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January 26, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-26

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IJC U. of

M . W1ail

VOL, V. No. 83.


Pattut: ,TiIailtE CENTS.

T{EUNOoPRT. ia rental 1'ee wh lit'h lenllimes ovecr Athletics at Smith College.
palYs 101rall iihe e hiosofi etling t1o Tll c-i--iet OhilberI-of tho( 'i-turi-l
THE SOCIAL EVENT OF THE SEA- 1-miiiii5 l ld for dancing. BU Mligaeziili' (Oitaiis a1n iterstsings(-i-
SON. stillsniore unjust clodiset 511 lieiiit coof articles oil h'eslii-als in ,Ancisrlelbrlthtl(,noc i caClo;sfrWnw. fieI(-
A Great Turnout of Dancers at the liiiuill h ;-aiiii-g cal-5 1111 t - c1111 ii liiheont~oor lifet ii 1111111
Cymnasium, and a Brilliant Suc-
cesli-iy frocilic ho- ill of 3ir. Wit iilii-iiii i.151publ1ishin lha1rt1 Islow:
_______ ti u si ti on1 1 1 11ilii sihiI(515s a Iiil liiisial side of' college iti- ,-

'Toys to leairni withlout books.
Some people thoulgh try to tse
mulsicatins~ltrumenO~ts wi little
We Say Buy I hose Which Have Tone,
51 South Macn st.

Thi jlciii r iiey isit iiighit iiIt-11 tlumni, -so Thal, 11i, tte "-r
V11iItiumliiwas ti Iiiilliat ii lli. cud s"(il lby lie egi-ul s. has a1mousti111
,showed 1wh11atniii I ni irslug commiit- jutilsitiiuu Iii17 II(' -stiull iiifro
we supporitielillv aiii 11o Iusse ilrIioig i 1jii lii it. i
i-lass 111an ciluhlish1. hifiii-u-S ocloiik Yale-Princeton Gymnastics.
ie( hack"ts I m~co ln.uiiussoilotiitill
;iliiiisi I l iif 11 l h a"st sla:g;: ~l(rat Iih i Ill iuraiugu-uictt-is hci I iii1
ll li i as11 ., 1 1duius ill ssiiig ro 401-c oii~if gyiitiastiies wiciu s ti111
iandiluuluulioikiiiiioomibeluiw s theiu- 111 lii lioniiiliii.7'2i, i tile yilut
0111 11 liliiiie flrihe liii- gill 11,sni Il Tils wiill Islei'tIie iirstintio-.i
i-iuci1u.111 g-ealisi l wlii;l iii Ihi 1 01xhit-iuni o(iluli elki ndciuilgl iai
baullc alk s t liil -int mcoe" a11I11hi ItI liii itheiild.li
(.hai" ext'nde ('nircl .proIM th ( ''ll tllieilg Iwillie Ow - liii tl
riioomlii-11 uie ithit iles.middliiofithi is Thel-iiiioubl izotl a
ul-url-l 111111 i-a li- il ll aiil l at-0!liii in ict s. P-iiam uicn id ale
soy'.cils. -lin I rlsi-. Prinu-I n.
tincon-Ic-owts.hins.11411s1111ed-it lii itilil lnus. Yan.
ottsr cairs. j ",. slihulh.aezi.iinceton.
iii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i ParallelLliill il-liiii n wiN. al-.
11111 o llrly which ii-hus 7 nuculig i wel lt.oil.
Owluin;i;lii-ack11opposie ts ucsl li- <.Cllege\ Songs R-aeeesd
a11c .1mery trol; o soe ._0 .lii-' 11ni i-i-ilndstool uid'.1"a-iloi
ioll s fillsthe u-anli filo. 1 t e uulii-iton
dnlsici of Ilt-l-sduies - wshlb- mthi-g- iCollege Sonlgs siheaised.iyi-i
he luii - i-ii au 1111 -alili-. I i iM sc -ui-.aI . 11de sul y ilisx islt.illy
1011150 a tIirsiiiihas a H-igit 1to-tin'Proiif. Stllly Nwill liveIn--ua- sn list
alone if lhe- ileuas-. 1111 liioughitilnti of tilt- soi:s"wichu 1iw desies ispiti-

outiooiiiiiIfi-. lluiciii- Ac ils li-so s-
toitie tiiiuc-i-iiii-oills if iii s co-es
lilt-itil l4lwti- 151 lu-iy 01l li ii ii
Eft - 111111-0 lk e i5 wlilu- rIwl-si- i111

