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May 26, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-26

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AIL a +

aT,.III.-No. 1iN.
Mlichigan Wins from the Iowa Rall
Players In a Well-Played Game.
Grinnell Defeated.

public programe to which all are TENNIS AT CHICAGO.
welcome. Papers will lie readl on i1od lyrsSoldTyCa 0
H-oiiieliolil Sanitation, Scieitlific Teamn Going to Chcago t
(Cookers aiiil Houlsehldll cono- June 2nd and 3rd.
ci iil n il u iiteIii h hl t i i iiciI


1-estrdayMichgan ciici ba ii( iciw oeto e f geS'c b
I It lii 1 U ci icon ciial (iac etilietii.e i
)L,11 collegel~
tmrofntoa Ctile-artbGrin~ ii i
icl ain e.-4l'litgnmaerlm stjl i s a
a itcshun a In citat goid yt DIi t >ra e
tin pto 1111 til hordell teams.c I i otti i i ic clitf 1 ai csd c iv( r-a
pantlitc iiiiclii cl i e 1i~ eron y n it lii cii Uliyes -k~.I'i v t
priAtcit a stc ith o ehncftralsyea as.1. ' hs h
keptthehitswel ciectie pnic bill ;aint oue a-trcit stectis ii ri i re-I if
keptthe its erattereil.iBirushi tebill. eepiresenitative(Ciamiber-
after the first twinniins, idii excel- ait, who v otecd for the lull chanted
lent work, allowing bat two hits oft hstvote ani-nitovced a ieconsidlera-
hsis dcliivcry. IFollowiitg is the 0 bpeeltreC elnom
score: 1 to sayvIthc motion to Ireconiceiralt

J, . () F 1.

Spii_'ler, ----
-nwhzer, r f-.
'- Lields, o t--_.
1Zieti, :;b_---__.
t "rn Nvfoi'd. 4". -.
Seyllioul', M-.
hossell. 1 i'-._.
1"'ro ,mill, p-

- _____the table, whtichtcirrieici ly a vole
o f 46 to 39.
_.1 0 21) iCollege Journalism the 1Theme.
-.4 a 1 The Western Cohlege PiresAsso-
II i C ciationsholds its aaitt-lnmeetintg at
li 2: 2ote Uivoiersity liotel ii Choiaoto-
ittorrow at in a. iti, endinog with a
_Ak , anqunet is the eveningp.'sit of the
9 n prontinenst collegepe aperstit the
- -west liaive a moemaberhip iii the as-

ivcr inse e swueathier p icr t TV r I\1 3E
the .te nlus eColrtsltolie lilt iin01 con- lJc~
to tt-ire C h til eamt piti o re c-
lilCilltli. liC C ]M -s h t l;'ytdy a
{ ntloit ercii p.pan' etlitre libeen
plye .lie tins phwvethat
there iarc miuayiotier ugood tplayers E t
woh ace iot appicaied at liii courts VWlin ris ti~nttcle' ace ;Olc riruual nt yics
aini is aii xiw is tht t llsuch shiclofld t ,a.5Ar1I1sort)i Slisrt it lc tois 51 a air less
hianin i their itanmcs to hiim at oince.Af M !; g C dl
Lvery mnit will be gisvena chance to
showr iis.t lie can do.I
Thtere shtonlidbeino cdelay ,amntig D ICOIT, - - D~l~ imUAN.r~i
itewrnt if lteryswisis to try for the
leans, as thse tosirnansent wtill piob- {aie-hrond Straight Qcat.
ably be hseld on Jusne and and -rdlNo.I
at thtetanse tinse as thec track meet.CIGARETTES.
The othser teasmss it the tosirstamnt iCigaret sttemescwho
stilt be from Ma~dison, ivhinnest- a, Wre etanytheorlice
e VI hargedi itoliteordutr
aitd Northsswesternt cli of thse 3, - tlads Cigarrteswililfied
I ~tl-sr. Isis units ixyrior in
tunirersitietshatve extpcrt tcnnis play-alltlirs I
50 Thishio stSraight
crs, antI, if titeCUcif 'Mtis to 55 iii tillat .I tsrett's aermsale irisooheright-
etl,nmstiiisiiati lislaoetrandlhighest cost
the citanspionshipth c ayer lit (30.lintean 5 1551ii5n sVi rgina. mis is the old
ad(tinl Baid ofOSrtsght cuss Ciareitea,
be it steady practice. tal i bougtht t it by us istheo carr U 11.
15liastelwttsaS everycr lists lis
Ture finstrels Ta Nloat I S Oft015inelisnr~aeto
No studentt who cienos rsslle'-e - °-
unit anicihumorinicais iftorditotisitt
the enttertainment gitnby the 1ill lit
sthins to-snit.1 lie folio siut' hue
proram us tbeen lurepuared:0
PA liii'i1551ill ii
Aleii[yit l atr 01111---- --- )1l
'il'i e It ,Ii u i c , - - I i I 'li i pi . a
itI to ii _il - --hl --__ -J hn PI i.
11 Fc t. oi ]I~nttP J. KIKNU-----AN,-

