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November 12, 1901 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1901-11-12

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DAI 3_ . EV S
Fiaer YEAR.
Seating Capacity on Regents Field In-
creased to 5000-Maniy Alumni
The Daily-News Serv'es its Friends With Not Over Confident of Winning the
the News of the 0. S. U. Game bcy Chic3(.c Gainy-Secret Practice
Special Wire--Tile 'Weekly" All Week.
l iii '(11itit t ' i itti tit u 1 ' Ili' i ' I iiit't t i t i'I'it ' tt1t:' t it itt't iiihit -t -t os :
ir 1 1 . w e l u d r u t . 1 1 1 i u t h '] h iia n o cliii' i;. 41ititi iii 11 111 t1:1 0 ti l i - t rt iitt . I iii iii it - i ll -i
h t w ccitt e itttiiiitw ichti t t u edi i ri k Jitits "11' 1 tlt tt t'I'm al n l. It I "' t~t;; d , t i 1i ii lm fo t i t' - t - ti t 1,.
lote ta d tt itit Im t'utikitth ntin tllt .t'ttt tii tt. 1 'tt iiilkt cI r it'd tit o l ,I t ttt ii i
to11 t ill ' it i tlol inu l i tt'i eit' It' li i; rd ' I'tt'' Itt ); 'tI I *i-N e w t' li nt 1t tttttt Ititiorlt't't h erett11'11Ititt I itt' 1
141 'freo llelnit-i'ltk s ~ i1 o ti1in : eald \:r1ir lg td :m ds 151:1 r u
a ll th 1 *ttc o v ttt i i n o l e w r J t t o h t . 1 . a n . It \ r f a m r n ~ l d 1 t . T e m 1 s c \ .
"'41111 I ittt ccif, o l it4ti io s ti- i 11Hii c-~ll tic- ti -itt cit I te 11it I t lin 1'05i - r i I i't( t 1t''it tic'ti- - uu 47.al
Ix -i c it otfic tcl Iith eli t'ct 1 -i ci I 'l Io s ud 5t e t n Ii 110c o i h i 'c iii 0" h
lt ''i he ot 'd i thetittitt ofi c t rt'---tte'e ii' tit;11 '11 ti-itt1 tll Iadt- iii tc itiiin d t theii'' l' cc Ii li st ot' itlti:wt i
11 f :1piail" h 'I s,~ ~ ~ItII--1. i liiI Iii ttt'tiLt gthu' ifree c''t tirt1 it-ti-it i11,t'll' rit i sest
; Is,1.1to* t hose \e htl-ic :tppt'lit- itti~r ,1ti I tic' li- liiif I ilsXi N i HurItll \\ ere inot all't ed I " a e i1r l
":it otl :f o frstit illicNit1111 i t lre ist i liii' litt - t' i' '-l ii I it it we'tcc t he s r i1 a t. T.iii tt
,:tfla c I ci o t o c it -i' -i c i iit t, tl d :" r~3 I ts I wil- i ic I Ialed ii it"'r lls t ' 1it 11i1ti t _' ;toiti ii N cc ii i
itt--i cgles 1 itilitt l Ii ii- l i iiNv. 1 ,-o" i , -1:1 1 -n 1iIcllt'tt t h' c l ta'' sit e - i h t ;I ; is " t I
Novel Adelphios o Prtohran w itl FlT i thc-ht~lt ' I it raIcy iii Il'd tt-ti Sititt. ti it 11 hil --
:1tnt1 o osi h'ttct i1tt iti'Ic' it cci itiigit-ct t u 1c Citor _ cIlct icii dci'-Lt't- NtIi
llliii t i1._, l -ciiic-cIicc c an icuivtc ut li11X 41ittcc' ocitf
ti" tt-t - I ct t c' c-ccc-c'c-u. itI-- irattt'ItIofttit©i-0
ti~ -k s fa tit-re i it I-rttor i lho n 1 1 t -i-l t c lit>' r l o, 4;4111' ;W~I - 41 cc1 ! t.1 - i
Sicu.11 t s o1 their hlu- it,.iti i-c-icc-it
1ti t''ii-tc-i'cicc ic-c' t chtI ii-t ~is-ut11 occkii- - li t Meyertl'C. i-icc5liin'f
'ixhlrdadtenyt~ l ~lIt Iiclt-itisti1ttit c-c-tict-tot uccic-It' .c-l Ic cecpt-
1111'"f cl i\ti A r orcTck ts wi l it- tc' ttcc ditre o i tl ccccclit citi,1ic 'i'ttiii-itc l d,.-t-cii 51, c0c0ic. n l
''C i cilltt -i iticI' 1c c d--' u t- ci-Iiiioitnic ic iiccli c c-i ciI I 0iili' tl
N4) \dciIc-i iti y ftrct aticnsci- itcc itii 'A I-cic- cc Ncuc i cci tttuc t
li-tt'-© '1,'11. ic- ,it.. 11411' :ttlmissi lit-i hec- t1
No. 4 3
Dr. Flrer Misquoted and Reresented
as Opoed to Football-The Doc.
