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October 26, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-26

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LE W H. CLEMENT, Fri., Oet. 2-Riley and Sherley, in S. L. A
51l0 So RT'ST.t irector and Manager.
EXCE SIO LAU DRY Sat. Oct. 28- Senior law election, law lecture
E C L I RL U D Y rosmn 8:30 a. m
20 EAT HUttON STREET. Saturday, Oct. 28.-Ninety-six class meeting,
Good Wosrk Guarnnteed. Goode roiled tar SRooma A, Sa. im.
and delisvered. A. F. tOYERT, Prop. Saturday, Get. 2t.-Michigan vs. Minnesta, at
KAGS RC-ATRE , Athletic fSold.
Os 2E. Wnshingtlon Street Mmnday, Ot. 30.-Repuoblicanaclub election, to
________________________________ law lecturecrom, at 7:30p. am.
22 Years in the niis./ Mo.EeOt30-alWityindmtc
CITY LAUNDRY, soantiosns. Island League Seies.
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave-------
+$ITATC $AVIPGEa BAflL{+ The law department has been
Cor. Main and Washington St rets.srntedbtha-
A. L. NOBLE, Peas. ROBERsT PILLIPS, Casher. materially srntendbythad
dition of two new professors. Ow-
The J3= & It. Prhg Syore ing to the resignation of Professor
Io the place to ban~ytingll l inahels'uzline.
Medcints, Sponges, Brushes, Etc. Ete. Coneiey, tihe department loot the
GO TOservices of a valuable professor and
R= E. JOLLY & Co3s a mae who h~ad the respect and
whenl you essot a pure lbpy at Floe Chocolate good wises of erery student who
Candiea. Stationersy at tos. sigars, Tobacco,
Cignrettes ad tile Fines-t Stockols tPipe-si knewv him. Since the resignation
tile City.
LADIES' andGENTS' LUNCH ROOM. of Prof. Concley the work las been
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St. rearranged anti neev subjects hate
been introduced niaking the faculty
DANCING and DELSARTE comlpete.
MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER Profs. Angeli and Kirchner,
46 S. State Street. screyneayitodtono
MONDAY p. gin. AdIllIllced llsforo La- sacsy ne n stoutoit
dies and Cenlee ieaoenoo.h
TUESDA1Y-71.50m. ladle-.udents ofI-lahs.University.
~l~ L ad00115is'el- lllleilclass.
SA . n. IG.e.netlms ancilglass. Thsegentlemen have more than
11URA-l . i.Gnlmn' a 10Ths- .n. hlrnsdan ls. local reputation and are known as
415u.Im. Ladis-' danclngllsgie.
Privelseso-.;Sb' appointlmente. spe ialists in the suobjects assigned
Ann Arbor Savings Ban to them. :Both of these gentlemen
Ann1 1Asbhue Michl. Capet1l Moch, S$o,0. are successful attorneys practicing
Os pt Gacdale t enlla' ln ae at the Detroit bar; Prof. Kirchsner
of hisStae. ecevesdepsils, bhay-. hasserved a termasAtre xh eonhepicaliisofhe ase
rieacsseante1-sillciesothe a tony Gn
Unitaed Stases. Drafts cashed upon lpropere I of Michigan, swla kon
dentification. Safce'y depo-it boxs to renl, erag as i elkon
HaCReS: isPea ba,1res: ca-D.Prof. Alexis C. Angell, son of Pres-
shie -. J. Fritz Asst. Cashier. ident Angell, re-edited judge T. M.

