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November 09, 1901 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1901-11-09

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t'iR87 YEAR.
The Padded Team Has Much Confi-]
dence, and Expects to Win.
<(>lt~u ,1 0., :ton. 7.--The pratt"iet
Odalzy lidi lrct i-i-nit a(-(blifl-(h
'ho-hllroWeto-iter, at. left half, puittid
hehll ili)-wm the Ii(I-i. )nle the
ite(kle on~ the scriu hiroke thruugh antd
hheitthe kick, and at another time1
th t~11was returned dtotwt the field1
tiee lOnor( tha ltietrt yards. 'Th- pt-e-
tielo( e ut toe tat the stalling o-f;
teseasutin -1-.ti-wts nto real linte
upi a11(l the rest Of th e (etitt it as ptin
nita signals. Marker trill take
--hartes Siegriot's jilace at right tacktle.
Ita ill gu to t-tier, and itou, whtit
re'ttrttd to the gaute til wNNh , Nvlt
hil~ ti lit ll plac t right guard.l
1itr trill1 hold ilowit left ettd tand
'10Ya siwitt 64, at t ight. ltlksoit Wvflt
ltay Iz<rer. Wettute- andt Me-
I-trt-ti 5 ill in- thae htailes. "vhile Btirds-
Cate ta te, lastl '~alit. le, -. eo Itaas
'aaII ttk;' uil nist go 1a less he
n-t . li.t i't'it lil t exet to-
Ib~ -Mic logat lai-ntis There
lxol~e at he rnae tat. It Is; ia-
Pni-t it iiit tihe itti'iiait'- wiill
raaa lie 01 Prh -ittn 1.204) to l,t() tire
1:0110i1 d)Iltl ti rmnt Anti At-Ir Ai, del-
5gt01 ofi4)0 is ri-taiterl fromt Titlcdis
gild ill the ton Overtt lt-i-i titstte isill
te Xli sCti-il. Purtnsith itill vendi
it- .au Mie .111 wil 1:4-lgvent no lets
re 't 5t > )m thtrtlt slit gate 0. S. I'.
Att atmeeting of' the Crotss-G2ouutry____
Last Preparatory Singing Meeting Was Alb hl-d Thorsday aftternoonxit w tast Senior Lita and Senior Laws Wgin in
a Great Success. tdeidtedrttiiglo their atuaometn the Two Contests Yesterday.
t0 o'cls--k. The rac in -ll lee iIit ndi-
Orer 1,00(1)studenotsastsembhledat i-tp tont-st itid thateit Itroet plane 'Tle Il ts won the snti-,dlill
liisrity I111111latiNesniiig to slugt;ine'nt andtlfirst lieu time mn-wuill ri--the cia-is si-rico frsm the '(4 medI's
Daiy-Nwssons t~dIite t r lt-ceie alps anid Jsrse3so; the first htite i-sl-rita tenoton in ti hated-fought
tiil-r's ng it ittit us li-,ill Ihivs-thl honerlofiset si-dg his - gns'Fedb asoeo
lug stiii''-i-es ty enthusiast ic i tiit vatiiittn graved--ti he tt'Wr'ighit, slay 4 , ram atiig'is ~-i y ioeo
p'sil-t nd evtryi-ta reli' ltsentt 5'-is -'} titiisiiiltii utn-ilgI-bist the lihrary T'liii' nit-ill ti t all a gte tight frost
fiirtiilstto .a'spy of Clie.song suptlel -I-ti lgi tilig biuildinigs, Iitheet-heibsowing ot the whistle., bot plaInly
is-'itt fitei. Itilti Otr-A. A.i-iittan 1 1(-( Vh1 iiiInigiils sliet-i-i i11lt, ttn'e si ou-citheitir itek of pt-antls - u-hile
ilit sili-os Itr-ungitthe Oi--siri's ut siross lots ti IPickard sItetint-lis the its shuts(-id their titriighy thieir
'itt-C Titme'''et., id ;ideld blitheithe'saralit i-lit toIteith~le-tinfite-d, suitpiri x-eatils-work. The tplay-wstu
iF. of NL4)11(bad tilhei'l (1 11)tlithei'ati-si'atlticfiltotohetvi it-hboe fist, four not-iiutis C-lung tmtaiein
sseIlibligtt maidi-Iiisr sits-BIlllri-itt-'acks, acroiss lsts ti-i-st to the Saiietthii'e5 itiuti-tiof tilay, nun by Fish-
w it sonstndtiyells. After'Itter-widilrotad, Iiaick oniithets'Saline roitiutilttleti hott-) luleir and otte by therr-
hail In-tintworkedutitpt a high pittih Of ithe-ytiaet-lhtle gulf links, ac-osstheistii. I-isltil-'ikit-kid Itree' oat of
enthuiahsn theut nist peak-iters wi-ritgulf liniksto te athletticnfheld, aitiI f--utk-ilis.