tor a Football Enthusiat
In I recenut'tt ed-itorial ti lt. ii- o
Ilcuniltt N-cu tcucuuu ' . I°I t'icc-uIsc-
Itoi i-it l titutitt ut bI i-l aii cit l t
'l: t ist liti 1it it lltt' it fitlow Iouni
'iii', iit :111 u-t Ii It t h e docitoi stian i
c-ttu i l t ic- orte or ihe tii'ti
'I'hc l~tit)-Netts i-lit -it- i to i li
ful :I,- i s losuhowPar'NIlttttt cc
nljilt lu- oinlii li t, ftsut cuiut o rdr tou
i %V.cut tlort% ic ci litin itt l Ii
i w Iliv til I of CiMichigan.IC cc
t111 tit: '1 -iit t-ti ithem lilsupt tie' ".
tutut ~tc 1;"rma lu- -it-c --unr t ie-c- m
,iph 'iil tan ofmetil si trength,
thitIl, ~ n itt cvoIi I ttercitnes
titli tiirs a d lt if i itil. cI l. t -
e il w c r t e g idic(cc Io i t, i rc o
it, tic'a lls 'c'tIli i I v h,ttic Ii i i il
itd l of ut'it- str tll, : li tinttv l let i n-
im ii tutu ti-illtha tu,% s lt iithtit
IIi.o, a -uicuuiu in cit hatcciiicu
ctt ic ' ccci-ftenivu'c i t-cu-weittIlccc
ilc [ l t ha t tutu cc--igc tc tiumpl
and I cc'al, b u'tiic' 'tic- tttltcl ut
t eIlItitii litrattirlii' t iuttch elit's'ui of'tu
liteiigame wh tic a lit tcrlitutitIt-itc
'-tm .In-lck 'cie Iitiitttt i ttti tere i-t-
1,r1 tic cit tae t c an cc hii'A t'or ttctc
tta o giis ll l a- i to obdt ai ccli icu
,il- i-iu kulcu-, lilt os ibleuilt.lth icriluuc-
tutu.-Il- i-cc,1 cche tutu-c' t illicitirg ueti
it ti-ui ii' nilt titel lilt-it fit' itt utu-u
lit til l t'ittii ti -i- i --it tt Vo t lit' 1Itoicliii
u-l[it-it' ii it ndt- ti-i lii ii ng l . T hereii i
are'ci-' too nlI' iitti litk inth l anguage,'tii i
tee;r Itilt1i11ccthpte-in i hoolki
cloInantic -its I tcII it g ,too aitnl i'
wordsittit[ tI- lui , - duct t' Telett'ittiI ld
tvigA nd ii' timuctilt it-Itlu t I hter. Ilt
cci i - cu ilt andi- 'c:tug-em te tromIltug cc
ccceii i i- ut cras IhI ct til r :t thvt-en li-tic
the' 'dcriverof ord liitle- itulboit ,
t ch citii l cuusitncase ttue espi t decc
unvesty r n t ti iclltsitcandc
lvi tic twhleislet Icchug with prcii
:itIbete~lu' u lit g ad-clhcii thu-
th it u- 1t thc-eu tocn'stdefet. id l ti
on 'h ir 'ofione ' ccc iie c e ll-itit-han
othiCCit iingscu'oIfIcourses it .ithit
o :l ct 11 c cc ic-c' i ucc'lamouilt,
oc ici- easiintuitlu mbersitic , bicodinglii
a great i-i u-t it ifore-inthe nat'tdiolt'
1)cl1o It l I cciitillt1tu-it' 1011'5&tt inic
( 'ccc cin ihn -any theri'l cotlleget o
C it-tit tt ria tltwactrSing itt-c-cc t
,roa tm Itcc I cu'ithe e d tih icillgc- I;--u
c'tttchutccclii1ccccliiha tit - cocci d t-iititier
plce in 't-t uut ic-u liccttlint it' Pa
balt' 1'1ciiaNt-it e tha it Icu icc cc-itt si
Jaosidtuhc'T-uutine tticitig iigait
welcwcold ,c ie75 1i 'tuc t-it tit of')ttiic'c
ucitieiutac ntilltter t-cci---iiff ctitceibe-
tcit'iti ilt i.m i ti liefttelint'efo ent-
ciitit -ctThitu cltiint week.
lipt s tllvt(*ul th i- ch i-.1)-c'ticll c-c-;
irx t t t ily.
ittui ConeticecIltr ci it dmw dn ae at. CWuhrit _ IICcctii' itt ciccic aIcuct uc otherii
ltwti 1ooul: stltic-it.iltnMilanidcilStatecomp-iment ]cdccI liiIoihictintice11-1-i'ci
Stre-ts-i respectliv'ely.Donttforcgit 11cc-thelst iontot t li ie turd rectrsip t'ccua
daute, Ic-idnyc-Noc-etirc-lw 1. Scc-is it utlrsitti

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