je 'eof
, . 1 .
Tfji.,,F, , CENTS.
THE JANUARY INLANDER. ;K. Friedman, and "Anita," by f U. OF P. MAY WITHDRAW,
}Stewairt 1:. White.
The Alumni Question Discussed by She is Disgusted at the New Rule -
Ralph Stone-A Number of n erse, Lawreiice A.1cI ii ill Passed by the Inter-Collegiate
Good Things. has the prize poem, Broken FotalAsiton
ltald' oi .SihS itS The Arnerican Inter-Collegiatle 5lfTlPOPRT R5
'Ele J anuarv number of thII- IheConfession,''a bright and olsl sscainpasdtelit7)AdF~kts
uder will be 1)u1 on sale toinorrow. I taking page. Jesse B. Ilorslun" g israyiiglDETROIT, MICH. .
Thei numbiei is fusllsyiiiito the staiid-tin.auithoiriof "Haiidel's Miessials .<Nus ineiidssi ifia graut eeat
ardsmintainesiid so fir this year, andI and a sonnet, boils of wh iichi aieCdi.- iiieiit norsaly sisecirii stisdeiit shalbI
reflerts greait crcedit upon theab'ty srvn of praise. " al,- t, ligible, nor aitns de151r-graduaste who
sr'' cieterpirisi. of tie edioi. isa sriutse to this ene ory ofsf retssd lits r1555e.' 1 o iilisl is leliiie'slor
lin stiie 5 iniiiit r nss I i S ~ 1'dei..l tlus it ii lll i 5r Ir'lllli ifs+ o
'T'ile leadinrs rticlen ion ts character ls irmy iide riissf sla
sirtis. i. ihar'',cs nihec sailu're lifi ofi iiiiiitir4t (rblriis i lsth isis. of
1ttii. 55551chitiss1 i iiiSuh is
li ssts-icos cis ca s' May "o tBehind tin ilsi 'lii.leiPladelph iaplis t si i~s i5 i sslii ll
-lie Isisaltiy sit ilumnisi but ti ills it i ii.'ii 1) 1 5 .15 0enI5are ractisili" It wsas passsei by t he ssi-; i
fiilaio i aele orthe tTnlis clssititfChluiago 's first iiss.eitss n Vili. man i cslcy 'iii viii r
tweis Ii ifeling (1sf ptiotisnm of U.;bai.:ball nine. hey s.iaireesai opeesvaanrllii
cif '1 alsinisianstalumniiof 'ialic firon ighislischli cailsiiy ansIisal t-r protestes igiorously (s) beicas 1)' 3 I, 1 -O-l SO iIssiiiss
suit Ilsus iisl. hlac ik of interest (icollege teasnsthen. bcius" io stars i Is.tems had toi operiateiundritsi
th sswsriter fills to findi in smsall inn vlo coie l aure~ls fiomiiiy us e moviedis(zii)sbecasesimould i jureiy" Inhnyon Str . 1^ightt t.
in , o teNI icliiga "grauats ae5'lar"ercolleges. I lie canidal'ltes are cs2iNst ( o.sss t soslliiji
'sci s ii'iic os- i ssisis f I sni~l uil ii I'"s-nni he "rowithiof the tame ansdl{() be- ,O R TE
wiliic -isin ii rs aiis l thr niluitay bsin ri, ed eisil I n i (h t i.illimn a us t surkssllc t55t c
iss is.s .ii i s ssrs sm wi ceafor rsiampciii aisltes. a ei tliiiwiiou l ot:t old51I5.iust5ice iet s r-1;s mk s wil
)h l 1nvris 5- andth eI' i ' 4 i stl 5lii~sii ssIucd .m~s.s' I.iiu' lssts ss ir o l- 7 'l l si'iiito iiDi'
to thousands o ii c s unis (> 5,tr4
" - i1nsace vfor''racisnleroislIgroundeIirs f
iiit c~s re sic s rat ssiiis tsi siis .ii. lii si1 ls ctiss, 15 e ntste titri.l" eah htsiicittsi tine 555''5515i)is5ii'su-s5 li
ir .,'t so n easdhs i. s si irtii 's1l iinss pii te tf sss iiI nst n' tissss itf5r5:isis'ii lii tisil uisinii-u
