'II1I tl.o1", M.DArILY'.
1111ished Dalily (Sn dyeceptdl du(1110
the chlee year, by
OtCr: Times building N. (aloin t,.Oppoite
ot ofie.
]everybody turn (oit to te 1110s
sleeting 111nd bofire tonight.
We have met the enemy and(1tey
are ours. We have met Cornell ad
011tie firt timn hie history of tie
gomeo have fairly beaten them. Fairly
)ve sa~y, for iby lihe' admisionilof t(bri
oiwncaptin the ily were otlallyd,
falril eauise 110e labsence, of thbri
great full-alc 1)1loxa fully counter-
balanced0011by tie crippledI coldititio (f
S111111, Baird ad Villa fairly beeause
their tdefeat was 11(11,Inoto1(alny lke
lie misch~lance, but bytiy e1(1spelrir
strategy of our caplt~i 111111 the l-
ierior plaingO of ourl telm. There
is not a man who witnessed tie gmle
Saturday wlo does not believe that
1110 Cornell teamo was clerl over-
maltehed at every polit an01 ithat ile
defeat adminiostrediis machelgreie
than the1110core0would lindiael. Afiere
1110 fist Ihal Cornell plalyed iollt 511
1m11h11to(scor111a110to kep 11its rll)11
scoig and1(1whille itheir figlt 5011s
pluclky (11n11it wals almollstt rl de-
fensive. Cornell ca111 lffer 110 exuse.
neither a "stbtitute Ialli 1nor tile,
referee Inor IlUpire rall lacon~t for
1110 resullt. Tie batlo0w110a 1ba1tl1
roiyal and every nerve 1a1n( every m1u1s-
c111 was exeredi by tornell 1o wil,
anld now, tlom011s1 (10ereitii f
victory due First adl foemlost lit
(0o1100 1o tie temlitself, 11tslmaaiger,
11tslpluky capiti, its sagaciousi lcochl
1111( its exellet taier. To 1110
team for its faitiful training, its il-
tlligence n the grasping of diffiult
plays, and its quet cofidene and
cheerfulness at all tines. To its mal-
ager for his wie aragement of
gamnes, in graitemileup 110s10t111
creain~lg endurancelt0 an1d1skill (fthe
tiu~bl, 111011islls 1105511t fferbi Ill
blehllf of their cmllfort 11111 wefare.
To its catainl for his plyintlg whie
covry 11o000w0011painllful, a11d1for hils
coolness, judgmnt 111111plck at all
times and un~der tie mlost tryin c-
,unnnanneo. To its coacl for ihavin
talught tie men to play togethr, for
his discouranemenllt of "star' playin,
alldtinsisltn 011n1t1101 oork 11111for
1his untiring eforts 11n their lelluf.
And tlast, bult by no means last, to
1111'trainer 0w11000cofiece hllIllh
condititonl of 0w11101w0110largely ((11
to 11is care. But beind all thinoas
the student body oho hav rallied to
the support of the nmen in te ost
1praiseworhly manl~ner, 00110 ifused by
their eenonrogmllllt neovlife its
thlem, land 0witot 001011, as 00ver'
matn on the team gratefully acknool-
edges, they 0co1uld uve11011e noihing.
The defeat of Cor'el11m11d11(101111('111 1o T.1 0JACItOlS llAS- 1101101 0701
M[iellgoil. It ilmelass, ot lle~ly l11111
o111( Inieersoby 11110dfetid 11110111
b111(0 htAl~igl hssown11(1 -JACOBS & ALIMAND,
1111 abtlityl3to 00110 wihl111th 1111gr1eatest~ I
(f tile'"big foury"in tie-fat; lia{®11111ER I
Yale, Pit1oultland11(1Penlsyltaoht is
to be eoutltl0b iy tiebWest 1and(111at1 COME:AND SEEl IS -MMM
thyclln one llmte hi- THE VICTOR TRADE MARK Th Wa intnBok
pionshipit by thil-Iterctllreigiilte(on1Th 001nto lok
test 0Otililt llil~tlig ll -i'--o 1-.al10abolte booloitee(of qality. -_____
and0( the A(est.Til e isultso (f tie goo-s.R
Vctor Ahli-c oois 1.r11ook sss
Baiie listSotray {00110t 11 000110 or iicmyle.(and1ar1100 ilOOiiiO
11111 of tltil tOO(II ls~ n vntCI roopplreyr iy 1111110*111-,1 yi'il
111 t11 i elli n i l b ri n01g, 11 0 jlnlili ink d lj-i.,Goodil 11 nd n go d di op1L n p us soh o
oesofi 011 1 athle eis hal. lsnot l1. OVERMh, HEE-i, LCOr. npibnigonn al nnn-hle
(-1-1D Clmeagnificen (o tion ilpng;the n acson lorg -
t actl~tc C((1.r: i (na 1eililis lor pning snuddnts in posiio.;
a1pc. 1(101n(:1tile tealwoill te: hard(' i En0r 1 t , -,;ngeles, 0'irtlnn i o~eod n oo in S$.75 pnr wetk in p t
attainl 111(11ever 01.foe',l-. for11 th t11 - botding. ot Cataloge addess
rasonl the.. mlotesotghtlaf te. 11(0C y p . WTCAPTY PrI
ah11n11111 of tile contry xxwill aso1 be DITSO~N MYUIC.
