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November 22, 1901 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1901-11-22

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VERY SECRET Board of Control Meeting INTER-DEPARTMENT DEBATE Lit-Engineer Mass Meeting
-- A long meeting if the Bord of Con- Lvry prparaion is ing mad by
is PratIc 0it the 'Varsity Nowadays totlwoo hild lat tvening. It ws do It Will ccur at Eight O'clock tle snior lit and lawn for the late
'-Few Rumors LeakOt the Well cided that Prof. -tatengill should al T EennisUivratal pios.h1i gaera to benry olg
Gutrdid ting ofRethetseFifldr nketchfit'valoeams. f lboth laseo have been held, and
Guade G ofReens' ied.Chiciago iinotialely after the Thanks- Sktho ia em. this afternoon the entire iterary-nu-
'in lStipe is ii kin from, iwY' i.ving game. It nan alto deided that nei-og ntiprment are ante to turn
ti i 4 t htni - craicokdis glotiterlinto l T hSit evening t 8 p. I. in Inl-roit3 ot at a tbig massoomeeting. Song and
of tit eceo itigents'itwudb ag ns th rle fo te
thdt Y'ed ntenIos i-et rm opath . .C,5 a1iii no-curs the iter-tepartment oe- ttls -ine lid for the ocalon will
eoel t0n ' tt hehnsofni ~d o hnkgvn. hti t mrdeuoon the team tthat beprliactsn nd the trrngmtents for
the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hl repres a h adso entoeifrTinn-ng ot ectMcgnidhecon-mrhi-ng ot to the il dIn a body will
th vast. inamor hain it that for It isaun Oti) t at it asmoker nw nnirlrletMctgiili lnCt aiitltn da ha ue h et
l pito Nit r ougo h the i trooulats' tne given by t' lumni Iin Chicaigo t toinc otitn viiNrhenenVlrr i oiilvh o i 5p ni omC
eiaiiit theeod Thanthatvtimenthht. cty. oththe tLtno h' ietr nir itv Il-al, and all fticand etgi-
lie- kindthofughatte thy' i't-ioo 1iteoitgngt and last'detarnments ait oiniident, tind o t'o ott e l
-i podstim iikvifirotnohere they rtclose atd intri'stintg debate ity ie
fotrte ltitng tvi ttn-i1ld n ATORDEVN hoked for. ILtIn hopeda t liege tutu SENIOR LAW ROUTED
for lit we Pn r -ropnonce nill tie pren~t to eeoritrig the
c t l t to
bol i isitii ter uno ni ltit.
sttideittb vi raig hr-Jno Lit Snmoker Tonight Will The foloinvtg lon icompio ite tno In Excitig Bvttle Seven ~enir Lts
Pt Of iititi the C hicago Thaniks- Eclipse All Predecensr-Enter- tas
nimlly ninititnienA. J. tCinnn, '(2 lan. 'e. tCoi- Overcoole a Law and Hang Him By
As t ttiti o fat i' oe l-a aiimet pen a 8:0. or 0010e0 front ttawa, ii. iuring the Heels From lthe Window.
irttimhist tn-is}ern it it ithe ntiesity _____
(Otaetvitnil4 ltanit tilt-sibile riport The juorncsmoker, if signs do nt ihetoiklPrif. Tre o'oic oursest, atd Th sordat fteli-wcam
1,1 ta ro lvini ad uror- fail, nill be the largest it all nano]esbeu natv e be nbt h
thect cnie tt -0n 'ti-id i-ten thee. - tifironi iiiu l d Siutinr ns viities n l ue -i otragedy tiok pae'lat eeniing
