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November 06, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…_The_ ichiganDal VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1903. No. 35 ALL-FRESH DID WELL BISPHtAnr TONIGHT. UNPRECEDENTED SALE. ICONVENTION CLOSES TODAY Scored Twice on the Scruhs Last Noted Singer Will Open Choral UnionI Tickets Going Fast-Indications of aFnlBqutothApaGma Night-'Varsity Was Fast in Sig- Series-A .real Favorite With Record-breaking Crowd-Many In- nal Practice-O. S. U. Hopes to Ann Aror Audiences-Sketch quiries From Alu...…

November 05, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dally VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1903. No. 34 VARSITY YS. ALL-FRRI I~. SENIOR CLASS MEEI1TINGi. Scrimmage This Afternoon Will be In. teresing-Four Regulars Out of Line-up Yesterday-Fullback Change is Promising. The promised scrimmage work did not materialize at last night's prac- tice, ht the rooers aitracel y the open gates of erry Field were rec- ompensed by the sight of faol signal work through whirl...…

November 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1903. No. 33 0. S. U. CO"IES NEXT. STONE WILL SPEAK HERE. ALUMPNI INTERESTED. "ICHIGIAN EVERYWHERE. Strong Buckeye Aggregation Comes Senator From Mississipi Has Been Graduates Will Be in Evidence At the Her Alumni Are Easily Found in the Next Saturday-Organized Root- Engaged By the Students' Lecture Wisconsin Game-New System of West-An Interesting Letter From ing of Ohio Sup...…

November 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dailyi VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUIESDA, NOVEMBER 3, 1903. No. 32 RETUJRN 03FlMEtT[Afr.t OCTOBR IN[ANDER. OP[N PRACIC GAfrI[ IN MEMO'IRIAMr. Welcomed At the Station By a Large Extracts From the Minutes of the and nthuiastc Crwd-Dawn Pleasing and Artistic Number-Valu- Michigan Rooters May Now See Their; Senate of the University of Mich Through Town By Students- able Historical Article Essays Favorites In Action Daily-Light iga, ...…

November 01, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…'IWI 'h iiDihVOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1903. No. 31 "1ICI1IOAN 6 - "INNIISOTA 6 The Wolverines And Gophers Struggle [or Three Flours And The Re- sult 1 s a Tie. Greatest Game In Western Football History. Bfe mnore thas thirty thousand downedIl inhis tiats Itston mi iii n p los sion lee riio t)yard line, STUD[NTS IN WR[CK. exlectalors, the greatest football yards, and tianunond mtae fist (lo i. thei Wolv erites mnade third...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ANN \ ii TT - al N )\ LVaAl BE 1 LAST NIGHT S PRACTICE SINGINGI-EEL-. MINSTAHT_ Iet I, t~I , f ,.;. Coln. "ill. :: tliiir li;. : Itt ilt-r 11 I2}i , li t l ]1 I. I - t Ii 2 ( 1 I ': i)Ittt- Ill( ii 1'til I ltil fin- tot- 1" t'lltii- i i i ---tlii ; I -"IlE1 . l \' 1rt-t 't3 : t I ~l t o- llil"'ttl1 t a t i ii+ [[001 f>tO-l t. ~ ~,ttt ~i ~ rill i -tI IIi'tllt rl- i~ l tli. '1t1" I I I t + I " :lit 1 11 1 :i it'11t: his :11141 1 I hh, :t 1111 It...…

November 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…3: 1 Jt 'SITY OF MICHIGAN.: ' M io"' o v , .''r LAW r it , iI11N .i LADd Sct fJeiiei Ml ii i: t c. I i 7trt1 jiti t 71o e .I piti n-lt i 1 , Gam p l, \ i l t ti -1.1,,1 Iil '1 ci tt 71( 11 . L I ti 1 7r . 11 .1 11 .,itI liittt.ff fittit l iliI i.' tn!11,1\I , I~ 1. ,t11II{ 1mti1, ~ftAlaiMt1 Ciii tf" tH ,3 l iI 1 + 1~ i in t\ 11 "1it' <iUi'c't. 1111 11i ll . 7 i , ,' 11 ,If1t ~ Ilt't i t l ,,1 i twat « 111/171 '. ifi~f Ii, 'n~.,,t 11(1. in li, ...…

