DAIr Saar
No . 34
ON TO COLUMBUS,! ? -rved rt tickets will b on tle at PILGRIM PRIZE. the Fbruary or ".." Ifop timbrar
Meyers aftr noton Thrsdiy.'lTh of teInlndehr out aots the midl
$ otteam wilt g down F'ridaty in ordir to- of that month. Sveral stories have
-hYstAppeals to the Student Body b4, f shape for the ganu :and tWisty The [nlander's Short Story Conpetition a ready NI wi sumtt-da it is e -
fofa Bg howng t he hioStte t tewill .Sulien hotliwhihigan'stat inhbut adearyartntof illixthe hianniversityrs Clsestill1th th e exerted il heeinte theh
Gae--Every Loyal Michigan Su- Fvery M1ichigan rooter houd toot pursuit of this prie. It i hots- that
dent Should Go-0. S. U. ill it a slant to go. Whena we rmnomiet t itt erit t"t-t for the sIllgrimo short bot new writers wilt he fottnd who
that (i. S. U. hrught a thousand stn- shrt prie to lhe h-dunder the tt- :Ire ole to lietiucs c odx wor. It hus
av ah t .stTat n dns ih teiw toio l isps ies of the inioiiier. till ieamong long lb-entireognied that nmch un-
Her History in the Field. hon tte towni an euttl nuttio t he lia-r y events of the' year. This tirorold litraiiry talent exists among
(:seilly as thiey hve 1it5110studetints rier of -2ci t- r hibd The'p ilgrimti lh t ti,"tiaofoulthe trsrsarenrou-
it,. tsiut,"-00.1te othly nogazi ie l 'fogen ir ini g-met-d wing larig to tring it
w"tt~i i f th siiting toos o-nt a gtino il 1") 3e:; tsif tI Otore t pitttt l t a t lii t e Iek-, ottfi th. Sca t-li(O ttt5as thi aittot hlttt
ti ry ini tho Mf tiiiltittramp.oiti il)it-sleitakeshi than ult fitt entiito 1li"tvi ttI o r sti -iii cltoi Mt r 'a. ils iide l u t-liuintbis litctitit.
ar estttterfrom Gstntt I rtte full if wlcotmted :I ith e tt lst i r 1l-toe tha i. lilrtitif tito ki 1-i1t- s itit-gt
esttt r otts atgaitstthya} fe--hng of at iliststtil. eitor.'piii tntrtieof th oiptit 5 st Yost a Utique Figure.
Abrlis ii ln-irdthat may rei-n Ig it t lOiiin s it iigitt'hlyii h-ti ri a isis i -itt-tiutitigilet -ttof litei-a-t-sente- r t- tI-livtitg utic iy Shrmatn It.
iYbt' inrear ti the itl-iunitig gttime9god the l iii- st yair andtit eutis itititd tia- tttiit tin eliisttdits oithe Slit Li
al te aitl bf h o ithili-the r uoult- to uut-do i. this. Sie oil Itre aoe- ,r y l pairiitialyiniiitei titlofit ufftuill- l o t-ilelitlfootfall ept:-t,
.able l0icttotts. M-titier 1-Btirdiis ithone thi tst she hkn so hosw. Its thi- the sitoit strt.y. 'itilt 'itthigiti iti ICsairhiPost listtrtl yesteraty its
vet o thverat oftee ll itliis uiti- itatcetutu ai f time. andlittilltudint igau t s-itvi s iin ih elstat pdresit iIts I rt 'C a Aitt it- ctaten: letns
