t't* -of
. a l .
VOL. IV.-No. 1 28.
Mr. Mills gave an Interesting Dis-
course on that Subject Yes-
terciay Morning.
Mr. Mills addressedi the S. C. A.j
Sunday morning on the subject
'Business.'' The business mass has
come to occupy a position of spec-
ial influence in the irlil. Souse ofj
the nmost lrominent officials iii the
goeernunent of L"nglanl, -'cance' and
the Uni ted States, wre practical
abuesiessmtte. ''wrenty -ise yeiasacts
t ats could achiese success isstisey
businesswsoril isthsoust a ecollege 1e(1
ucatiosn, bsst twosty-ice years Isence
?twill bse osly thle onsewtsis the lpce-
parations piveneby a swell-rouinded
college education its addition to a
tihorouigh knowrledge oif both the
gesneral pci nciples ansi te letails of
sits bsusinsess, trhss sill attaiss esss
tSuccess in te wocrsliif tcrade is
siot bey onth e abilites of wornians.
The largest retail establishmsient its
Paris, hsavisig aboust (sooo e mployes,
isite hands of a wonman.
'Ils1e bussinesisuworli furishiles
~ccat ol13ppistissities for iieftilisess.
Tlie l sisilasitlicsiies of Wanibaiisakes,
15. ike~ellec, ('sineigie. (Chilssands
'sisosic, ilustrate' the powtecciof t'e
5 titis's 5anisfos goosil.
The Catier Cocial.
1ndicaitionS sioint tosi larger sit-
'sselaacttteessisiis, Seislia to-I
Si ons Aprci-5, thanassst siy sissisarsj
gat. ietti.in tse hisstory of thwelaiss,
itsi prepara. ictionstor sic se ii i
e*_t{'. tu is' ass Asare iiiD( lsc sit -
5 5Cli'ii7; s ' ie sc.5l u 5' 5 te
sor fa '1tye cesi 5 s-Is in.is "
Tickets may be obtained from any OUR NEW RULES. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT
mensber of tbe arrangements cost- thiieiii sisy, 'opysr i
mittee, consisting of Messrs. Quin, A Decided Stand Taken on Ama-'
teur Sport-Our Position This
Martindale, Cadweli, anti Spalding, Year on Athletics.Wat
and M\isses Busck, Pattonasid Mc- -
Intyre. h .o . As ire are isoswalnsost into the Muts' i)y testN. cliiit.
l liucs'r syBisss stiger.
_ - season for atlsletics, it mns'sot be
Glee Club in Ypsilanti. i/tti tir~Gitti ihitiiti "Assf 13ieisad
____out of tilace to relarinit the rutes as tet~t " C~z s itrft 1i c 1'. I 1.i.
iTe CGlee and 'Banjio clubs wiii to eligibility of plac ers on any at
g ,ive a concert tosnightisisnispsilanti letie team, as thiey' tere liaised upon
sit the Cleary Blusiness College ball, at the l'ebcttary metinisg if the 51t South Mamji St.
susider te auspiices eof the ladties of lioardi of Cositrol.'lThe Ifollowringe
the Eipiscopta5lshuc. Is veclitist four aeispeials-yIpertinsenstts the
wsill receive awins.cswtessc use a 'it Np_ iquestioni ofieligibli ty'
silanti ias its foresc ears. iiWe feel (5) No isersosasisi ltl ' snits iii
assuiredi theytrill puce is 5goodsslarein-sthsietic teais etcompiit~ete in ansy stilt
cert aswsipvets here reently fort letic' essitess irisesis ntst.regulasr
whiichs they deserve highest praise.ssesisber of te iisecsiiy ini gtsod
'The elitist witl lessie oiith5:30 staneding.
sm tor assil till retusrss byt a steeial (2) No is so eiipreobaitioni shal h 'its olWsssisiss i isi t,it '0its' sttisitai tyb
isotor sehichs wiii leaive Vptilanti be Iseriitteel 5o5play ott any athletic fitii Ats 'i-sits'"eslsci'tsiise.'ts'
shortly sftertir cnetatiteami siccossilete iiiisis-athsletic
3 - ositest of the I[- isiersitj-.
Baseball Nine's Sprin' Tria. }No Iperseins laciiiis raryceissi- a aF 02 "
titan shall lbe allot-eldts shiy ottassy TLfttsI' - ite i t
'the folloswing ace use ecolleges stlsctsino ie 'is ciyiih
selscla re ueet n usr eir ~s b utC spsecial Ipermiissions (f this beoard.I
bail Iris, April i1-z I: es'soisis l-is
lege, at Ganshier, 0; Dlison 15,oJteso-
versityatGrvls O.ii -en5 eky cmpesation twhaiitserfo lets17 i sstatle~ngo,1\y-Gei '
ins nitaieysilthattIcete'lin ofititle 1Lies.
ire College, it DI i lle,' Ksit':s5 tilt e
site~~~ v.f~l ii ecsittj
I.." fiii -tiles lists. etotisitisis
su it, it, t fit eeIty.
Iat-i i iu sta tt willi asi se en r m t e b'5H Fc1 ttr.
ii lies taticto ghittiter.M-c
May Result Fattally.
jure'id'S trtist iwhile a(,
si lii~
this pests, ints e si rtehccsieestill lie
sits qse stionsts ,sto Alitchigant'asisosi-
titn inth le cealIsist s i <lip";eShot.
'c f 1 '.'.} O fira ' e'
5y'' 1 ii '- '
if5' . St
G IT li 7 - Tf'or
t ULC11 ct ()cL'iCf)aIt. xFt t . 4t it
i' lt i' # i: t z >
- 5 ' ' ' ' ' ',,i.t 51I .ii ift t atsaliiu ps' liessi 1 IU lle'' ic i. tl , 5i iiiU ''
t \ lui15 -siessitutos isiisti sus Is il t 2% p 1° i 5 Iii
I ;Sl sties 'lttus ' -, usisee iit isae h s, lai'IQDAil tl. T lie ('111 d
'its Ivis so.i il etsonic T alol lt 1- isis ti1tt t ro y Ic"5...b m~.ctIa~ liit5~.l
ii s~te s tita asofi iccii i ut1ttu ttu useissu'o ss theliuesy at siheo 555 ils eia s si ttiC IttIiill Slp
C i sll V stsud erf(Uscisis re °t cyl otah ais heattP ' i
cesai-ly ha i. sc te ot r t se er~ow vli tretseslt.sios t
'a ~s tiftrllow , teth ote eal. ih t iot hesi soeaof tees c ity, utid . . - 1! , ;
siorelasid erigivil lietpti. rsme n Elctas Maos osr a 'teety a concert g ien res 1at0
Cstclsrhesijoableifeatures ri lao t risigtinaWood's Cpera lleissr,(byoset'Te!
lielaleeg. 'Ihee ril b mstc, t metig ahee oMaagr adolinalus, swaknlagelyfatTed- ________ ________~it111Sup
bo thetoapeofad lsu enoftal, by- Nt. 13.e atno te s asbll edporaytatthsareduiec
mas tvili be served othre oste wstiDecpanmTsr ae4 ocmldl, andthe eth saicaly A
nditu forilI ineof re eedoncort es, twhihtheveol- pis
eovel ning. inldeig. caa s Ee cteMaam er inegeinbuys generusly urespondte, U I E S O K T R
m sillasbesenrvdedfrsrghos thes elaetrycain.forhfrsture42forsoweidlythendthoughuapriationl W JJL?
desiring to dance. eecond and six for third base. of tlhose present." STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.e