November 20, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…TA r I Poo ~ _ __ 77 0 ' iit' ti (1!{7t 'lii +> 1'E1i 1 3111"t l' (I1" .irl' " f ill( itt t +i t++ irllt ii Illr i" .t +lrii+';iti+rn 7F+rC [ '+ l"' u c: ;y+,r"+ . W rit+" ll;illlr' ' I l+ i i i ;li tlt"+ : "; +21 t l: , E'l+}E+i' 3tt'ti. 'ii+ 4j ;; v ,III fi 11'i'. J > ' 1 i1t" 1' rili j r + l +'i't'ilr +" +'ii ;l+ ,' _ ,+ t {+; " 4 II p 1' I II, i I4 t. 'I 11' I 37 I i > 3 i 1- 'wdti/'zol 1 I Ili) _ 1 4 1fea' the1 Iil-Nc 44. …

November 16, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…____ _ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. __ _ Yi 1 E e Nof Score OF77J-IAL SCORES OF TL1 MI N N ESO0T A BEAT "ECONSIN t a i I { , rit't c i 1 t 4 t' i l I I L 1 11:(>>\' 1'1 II llit'tl j l':It - l':li'1( 'll)IIIII !;t I.i :tl' S12S .r " a AI i it t'1 it",i::tt tlt it 3iz ifi,, i llt " a il !lt 'l' t 'lti . t t l tl i j 3El:t i l I'ii l lit' t .lt i ,i 1 i. . I . . . . . I I i t .r' ' 1 1 ". i II P: i]tl ;t 'C'I '1'1tt r : a 1f. i 44.lll ' t i I ' s44 P44 …

November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…, . i iCD ! '-Jd , _ . ; Y , i -' -+ _ ,___r ' ' A D _, ..._ . , , 'I "I. 'l. . t^ 8 _. . k^+}i Y}q1 (^ c V *x }+ 4 ^ ;v'a , rt; . : _..8 ti: c". 4 W {i" M+s e gn I J hers w ewa r« --- . I ,_r _ _: . . _. - 3 f r - y i - . ' . - _ T I, j , --- ...._..,.. _, f i CIj ': , - . . ~ , ' . l 1 u j r ' s C ! w. iI _ 7 r3 i u r 1 Sr ; _ I { t t '_ ,, r_ , _ ._ . :- f. ' i" c72 rt' , C° . 4. rr CD' . …

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…UNVRST OF MIOHIG ~~~~~~ y.11N L) i v < .xx;<.K STAG'S H~xB~C~~ CLSS HA~PIOSHt Di u x:n~ A ~,5i2. lst L m s i ;;ix3 ! tI3 J 'I t X' , l i" , : i3 1 {:iti i ~i t ' :rl. 11' if; Mu ixii'Not (= ... Turn Ou,, i _x .. …

November 12, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YhA. ANN ARBOR, :MICH., WEDNESD)AY, NOVEMBER 12, 1902 No. 44_' "VERY GOOD" PRACTICE WILL SHE SCORE 700 FRESH LAWS WIN DAMAGE SUITS IN SIGHT Fast Signali Practice--No Scrimmage over 500 Points in Eight Games-A Game Was Slow on Account of Slip- Chicgo, Wisconsin and Michigso Are -Men Determined to idefeat Stagg Mevw Football Rcord Made by pery Field-Lawss Had Good= Wcirking ii Unison-lhey Claim Michigan Massed Inte...…

November 11, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YEAR. ANN ARBOR MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1902 No. 43 SNAPPY PRACTICE The Michigan-Wisconsin Debate FOOTBALL AND THE U. OF M. p1 yess are retired by- the four-year -Pogrjess is being adh toear ie rtiul____els.and assweak eam, not rereset- Yost Pleased Der Iowa Score-A !iXlt11sai-vv ltA'tisttttt~t t , tate ttls11,11llMichigan Graduate liscources Inter- ti tsisnke-I-tnhis inx' ihelds i Mislisonill 1,oatie a rst ...…