t oi"Vs im-'1 g eid t'ihtat the anl- els givn in ihe Uilntii t he I most tie rio-i- l tonitof to sniolwIt tttill be rmte-nbrd that on Wedes-
stint 'i'iit erie buriinlg ti nu i nSt igani ttitractive fetturi, ; onug tmanty othersMa elli tutnteliiliditoatiiatit~stie tith- tas ite tgnu at iito-sn deb
tollt"Ois i m~l eitigilin ,en i-tin wiill b h le tout-valpe.' It in a tier- ot opplostilonl.ndisitgi-erailie iosi -dyc rig t ssutt aeb
eiL y nl l viii-in o clii: te t ont te iii51uh iittcik'tl'~i rie-<IloneI i- f le bast pi-let tnifeethi t i otliw s o at bli-lsotte who
se -i-etog. tiii iiti'sthiiriOfif s-i in hiiili-i lng, econi ti- ti oth i lai-Iitt nirlitirt. HI t s itw toui st.I laot ie on -i litired by-the snetireits to pot an-
il t I S iovi ncl irels'shie ited. ii tn uis iin tiv-itii tilenun i th lithe nl i cliietmuit tiami. oni tutn t t a n ow blood oillflow
i ntit c ol.d ta s to scnol foil f til edi--it ind a coe-or Ca a t iiiii so i hi i nit--i-sylt- eiii!ri- t hl'anns, to ibi- getat hagia
ii t~itii ti lr,
vi ' It-of is Ito 11plaice. i siiii iiiol~i s. ilv iin i i inc. 0 t tiiiii iii-i i-iiitg w s oei n lust i-ct. ~ elil. ls so h
Io illt :1contitutie aciiill o r o uio t s l iii 5lt 'i' -g -oiii~ieii it i
iii i i 0 i iiiiether ithe liiim tiill sl'it niill viiiiiiee, iiiniti il iiirintte s m ra t illoeoftie ers iee int he y t tgot it. A iiiit h tfpatt
Jinilt, tou .1.tiiinii i(iiousit nion t hu-. A ') 10 syiproposed1g ti-l-i :iiiorliilgrsoniclt i titsiLiiiitat.otC
l lttore. \ 1111 nliii 'olgeldii t i nitt n i d lo l 'ti ,ht it t ll -iiod't:11o f i ol i nt l i t party oi f a iou fte niwe-it-ito m t
t w -u twa lt-1 ' o nlcofo- e ari i nlly-isiaei-, t ttorp o- iitiii li nonw)l i i ts le high 0r100of-is t lasso-o-ii-olheiioot us ofIta e nioral t[ w o waoesa
idax Oitlii.son.ii 00he subjecI t intit ak a ict t -ito 'h l t'sgmo viirian vcoi-i- tile iidai-ihighsc o li-d iiiese enoiwlli Iin ttohe otaiii tsintintorthii
lo t. e(ll tohi nt , 0Llitet i o-f ii c l-ite,- C--I ii 55lil'iIhe idle-be. tioio St~teIll ofkvtie Ilninp etr-.noie bigawnitis eigt
an o eo h[m r n l 'ie loot-atentsii is 'll o ill aoltt ltIfe it t o outlit hti_-u it~e~i-t i'li i ii al'f ila a. li- hnt tiio -iie at
i-C'titsF iloallege1 toeoit t i e noliii- -fi I' late egit llmli- dini it enittheliig tid o fn d h
tle- humtui tmlh toIk it, 111 , Oi tlhilt;,rl 01at l iiit, C1,lit ,f~nil5 Ii i 11t ull , ht a le e. II,110 rdtltt ln e h r eebgd ig ih
( - t~10 iisot i lii i ng to takIrtsIi l tni ml io ''k rbli~nnnireii] w 1 ci la oi to tiIi ll-t 110 lll- dailyt--gnsllv-e-iI-0it ait ni tell ion ft thet-o
n hi0 lthi i lu ht o lit Schieisin hli t i[.0 l i iis la iige iaIe ifnd ie s, i 1 is ioin' -litln r i ailnililt t l- id od ofiti hasteveros c. 'a'en
rte, whi0 Pinceon cuud Lae 1d hlds1owna ttrge sharet iih -atlileartiiiie gw o f I lerateio sihtio-- iii e-st. Thaie i-i:i n fulo l y ng
yi inch i likediiti if5lthe Scoattibut i ri- cas aoi ea nes ' i t o iitd ie - II t, an tba esli fth l idro f