00100 interested 11n osr 1(11111ics and(
ovill support 1110111ccrdingll. l in oSx Love Songs,"
best of ll, 11110,0alletle01110 Ill xlbov
ByFal ay ertV503'. 7t-lat1(l10 ofl l x ((101
advertiellll01l, abov (heill,- orllt of of1a1111111's fiest lyisiexquisi501t muscal his1 pace s reerve
s(tt t~s Heavy Paper, 70 cents. pc srsre
~gas bornt till 1). A. f.ieldilStll- "COLLEGE SNG," for the Grand Opera
d1a1, 1111(1whici in fi t ,11ay01ter1 '11e0stndad llection11011of ICollg on-,11 House.
bihnd studeitto stldlt 11(adto l1o_(c-tr0)0 oldoI. Heavy Papr, 500
ts;94Cl oth. Gilt, $1.00.
fesso) ) by hain dscribale ie i(-l-hi
of lve 111111 tltotisilll 0110iealillhear COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS'
11n 001101001 to their 1111110m111110 and11 (lly bicl ofhe1101k1ind pulisedl. The{
soings of the leding. ollege-siforlen011._______________________
to ito representatives. Heavy Paper, $1.00.
m-ineme of 11111faciliyliiilpel-- "ROAYAL COLLETION INSOME m mwUTO MUSIC Big Four Route
si111 oe tile 1111100 l11etilg toI 1)1 hel1Eigy-wso pieces frtilhlegifrontcmthe nBEST LN. TO
iiersiiy" hillltonight. 11h1oIe xiii es sorcs. -.sloendllee1011ionIll)lanl
In ) oe oer00 Cents INDIANAPOLIS,
also be a bonfire (on 11thie l lIIm t te Aly bolcisent pspa~id o011e00it pof prie. LOUISVILLE,
tile mletinlg. C'ominlitt1s boltig OLIVER DITSOANCO. and CINCINNATI.
charlgeoxill tbeI1anounced 11at ti- 1a101
ltctures todla. Nol 1llva linlIlalism t it 011-06311 OItoligiiSt., lRostn. I ELEGANT
commhhittd..IL1(01&1,NV. Through Sleeping Cars
__________ FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORINGI Petoskey, Louisville and
At the Grand Opera House. ((11110r of Statt, and Wiliam11sts., Cincinnati.
WVilamI stentanc._________
1)10ofte oal pctre ~l 10FLOWERS, FLOWERS ASK IFOR TICKETS VtA
shown llinl Tisso's EulropeanllNoeltil,
10 0110 indicatedlto the fiemleno of tolEverhn-1g nd Eerybody I O RtR U E
Anmeria. t oas taken ff0111 thelCOUSINS & HAL 'oL H 20.5. tniesiy001'. BIG +FOUR + ROUTE
original paintinlg ovichid s i2Yrs in epell e ItF0OIWCOMICK, 0Dit IATIN
dist earye in the Buol ess- 'sss noco Tramhe 010. 0e. P. & T. A t-
inl theo )etopoitan Oilerb. Hou1se0 fir, Ctuneboti, 01110.
Neox Vork esun ity, and ilusrates, it iii CTY LUIR
1m11n rescinig achild fromlaol 11 1010111(1INCF'& B OS
building. tReal oatreaud 51110C and4 CTY LA ND Y, A TBSALLINGU&P BROS.
electrical effets Isnake tie tabitle 0111.e II'ry Reiit11e foe lh-
of theoe10sf intereottllg lt)10" 111in ht e B EAOTtN. .\t ae Spaulding's
aceries. t Official
At the Gtrand Opera House No1. 7 C ps andU.'.G ownIs : ;._ Intercollegiate
T. & A. A. BUILLEIN. FOR MEN AND WOMEN. 11.0 Football
Allo%; tAdotod 4 1ytie
For tile U. of A. Tankslxi1ing0 1 -tit 000111 -'ate Asoeta-
cation the T., A. A. S N. A. Oill mlake We are prepared to furnish Caps ill ,alnd lu11001000.
rates of one and one-third fare for till and Goxns of 1110 'ighest quality PICE R h oitll iaiesO~.
roud tip o ay -poit i A~cloanto Univerities, Colleges and Schools Spaig s coplpet football Ctloue
ron frb o113 li~ l ilill throughout the United States, at set free. "Spldigs Officil Footal Gide
adto all points o011h 111110sof ors11 isnl01'rie.Sef na-fole 194° edited by NaIt1rcamlp, cntaiig
ad11srpiigyb prie.Sl te n0w rle- 111d0oilher valule infocmall-
Toledlo collectiout in the Celel urement forms, containing all lec- tol, by mul, p riot 0 cett. Spldings
Traffic Asociation, anwillxviis115 1111e essary istrucions o secre per- trde-marh011i50wlat you by iteguatee~~t
feely fitting garments without tatthe goodslwe theoles.
rate of one fare for the roud trip for NiiiAo troilh owr e orrk. Ciagi,.. 1!hi}lfepilk.
party of 50 or more ftrai Ann Abor vstn h trwl efraddupon request. TZ SiT DE q(2FAL R w'F 2
to Chicago, tickets to be sold Nov. 2 Students Recreation Head-
only, limited to return tonday, De RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS quarters.
3. Regular vacation tickets 00111h0 different widths at moderate Nl N Man Steti
sold Nov. 27 and 28, liitedL to retiurn prices. ANN ARBOR
not later thn Dec. 3, 1894, to all sto1- Strawbridge & Clothier STEAM DYE WORKS.
dents iolding proper certificats.
R . S. GRtEENWOOD, At. PHILADELPHIA. Laies and Goals Clothing Cleaned
'lhe largest exclusively Dry Goods or Dytd.
Snbscibe for the Daly. House in America. 3 W HURON . ANN ARBOR