November 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…______ UNVERSTY OF MCHIGAN N 11 jJ\ _1. MWII.. t '1) k I\ L4LEV i. 1902 A, 0 0 FVA SC0R4"OF SAT DAY A y { tt , ' ry 11-, 11TH11 SwN1)XYR. MICHIGAN. 107:1 'iK,' N nS. 9w 1010-1 Ii1 i_ No. I byt Ne:. 12 Kh o-010> (1110>t:. :t; eOv1 0111111. of Event I " 4 . . . . . . . . . ..f ' . , , jt'\3t'ii( t'i i+ Co II il1i n ct10o ;! I E ; N ; :I, t ; ;3i Sll 1\ I. li i; lttl l p I l -li . 1lr Ii t~t'tilt \'] lI A i I~ IP i'i llM 'l1ll1 z: r I1I ,, A II 0...…

November 07, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…rr1 := -i rg-+-i f a ~ 4- 1 *- 1 - !- 1 F-1 r=: ..-. ... _ y_ ;--. - _ f ! . + .- _ . - :J. - , ,,,,,. _. : <'i . n : ca - - J. ._ .r. t lk4_ . I t L f '.y ~ i- W x A '- I ~ c3 LLK y±1 ~ ,; 4 in C-) Q- Cl r: Q _ A ;,,. C . r-y G:-t J. n I . .-- 1_ 1 _ =1 -, ;: c c...7 x) 'I 0 LL u; a °i 1_ …

November 06, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…f ' .. ... _ . - _ _ _ '- I -. ,_, ... . ,.. ... , _ - r. ... __ _ .... ._. - _ - r. /. 1 ; ._ .. P .®. _ - - ::.,,,. u , ,., ,_, -_ r. - - .- .... _. - n _ - I J , - Y C1. - y{"h t V J / " J " ..J V s : r, -' "J :%: ' cY , ; ri 'i Y_ ': ..... ., 1.-. P1i z~ k. ~- ~t uc ." _. _ _ _ .J . r ... a , = _ _ o - - _ _. -- - = _ r _ .- ,{ ,., .. r r - r: - ' - -' cv °° c' __ ._ .- _ . .: t, ..., _ ( i _. _ . '' r. .. .. ' _ .f - H . .. {. - r' 1. .t°...…

November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ri N A.1IBXl't, I~IJ l. AX I IrNI -I AYNO\ h'AlBEI},140-> RDAY Ist u t JO 1W MENa t O ~ _ it 1! + , . i .: . [I I I .. ! ll .I '. ! _ j ~II1 LIGHT WORK YESTE the Xi> OtSt v l Mti h . . ,. _ io .Ua lit 1!+ l D elJa t ChV" , I, sc oil ,zi n r wI o tlt WW " n W -54" 4 Ir m , ip, iI A"I igte Diam InI ect{d ll II i ....... {I'i~ lite I tI" ti t" ; l't;1'f . i l 1 ' l+t t' t311 I11 ;tip' lt tI11't f' I Illltt tt'I' ;Ilft Elt ...…

November 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…____ UNIVERStITY OF M lHGAN. tii .. . _ ii .. .. "1 I _ 9 0 . 1)iI~. N 5! I U I r i j Ii l : 1 it it ::ti i ,1 1 ;'!' , - tl t lc l3 i i+1 .i tit il ,,,tl i i 3 , 1 .ai.i cat . 'sli l, 1 i "i ,1 I it 6 Ii in lt. , i()Ik F1 ,it in Ii '- 7 3 t ;7 i f lip ' i l, ti s i +al 11 i ; f A ll) t;i. t;i jtl il~n i Cj I; IPI WW I 04-011 1 11\ y 44 to yI ttti t Unix, IaOt. <,i i'il1- " Ohl 1"" A1j II .., _:I its tI and ,,lliit'i v t f ilt 'Gti omt>1"Ii I ...…