ev ~ tltH tIll he 8 otohll ooliltheSl i o I Nit.I ittll voottbanilil, it i---tooI :i 1, I' ' ill iiaats tit eenho
orIa l i ~lel h t1~0 d itn ba e-ll ,ni -ey andS itu tt ty ieig;r inig -o tI n p-tlgo i'hi nilno
ilii SlO lil noiln tc lii a0ct , oillsT rm t slii No w enend l oill-ill iii iii- fIli hO 11t Inaller1and sec- lit iii i ta c netotiloeri quar0 0-
hilt i-k-- Ini the li t .ol o~or10-t I-i t-1 nd lol tioNl 110110 iv iueini t - 4 o---:l iec. ;l a h, v t-n iteli-Ili-l itls tti ng111 in loat ns[1f'mu- efh teahd
'i r i Ii -1 list - ili tthf~ otsictor 1 o pla s inthu c l at o Wrunun k lin' e lg Iiterlttral'l-oi-inig i Albin - o11 le o Ir-is tb-,ntil d 0r -lurno-u iddt
1o 1 SStti,,, iiiit--ul SIo y tit ll i i -n-n-i-ilr Iiin - it I 1110 rn-ill 1101 110M ihtII, t O lli-t r ofaSki-n-it-I Ti i s 1100unctures oth-eitrnldiciig Cii
-'- andi sptrtingIdi tor o f ill iii ills10fil f'IW ,a d o t a },hakdbyteote o mes n
niii i ts svt e h~iilt u l a n1l l hy to- ,titl'l' i-inh ti. 1be '-rltild -lt irii as lilik iinle sit e
11101 <"1 1ears1 . ago, will 1 d otuo..1in t hti011.10 , In(]. o lilly i ,", nIlly 1S 1ity bilnla'os 'it e iii i.lrt 0 t o se-cil-y, a seo h
tia -itt t o' lra inuli ha e 1ening ('!ooilult.,iilit iar o ci tieslili li hi-il(t -l l r tn-itle o ntet. l ti - i t r o' lotoc of th e -i o i' oi 11-itii
h-naIttitiin coo 8:11 anlay 111111 mellersoon loof l'the I .f 'thlitr. It tloi l o T a111 log tlebycn in' ug1 inC tct b e oan,
dolllb, ~.,b man ntrii IohIIiiI t ii'ii-I
gif h 'g earteII ems A fw 'ears ihfr om t ill lihesplakersofi i teeni ngu th- 0110' no-thur t unt in. tal i lloiebate i t lli, ii.h ril er it' ollury added o y
1° khiri wasver i- L~tiyet O-is t inlI5(. selc. T e pola il ies 0-loina1-1l ;s llt nerofol. yi ur,111 linlo r;-thel bts, on en' tattingIsthire
f o r ta inito f-_ n tittt hIlstu s u ngla sty a r a nd__v io t o .t ni 11 10tii f ' i ii l i u n y i i-' hi t to r u' lat ci t ar , ll - tn o n eti n t
TI io n t h 0 tranksle 111fth o ll h i s0.1al ;ill 4li t , ut repgrIei snt 101s uunsl lu Ittheii-tit tuttiruhe10
ut i lItillil k t s, u lt ne i th eht ilk .oDe hit.fi n}r eshm e di lo o l' ooiolsu'n olii Itii
fh tll . tillr ll 15i un tis Sore uuik lf1r0omuoio l Ali gau- i loniistatc.Vrh ,Ioir' l idet l thgi AIl cbei les oni t oft e ie 51
i:fin In sur( lir i itI tt n 0 ii hot u111 wAlol- intlii 1i'ste it ll o lmpet hose fnlthesi rlithnitclass11110 ithi- i n 'is er n-lit-il hi le- h e romt1110fiv oosl]o
tif lie li 1111out )iiiint ot y'h-ihi dtlugtm vii t(iu'uitoss-iof1 gl0-t plotem ig. hoiiosityeai- a ditir isiti(1 tice tfor th hudoste
Sialo- hl l fI 'tsS leasa rg t o', iluh Ditt o lronFCeshmen. ertilt S ohi t -he Maie.stn r. W' lub. is dit t i-oilinltt-ln-onotti.tha-
lot north's lt uf, pen ryu foriteI l--lore tilkil 11 iv onumedio fiindAnn g l lh .5iretolI Co hti madet' it h a vi ing l mot tcnhg futcedit' eortit o hnutor.