piii 2; lutuslsu al 11111 ol" tls 111 -i i liii111 -.. .
dreusses. III(, lutili tor ciig lt Is teLEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS asdAIORT-
}LAND. Magnificest biiilding; tes tachers; large
theiba It s s sit-i-ill ftitliii- hmssi. is ciAl attendance;gssd discipline;sperior work; well
suppled readig room; doily lectures; Satsrdoy
ieiiioiiii-t-aiiy ihiclli-i ii iof -till ' ii- oevenisg receplions;spes the entire year. Excep-
tioonalfacilities lor placing students is possn;
iirtt eriiioif l-tiuuiu- .Board and room $2So i$2.75 per week is priae
faoilies.Thuese rates reduced to $150 by sell-
I.ts-luhalI. howev-i ield-t - <1 u-u lboardins. For Catalsgue address
4.RCLEARY, Pees.
deiath at, ,1-mth ll uhh-g- iliii - l hei
txciol1 - o f* Iitskc-l-balh lii 1.11 E II.Itrin- =Ol? z'IiJ7INC'=3E:S
iresseis iirenot lhho-ul 7th i ient1 1111FRESH INE1 151OF
s11011it f thi -amgtl alii hs iii .LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES
011111 0111its inid til tibsiredl I f i st 1t 1.1 111110 iiiAT
111- iilplellis iiiiii-lihi SnlW1 aill + TUTTLE'S,
fch liii hi>>trli ii. liit 111111+148S. STATE ST.
ei t ta l i--i hih. iouilng lii ,-ok
I1111th lacegoiipeilf -itiiiiii. '1111Ipolite- (eli ti RANDALL folt
ii~~~~ liliittiio gih i01ItA rtistic PhIiotos.
not Heari-il-i ililisi 1111s1yill - lii NE G LL RY
4-hlg-il. "Itl u nu' I1, ht I thtiiii
timt s o 11 ortuhI . e xisi i-i -lii11 LARGEST OP[RATING ROOM IN STATE1
I liiiil yhhn't'
Ilii 11115t15111 ~nfor >hask I hh il-NO, 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK,
ill theletiihi-i-sl l te-two iilii 011how ir- AnnxsArbor, IMicha.

m ihiger.111111vis hrng ltiilti-si11s;
Olie dhu-ces thitlrciii 11111byIthi-si-
,solitarl on-der-s.
Ihe Iiprram cnsist(usl if 45 oru-gnhn

lh- studentIis giill Shouutseiru- lo-yalty
an olouheu-q1111 it y Iilrnli"g 1(k1iiiin
givitlig this 11110 11littheir1hestuy sup~-


Itims t a-is. Altl-o heli o -cond
ltiss, -withi its yci.imorec ouf hratihil
gills-rally 111110, i it isne rsae to i

Latest Improved Barber Shop

dalceustlo-cextras ,in(] ditui-,, xtisu Detroit Comedy Chub. Ipre-diet; 111d the aludi-ecsowliiihi llls Initles to- . E. ashinlglton St., lst dime
_____est of Mdi it. Asn Arbor.
extraI-iti.nditaliied tilli-3ho'clock.lysTletileruniig trat:kis as frill ofinterest
cihest-u 0110s11011ouh Ill-egill thei-ltss im aflI ur n i
extlraswhich 5010 to lie-t1111final dn(,adunbann111 rsIlclhli05 tll iress. Ih tiuaslnithleill-l 1 iiilis 11 u uiul-luihiult5~i IiiliIIHN ?u' A.
huelthDtri ~nhtemtthef(-IIII])ailCold AT- AlSae
woh en 111 e lig h ts s ud dlle l y - ws to-i lt 1 1 1 1 ( 1s1 1 t i i leliN-ull i 11 1 5 el ll 111 11 e ttr a ci e uh f ii dit til s . ".~ . - & c '
All r1usd lull of t 11.111t n he 11101111h.111lilFi hs10 oirtlihi hy li the fil k retiedIIieno,,i a ~~50 r Di olls11
5ertline hd a-iost ecitngt is-hucligula lhaulun 11 i admmes ftefrtheir ls t ly0111u nba- Htan oy ucesa llHus
opleing thIeirlIceres 101111indillgthu-eir lullli 111011 l l yllnill l~s 11 t
thigsinthedak;llale hiow o geiven Illi Dtroit o1111 I-li . u ritloasolihi11ri00-1(11e1n1tin iercllied NIO WA 0NI S A..IL.-1E
uver, enjoyedthe111luxu1ry-of gias jets. irsel-llllllg-iiltuulslisluIlIi -111it. idicat~ioni of nuuh I IIAT
Frsonfirst to last 1111!thirty swas a - ~ . lss~snIhih -1110u u u
grfito ucesti nd on11140115increacsedl lteinlAnn iAlrtor.tlumps. buises,110 totilal l-s 111111r W A
goeling of odisatisfactiol it0111 ac1- 10-i lo0ls<.
lion of thle regentsortooill spite of tlii No Cribbing at Harvard. ,A like s tuihsillsli is inuii 111st I 00 .
u trge attendlane-the party- licked Thei-Adininistrativo Ioardi ties os h ullolrllhii slt1 1
abkout $30 of Saying expenses. With this anou~nceen~t: sprilig. This rolls01out fltendso m 11111 1 ACE, And Other Poem~s
-inch a sh~owinlg 0111er the extrl-ney 'Tile Administrativ--eord if tub- fl-,01I~l.ll 111 u~i~l iis
tlserable circumlstances whlichi attend- BYri(leeloligtli Illlil 1 ~~S5i~ rllol 111gygsis
e14 the 5party, it is hardly ptal: thaS110 yi lld~to orteiorr iSl ltlICIO 11 l -a llol.110 i FIE~iI EMERSON BRtOOKS.
the experiment will 50011 bo tried oveni disoniorable. and unworthly is 11, distinct gainlen-Il-m lembers of
again. Certainly it does 00010 stranlge of a ineinbntr of this Un~iversity, pro- the- faculty can bo-yitersiuaded to weatr Complete in ice volumne. Hand-
that th~e only hall in tho city large poses hereafter to separate froin the t- s cor. Thlere is nothling .llIile somnely houtdlin t extra cloth.
iflonglt to aceolnnlodate a class social college a student goi lty of suchl 111- aotatlll olriect ltte price $1.00. Postage pre-
abou a enni tornanent butthe paid toIny l~part of
should 1he Inaccessable merely becaulse ducct. CONTINUES) ON THIRD PAGE. thle World.


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