November 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…__________ __ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ____ SECOiND)YEAR. NINXlttC1lf MI( I11 IAT[-1,I)X'I IN)VEMER 1, 1402 FASTEST EAST OR WEST Juneau and Driver Crixpledil LAST N.GHT'S TRAINS hPo. A Oss cS fihottpt tl(* 1 i, o Ixxcxc ico c EIver h, 1). 1I lxx l'ctor iix ir tii. oi-I . t -otili3iooxi' iiiCxi~i itl~~. 00 I '.t1o' 1r", ilc t ti +.i Iti+ I'211? ,I,, few ..i;CElt tl}k Cxii Dot tx. Dxi 0 a Di Cx, oo ion /1 lix linc Stir'itnd Cci thi AID BY L...…

November 26, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…FIRST YEAL ,. ANN ARBOR, MIH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 263 1901. No. 55 HARD PRACTICE, THE BARBECUE. WOMEN ATHLETES. MEMORIAL RESOLUTIONS. The Monday ight Work "Policy" Re- 'ickets Selling Rapidly-" Bill" Day Of the U. of M. Not Allowed to Co- Adopted by the Senior Laws Over the versed Yesterday-The~ 'Varsity to Act as Toastmaster. test With Other Colleges. Death of Mr. Gy B. Thompson. Got a Scrimmage Instead. f'ig ox oast announnetdt for 1ri- lMach...…

November 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…htR8T YEA&. ANN ARBOR MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 1901. No. 54 MICHIGAN IS CHAMPION, I c rlein roka left half. SiO ASOE. held them for owns. Ilerrntei made ket h eal<fthe game Nlirhl' OHLAS 5 yards strugt tee ter and then on 'ilml at Coatrihted almocst. Solet. late te ext play' te fumnbled the ball but Mhian Defeats the Plucky Mten Fromnt oat renalned in nlerine htads t1e T~eir Teanl Crippled by tie Loss of pickediIt nlt and made a gain before ...…

November 23, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…t1ss' YEAa. ANN ARBOR, MICIL., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 1901. No. 53 BELOIT TODAY. WINNERS OF DEBATE. COACH STECKLE. LITS HAVE A MASS MEETING. Michigan Meets the Toa, hat Tie Meigs, First; Snnenschein, Second; Mihigan's '99 Football Captain Gain Great Preparations Made for This Northwestern and Chicago-Jack OConner, Third. an Enviable Reputation. Mornings Game. IoiSte Pdt. aTe Lowthannual Intr-eptrtnent"'Te Nvada footblsl tiam, which e thua meeti...…

November 22, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…Fei8r YEAx. ANN ARBOR. MII., FRIDAY, NOVIW;MBER 22 1901. No . VERY SECRET Board of Control Meeting INTER-DEPARTMENT DEBATE Lit-Engineer Mass Meeting -- A long meeting if the Bord of Con- Lvry prparaion is ing mad by is PratIc 0it the 'Varsity Nowadays totlwoo hild lat tvening. It ws do It Will ccur at Eight O'clock tle snior lit and lawn for the late '-Few Rumors LeakOt the Well cided that Prof. -tatengill should al T EennisUivratal pios.h1i g...…

November 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…VBTYics. ANN AROR, MICII., T1IURSI)AY, NOVEMBER 21. 1001. No. 51 - HARD PRACTICE. JOHN E KELLARD. _ ONG SERVICE TONIGHT. 'VARSITY COLORS. Scrubs H id 'Vasity to 0-0 Score, Thej Noted Actor Gave a Reading of Last Meetinz of the Season, New Songs A Resolutior . wptd in 1867 Declaed Three Men Hurt, Shift of Chicago 'Much Ado About Nothing, Before for the Beloit and Iowa Gmes the Colrs to be Azure Blue Gaines Possible, a Larbe Audience. Will be Su...…

November 20, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…N"PS'r YEAR., ANN ARBO)R, MI., WED)NESD)AY, NOVEMIBERI 20 1901. No. 5 SCRUBS SCORED. Cofamuication. A GREAT PLAYER. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. --- -to lt i the all-imriorttlot spots to____ 7 vCPtie dtav, ant st h te se aon is dt awinig Miieate Toucohdows n Yesterday. to a ,iiie th.erities of thiti guit oattte Merrill, of Beloit, one of the mot Rception to Mr. Johnt E. Kelard This Wasgy Payed PthduiTa. cre not ontet with selctitng thet r !Pa~tco T...…

