COULD NOT SCORE. et 'Vr. ty squadtis given an ample
oportuny'to get hn suchhshaeaitsto
Cr~~h~warrant usng him tsit atight pium-
r sFailed to Break the 'Varsit' Sai~tuday, and not at stone will remin
De8fence-itYtlt ittea iteen the tntrn Ito prevnt the "virgin get
Bail ine ant roon Iat"of the ichign
BaiThey WereXYt Uable to aggregatiota 'teng utientd by ;ill
Gajn~r a~ rowdExuoeted ring whtever.
Gain-reatC~lld UXCt~d Over at thousan tikets have already
for Chcago Game. lan dipoed of. Ainnni are writing
-from al over the contry. The roord
The Michigan matagonent are ea- Itatllhtnd at ttel0lo timtae ahlonul
t0eting the igget crowd o atutni gtanon il] alt e hraian to the attr
kikat the Mictig. n-Chiago game o tiiaaeo k ato h i
ott Saturday tiat ha ever turned p 1Manarger Laird reortsthant oer
at Rtegents' Fed for any footbait $,0 its kaaep-e ndedt 1u th at
111teh that the t Uuta-rlty has stpon- tao weeiks. Tti i an enormou0s0 iott-
ord, tay ;iscoiparet ~with prevos year,
ttItngder IBairdtia makitag the Iati- bttoi hean I becers re is i4-
L te ieldt took like a nttriuitI tlb I el-iare resxn~nniti' foc the no.tl
Cediron with maimmnoth Tern of bleach- - - -
erta lid Settg aecolnnodtiou for - A'ttt-;f: t' ARTgY.
wel iro , )pesn.'Tee]n t mitt plate the ield in tit,, Sillrtthe lanucemen-IiiIt ott(, thA-
fore. rankt1 of wea n-I-l-i-ag it roia (Oacli i'ritt lIsnlx iiati achtie iS uOitiesyi-
01' n t ilig til th aitlt inadlof awork tritay theacnml~lilitiieaveiiacreciied
itl0Leis ca ithr]tauotcd tinok woari front aer ciii of trumnltli andii
lint La ee l. Lila faeIturlg 11he iti I-friends, na-Intugin ortation i--
isl an -dara IV d are hi ni-nt erc~ . Cacr Illiani tit it «il nitll
fot iii1 oIulbs l wrett" ihwig nmaeto ci aur niccend alint 0
TOs Itlilviations si ll tsinca-i1eu " e. 'bi-alit ii'att il-a In- i Midtiw-is
the tal-from-icago ttom ithe etfeit It it1his. Vtiigltao ii tteiirn ndao
that 'illg. alittll t thei atioget tiatia *tlltO.
till gm ta the an-Oirootslave~~a ____
atiny --toill 0is -i i taie M ichi- - -
itIin ct 1 t11t1 "il ltv it 'i lIc ~ ~ 44+ +
l t n c01t ' -T .v di v
tit n itf thelc ai\ n K at Ionclck al
01111arierthaan usuala, aid latsniatimit
pratitc e a- ntrdtya Ift-cian %-so 11 faOls if. H C G s
'r1 chtaralclter aialitnone1wasIi 4.
01110t' n tfield that outld 11ot exa-j.RE(WINTS' FIELD,
T I reslnce to tte laaigllelt.
I b~ett tpip'.everb y fg.21 e ret>t. nno All north bleachers, $1,
11 llted111 tY itacgo erIel-4
ors TIve thllcoaces lathe coid shv- and '$2.00.
l 10 are cortking tp neaw ttick
plansto take the tilace of thoe aready -etro ot lah
n lnot acelordilag to gtoi at lhoitvy -Cneofsuhb ace
eld fthe
sotsothie -mItre ottltex of the Wool- _ee'
hck .ltioa, tie tcrth tfil- Seats on saleatMe r'
bkw ho n toilhell tiailtled to y
re rllt an alatriedlifor theil N. L-to cdare raedselltateaC
loat tiuac'al lititeil t(-up-ti s kn t 4
lvelry 114avo not ifotora to Yoist ha1______
ittotlit ilalkl-uinrinetIi ol i, to111 THESE PRICES INCLLUDE
the act aeatthe ret iiintofSn4
lue tinallt part 1of the 1C. aago
U le. teti.Ie.is tae fl-tnrvIof tpllcn
ei Tue left nill of tell 0th tag..l ....l..+
111 a iata lhla anlaalin a lt varousilla -_ --__ -
klit,.1ic'f the sch~iedlelIalt it in ill Goo ooe11t ltClubitt
Itlftiec-ch to holtenr againt the Senator ('bearabtls 11W. ottairansof
Who~tl~tathactk 111" t p lt tnd tl a l t
1tru 1119'YoatlteMatai lat -Fildt ania.1 in a-sity tail i ct t-riday eveninlig
Co1,1,isn iot untheall11iata heaipcs ftet~ldGv
iion l - 1ot" Ithat mate Bthu ay Las I II aaiatt Cliii. hin naa tiiis taismnd lit -
o1eifthei os-tlke-o c aheti-in bet.ii- an the t I lthelirt e~n11 he
lt i s c u t r yal a s t yii a i n in t t e t o g u1a~ e - ' l l -n o o i is e i n t o .
