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May 26, 1893 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-05-26

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Asoataoeol of NEGLIGEE itttltTS in the City
_________Friday, Saturday and Monday.
Choice of ay Soft at Stilt Hat ineour stot (Ko adL inticlit Benett- asal ti) jat
$1.85. Thse hats cosot $-0, $2,75, $300 aol $4 00. 'hy wiSg)wt
I is a Spleondid Shooing of Stls ad Overcoats. Etr Valor at Lota Prices. arsh, s coe early.
WadhamS 4. Ryan 4.& 4. Reule. W EJ W0S IS~
Ann Arbor Savings Bank OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! indr;<at la i 5.511 sect at ,th sob E ce ' ir Laundry,
Ann Abotr May. Captal Stock $S0101 , nshn r _ S i tV IOATrt P lit 0 l lt'c-..
Srtata,gttlt,00. N .0. 1 Tt~tot tTRtat.t tIn tt,-t tt t! tt5 iittod okart a tttt et-it ti,ol Nullttdtfoe
organized uaaae the ae-eal Bann awse 1 I t hto tx a-a. I t. eica. A. F. COVERTPri.
fat hia sate. ReevetiDepets ttli at taby adint aaa Ii rc i , aa ______________________
trlts rochanageeaoan theiniacitetraotheta1 (r and ®Li _________________
Cated dStte. Draft cahed uonoopro r { Y ran ' 'p1Q_ 0'.e-tARUSo -K-
ro aatasVrreERAMAY 26th. 1(l i JO,> \IIN@,e
H1 FI ts(ctiaaK rr Cosa ier R D
BASE BALL TEAMI. Save Discomfort and ating oart3
} 7~ ? Meet 1, S , . ,., 5ac. Woeat', Oe ie aiz ee N at u sattta r1 t os poa to c slc t -
[ i1 I atiit aaaaa I io. aWAUKNOSE COMPANY, 76 Chauncy I. ~ -;I r o 't t\at' t, tslt t a t The Calttlal tacteir ar s ecrywherlare ia
perm0/tie-K lu a tasaaeeal.
U./o T' M C LE DA .BUSINESS LOCALS. AlAtt ttrtat t atsata e-at (ttittIl2 -. c
____ _____________________ ____senottbv aItttifito t aaa tsa tamptst ' tattlt'
--Cu, stat aNta, -c t05
Fri \~t ii-tbo'>I a i i thcar-ar--at lateroin Dontatmisalseaeig taeIetroit tv-
T perintag Neas OfieatewlspStland .iriaat "IT oa
IIE.'{.. ieufi c~ ryLrenla ata-rl thtte ltstO0111ccews 'Cal 7)Citt l shia tatt ee
]iII) -'--~~Po Lir At ltc;Aco.ittaat tat t tat r rit ta , tta' dy. t ~astaeaadt
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Sat, oMay 27-Metalrittg-Otatstt,iattdeea totLise--Onta'Thuars'day eeatitag 71 av--
MIL INE Y A D A T G OD nitttttt5 taral. Rd ~tat,11rtp. ttt 111,at gldtstick pitt wita 'th a m ntiBslat
MILIER AD R GODS tt, sa 0 eaertaryHait. ta- [tgttofiheart attaced. Hearttts ntitalts
50 enHast anStretsn, DIti-tt 0 rlilat ta' tats-It. ltt 1i.,fayor. tat sies. Findaer tleatst etuto t
Mtona., SMay F ,a at i fu tll a-c'teasat taf -11 Jetfersontstreet, oald receive re -_________
Cotral Can tIi ttth ar. 173
E Nrastt nIratt atac-ie SasrI'itta Do cotn o tt sseeingth ~e iDetroit Eect A nw I .l-
REPTATON e~n oftheJetag r Ne eas Ecyclopediatiitataic at
acett~ttat at tat-a el ti Stats . it sion t tet
Ettn tFoRettatV .I 'a'. tyttit a o at ia a tah ie Itst Cubie Neas Stand.to cIl t. per
____YOcaTReADE Te. - y3 f orlla e t hy.a t
aa~Cas 00 Wedt Nay 3It11cini., Juloa l vtitttt I teitetat-stYt
u ehtrI ost- Ietaett lnity Iblock aild roa n7W t at
AlaaetestaScitatrer & Milen;, ottore, laiys golat
___ .I V0 Sa SedMtyclo f traltiat ataro trt. swathi andtcain.tFidter leave att S0 o cIOU, S Y To ilcaE a
opp, court Hous. - " - - 111titarac. 10
Boun a vihte imdetmato onWfitte atOLt-ice Nearjs otof t the .oter R
Bondt Wn !OL~4IJ jatcort a tt tOtooice, Ias tte best tacks, carriages,
Theta t. of 'a. baseball team, andr horses ithie city. Tcytima. t
s ma rtic g u n dce r th e de fe a t re c e iv ed D o tt m iss e e i ng t he lDe tr it E v ic - « 'a , S c c ttw A N " U p-~
at Ithaca ast Saturday, is practic-ig Neas Ecyclopeiat trittaniaca at
aining the game at Detroit next ttay. Tt-DATE."
teat ost-itteatedac ooc SALE, or itt exchanacge for rat- 1T.
" d t A e Tusda. o selltheattndaceerty Itt Ann Aroras firt-tats stve
v A KD~ act sscur~e an enthusiastic crowd mit. Adress, M1 1JTAYL:OR,~ IIM N
In prices tory), the Golden Eagte Clotthing DIt mta is seeing te Detroit '-e-
Co., of No. g0o'tWoodwardt aveu,cig Naws Ecyctaetia Irittaict atl
_____ Detroit, an decided to donatete ttst Otice Neas Standi. 10i ceto
thorns for the occasion and gve a a dtay. GO D E D'
Weaaatrtgorcdesoha ANreturn trito ticket to Detroit, inctad- . O D+P E '
ing amoiaion to the game to ach Ania _aieCor ________________
TENNIS adalSOTI'tNG GOOtDS at tiperson tpurchasing to the amount of (
$tan worth in te ctothing or gecola' Tie Native AricanChoir, now ( IJI.... l AND
manufacores woloesale cost. Al near furnishing dpttet.pauir waytottis c cety ttci~
tcpartnscnt. toetred itin tterestinggtiattavoel OelTEJ~IN
-'" - ~~perforancte before the (QuenacOPLT N
Eachets inatnaleal.toaNT Mas atHeCtANce. Senor Reeptton and [Dancing. Osbornae, aso at Pu"lamtcP alace beftre
- -__the ]istto ot1,0 ttto01, at 1llt-oatrteraT N f .T r
____________A stiort termtvoatdacig essons far Cste, being entertained to tea rtfter- liOR ING atES
ades atd getttemaen witt begincattwasotrt by Mo' Gadstone. 'reiens-
(racger n Acaemty ot Stturday Gmornso hers at the ir itistt hotse atf cOraataaos
suit the uajority. Mr. anta Mrs. (Gran- sigers it a positiaosowicha is hut veryD'
Vookerey -_ 20 S. State St. Igestrtlicas byreus.'he seldom attained even by the flsh vo
Bookstore, interested please leave their names at clsso h ly le vt perMt
the Academy, one block aest of State at te Grandl Opera Hose Oi Satur day 1 .MI TET
astreet stores. 11 evening aext_______________________

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