hr,- ugh C in. {'idhs.,-ilmonss'00 L, itnid Otwnttovs-i'the S(' -t u iliitseto thit-gym- flit' till-ow.ing'is thie tint-till:
Atbiriey5W. «'.VW'idet'ityi-r dwet- at liiisiui, tialilti it udistancee tf tibout SNO 1'1. SJ~ 1~lI ;
sotlne'lenigti c1)tai e tti' eenosity of the trieit aition-htalf tmlle-s. Last year
studenitet oy gettiing itiself tozgetheir Nl. A. Kl-lotgg, tiresidetitoiithe itosi Setitru-g ..It. Ituil -...Smtithi
andi rooiting for olditt 'i~igititat. Colium- lit-err i-hiss, aitli hit - 'ibsir lwoieu - ....'Tasckle...' - Ttiylor
his toiday.miler,.sAiinithie' ia ieu 1)4i vs -sthe i-st 'Ilig-atiti...It. I lust-fl - - ennesley
Akntstitr Iig rioities'sting service is ire rat' ifliiti- ar SMt k, 11,11, thelti o-- L. 1%ckle....- hoel-ir
________ ___i_'_.......___It..le - -Bo... .~ rn,
__________________________________Itrol clt ls ii ti..t i r..ttiti - Itiggs;
+1: :: :4::! -".. half.......... ....-n
f Ie1islili tiii . It 1. Italf.. -... .Iuto
+ t i(el .. . .'lilisek -...., Strip
+lIiliih s'isint half Clatiliwest-ini
T+ D JX-NQW us i eor lir Theltsnmade lint
oiries-mastiti-ihuegDurrntoeinr uttf
Corrbined Service Strut- is- il laIit-er art if the secottl
'lieDIYN ilfurnish a ldetaile-tiotn-'e,.twhic ill nlees 11 east for -ev-
eralittwei -I tin-I -hoelcir "-who w.uout
, Michigan lnvettgi -' - u S - r ox tneivi IUH r-Ui?. ~ . . U. ot tis teatorutinar nc
(isetItu In'ya e t 'tiihiiugone in today's Argons. . orPteis'iche, Burnsit lit up i an
f(ri w oa tA s~~tHlly tnyoun lt tii iot gitnie, toillidl it iAndeirisin and tIi-n
o. htal i s-galtlnitfoul oistit("ip a.jn tislut 1For thi' lit., Armtrong, ttowlt
'tit'n . it55hI iihrlr-i ll + Five 0 9icloC21 E d itionior, lierrtliIt, itde-lltutndI ishtlegh.
Iitl5tit-i' aoff 3liiidehbyeaiyNw rorsouda uttl 1 nitttittri'feet'iet made'
tlug Its rogaills.
o Ii' l-t-rslinvti-tdti aii titeilc-/ c o i t ft e a li
-- it -rt- ti li 113, -a i i i t her u t s e t tir y th i-f nore b
lthO" it; iets s tu O i i sayesii teitdayiittisS thect otitll
wi t e U~ n iit s-sisttited, staeshi lip t htiggir s-S(.1ifsb oofISt Shi. Theyw
hiiihttak b5 uaiedlitom 1 t irti liAccothuofit litm
sittst is sdtouhfviitlen igame, it tli atiit,.sedetedi, tht they
tl'Iiy;IdilitnouitveseIlts 4~'''.I''I~'.34...44.~i.4.+..5..oilh fCi i-isu~IC les
it Viu-,of is p ig hts, oungwa-l, fisei' iClii- ttir he tittsink rof tthe lla ts
Thione tehi havt-e-exained t'Itheei-h-s-it' etutd for ttext wee-k. Chicago Watrsity tmiler, tsott a Specii ip uittwuhum gultu st-ire muide clely
hasI Iteit are tilliohnn htIt.IHolley trill lee the iuji-tfir idisc'ussion, ad wsnghitenut tot-i' witunerto ketp ts it athrstugh thurlitne.
iof ;Iltwttt5 bet-titdnsott-ilto the study ilete s lsng, tt-uttneseially- fusethe thy.t1',All entries fur this'rune next . -
<<h c bintg one of thieinen <ut~siltt till be pubtlisheid in the Sautriaytutust be hatded in to KeeneSni MdcRot
Ch tuilt thineletetrhhig lihptplttt at hst-Nw- he eitnig IhMedics iot.
Thueuekly tneeiting-sturneudeeoptng thei'"ynttaniumhby ci o'clock W'edtnsdhay uorm. d:I log imlny etndured the hard,
huto big sunlesses. mnd Clue spirit sthisch eruliihug, t .1T yboce'i h ciia
t5OUttTi0S (OF lItIiC. hitshbeent Idortumt mt Micigamn issigi-iaki n- s ntec~ia
fitt r etmtuinhtg of Clue Uniter- 1u i---broght-t.' ''..-'''. '". D.-tt-T Ct ti- ampiihitheatie, hut y" estedaythe in-
st1Yblnthflowg rsuinsofvoltedad by carryitng out what seems
it fuituto the tig resitons ,of ___________-TICAL 11IG011SC tISOt. to havmte beetniiithl-huidldam.they tore
whire-adopted: reat Hit hv Leadier ef Glee Club. 'flits ifttrtootthin AIIl-F'teshmmn Clue las-nehts -to tpiee so I hait the am-
-heis ihuorgi'tLes-itt,sshileiu'hits Eldired C.tRobbihns, whotisI otneof the teartIy it3 sgame wsthltthe Detroutpihater sirshoa t ml wreck. 'tupt.