toi no11 ljat lttlII i iI Lav ttii ocandll .Ithh 3 i-ii n istr i hlt i s
o adn e o1- ist la 111ted a iii inte ter- of rel tr nii.litiit inii iotgri-n. its
1k ha litactilc Lt sails-i wanri-e tgi n bnittct nittlite f'L i-e Ollish-ina-.0uii-icti
nilila - - 1111 1111-a itlic aon t a tiiit Ill' if w i n lat Nv -Ilan
fo (it overa ii lr 'asit y yawl i nats .1 iaal
ft te,-ar mrl,let heii thern e , a n atit- aut itviathe subject. A
snou,0't ootal tn ith i nait i-itc
that. ae er h itar 1e s 11111 ~ t y ha t xp e ,.d a (s~e t
la e atta ii tits1, rs tri ed the i tihoar tis i n uaisl t o a-- in I al
ate0111t s ai t
Tk- alIta1uiteca ataIa ] Cortnli t it lul t li nt loil
Itt1~ 11011 iWana iotg, Iv th~e l rll calnlltt flI o alagi r porit s in 1
ltlf it Watl ih~ 'lthlns' thelmex- tiltl- tl alc (tt1c-a-in] uunt iau ts lrgen
ttr111itlhtacktt it ti It(,rn I ft'hett itilt tf o d-sre t -- -or th
1k0t c ' tt t1 t, ltnd t F110' s -at va sUt an d o s 1 n n ; h m o e a a g
ktle , 14~Oe ' Ihetal a s r h or in rsn \. ileeit 4g of h il m enhiga meloaf
Ttt pationthareervs.hhelentnit o he IltitityIteAiIng-
eytred thei rttyteMih-c Rot. nieat t
tetinrIneto t oldte r5Chicagos ersned-aae -Sadr.I
1)tlI hmelf ed theWariyie itlofbham mer aeenile " ipergTo
the 8tn411 ly ttInccol b e atetred heu p-, on" y D.a.ndW rhno h
atnd To.was s iatoerorihe no-eIAnmetingofth Michiga nd r. . A
t is welloremnenbooaam rd wm.i~itlzbeyhelp aoihn he Ael
Doiunenviy a one spmotmion thepe-mon,"wbyfor. A. S.e'wrn f the
s ;
: t
A GREAT TEAM. clssCames Postroned.
_______ At a motl-ing of the Athetc fBa
The All-Fmesh, One of the Best i This lbat ight the following formal rlt
an-re adopted one rilg the eas
Patt of the Country. gilmes ttwetnnthel tits and the law:
-- 1. Oinlg taneishes of the Ioard of
totalltretattaket Inilattgoaltiel- 1 ilntroll dumeto rotet on the part of
vernity tuI-tat ha"gooltwark of thethi"detattment faultes, the c mi
]ioni 1111clatsa gateha een cangent
fitruiiataI--'li tismitst forgottet. tI the 'mormning of No. ', itote14 of
lity mre tltetatotl walsile of thetatsinanemk, 'Fridy. Te present date
sig alitorey over the1hltrit IHigt itieferesn nith coleg' work and the
-th 0 a l tint t ur0111a t,-tilila ll iof t 'e ll.)ang'is alt (-sit
at'd0gaml'- aath Ohitlon111tha'- nautea 2.its tclnimplince wthtthe awiahenof
d . !ttit thiai itott 0of tiii''10I II'eseveta'- it khissen tlae: folowitg taotomwoo
ii 11111 1111iitli 111tsi isI tr ittt lane-d: Te longtai nor0111stn ell011aIo
fres'en l'eveta-aI'll1av'eitii10rchadthi i tc inintamtt ia fita caae
is turriing iiiiii'-tIe i r - ccumsatancesn . fallitsha hgenIv a psC tIn id wat
thttli 111111'tti aslainprovollnn s a osntutoIll eit 5 i 11u101r, pr-
'i-napro-ill', hirsnetrr-i. i-at frotiahaoit- ilcit thatatthiltttl exlpene for aweat
Ia 'I tho alt it l ain artouis-dtfotball f ",y forlt iiiitItnillabe0'nt mloel tlab
itrat-s1, il an l aers na-tillea noImI t n ea'-balf theti itreceiptst, im n hich ea'
anhu aiesheil ltlil' S1udli 111ni oten11d10o -In llc-lit o tif cap' a nottd swater.
