
prid.tReferNto 11(0000 0.41'wxiii address the denmocratic club First Semester at tlse U. of 1Nt. in
Try F_ 11t o114010Addre~ss, no ot.l.o
C 'ssubjct1 111G 1 i, Cllfectotnernetmot. Er.Iwing'ssbjc 92-93," and articlesatte Univer-
ctttu 5014t1 t~tdtI. sill be, "WIhat is Eloqu~ence." LIOS -' sity societies are subjects treated.


S. 1 RIAUSE, ANN Atenou. Mtlcu.
___ALL ON---
G~a. H. WILD
The Leading Tailor,
F-,Ie s' 't or l(4'('0'0(. ]((' 4'44'1l4"4 14
'No..'2 E. WVashington-St., Near Main.
Copitl, $5,000. SurptlusoandProfits, $E,000.
D oes a geeratlSBanking buosess. Pays in-
terest on Saving tDeposits. Has safety
Deposit Boxes eor Rest.
' t. KEMPF, Pres. le. H. BELSuER,Cshier.
Bankoses Saturday evening.
Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain
301E. wosbiegton St. J, 1R. THOJANOwsII
'30 naths for $5.00.

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