ce, >, i-til it relIt ii it ii t l it i-es iii hit a tf o td t io m iss'iii li t s I t- i l l b ra ncttes ilt istih etworldh'suttactivst-ti
t lii I ii titt. tl i-ot-ostitioach I otittthi ittti-etitnoes,
T hihole pelt i k th t c lttttis itttr t re l c al y t at ii - is he m o t uit uett i gr ett-iits w eit eisn
- tt i lt-i Oui-i-- il tttitt uv r ha f s s r n s i i r n l it illsre than i it anyi tinetionttttilItt lit i-hwon. a utie i-st1t but
i o agre'i o Is t htt I Mtl i t t ar lt; t her in ota~tti ol -tiint wtIt'a wil l -ti sne orlo ils ...1h u t~ hi al n ot- rls-t tes tu
nt i leo . oe- iitivsikillhe willhav
"a is o o, of it, gfi h rs, w h t i I e a lieii * t- d rat t- e k h ,list itt } .Ir - list hi 111101 trcO :1 thirhri lihittilio to th
"l u l s 1 r ~ l I n t h sl - I s on f 1 41I a aIfulSto tillo o ms-t w e lthr r yth ro u gh1.1 . W hteuto
Oi'il tit ;t ar.o' tita- h1, iol it tr'.bu h l' o tetnt11 Oltht n j.ui turn/t tit !huts i coit hig tail fishuof
itt-' t-I,' iln 'slte1-tad 0 il''ii i-ittl,'1t hao e ia ilitit-ot, t rade'softhighs hi-r % it),stu oln" toit, 'atlo
iii -t tht3lith ,stii ai tilit iuh ttigt1 iiittl rt
1, um t u o am t 1 ek 11i-Il--lp raltillin sieght"S o
.last. ia'iatdth riotr:. i hiti. t-,'aot . al ~, 'r r,,hiiin~ d o e u :u ' i.c il' ,, . t t ily totk mt ec atni-
'e i Sti r trotut):31~it tlumii li'I ittiti- - htasi itote it nitil atg ih i ' knws
rnotttth ~ t cti-i ':tt (I S I iits gs '*spriningittohstit toi slit-iti tatii thi[ ha Stiowitshia ins.
tit et'told itl \icit e ;a 'i-lI-s :sl u. ,hschre ndri l ~ ~~tii- , ln'oi ~ lwfyulIt s ti i ii' obuai-i ntt is
hey _,-5 tiatt ii ii 4
'a i is o fo" It ' t rmorytiral ,n 'CarlPge.f i to pii fitaptt itleilgoti-leo t
i tht ~qtit t i ot is t tat 'ttiiiiioit t oill 4.heis It i prel t tn swelllssoitt thistty
'ti-s lit lit lctis tutudXow-nsivaluableiscoal
Direr isi etit s rtuatyif iii oitiid itshlsi
e esw t t et " titirg a u line. +A i. O i ifittil's istttI b schtuoeuttIl tis this lit-
ih ultttltus i-ts- es-i andott-ti- i ii itt t ratnkii 1 i throug h iand
1 151db -i i ti o h tir it tm in this- i, ~ i t l s-ih tit go h l F u f
til1lt l i a s is li--thits-ti-It ufoo ttl i
tit1 o t sptr le-a-d- 1t-in a t,1-efial ti-sr hist o ltidis to titt
ureanthige" 4.l thftt ean t-inkothb igthetttootba'lisrtta
Io a to11say0 oilthe rit i lsit us- ti osin: 4 sit-i-intI. il n iiig ts. i it iith t
' x h t ltiit body 1 htvrlit il-4R N D ' " YosR $ .4 . -t h asttth e Olhl itth tiso y oottli u- h f i
bu lete stfromtit mii iu-sat gu - I '~ ht i -t i sit hs it il
h 41Iltit i oli hul l- thaIN, (n ldig rs r ed a nthe 4.1.ha iibofois o tallianhis i kSlt olsuisdowt
t- arasiiitgst tu lt t i0 o U liii lbu-I-t hylii tunotth ii isilos luau
