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March 26, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-26

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_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY.

. . Of . T li u. The Yale Nine's Spring Trig.
_____The Tale baseball team started on
Puablished Daily (Sundays excepted) during its Easter trip south on Wednesday.
ste,Csllere year, hy Fifteen tutu were taken along. The
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION following, which will be the make-
Subscription prie $'s.501 per year, invariably tp of the team in the gamies of this
iadvaul's Single copies 3 rents. Subscrip- trip, will also quite probably consti-
tiuss may be left at the sficee oi the DAILY.
at Siotlet's, with asy of the editors or tute the teans in the chamipionship
authorizedt soliciors. gaimes: Carter, p; Greensway, c;
C'ommunsicationa should reach the ofice by Stephensoan, 1 b; Rafstin, 2 b
7o'ciock es. .if they are to appear tite next
clay. Address all matter inteaded toe publica- Q~uimby, s s: Arbuthnot. j b; Bige-
slon is the -ianaging Editor. All business
communications shouid ye sent to the Bi- low, 1 f; Capt. Case, c f ; Speer, r f.
nss Manacere.
Ann Arbor, btich. UIESTYNTS
EDITORS. Football practice has begun at
C. A. FNsoNi, Late '94, Managitng Eitor. i Y'ale. The full season in considered
H.A. SeAtDNGl, Lit '94, Assistant.
J L iiit,,, ii,'9.5, A'.sistanit. too shnort.3
F. ALTt.'retn tw 'l.AssAt-iianit. O1ur lDecoration D~ay baseball
J.A .tosv, ii. 't(i, Athletic Editor.
55, A. ino,Li.'. Business Manager. game this year will he with Chicago
LAWllsy.it. tUnvrstyin Detroit.
H.Btan,. 'ti4. It. 0'. 1,ll. 'f35. We are indebted to the U. of Clii
tt,0 ut.'95. nMEeICA..
'.P de,911. P .. -tartindalre,'sC cago Weekly for tine following date:
Age oyl, '. Ht7, ll-itS' 1. '. of AM. . I of Chicago at
Carieu .Sti:'y. '51 . ' ' -AT IC
Harr itinolo ais.Spe:"l. '".G. Jenkntso, '94. Chicago, Juine 23.
All copy 0must1 le at tiheofiier before 8.3t) a. in
nt the dice of publlicationi. -- --
M ANuAlllsllEnlT'Sl' Irell o HotRs. The
lay ei sthfl lo ig bf Don yt!e V-A riday'. froi toib190 n e i., .I. Ii.i
cry tornita_ rom117 :31 0 it pi. z
- --- - - Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Cilst1_lt.n~v's are often mnade that I hniasntesis niare
correspondents for outnide papers th moteetveadgr -
miisstate occtirrences about college, able remnedy in existence for
In jastice to such correspondents it
oughteenin to be aid titat the reportn areprenigindigestion, and re-
often cuit lowen or renwritten by the lieving those diseases arising
editors of tine papers to wehichi theyfoaadireedso c.
are neint and mistaken are mnatle in
thinsnmaniner for whnichi the corren- Dr. WV. WV. Gardner, Springfield
pondetisi not renpoinsible. 1Mas.. says: "I ealue it as. an exeln

THEAH.'80Y ~
1 ' i y 'nur 00' f e 'i e of c d ime. Us. w ithnknw whtt% d
ni-rtl yor ts~tin bo nw N iEy. mo r nalubleis(tvwen«ou n
thearcten hxiar wonteduwodhs geve nown theplano aiberale
Edti ycltponiathin the neacaofievery memer fyorfmily hemkiofou
histoy.othrdinoerialucie fandimt.He acial thk noldeofwathordt
Isntit wrorth ltrying?'ivestgt h atra ne edntwn
you tat ti lou tink.eIfonomyasth nenw hovwou wldt. lb
wonorceiofonly One ollarfne ll orw aladei toouwharesprepait,
thet etirend st a2 vmes, theareai nng $9.brtogbegpidtoorhoe rteof
the -centsaiteay toeremte wdnhly).veAknbeautfulmavingso albeak
wdai bsetwiththe rbohosenvwhch eder f mu amedeitedeachnday.
Tohetionispriner onewullarntype wd on a fnerqalitfaeran
istoroy boundiinoheavysmaflilaepaperncoversrhichknwithgprop tercarwll
Is'tt foeyers.hBeryingminetatthe entr 0 oumes aredeliverednt
th nttOire sseth aluarespdtoreain part ofte nid Sat teteo
10'cent a iay(tof ae remittdmholy)3. Abeui(fdimesvngak