niiany, litsa mmeefor ri oapa iltefrhoig('i-tltthigh school at Chin D. A.,C. Itt-tessand Secetatry Waidelogethur
hi0ttt tis ttt-ui fort-it ouinmnntitfnheetd.'andgroniin In toit, theutgautme being swithithin medial fanutty, tire highly
I'Ite - sIt hhittupleiedonr even- Oiinl- - rormrcnty- rcalhed attt:310 o'clock.'Tiles'following hm-incned vrt hiteiide.dtiandstern jus-
t Sthr IllsHisiutiuitetisulento ciilve~id thue foliowsitig flatterinug tiie In tutu-mu sere taktosDIetroit: Center, tincestill be nuetitd out tnChe ringleafi-
tilliliu hitt ut. hub it ft italitun I~i-ptilteitun: N itVaulkurg; guards,-Brew.er, ies. Thme Daily-News deplores every
Itshe,'Ihulttt-u etxi'ttouritieaert- Tm'hunpat uuf tunis, lithnrst dfilhGoodntg. Mterklie;tackles, hDoty, Chad~- -ileedif vandii~smn, eipechuily wheu
it1e11 tuty to his Iate-tnts il lt-e i-t ilt Chit'oiltrm, ws ti tut mu isililt s sswi-k,551lti itids, IDt-r,.Fosit, Stud- ittiversity pusluttIy is itt staike; stilt
cr fth ir b I tii'' i-t tl, mud G.i, bbilul sp, n so-tno'r itl t tuthe de th -l'r :ind -C, .uii-es (Cat.);l utuhits si-e u-aimnut hi-lpt syuapaith ug uwith thit
Is it fit~ci shitas a tiohu-tmof rislinut d itit oluf th~i st stsof 2( tir idton, -it-he, hit-It fullbacks, uc.ink- siss ini the liesi-ntcs se.ittce the
is itneltov thuise resolutions tieti,;In l e is Im ite-tn ~sotlus t of t te', -.oiul Iiutirier. hCle gaitme stilts ;iret-tall~y uiitlfsr itnmedicanl
srt (Ioulttttus, 1a(1 ti Cipyif e I ittpin'i ehutrch- hir in itt Arbsu plyed as m-uttin-iser tosIt'hutIn-ituthittlhei'r
li"Ii i ihits hltu'i'uts, ;n uii blttiishedat ],d e"-iotftetUiverusity letub.tmlthanuttgaunt'thet'freshiltien 'ees-tntoti-
Ii h e n ltiun paphers. ilH iei sotusasfautletss.Its'ktnestoius, bituit -i-seoed tute'touchmdows.'tu, p'~rBtALhL u,X.MI2S TODAYS.
lYNN I).SiClIc, utn'stor. twhatt wstsexput'ctedIof C tliiiittd 'hubis t, hossever~, they sa1y'thatl they' ' ihiignit tvs. 0. :5. I.
. It, ~t'itm, 'Muiiigs-"e. -ntrush siumitlti in-tlethe life of lute gohig In do tte "Buffalo"'at insthli Northwsses'tern-vs. Chuletigo.
- - the pat-CIftcis gitiedsw ilthi t euetl theCentrlbos.tthue Ietroittheamnsis Inittvmss. 1Ilttuol
T 04 S-hhtlt hRtfatl volietwhit-hishowus scareifulhtrainig alsto giing hum to stin. anudChi n tme IKnox s-s. houtunoulhi.
The '04utethhi kshi-i-d their anmnitaltuud sitngs siith Ierfiet 'in.eethemenontst- twllundotubtedly h tinnlty' iontested oe n gttuss'vs. tHisktil Inis.
S k;-1'Intstnighthht inBch halt "Jim' difficult piectes. Mr. nt lubn' stork botthi sift-s. Mneoav.N aoa
I ihhee astosmat i ntl mva-ri-neisved thi' iuintoiunded praise it tnt---Nebra-- - t'ltska vs. -M sdurl.
4118 sts twerein.esonded to 1by' promi-l- titfiAt semi-ftia lu-hbate ha.stnight be- Puridue s's. Notre tDamn.'
4 t I5 eljfrs of the chass. Refre.sh- ttri. ii the Adelphi andif Alpha Nit Lit- Wisconsin vs. Aines.
thta and Egyptiamn dlite were plen- Lexingtonuwitlmaike an effo~ I to oh- enny soceuties, the fellowing were the Cornell vs. Lehigh.
te The football isflterC -C as5tihebtfin the new ttresbyterian College for u-loners in the order naind:fitWley, IHarvaurdvs. -Pennsylvani.
ra Ct1elb iscil-ussetd. Girls, which is to beeta blishe by the Fred Dewey, Sonnenstchein. Princeton s. West PoInt.
SnbeiNorthern and Southern divisious of the Yale vs. Orange Athletic Club.
-~~tnthe -Daily-News. church. Subscribe for the Dally-News. ' Dartsouth vis. VermTon~t.

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