November 19, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…K5L10T Yks ANN ARBOR, MICL., TUESDJAY, NOVEMB3ER 1 1901. No. 49 PRACTICE WILL BE SECRET. FOOTBALL HISTORY MUSICAL CLUBS OUTING. WEL LECTURE-READING Varsity (tidy Had Fifteen Minutes OfrMihigan, Illstrated, and in Poster Bay City and Fint to ise Visitd cn For 'Benefit o1 the Oratorical Associ "Dress Reheasal" Yesterday-No Form-A Supplement to the Foot- Trip-One Niht Stands in e- tie, Tonight-Mrs. Helen Wel a Iard Work Attemp ted, ball Inlander-...…

November 17, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…FIae8r Yltelt ANN ARBLOR,MIlCH., SUJNDAY NOVEMBER 17 1901. No. 48 A CLEAN VICTORY, had ix x i b ;ik f the ixx xxi1)oeI'st xx..ix 1 liI.....Mi"sc's SENATOR FAIRBANKS M bThnixxthe ody UtlvrotlyTeam w-5 t i c ltxpiit eleven ixthu's. (On c ]ra'.ig i, N. 5'siixxix uxtrd Jiftr- Vsits the Uiwivcsit and Atteds th Whose Gc;ai Lnis Y Uncrossed. oxxxix' xxx'x'x thoght sxeicii.he couldn0oxi. rx xuxx iix'Gamxe ur x'te ro'x'r i Lxxi yxix'ls sixlOthe .\i'i'x...…

November 16, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…1'(er TYg~p. ANN ARBOR, MICI., FRIDAY, NOVE. BER 15, 1901. No. STAGG'S COHORS TODAY, GOOD GOVERNMENT LECTURE NATIONAL FOOTBALL. ROOTERS IN TUNE. Chicago Rp0rts Cripped Team, But Senator Fairbanks Relates Many In- Senii Fin-as in Gidiron Contests- Trsable is 'ass ted. side Stories on our Relations Championship Will be Virtually New Songs and Yells, Unprecedented M -With Spain. Decided Today. Enthuiasm at the Singng Meeting. na1t hi reaies tcc W...…

November 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…MhRBT YEA&R. ANN ALNBOR, MICII., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901. No. 46 WE MUST WIN THAT CHICAGO GAME SIGNAL PRACTICE ONLY.11,lct elptiotl. It tllllytlonsisls Inl Chiag) Gme Ofcias. SONG PRACTICE TONIGHT. th hii Ihc o liolteensT i Igs c Ith<t'i a l istt ______ Fotflorud a Ntcrm aglol ii i t iiI t i tc ' a ti cit stllil.Several Changes 1in the Od Son~" Accout of wet Field-Meni 11i i C'.ic( pitc tai'et t heirlou- 1 II' [ t"fct 1 .:11:I 'kt nIest s ei...…

November 14, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…1FIR8T Yr.AIJ1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1901. No. 45 COULD NOT SCORE. et 'Vr. ty squadtis given an ample oportuny'to get hn suchhshaeaitsto Cr~~h~warrant usng him tsit atight pium- r sFailed to Break the 'Varsit' Sai~tuday, and not at stone will remin De8fence-itYtlt ittea iteen the tntrn Ito prevnt the "virgin get Bail ine ant roon Iat"of the ichign BaiThey WereXYt Uable to aggregatiota 'teng utientd by ;ill Gajn~r a~ rowdExu...…

November 13, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…N11MT YEA. ANN ARBOR, MICII., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 1901. No. 44 TICKETS ARE GOING. THE COMEDY CLUB. SENATOR FAIRBANKS. _ A CONSOLATION PRIZE. Geat Interest Shown in Chia Chicago The "Mask Bal," a Farce Comedy in The Noted Indiana Statesman Will The Teams in the Final Class Game Game Both by the Studnt Body Three Acts, Will e the First Speak on "The Spanish American Want the Athletic Board to and Alumni. Play Given. War." Reward the Team. The...…

