Michigan Meets the Toa, hat Tie Meigs, First; Snnenschein, Second; Mihigan's '99 Football Captain Gain Great Preparations Made for This
Northwestern and Chicago-Jack OConner, Third. an Enviable Reputation. Mornings Game.
IoiSte Pdt. aTe Lowthannual Intr-eptrtnent"'Te Nvada footblsl tiam, which e thua meeting o te ittrary fde-
debate reading to Cnrl i 1 'aing has thin*yea r made suchs a lbrillant p rtment yesterday afternoon was one
doouchsit.titn1stri Le agu, took plac.e last escing in Un- rcrd. is coached by A1. C. Stce, i the most enthuiatic ever held. At
55t dw o hesve' ersty Hal, atformer Michigan tackle. Steckie
't pactimlttittt id the fortsart Miayor Wiiiam C. Mlaybury of )e has made an eiahic reputation is meeting within the last four yers
°f the" tt5 kad ytrday 'Varsity- trolt peesided and Prof. E.A. iStrom Paific coast fistltl, haing shownuhas i:ois nuch d epatmetl spirit iii 't
not aseii-.tatrsst. Only ignal of Ypsilanti, Hio. T. E. Tarsey of himself to be the edual of any of th shot".t 'll our classes were well rep-
Wie nt . ~ etoitrot.uMeesandSpt. i. . ehae rnahe wCaloni fontenr.eat rein I-siand Joined in the yells and
for ei biefte.sToihat htol ktsstsctda ieherecscrubist lfoniwanreanor A-net po
given a st- 'h srb ie'Msrs. MI. L. W iley, iF. C. Deswey ini a small unive~sity, where interest 5 1 et peiniti printed in rd, sp-
1Ieitaett.. and tfrt elevet attd if. Stitetshist relresettisi the wsanlax, football material scarce, adti tonili'smttilei of ltw bioo and
Y stt i 1t iltti liteary seartment atid M~ssrs. A. J.. iIth le face of other otstacles, behs tinstat iitt all lie thss yls, patiu-
hutatostisutt lis tsuttre (ttConnor_ Clintoti Metee anisiLt O)deelopedit 'alts mwhich for sesi iss ofwtodays gistiuenand fourg
fent"Jack Htituat1rOt5 MangertIt tir e Mtaitsthe last depanrtmntthtins-teamti-work and general playing as stgseedsrht idu t
Kts tha:tethey e r ibyMati rIIti i ttti wee: sliiibeen equaed Itt the iwest. This gosdi ettit.
to hold thi tit*coi te eisptsi irst hotisr--r. Mie igs. is eiencedinlitthe Iam~s played in tiisitttt iDeey of the senior lier
-p'rst, tt 6411itto nt few ttttiber o '-eei tihonor-Mr. S-stttetselettt this sute atditsn Neadt. isids try Itass Iresdedd and etiles upon the
them to llseitsiu tss agitn ist ITliltd Hotor --Mr. {)Csitior itntor vietori Neada defeatd tei- othr clsss tpreidetstotameinoe f
ittiftr thittesti te itihi Atternate-Mtr. Ayisie. is'itto ,atiidit h ea ficastenit ie f-lintsters. "Jack" Kiiian
Ihun5i ge ts t rei"toutu;aniantt -Theftsdebate ws scha-cterized just andtidibhetcilints ttset-wo It ziti aoi ivIorsed gecu ed the
Yos1 t s iauurti sh rin tse cugtiiitby- tisthooghiuess -atd tie sinuhae defeti i tlifsrei it y-h lii icsnlls'tin's rti uh
Vltlt litionsitiit tti c.iii'i tt lttte btittc. itfoc-tintts-y t 0 o1 the st Sts-Iles su e s is slits'to his th -i - i-l. ie ls ie ittls- o
~w vi osa itc.c r(e paen lsedti ittierfi t tti toritt- u -t ita tt is-lf to existig irciut- whsinig l-it e lis ttyiitihiscr
titl vvhe'n li iii t 5 1hs 50- hll, I t it st-ilt-~it tttudsitiiedly sffiA -dt e ts tn isatdto )ittsi igl isate ithisl -aigsi-i -ste-t lift-Thy ae o
they loiteiswi llbedrwnbak tdit stit of ths'elat. At closeocof sit- iswiltst lnt-is s titraist'all tt i te nt-h s sit-cf the 1Iled, itcud-1g"adrn ndb'efc ec
dofigs s lts- c-i in ptla.Te I- lit s-Ssstiill ivestrtcitu with it yell-
xasiy a tsIAI ti sr ahiyliiit lth
'i s tl chlt seen hn heaCIGNsie r eitei.Tety slli tstthis
still tit i inst - n mt tl ttrio i i siltit ru i ui
dth e p ns u of et: nil ui ti tll st-en rotts-d its a bdto t
Sih eepn ofthe luhagsn usiilid.
is se ~ terthis -Wllb- :, t- a Tefit utuis ati he gate swille W.