____ ___ 01ciationandic fllatItcendantcestill
eAtasesesit { ;'ohitla
Iletcff~iic _______ 1a b t e ciac lstnt M ch godiorhl h se
i a c , ---------------- 5 I 0 Is o rais attst in briniu-ii -the co-
xin __________________11 1 . lge joun sra ofiC the wItt isuo a
-----__ > I * I_ ciser relatiosstip tsinii it is ec-
lt~flEf lf_-_-----_-_ .I i ' cri o! eted that l ti ear'st ire5 It trill
be cthue most IiiporatlrI ic
coll1 NI hi t ITlie followeingjornlsha itee
i~t il _ :, > i}tc t 0 1ct (n itety i llr C rdilt ,n e s y o
ln: (ils05cr- I ; cut cl-u ,I- brt Coi; e Cl'alleltt; ci 'ii, D
-,tz i ut i l llli~i ',Iw :;. ',N hii l( r i \huw U iiiir t ) cilic rr Ad l
i{ sciderss lie, il' a s k-s F irs - Is esIr iliCol e;Cttiee. i 'or n e
canit'l I -r--thi hieasl 5, i to rt Is.ttrr a erainsEecaCntss
b.ist-i' Iityolilil t l inof Ulsi6. stir is~tic ____o___ole _;Colgeia~
ti 'tnii It R ,ucia iifaz. iic tletiellsl- ber Ili osC lg .
tai iloi Ptiterstin. 5'llsiid sal-craN ford Tue fatlossing officers were elected
Usotirer--ttnts and Raul. aitr--ll-ui. by thse Jeffersoniait Society at its
00aCollege AumnaeMeeting Tomorrow getif atngtt rtT 6
At t~ Uitaianclarchtomr- Test; vice-pres., V. 0. Coltrane;
At te Untarin curchtomo- cr. secyt, Mr. 1hesick; rec. secyt,
row occurs the annual meeting of J. iL. Poston; treas., M\r. Leach;
thae Detfoit Biranch of tlhe Associa- critic, A. G. Mtills; msarisal, lMr.
tion of Collegiate Alumna wills its ifartmtain.
Ann Arbor members and friends.^ 0
After a business meeting at 10:30 Thsere were 3991 patients at the
a. m. and lunchseon at Harris Hall dental operating roonis from Oct. r,
there will be giren at a p. m. a 1892 to April 1, 193.

tics-rs. (Iri, r iatt, 'chluitiiiil and
55 ein' rr
aim st IBllacktliliby 11oc, 11a11c--
--i-t---t-it--itan iiMcuahlain.
tral, ----------Guy Leedu.
FsrceI--List tooiheltanSchriermserhora.
Futnny Speisalsty---Tihottpsonl lanidIPrail.
Coilmbialn I)alo, - --- ----
Inclonding 1our rhllrettr dances andoa
Grand firsae,---Iraser ioilittot oils,
The junior medic class trill fire
Dr. Abel a present, in recognitin
of the many favors hse has shown
the class.

55 W- FQTCI? s2'-,
Detroit, Michi an.

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