November 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…h'z$T YEAR. ANN ARBOR. MICH., TUTESDAY. NOVEMBER 12 1901. No. 43 MICHIGAN--CHICAGO GAME. A CLEAN SCOOP. FOOTBALL TEAM RETURNS. EVENING NEWS MISTAKE. Seating Capacity on Regents Field In- The Dily-News Serves its Friends With Not Over Confident of Winning the Dr. Flixer Misquoted and Represented ,reased to 5,000-Many Alumni the News of the 0. S. U. Ganie by Chicao Gain,-Secret Practice as Opposed to Football-The Doec. Coming. Special Wire-Thre ...…

November 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…DAI 3_ . EV S Fiaer YEAR. MICHIGAN-.CHICAGO GAME. Seating Capacity on Regents Field In- creased to 5000-Maniy Alumni Coming. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TI*ES DAY. NOVEMB1ER 12 1901. A CLEAN SCOOP. FOOTBALL TEAM RETURNS. The Daily-News Serv'es its Friends With Not Over Confident of Winning the the News of the 0. S. U. Game bcy Chic3(.c Gainy-Secret Practice Special Wire--Tile 'Weekly" All Week. l iii '(11itit t ' i itti tit u 1 ' Ili' i ' I iiit't t i ...…

November 10, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…L y [tr8 YEApt. ANN ARBOR MIC., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1901. No. 42 OHIO BOWS LOW. Ohio kcks to Michgan's':0-yard ine. ' s's'lc}puts to Mt-ya>rd line. Ohi11 Freshmen InI. hll rolls through Hieston to 1-ard returns bol to Mlchian a :ill-'srd I.t , li fehte team,udr th ine. ts's'elcy tpunts to eter. Oibo line. Michhigasn of-side, Ohio gets 10 ioi'igofien Ow ss The Buckeyes GO Down on heir Own futohiso and 'Migougets [hal. yars. Ohlio has the bllo'...…

November 09, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…VIP DAI, -fir.: t'iR87 YEAR. 0S. Ui. READY FOR BATTLE. The Padded Team Has Much Confi-] dence, and Expects to Win. <(>lt~u ,1 0., :ton. 7.--The pratt"iet Odalzy lidi lrct i-i-nit a(-(blifl-(h 'ho-hllroWeto-iter, at. left half, puittid hehll ili)-wm the Ii(I-i. )nle the ite(kle on~ the scriu hiroke thruugh antd hheitthe kick, and at another time1 th t~11was returned dtotwt the field1 tiee lOnor( tha ltietrt yards. 'Th- pt-e- tielo( e ut toe tat...…

November 08, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…~t5TYVA NNABOMII.,~'1AY OVMER8191 H iee YEAR. ANN ALIBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1901. No. 40 INAl --. - 0111 ALL ALUMNUS TEAM; r1903 Class Smoker. DON'T DESERT!! ! Thle Junior Smioker comnittehas That is What Coach Yost Says Ohio nearly completed arrangements for the Coach Yost and His Team Expect State It Appareotly Going to Coo- first 190;3 snoker of the year. Thll af- Good Support at Columbus and fron Uswit onSatII ay fair willIbe ('lal...…

November 07, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…AN jkNOW" DAIr Saar LAM YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 1901. No . 34 ON TO COLUMBUS,! ? -rved rt tickets will b on tle at PILGRIM PRIZE. the Fbruary or ".." Ifop timbrar Meyers aftr noton Thrsdiy.'lTh of teInlndehr out aots the midl $ otteam wilt g down F'ridaty in ordir to- of that month. Sveral stories have -hYstAppeals to the Student Body b4, f shape for the ganu :and tWisty The [nlander's Short Story Conpetition a ready NI wi...…

November 06, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…F8T YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICII., WEDNESDAY. NOVEMIBER 6 1901. No. 3S FERSO OEROFIENE ALL-FRESH SCHEDULE. GYM. WORK. UNIVERSITY VALUATION. Varsity Somewhlat Prone to Our Freshman Team Should Have Regular Work in the Gymnasium Has The'Valuation Inventory Shows That Taking Things Easy-Scrubs Bare- Games With the Freshmen Teams Commenced. the Value o the University is Over ly Mis Scorino- a Place Goal of Other Western Coleges. -Two Million Doll...…