-fcierigai l t 'i i1n. issMastr i t tcers-b y o 1 st li acuael s ilisate rsslshstssslittit hpsseis Isi' s.i', ' i snrst5
Sias te ris~l ti rel m t svfly ,irn i isei-scstd si eavirc o lseiis isu i' e. siaisin.streio:t
ohal orks s uc ssv- iens.fiwinlgNIundr thalieni Ais ftersy trodu1.cls-'l- ist lir- ig
csoletilgs e wohoadrbas2t i hundea 1ornos ninnsit
('(iit as a evesiio the Isible eln te Maos nisanIucssfront ofI the h ae rA 5liYter s tlepa rses fand 4 o rflhe 1 S_ LFIr~t)4H ?1}itv I1
... , t il,'"?"1 + I i t thioii elin t eassnial tisii luld 1 Lv IV, l3 .tltt¢ f'.t' t,*
l(, t tGo~lof aunin. 'ile ~o age e lfodtlqu;hili"s~s, « . <ultiilt i
geseit. li1:.tititesons prctcalhl pnded fromthe eilingan iichcs frn0i siiy-tolleg e rsiesit oisll,10+fr~i<' t xt P ~r ~tk
lesaosris uiii interit place in, he~iin in accekurat lllm atd e r ha e eigibthlepisviheh e - thi' it 5rur(,155 iii tCOC:o.
iige ra dath-a ases. toful ill(.5 csr bhhili aisdbattey muok. ths aisellch(,otbe1,sospeeise zlint
esiantithe rigey.Itkiisofethsi swikftlern tenforeg-hgfaiind odeaedi aenbd llte lveio
tui th I sivrsiyant wet cese ovrer-haiinde. uestyh ss o 8f rom plyin goducing thefetevii o TuTMcscs
tlusica shuld svkiptcn ioconcl adentasnfis- 19h fli eeiiletyll cerhlg ' R elims ilI, edi i lstes
kirstwlaceousllth ages a tnd trhiove- but~i 1 i 10 siics
"'esinthe 1ife oifthhe dnieioittoyhe ctul t aactce other aenment owanrejecte bill- KINUA
an s surroneto thessrolemiheg gondameinr.tsggtheasre thAvolRofTEtoNITan tJEWoriiRa
levr arc, n oe ct, mriteu hy sried st o eercse inenedt rsoutioll ated.scatonon
Miss Gertrude orts, make canssppleofbodnTesetithb Terlei onisreus-mn ER H N
'Thurgelnit ofaurletcs"is a- takenuenttevery-wo hday.dateThe te veterali ofrett o
logpve othoseum poetsd irlouteinfaospatesf onby th ete ewied the unjsititonth Uofy p.,cfort
leihsarosmenthuof i the ieorankwilplay i otenfist asweball tam15dept salb gbedt ,ov ided tU. of TA~rI LO
-fof btheoniv rdsbtyerHewil ot tryiPs ztoo tuetsewillsectdebarred.
oeathe todthpesentIt ime.ll I tcan- Wto gane hooroinghero, but alecawilnhans-c ll700ofnruedot
stdthh eorigetkWesle Hri. wll pobby ak heplc obhiddebaredand Harvrdou t 4pero
orthr1 oms issot the hatefortno one else hiss been cent.8 Thefroleplsynguon willkeeot
huoossoyetild"etnloonw ytwh: hsthtmkngofathe orndtiumoreexpi ncetadsDe.
l Tven." Itisar r ightBlepiece isa whdiich Captainal ratie MackeyJ.KI has enterede g me ar. Stgg t s lre te vteof oOLnd8he oriinl
thee r re eo n neds t , comen b c rCieda sofUniversiyiss intedl ok fr a rts gis h resolutionaotd "
lioshae Eish Paperea sallob.tioen withry00,00. Te nern ot eusttl itaefar.waoDetrotXohrat
estabishm wil pla on he frst asebll tanitsishnted that 60o the U. of P.
to instorehhisrcontinuing.totthecendoagainwhnoartnnA.tRero, fuhi.Yayewitlhawe at0 tfherpring men 5 W FO drS
Th rmanig roe onrio.caohs us pesntd-ha--stto-o teasrtsciainsifthermatltrois