-btii soliilt hatuo r ee:1f1the bu est runI-l lt o r,"ily f hel t a 11- tse ,' i t'in ptorutut- eiar nne0 ire 0110d1hs t 0leis - t e101511' f o t e oiton o
anlice ii n hrI t h ti'tio t tti'b tigout s t in of-uinyg I 1is viit to ii(tt nlititt'tihelou cotitlytstttiZ hiono otihl'O rvn a'ii v' ta s ly lt, div he Me
Inomi - easifar1 tihit i nded i I toh tilteha rlitt y itty it, 11 hts ie ein kthe -huhL.li lontn'l3litntiinics lefIrom lilut Ft+ fn'dei' d t eniod'-is c pe r
1ihic la iieoi htr i-i es t t ,a d c oe ttthantlIniltt.''t SuiliSte.of tho' i gturlW liiey ortied TeCo i r ntin owillurlsv itheto finalt' h
;abotriimo thiere' Stiicil touiid T'I''hit obsuemrvtionoof Ohem'tilkn in-amoothliiiTotmstnoners' lumb.1111is html the pleut'siru' of listen'inlg tiohis
At1 'ul11olii:he , ilg ot id wauitch.ii sp-echtorti,,inoenity bieiive'dIby ptonutis ktoonlsoutntot'uf O tth Cst postednslu- exce'llenCttpreseniilon Oof ''ieb Ado
lNIon ll iat and cmulelft endulofthue oftawain0Ilg htuses.tutlmt the stltuoututolnt: onllheicu-muionAbosut Notiing'"eforetheto'Ortricaehl
ar I dt em is' -11,ai t~lohun ve uucoacheod consmit edu-IisImiore'Srsriimigumiit I tugo Scoi'uetoc-ia ,'(y5jlit, islmion Ass istim Itcetinolyusynt tie dit-
ch11 oro0.ntnr.leaotdenoy. tOf tn:urso Clue Iti> reflected'hetire lie' oer ti thosndmil teas tlitoocm thu I-nit t rcin-l tiuer- t oungitgforhilt tctoe Sitb Kellerid's
niesac- duniedol imdignanly and111ittfrhmenuui'nmuhue cit-y.'fT:e ilhk ilin-oh in iub-btluointlndoraotoory (111-i1og Itostent ho lly to emphty'senlts, uand the
'0l5il ml 'rounru t hiotmili l.tHo 'eveit ,ll)hue.tor miC'ttinkmhor thin 'amino. or lolg, no1sch ii oo t il-n ad asonor ~eof famet Ciniatthetnwn-scttmtelleou o sn o
is-- 51.11hlt CltS-n.innsou ta and i he low oumludnot hav11010nlit-cu tllubty tis ltainsslot ('tIle-ga 'i'es-ht ivisionailos nthreflett grettcruodit 11110nuAnnh
aohrx7 o leol ollegesthhe tig umsi. I'uu-thrtueui hmrilt- millhi. 1011to-ioohtx ucalt your.S:'teral llh- Au-h-or t'the-goe-rs.Thin ist lthe
iuac al thu ntpihil t ui~ay hnuligibule ttru- hilt'yhitut fl"''ati it Cin eai'tly gnn-u 11th th eailrdlhi iinu tthaI ime111 irbst tinget'thin t-tintmhat ayoesof
.- entlillotnIwhyc AlntArbor 'is itt hue to-ir~eit11010haut' ssetol uocuhtemut'Iii- rellby high ut-nt huttongonieo't-beugging,
hTC3r ob oof Cte mulk bistt We lilty thio: cuss batit'emill hiOs0001 II oin fei'tiitml ll 0. is lls he lii'emuouo' ' tihiug burle-sque and
Itie S-I Lt ~NI hbhtL:'i'S. thut 11a1t'ent freshmen.ho h e Iliir tcli hrloilalum, utionut S~ntoliln, 'il- Ioldlnlmii-ip 10 151iolhtllhlanv' S-ro-t
la r ilblo metinolgnf thou-soniosr htistiniooolillm muthis lhut: o-liha~ve to ioni 1represo-mtedt ii;oiam hunt yiser ful htuatni' Smith auco'ilhtinishatounh
assn- M honiday, Non, 2b, for thetopile--Ct'akieaiackseat.aiogaaiint MiumnnotiamaotChticago. to ho' rvo- eteuo; partly becsIft
useo________n ____ponaclss__em-hlowSsO itdepiravtity of 1taste, blimIore
tlli and1suchother lusuineuss tis maty To liii-fosohttb lltayeroof Mic-higuin Theleibroruies tofLeuland tnorf~d eittciullty'beusen'if Ith.is inpoititon
col tfri thel mein~'hg. ind loulit. Complimntsahofi'le. autuilavooeorecetlhtaduTatn imphrinomn toby- conutin,itStilt soon ble inmpossible
ItP -ACOBtPresident. Mte. RtosClrangur for Saurodtay ottn- thue tadoptioin of the On-cimulInyntemnoif foe hhe Theatre mana~gers hto eure the
l xibhuIg lit the avaeldmty,8:310)to 11:15 cu'iulogmuua 71u to tisimehatheltolist- turo-lintin-oftoaseitoriousplay In
for the Da ly-Nvews. o'clock. Danting. ha' has beeticdolletiyy subjects. Ann Arbor.

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