November 05, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…FIeeT YEAt. ANN ARB3OR, MICI., TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 5 1901. No. 37 LIGHT PRACTICE. Theodore Thomas' Chicago Orchestra. Lockwood Historical Lecture-Recitals. . S. U. GAME. --- U ivvniity Hal Iss wel illed last Te-Univsty.siiv Il al society hs______ FotalTeani Goes Trough Signal ight whets Prof. Thomas an(1 his ('hi- Jutaot uncedtss a Series of historical Special Train Over Ann Arbor and Pra~if e w1I n ad Reden ago' rheortra gave the first of hetic...…

November 03, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…1~~ ER.AN RBRMCHSUDA OVMBR3WW1N.I~ MICHGANVICORIOS. i'i'O~ " pay y iiavr an Xlii t SS lhlai Miistr WoIntrviwed fIlk halt CFlseS dai. i'i itS'iifit i xilinyMMnRca WtTn it iibr tit lb im 5cin ~ lii J~nin ~ li'tht Srnsbxl ri-trscat M2l~ICIGAN Vit I TRItO US. tlxi an ?ye-Oviiti'xl iiplay ibyr I iitiat ir and x'Slhor t,,' oinn°.... it. x '"Man ie u Ina"tei eweds.~ll' it x i i 'i a llait lXX ,ar getsb'iil ou sri 'li t i x c u C " u . . J h ...…

November 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…quLAS fag Tr 4 y ,t*' ;,r 1. Ati.1 7C A .NN ARBOR, MKI'l ., SATtTRUAY. NOVEMBER 2 11-401. FlRijrYx x Ca. " y LAST PRACTICE LIGHT. Senior Laws Win.WU TING-FANG. Sophomore Medics Strog- Oll alxxinil l, 'I i' x''i5 xi ii i lxx xxxf, 11 he11 iii 'xx 'xx'xxi ii.' xxi'l"xibiy xixfxxlinxg Yosh et Puts the TeamThrougoh iuuv c sI,,es f1 oo h i ire t Mnister Frm China Spoke lxi xx ixi x'rxxi i'xx' xxxx hrt Sip nal Prrostiexand Then Th ji ors01 w' l~xi ...…

November 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…G. DA FIRSTYA. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1901l. No. 34 FIRS UNVERITYSINGNG EETNGToday, at 4:15 p. nt FIRS UNVERITYSININUMEEING UnverybHallo. ROOTING VS. WARWHOOPS. lmttI iil Last scrtt Pracstie Before te Mich- lhullsi ai-Carlisle Ca(-Hoyt the :;) >ont Teams will st.c uIt onfalp al,1 Bennett Fidecn 1, "Il °tli i , ; f ~, ii,"it'-tl I tn 7,;IuI huh iia k ,: t it~ . 'Ii li-i' : i,,: L ii ii i ''ii1l11i'i', iii 'il lii i l l . ' i , ru...…

November 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

… Nsf! 4 54 PiMiLN Ye. XL ANN1 p ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1900. 1V'o. 58 Anoulncemet DETERMINED TO WIN AL ur ~pclI lneThe Absence of. the l imptonsi p uw Feature Detracts Little Fromt the of ,foreigna and AXnual Michigan-Chicago domestic fabrics Game Y'or the Fall and Wig ter st ipgo has arrived and isaray;. ,-'tlfor- iapec- tion. The --'careful attention 1 Lea: eLa'-g is given to the styles and finish cats 'win1. cwe will w...…

November 27, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…be e von X1 ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUJESDAY, NOVEMXBER 27, 1900. No. 57 Announcemnent "E PAN"MN EARfBiBl"Edwards Helps Bill Lea--I 'VARSITY LEAVES TONIGHT Practice Good. , . lieJunior Lits Wlt Not Protect Them- Srb n otr olwTmro Our special ln cusadRoesFlo arwDean Hutchins Condemns thc Act XIi{}tiI 1 the re ik i 1110onSecalTai-Go iea of foreign and i -No O@ ne sGusto q. Pil" .(; i~rd amnti pr-ae ,'if tition Going. dom-estic) fabrics tilltear...…

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