Pride Before the Fall.
Saturday's game has relegated1
Cornell to the second rank, and the
Cornellians can no longer class with
Yale, Princeton, Harvard and the
University of Pennsylvania. The
attendance at Saturday's game wvas
nearer 3,000 lbhan 7,000, as some of
the papers print. T'o sum up the
game, Princeton showed herself to
have a decidedly "tender" team.
Neither side showed the least clever-
ness at interference. In fact, it
looked as if blocking and tackling
were unknown.-Mail and Express.
Sam T. Jaicik's latest cmbination,
tise unlitedi Lilly Clay anld Oltd Age an11d
Youlth btsrlesque coumpanies, ciii ap-
pear0 at tile Grand. 'T'hunrsdaiy nighlt.
'The tnewTconisolidaltionl hals, so fair,
heealswonderfuoily asuccessfud. It gives
a tbrighit, lively shioc', flull of merrimnit
and hiomor, yet free from lily trace of
imip~ropriety; tilenmost popelar per-
formers.,land the fisiest features of boths
the 011iginalconmpaniies lire retaliedi,15
111111'!" O'f 1n0cc'specilties are liddeti,
alil .tiht c11 lass entertaiinment is ao-
susresd. F-irst upioss the program is a
gaily costumsed bsrietta, bearing tile
orienital title of "'siths the Effendi,"
and comuposed cliliely of hsansdsonie girls
in Tulrkisha costulmes, whisnivadle the
hlareml of L11 Easterns ruler, spring ait
the latest jokes ansd wcittieisms, sing
the newest topieal airs, and ineident-
ally get thsemselves dislikeid by flirting
wcithi the odalisqunes. Varios special-
ties, ineluding everythinsg from a mussi-
cal team to ai "mirror dance,' follow,
concluding with a novelty iiitise shape
of si "maireh of sll nations," whlereli
twveisty cceli formuedicomnl, eladsini
the costtimes ansd armor of different
esosuntries, masieuver in wcelltirileti
evolu~tions. It is a pretty ma~rch, iand
bears no resemblasnce to tilecusitomalry
"Amazosn mareches" of most buirlesqise-
comspanlies. Tile mierriment conltdsts
cwithi the ever stccessefull comic spec-
taicle "Osd Age 11101Youith."
Grangers Advanced Class.
'110'ileiss ill dancing for Ladislian111l
Gen~tlemenll-will smeet '1'ue'sday' 0101-
inigs sa siussiss. AS atulrday7ev eninig
classciii beoglanicedi later ill the seai-
0s11. All of the fashionalble di5100 ciii
be tasgilt 'T'usayevenlings, lalso P01m0
1101vrles inl tile Germanil. ''hll iutmiost
care is exercisedsini the admlispsionli si
pup~tils. Positively iio visitors alloiwesd.
N otice.
Do y0ou cishi to reiit ousr roomis?
Why tdonst yousinisert asliiie or twco inl
our local cosumntsssfor i fecc sdsys
More rooms havce beell retited thsrossgh
the DAILY than thirossghs sn's'sthier
mlediiumi, for the DAIsLY praicticailly
falls insto ec'ery sttudents hands.
LOST.-$30.00; 011 Satlurday, Oct. 21,
at sir near athltetie groundsss. Please
return ands reeeive libseral rewaird.
E. V. Deans, 605 E. Waslsington street.

'll neekcvear at half price, good
paitterns. E. A. Wallace & Co.
Rooms.-Pleasant alid cheap. 25
Lawrence street. 24-27
Fail Dres Ties at hlfponce-eight
styles. E3. A. XWallaee & Co.
WANTED-Prinipal of fHigh Schoot
immnedliately; salasry abosut $501 per
mniitis; iessr Detroit. L. D. Wines,
94 S. State street. Call froml 5 to b
o'eloek p. m.
Foil Dress Coats and Vests, good
styles, at $0.75. 13. A. Wallsse & Co.
Th 'Iieqoeen's taste are "Old Sot'
ATTENTIIN-Do outhinks of buy-
ing si type-osriter tisis yeair: Thau eall
at the DAILY office it you wvish one be-
low cst.
See the $1.00 Undercvear we are sell-
hng at 57e. 13. A. Wallaee & Co.
Baths 10e at iP. 0. Barber Shop.
Ladies' ansi ehildiren's hsair-cutting and
shsampooing at Jeronme A. Freeman's.
FoR1 EENT.-Pairlors, osr suite of
roossm, Millsuse of plianlo. Inquire at
II .Jeffersons. 22-24
Fsour Dolisir Unsderweear at $2.25 nocv
at El A. Wllalce & Co.'s.
You ean get the U. of XL Dsiily, re-
censt ssnsl bal i 3 a1tubers, it F. ,Stoiiiet's.
FinLo isbrelll chleslp-oilysa foot
left. 13. A. Wallasse & Co.
Tei RENT-IL suite of rooms, lower
floor, for three; or eacei roomi sepsirate-
ly, ae reasonasble. 27 Chsurchs street.
The "'Old Sol" cigar ia a delieiosu
Fsrt SALE. - Billiards anid Pool,
Opersi House 1B1k,iRoomls tip-stairs.
nm t-5cv.
Jaros Underwear, $2-.d0squality, no0w
$1.50. E3. A. Wsallaee & Co.
Unlaundried Shirts, 7-ic qulity, now
43c. E3. A. Wallaek, Co.
BRIACE t-iu- ills a good pair of shoul-
der braees. A large stoeck at low priees
sit Brcowv's Drusg Store. A fecw sbop
'stun brsaces at 5Oc.
Knox Hts-regular priee, $5.00-
nowv $2.50). E. A. Wasllaee & Co.
For sale. ood Victor Safety. $90.
0. E. Butsterfieldl, 4Sthilerine s root.
All1 stiff Hlats at onse-hialf priee, at
E. A;. Wallaek, Co.'s.
Hiaved you betn to Hazslewvood's Dii-
litr~ Halyt?-'Eiery thinsg nice, pleas-
sntsad qu~iet; 1n1)boisiterosness.
1111101 11ose, 2.e sqluality, noiw l7e.
I-.5. ssllace & to.
{>or in a ll doepalrtmnts are en-
titlesd illsenlio~r rates 011 lphotolgrlaphic
LotsIlf White 1111d1fanye7-bordleredl
Ilasndlll.relli.f's at 6Ic. 101. A. Wsallaco
Gou to Blolee N'-, D1.i S'ORoE for all
Lasborlatory suipplies. Dissectig essses,
saprons 111d1sleeves.-Lou,1 pliesc.
The 0111 Sol' ciglar is hanled by
all deslsir.
Chsoi ;e 'Tobaccs, Cigasrs ansd iipes -at
Sheldon's IBilliardi Ilsll, No. 3 North
ptlain street. 1-7
Youi esan agin have the Stylo Inle-
plendenst lens st .I'. Stofltet's, Operli
Houlse News IDepot. $0.00.
A big liine of F~ine Neekwvear at 19e.
13. ;\-. Wsallace & (o.
Anni Arbsor Dye Wosrks at 3 West
Hturon street- Speecial attention given
to clesing anid repaliring suits. Have
your lighit suits dyed. 1-7

