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October 26, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-26

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THE U. OF M. DAILY.________

Pulished Daly (Buaayt excepted) during
the Colee year, by
Sul tription price $2.5) per yra, invaiaby
in ta cec Sinle tpesets3rettt. Sbcrip-
ttons may be left at the ottier of the DAILY,
at Stottet,twith aty at the editrt o
authorized solicitors.
Commuicatoac shold reah the office by
7 oclock P. M. if they ae to apper the net
Icy. Addesnl matter inended fot publica-
tion to the Managing Editor. All bstarss
Communications should e ent to the Basi-
nen Mactgr.
THE U. of hX. DAILY,
An Arhor, Xicih.
C, A. DENSON, Iate '4, Maagig Editor.
NttRMAFOWan , Lit. 'S6, Asitat.
H1. A. StktnItN, Lit. '4, Atsistant.
J. L. LREta', Li. '15, Assistntt
J. A. LEitu, Lit. '6, Athletic Edior.
S. W. CRTS, P. G. Lit., Busies Maaer.
WlstA. oot', Lt 5, Asitat.
H. B. Utinoitc'4 Frattk Waltre, '4.
Mb-a Li'. Jatie"s '94 i. P. Hall. '5.
. . Asiala'9. hMKiati..
W. N. tChoate, '11. . L. Iatoridle, '4.
F. t. Sadler, 'Oi. H. . Ilokis, '96.
L. E. Cooradt.'15 C. G. Jnkin,'. li
The Editor do ot hold tiemarl-ra repn-
sible for the opiiis or stitemtet of crrea'
pondens apperig is the DAILY.
All copy mit bat the oice bfor 53a, i.
at the ay ofpbiceatio.
To Profs. Angell and Kirchner
the DAILY extends a hearty welcone,
in behalf of the students of the law
department of the University of
Michigan. May their connection
with the University e long and
Too DAtLY has given all sides of
the fraternity fight raging in the
freshmna class, merely ax a omatter
of new. Nothing ht ill feeling
and a serious split can result from
this dispte. To all concerned tie
DAILY counala arbitratiotn.
THEREc wiii e a meeting of the
DAILY staff, Saturday evening at
eght o'clock saur, at DAILY office,I
for assignoment of work. Every
nmember, new as well as old tmut
be present. Every one will e ex-
pected to e supplied with news
items for our special edition, Mon-
WE note with satisfaction the e-
organization of the law faculty and
the changes in the curriculumi in.
cident to it.
The new organization of work re-
flects great credit on Dean Knowl-
tot, who has worked so earnestly
in bringing about the reorganization.
The feature which should not be
overlooked is the good judgment
used in assigning the subjects to
men who have made his own subject
a specialty. With the reorganiza-

lion of the wotk and the establish- Cal., and are secured by the college
meat of a private court, we have through the generosity of Mr. F. G.
reason to be proud of our law do. Logan, of Chicago, a trustee of the
partment. Icollege.
sentor Medic Officers. ; The Alpha Phi fraternity are giv-
-- lug a series of Saturday afternoon
Thbe senior class in thse medical receptions to the various sororities
departtlsallt held a meeting yester- and their patronesses.
day and succeeded in electing offi-
cers without any difficulty. The -
followving were elected to office:
Robert B. Armstrong, president; l
Mrs. Krss, vice-president; C. M~or-JIU & L ( /t
nas, secretary; Mr. Ayres, treasurer;
E. E. McKnight, orator; A. Crane,
valedictorian; and Mr. Rheinfrank, HrfrsAi hsht

class historian.
The question of lholding class-day
exercises was not decided.
S. C. A. Receptions.
A series of receptions is to be
given during the fail and winter by
the S. C. A. to the different classes
of the University. Thse first is to
be given Saturiday evening, Nov. 4,
to the medics and pharniics. The
lawa students will be given a recep-
tion by the ladies of the association
Friday evening, Nov. to. Other
receptions will be given to the Newv
England students, probably on
Thanksgiving evening, one to post
graduates, and one to thse foreigen
students in the University, whicha
will probably occur during the
winter vacation.
Bock Counties Heard From.
The visionary account of the
cheapness of living in Ann Arbor,
sent to the Detroit Journal by its
able college correspondent, is at
present going tlse rounds of thse
state press. We clip thse following
fronm a Pea Soup Lake paper, and
altlhostglh the facts are slighatly con-
torted wve think wve recognaize the
source front which it originally came.
"If lharid tinses are really pinching
you, go to Ann Arbor where you
can nabob it on $t.-o a week for
both room and board and one baths
per wveek included."
A Valuable Collection.
Beloit has been fortunate 'in se-
curing for its museum the Rust
American archaeological collection,
worth fully $a15,000, which has been
on exhibition in the Archaeological
Building at the Worlds Fair, at-
tracting attention from all visitors.
It includes some 3,000 specimens of
arrow heads, pottery, mortars, etc.,
illustrating the history and develop-
ment of the Amserican aborigines.
Trhese relics have been gathered by
Major H. At. Burt, of Pasadena,