not1 tur inaitl i l o Orthatithtyll a ve
ill up.All y ~er'sprtite li 11c'-gilthm tanda i ime or Local
ill a1 cilia Cdelrl-tan liI iitie malkeuptI'Il ,-oldli qustionl of c"iagig lcl
f llttgl.ian Iten ih liltnlit Stfalit th i t o ll t iltilar lain aginitehe..C
ni t oftheailil-tIiI-hnii i-i-ieven 111 hhis ll'nt-therellI ~ntIto b
hilt b l i hi llll orni lit'
It11111 inal i' e lpsoIa iou h i-itaken111ii te
it' iliane-lhiptilfit[ leltlllillllO
eleollat reent isas olow? 0 I~iwr tlat Itaet liii'nitti:Ntoa-anat
\alcin~cr, cenir; ~o~iin ' ir-w h lecti I ti int otxirdcoltetogat
:tur Do), guads:Chad l,-, S llian h t' v t'ad adfltelwa ltuarob abtlyl
SATRIAY,2 .\'. aivurniln such thei oarmove.l snie rn
lonrgdinttecedastboterd ta nt
thalet 'lonta,-tomatoid'atemiough fo
rs I$1 H50 Ietrmeens taitIdtll, i iuituothtrityeime.i
oI'i 1n1towardsbig estnabvtlieitohe-
NewsU tAnd2 . Pi.i favorxoittufhaitrmofe. aoaate aeugo
lonerle mn ethl nbyniltue learemfor
thatlho'sn ittenirgyod1en1uhmoth
.00 grant sttiltanor d11 1.50lly abdyi."lvvoat~ 111it lc
heesltab~llleotfec111tadero te
In he ity11oldoftourseobhadflhltloeil
rsDM$SS50;NeT 'THE GAME, thin'aI c1a1nhutin1111unietsit Iftie
SolteU ieritylSofte dtwtoldie
eniey ao af chagil nge
twoe.trs 1111in hi arlyt'toaesibutenhe-
talbeII lnIit ftrn1.00today. boearlldi 7tt a ri ti t tiiloISci'to-
lai iltltirI ftuiaoiueih il' tdia iaa -an a hd to oilth
hal; ocia- ef ttaftli Itlt-cig' lti.oails ife heni tlo the missefity null
It ttian Itaharntai-i h 9{t¢F 11111tail aothltaingteitialiehilk
%OMISSON Toti ~ li THEtGAME.atpiu iunt-asihie,ig 1nt itpre that It theeinab
- . le nl- -n i til cacm n lneitnyanantof ieothatd tie.wl ll
111h ltg~l if th tota. Iii tao liiut 1th tattotisuhin cl tats. ieo a
'ito-;iJu aes, nuuter it,rag t i -ntir? n= orlttaeIcawtite atoutl
hall' D-tilein iiftl'alfI anithe heav, t al-il hatol hrilsTmebofo1111 3ung
tl itll li.tr iai isIncaptivati fitii difrii tl tit . a Buht ilthi nks il
Zito t hit ali to ly gen111 elielmucdhl sillil lthisilnalt pavt te I b
alathelsuiaataaof tnhaui-linistdae-otisl AStao taIS Il anai mu iolie
:M rtn riir 1 f11 he1 '(l it ctasdi sl- Iiia n 11 lt ia15hill Otu
I a aa iai of iit haeIneal a' aO itIs ho t-il 'iuttFr i a, ittNov. 1,itt1 111o'loclite'
ies ir u fthern 111111 lit ftiil, hail la-litberrty citHa i l h uique ala-in 11 IIh-
tai 01111 Ortehas a lle nt, a:l-tshSue-f a gweic ohncr taut atain illtita n -tat
a , il':i a l' ov ide cl I lls 111 aall t a till iii f lS tei i me.taint Soaaiaaiatnai lgitl-
l-t aI is tinnetil a l qiteig Learayl' il-n.toi tahi-ild1e na-tity of tihtyong t
.s ieia --itll i ne. thaIt 1, lepeil ll iltthoi, l tlS el-athi 1111rta t ilpt~c
1.11 i ih11on 11 1101 iit 101111coretraide would per-htall nt come lati ss01o-aab.
la- it -~we t ldc t-,te o l IS taita iaha tt 0111nowit-hint i oari tub
t~u hoin mcs aaint t ein ta- rec.n-is i ti onmusatnftwho~l
thai 111111 Iby the Nor tal Uttliegetonte a llilti tat itan itthhhitiItifio a trl tea -
dart :arc Ihinlgatetarrangea tgamof ciiceasain alt ati'onihllnglman- u
with ewisInsttutein Chcagoe ateanrt lenhis hettius-l - uht te.d
thit' itsi titol 10111 this crabs be erf 11111painbtohasar eallyvtt nlyh pat cAteo
anOw tana'i-payedtntAnonfe-AirorPati:aItilain 10 ' iolaty-h.Iirniottyone
oilgy1wonte ofmtivero all ofMicigmts ot h nladhain-' Itotis010u1n11mm ghvng
lthe;anpon.lelltln5ia i eri rrs o1a~aldart t nerdoflltherthCo
Tlm tinpttis o fm~lUtnveoit hinearlfttonmitw ehesnauraofgMt.atchooeo
Omhn papne, Amoveriootieiotorthimianioalaetemuaret00nation.aTWmhre
e'ror.l0mm th - - nmdPathology'nooyea o agontheargntandslctain of
vihln Oa ts'hmisrfernieints coseof-tune esttostdy
Warhndaitnt pfro efsn'Iof mpt- If Obgan to studyham'nundrt
benOpaivted er t iteiildd 'sc.'.iyellsaretop sity athoaCer's