N. S 1Lss 1a-0.lS L Assl.-St.
N. Y. Limsited....-9451P. 5M.
N. Falls1 Spec'isal-.11 12Cictagol Elsie.-.. 155i
N. Y. SIChi. Lim.. 11 . It.&'Kai. F 1os,6 ill
A. _0[. C11.:N. Exspress.. 8 501
Atlantic Exlprs-u. 5133Paci-itc'Expreess. 10120
D. N. Expe-...-11;01
G. R. Expcess.--..0 44
O.P. SIT. AhI Clshianoa Al.,AanArbor.
Student Work a Specialty-
Rest Woekmin and Luswest Priees in thle City.
CLASSES IN DANCING sill meet aso
gallows: Getlemenl,S-tus day mons 10
and Thuasday evesningi 8:0S; Ladses, Satarday
aternooas 4. Ladies atsd Gentlemen, ad-
vansed las-., Tuesdaven-sings S. Ground
flour.06.Maasrdsret. Tuitisos. 0110tarm
ltelveweekls) $5. Papils eeived at asny

Cooley's Constitutional Law.
The arrangement of wvork thia
sensester is as followvs: Prof. Mie-
them, lectures to seniors on Wsills;
to juniors, agency; Prof. Griffdn, to
senliors, Evidence; to juniors, Cons-
0100Lawy, Pleading and Practice;
Prof. 'Thlompson to seniors, Reali
E1state; to juniors, Fixtulres anti
Easements; Prof. Angell, to seniors,
Constitutional Lawy; to juniors, Par-
ent aid Child, Guardialn and Ward,
Master and Servant.
Prof. Kirschner's news subjects,
ho senliors, Private and Inter-Na-
tional Laws; to juniors, on subjects
of Husband and Wife, and Marriage
and Divorce. Prof. Knsowton ciii,
probably, lecture on his usual sub-
jecls, to seniors, Criminal Law; to
juniors, Bailments, as well as con-
duct the text-book work in Black-
During tlhe second semester Prof.
Johnson csill have charge of all the
text-book work in order that Prof.
Mechem can give all Ihis time to thte
work in the practice court.
Students wishing typewriting done
call at J. R. Bach's law office, s6 E.
Hiuron street. Best rates.

BUSINESSLOCALS. reglar priee. E. .r - Walhece &t Co.
L~otices inserted in this enlumin at tie rain Newv Laundry. Try uss for thin best
of5 ieants per line. Special rates foar longe work you ever saw. Work dotse in
tina, and estra liars earnishad hy applying- at egthor s xr hre fle 0
the DuILY ofiealReihlhurs ontrt. hWrks. 41 514XV
Go to the J. T. Jaeob's Co. aid get E.Huron teoe. rs4-1W
your underwvear. Thsey have the
largest and best assorted line in the Perr i best P. K. Kid Gloves, $1.75
city. 1oow. 13. A. Wallae&itCo.

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