Is the most effective and agree-
able remedy iu existence for
pr-eventing indigestion,' and re-
lieving those diseases arising
frotm a tdisotrdered stomach.
Dr. WV. W. Gardner, Springfield,
Mass., saxys: "I value it as oti excellent
preeneatavec of indigestion, atid a pleasant
acidtutated drinikbahen prpelty dilated with
water, sod sweetfned"
Deseriptiive patmtilet tree o applicatiatn to
RumfordChemieal Works, PravideceR.I.
Bewire of Substitutesanatd Imitations.
For Sale by all Druggists.
A,,p rey Nco. DICTIONARY
.4treaclc caalnzSa.________
ASiieeeaaae sftbv
Ten years spett
nj fincrevalisig, 11110s
e-itoca eioloyel,xai
Elr1, t +TO s' vrybody
I-l(r atitshuldowntahtts
III. liitiot11t5-. Itan
s - -es allilquesltins
c-otcmiaeti'.she his-
tao veingio,t-
sclag of weed..
A Library-in Iftself. Ittalsoagivsa
the oftett do. iedtitiformiatiatn coicening
emittetnt psess;factsrconeernitg tho
couties it" til", towsa ndatutrtilttexfa-
tue yftegoe artii-ulars cnrut ingas
nosiet ilio-.5perasns act plat;tortaus-
tatotaof:forein quoations,words ,antd
Thisi Work is Invaluable in tte
fesasiat us, andiself-duaator.
G. & C..rerriam Ca.
xJ'slac a, WEBSTeg'
.9Sintiibl, .t3liaa. 1INTERNAITIONAL
gr1hi11erits f e~t a DICTIONSI iC
tfP.'eofee prospectus.
In rotnecttn:FineLShowe thlsnewIpIt
erlainctub s 0bathsafort$5.00.Ladtes' Hait
J. lt. TROhlAsaWSlt, 30 E. Washiagtatn St.
FNo. 4 East tiaras Str'.et.
Capitsl,$50,005. Surplussaitd Profts, $30,000.
Tratisacts a geseraltbanisgbsiniess. Far'.
eigtiexcasngate bought attd acid. Letters of
credit procared for traveters abroad.
P. BACIt. Fees. S. W.Ct.AIKSON. Cashier.

an 4SHORTHANDStagificetatbildieg; tic
teaerlaregcattetcgooipllie;l suapr-
lo-ak; well seppled eadigrsm; dail ectes-tt
Saturday eeingf reetins;sopll thetire year
lEeaeiaanal ailiies tr pltac tuldets in pst
tllls-sortallleradualte Ganlteedlthe- Liing
eoes'.2to$lis5sprawee inprivate families.
Fr '.e v Caailgaddess
\ {stes5 t'.'. 55tI5AW
10 ll bled, ,
N5..a'ls A t~
a. a. t a 1e 6 a to
pJKOO t. li Spt,NA
rll natao ttotaa li.
ti Ait-,it~istiaili Atl4'tOt
etcBat t r bu;la. y-, ,
ItSOILS1'OD ceitAiti drpr
--sothtedOPTOLEDO. dSI
TileaveLAnnAGEr yCoaD
Stadun Tnuattct
Nolidisiy iOUTiv .
Store . m.areed 1ent., 1-tado'.il-
P 4tritete.stdmirn9roei0tp.iatm Crce
Sundv Painet irclUbSouthatiestaps.,in.
Eu. . Sxsca' rturnng -p.m, naer.
R. AS.GEENW. OODi, Flort. hrworo
N.H.BENNEvTtovy.street, app.leoieyae

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