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May 26, 1893 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-05-26

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A-F 'FINE DI8PLA Yj y.p- 3 7( 1.I AY IiAN
.14a4nTAl o

edge or.I it ricke tin alyitlicr If
Youiar 11ti tsfieid 'ifici 151!1the
Stop we oill gladly te'ion your
msoney. Evcrybodly is saifed so far
out of toi o than i00 purchasers.
Calkins Pharmacy.

Ghitarss j3ai)jOS,
M~adolins, VIiI)5, sEtc,
AllElegantily Firinhed and Rich in

Wtill bt he hin0g for Suiomeri wear. Yo wanitoe

WILSEY, - The Music Dealer. IjNF.O8ILEJ EB S r L Et6-

------ - ---------..-- --i--(---Oi)S AND I O F S TA EA DW LIM SR ES
'ibe foud Coa _ete and-'Our Prices as: ow a sthe Lowest.


Piinniium kiin. - - - - 0 l1 ii
Squanshi, - - - - ' 1.10LLt
2 ii Winslow 'Corn, - - -1.15 i 0 t
2 ii Primnrose------ -- -- --------l
2 tt Lake Shore," - 1.50"t1.50
usorl 011 tner ~_onne.st 10000 i

Call on Wi. Fuldo, thle
Tailor, Oppiisite the Lawn -Buildinig, cit
'IXilliaoi-st., hinst door went of State-st.
Clenitinging andnpsing'odoinne ncoiir.
' SuitsIntotrdea specialty. All mork first-class.
Buyr a=.Aiarn,.Clook
or hav oe oRepairing donec gnin

And all other Canned Good

44 Main Street, South.


Will You Look

At or Show Window?
110scowni story labout

It tells

Ile seizoii lirnin ihe (iii iod hissed lion.
Andtnfoament bnissinwas lis;
"Ohiii, I'ti. nlt it as misiit,''
Iliedried. Siie Iaii-heiiandilsail, "Iis.
Soale Reotid.
The Palladiiim will be lint about

AilD the ist of June.
PRICES. The last Hobart Guild Social for
TilE AN ARBilOR ORGA'N CO., the year will be held ibis evening.
51 Soutiin'i o Streot. T['le senior lawn are being iquizzed
an Federal jurisprudene Ihis week.
ILGHIGANC ENTA Several newon0 will appear its
nothenintrel troupe, F'ridlay evening.
E Son. p. i... in . r a. on 1ise junsior lawns osecd their neiw
Inm tte- D r;,---' st.. its n unractice y eslertday for lie
4') w i tt1 . on 59 firtlIoie
r ,, 1 fun Wedniesdaoy Corinl sti c'eden
ii \t, "1()3 } n o~ling Ii il 'mliiaioo s ' a score
is c H~ti at lof 6 to .}
... i ,t i!o. A$i sin k50 .
____________ ________________ .1 Fish cie,'4 Iliw, w il eliver file
'rIS N'ATlOAL PA TNK " it onill1)ay' ira tioin at (lt San1iis.I,
ii nOF A Rt0Lt X ' It scsdoy.
t, S x r. r.?ti1 L5 !1> iii ;1 'statliii '95 lit, vito his bin"
'ii: 'i noR I' ti'S if cninilt i 'tt~ic,' n O muined to bins1001m1by sickness,
f rit' '" i hict 2oar I
P'. I lt.1z,:<. ;aan atitioding clasnen.
Judge Chanmplin lion accepted as
DANCING and DEPORTMENT. Invilation froini the senior lawn to
DRAlIrlfl' d eliver tihe final addrenn.
f\.UJJI~t~11 Senior las will considler today
i'fitehuilding spciall lniihy IMei. onogithse question of a clans reunioin to be
includes tin eamilyphome, a000conttints lte, held in somne future year.
flestanod bst orrongedroostifortn tstrnoction Y
tii he founid in the etate. Tbere will be a meeting of tine
Officee. Center Entranee, 6 MAYNARD 5T. stockholders of the proposed hn-
S Send $15, $2, or &3105fone Sam- morons paper tomorrow afternoon at
pie Retail Bnx by exprena of
the BEST CANDtES inAmseriea. one o'clock, in room 9.
CIl Pot op so elegant hones snd
strietly poret. Suitable toe Manager Larson, of the '94 law
PRESENTS. Expreseharges
C prepaid. Retor to all Chicago, bose-boll team, isneoitg for a
Try it once. Address,neoitg
flT C. F. GUNTHIER, Confectioner, ganme with the D. H1. S. or Ml. M.
2I 12 Stale Street,
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, A. for Saturday or Monday.

Iat propotionateie of W1 iA/nn Arzsold, 36 Main Street
Tine Volutnteer hand will t-et in IA I O-110..
Newberry Hall this evenng 'it 7 WITH SIX LOTS
o'clock. Addresses will, be given 77 R -26-
by Miss Phelps atnd Mr. Parkoer. I-
OnTuesila yat IProvicdenre, Brownx A to not,tit',tnilithoIot tienty lrg
eanily defeateci Cornell by a score Prce'f irtntofthomie. A vtte~e ha e
Of ns to a. lBrowon tnacdenine hits ilulooiordniie ht'lto i ilittd oomiiiiiwoudi i
tiitknnim nnexceoill lnt u n rSociety lihouise'
off Priest atid Cornell sip: Off Sexton. I tiny ion sut. nall it.
The Alpha Na anil Adeiphi ball 56 West Liberty Street,
jpanie, atnnounned for Sattirday niorin- S.bEAU .SL, ANN Anolo, hiMiO.
ing, bas beetn postponed, and thc
Adelpiwoill play'thne dents insteail.
'te bane hall teanm toiday piays a 7 ,...:;I-7
chlaipionshiip ganme withn 'Mitnesota
at M.ilnneapolisnd ilcltotnorrowv 5will e.YI.L O'N---
nneet 'IViseonslin at M~adision.J fri
will rejoitn thneteaot itstiume Ioc timhe- 'X J T
MIatlinoinflame. . H . W VV I I I

'rThe '-Memorial Day 'exercisecofo
the local G. A. R. host woill be lheld
next 'Tnescday ev etintg .it S o'clo c,
in tUnivnersityIHail. 'The mrinripiat
featitre of thie eiveiing woiiili e an
adldress by Rev. W~asbingtotn Gard-
tier, of Albioni.
'Tbe ahtnemniasian Societyhldt
its reception anti connnencemnent
exercises last evening. Diplomas
were presented to tine gradnating
members of tine society, after which.
a social time woo enjoyerd by line
large company present.
The followving program will be
rendered by the Websters ihis even-
ing: Essay, Mr. Edwards; oration,
J. M. Adams; debate, "Resolved,
That the Geary Chinese act shonld
be enforced;" aff., 'IV. P. Harvey
and J. IH. Lewman, neg., H. 'WX.
I Trask and J. 'IV. -Hindman.

he Lecadiong Itaijbot'
1 tn' iiinii'J' li'i1i
No-.2 E. Wasngaton-St., Near Main.
Copitl, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $17,000.
Dones a general Hasting buisiness. Pays in-
terest oss Saving Deposits. Has sfty~
Deposit Boxes fr Rest.
H. KEMPF, Fees. F. H. BELSER, Cashiee.
Bank oven Satuedsv evening.
Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain
IS E. WSashington St. J. H. TROtANOWSKI
3S Baths eor $0.00.

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