TIlls year of finantcial delpression
in beisg felt bly all college orgatniza-
tions, and for thin reasnt, stutilitn
are utrged oltnbe an liberal an is pon-

preventative of indigestion, aond a pleast
acidltatedldrin1k whlen properly dilutedwit
waeand sweteed."

sible for itneitito be, int h,-tl t - Descr1001~ 0iipt 111111 pli'tfree 111iilptlieai 11111 1:
rolnage of tilenvariosn tertalin'- Rumford ChemniealWorhs, PrseideneeRI.I
innsgiven for thleinenefit ott suchi Beware1of00 Ittutee als all I 1111:111111.
iiraui~itot~. I tie teart~itre'1 For Sale by all Druggists,
ienefit nwill be givenl for ou:r flee__________________________
aind Ilanjo flubs, by ltne clutis frolt: iI SIPS 50. OllollItt, Florist. Grl~o'erIo
t 5o',s . ro . L111111111lls liO'IlFlors of(10all 0va11-
Williais ('ollege, whlichll etoIrust C1y. FS lrldign,,;15insidec 1upon1sholrel llliec.
Nol. I lltl'o'rv'atoy street, lop. ceeery gate.
will1 receive the liberal platrone. Of
all. __ _ _ 4 1. 0
Kossuth H-onored. E

Phase deliver to nic the entire ,,i ry" 't, roluln(s cal' kcixeG Lliwyclopc(lioc
I>1"it(!) nk", as rbmv clewNbc:tl, toyethc r nth,, our1)biw Sariccys 13'(ol k, foe which
I e close One Pollm and 101hc r ayrcc to i" nit 10 (Tats cr (by (ronithny tlc


Prot. Truecbloodl's class its gteat '$1.00. UNPRECEDENTED. $1.00. 0 1 1 N11)/ll ittul t l1iii:5/ .-'110 0)i; f'ollidj111.
oratos wil hod nnnnoril esytisne. ...i.... ..................... ......... ........
at the reciation lhour, 1 O ti e 'i L S 0 1 11PH*11 it }c .. .....................
rooni 24, 'T'uenday iinonor of Louins lt i U1'( JII]1t1lltt1.............E.....
Iosutli, wino died recently. '\htsI
Cady will give tine comnieniotativt or-C al/. ............
ation aind J . C Halaplian,vi n 0- 111: i ie :l~i , 5'atiyur r:iloam the remaide'r . .....................
tloe homne is not far distant froni _o____the______olleg________ear______o____Sx___oo.__
wlhere IKosoth woas born, will give
aadrsonteeryhistory of J RIENO + ,PALACE + BARBER + SHOP ' C ATAR RH HV YUGO T
the Hungarian patriot. Tine classn v 1Andti i ii to'tius W 14.OWEN, IrvIt, is ao u re i care.Trit nd ent ('m 1 11 inels
wiii be oipen to all visitors 0w10howish lD I5t)' CEOeaNo.4 East Hnroit Si.. Opposite Cth aldres. iPrice. 0110FIE praH0seE100ola. tI)lIN iP. iIs)ii't
Ho T FE c Sad iuse t Cl n ShiltF: :5Clr tChc~o llni.Sndfr i
to attend.ora T LTSNw Stn. clitusua.

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