'tht as 4 Siibly h l~ )U su - it t uut n th t a rules-ti
laudti(1cttytso l it s-Othe-tir su' shbti ustt-witiloti
stuuIstihs ttu hi roto a - i tth hostlitatht illouintyt
ayes la 'a 11d ot h odits- h elii 1 ," - #. atil o l t t t 1 st n x c i
r (iti s " - w11 t h I-- t sIfuu tu t i I I -t t I l a . -t t '+t '
tus Clttio l u m b usfrtii, s0 hitu u ui n. e tigi osiiit ti Captal i on lsh l otte rt
oh U oi<'I s tt l ie stltsttl-s-iy siubtuis-- s-its ii htii iiiutid it-s ht ot u-ut t i O t meth re tltittifo ota i-
t'1 la ishilost its issi li- Iii-ui-t i- s i s t-iItiltli 0 iotlfiit it l uu it- u- 'ttlist gu' t'u- o-st i uio at i i-c sre
t,1 l 5rr tk11et maniiiiui It' tsi uuii111111 it tii Ii s Shuh N osit tnilbili r th ani
ss e tisi s + u tin o uitiltllb ll hs sititl 1 li - li i 'i sh .110 ott}i i li i l t lhii ii ts~ o
et(". Wal111thvc ls er.w t ! ae l. Cart beatl any manl I on til ll
ak( i(; I ll ' I ilst o t lhtesillei111 111 11 111 1
1i5 lo sXi a Ie"'o e lI, t, , a I n po iioietor tanlaut t,
r e iII uti11tat ill- I -rueswil Yot s ansto n tt-tt he01 Ii all e llyil
Ilt crs i r g(I I line1tteeltim ,. F. 3+ 0 It'. .t.. . 11th Ill 11 + +&1 llFt. 11. .11 h uolll
li-s i lttiup idri ll rte I k rt '-iiIlSi ingil il ll11MeeI 111tin .''ltiltols u d r w ic h t ain She1 tldoni eti e r.uu' ii-r
11110 Ii -t tirsiarhio he subusteIt:rhtirstlt rS-i-itt-utre t SbttOt11111i
Tio i-1 Ittt ti-'iII liai uuiH ilI 'tI 'llut0 51 titl - ri us tli~hh h~ii
e a ithe W ith I he hand, sill l :t erritt dI l~t ituri v1100 h g m e-dot o m et he M chg l n tilb h -iT m r o f otb tl ,eut ilh ts al iti illtiltors bti it h er 911(1It 1-il li i t g oud- a d on S at- -r e
Tb 1oh unsi,(hoha e 11 1 -roi l Xliltsit-sil-t lli tli utithlstudets,1i)l hit l lst nigt. l aSSt Clat. I'it'a oil the
iii bri o l s i C Ibis thi hda te. a ii - I l i ts s o ulthe lim e tin gll s t -u u- tlt - 11 1 ii iii l th 1'it i it vC I itil t-I thi itig 1ito fht' i fr m n u ies7 -t
iiiy (tt Ittuset Ohi t iso 5- o iii o Xii 1110lost it niClt ii 15111 Ctilt ii il t atlii li itlltl5 , nt c cl ( 3.11 ~itului he t tthe t l li i ll tutu- toter
it-it t-i-s5-thu.i-Iits-its-ti -tuid -tul liii it t naf. i lii' twilt e I .I,, ui lh i1and irlltst h suo it F'tilul' l 01 tsilerts~ te(ti
Ii Thor(, thi 1111e )i h iia i e :11, t os h and :andi tilt Ciub i to Iany i t utu i o fit iii tutit lusus t t i .nrt~~ n ' icIagoS l't ord
SEC;, O NvreD th i~tUNisctIERs e rSnTY hesudnGING Me ,oEETIn,10N G! Fr cios iday, a;:ld1: t ~ill' p. o
tltwli : h stle Cr cv a1, : t~in 'nto siy ho(Ifil il' a~ll O n' o~lt p aC"e u ol t , ai~r" r l~sU niversityi H all.ou tvas nl idy ec v
clEverybody Come.