Thetitcilt:"J5" S. Sipp, uttpireatd Iae, '1dent,
NITli~tit~~tip rfeti. The gstes still 1be penut siHI
Pnstil. ~coit oclck Isntheiiigttreystill -acimec t:
A'bte" -. I ft ateke,.Conference of Health Officials at th-
ye = l t 'ii ~li .Ls cac oseHygienic Laboratory.
1 -MerllLstcanetoSeift-geteral confernc- o
<=regtiec acr. liHIGtillos aotri.of ulehtigatibegani
- - - eg-c lhu.I~. P~NTlursay aftenosottat this hygieni
Wl; it~ it i aei lilborsaory. Al ut 100 phitysiciantt--
..... Boothtndd, ndsi-srtlstitislle ipatpers
ghtu Iii.ht.iacktP Play on nome grounds. iser--resiadsd disussd. Prs-siet
. - - Stiid igluset tile sss-osf swe-come,
Iter seitl Ic---st i-ndt -Regents' ield, Today, at Z jP. mi. sldtHctncFrank Wlls f-llsws with
Cal- .iiandtt misio So. - Grand Stand .Seats 25c extra. Oigin ssdtilsfsutlpoxti i
li-c -forthat Mi-higsntitas eehd. Con-
t'51se- I 1~iiil ___ -. - - sllstliy its-avoicatdditicapen nsi'of
'pty "'ts-. li, b st s Ise"-isitsrutive, iterest ig Examiner slt.tr. Vusgliasi, lisitoc sf thi hygi-
- . 'iig' iii staw. -it liltltlt. gte it detiled d'-
i--c ic-cteitsitWill- stltitte sito ts-es- eits tsi eirLasns oionht.). s itp1 55of itesorkaccomiplihd
s-'nie 'fti. ttaual sh td Pietonlit. eil"smsoikisise sinsiu-''che uitrsoomi- us uundtecr' tln iiEtclisithtin healtl05
i-~~t~5 - tihuiultt slsrfsths issu i s --shutri' ihent his-es- 1555 ashisia'us trseet-. S'wil s tnl-lst ufev r sidistira t mstteople thar
irz1 f -;a lue. d rts- it s tits iu uul c iulttn is ii Ist- l--tirwt uh ls-s sti l ic ii- -s-tfu ageus-' i mmu'etta-It tud atn
AX ' -h-e-oftwntt rep s onhlyr nsssinesicdreist dnts ill tsait haveu~ aood iuiustd en histesufisus;inadbe 1t grsti itsli htisy caied andtrans
w Usli s st 1 ssitiss tisfit s ut s~ttt'ii itr (tase otKakmaeso ead tn in--
Wrtst5Isyr ltu t tsisans Ivda oum ts 85 - tcsit Age--sit ilts besteTit wil cwrtsgs'pper-n Lbor-or
'-itp gu-s t , iit iti is tstse gisive"is-u i'rsstuuu' -s'r.- {-oet(ise C . tilsifor ed ae 5pape
tiuukingtht situ ti isichluy.I . N miF arw Fee h
- t lssesiui tuusl-test- tighsitt + lusthttw-usthentiausstusdent - -
errtt 'xs-in'uts u <'ltuisihhis Pitiiuis. s-sniugs sssi n sith a tiaisr on "A
fbi- taisti si-Io ilisit' attendedstii this- usui-ersty'adeprtanli
'i' othan lusnsmonthts in his e treity lustglt-is i-toiscssntuitetCnierto o--s rAnmle
th tt. misstrsctus catmtithrouh f isis futuds. Perhapsintssiiesntithis'firt-utateusin-i Childee."
ttiurtesi~y. of '55 is'. X'Welk of -'-'-- _____- siituliOst-io ston mneotuntistie re- Dreott st Isis ialsitu Ithoity ott
1r slc- n. lu I. t sisuss to t1i111A1 -C. Stt-kht, one of Mitlugan sitsteeu siessplese itth ie ichi- busbhoss i -la ut,gluts'usntuaddress on
fohicu suniXX. tln onslwprnr ew rmRnNvd:thei Ntt).> u15iuigluetsiasmeditiors. Situs frats'001B.iC.toitsthispreentt duy He
Yers."Say. youar'ts'rdcing a thiitg tats t u Ml ic-huagigtuslniwstasiulished tcldhow set ws usgadualily spreading
'i-n in footballh, asetsyout? Thast 12-5 Mithigsnthis t's-unuifotily'vits-is ovesite iseth fromtheiss rignal tfour
MlStica Clib Mn Notice. glint is nhutt us'tht of aill tie sorts osmli iutroiii'giuts' contesto n-iti iii' hl t hIm nd ias, Africitid S-
Joeitthieioumntry. It hss csst memis-nty'aiitest, oratory tbaseballi, tek athletis's sruti.Ii''adisd strimgetut reeu-
shts 'siii enIty Suaisl cus-m swillibeitrs-st butitI pinistIt gasly and had aanstlttunnsuti. Weills-hitn adt dus f-ott tisausinsht Its firthe r-ssa. The
5hieui15 tihlt it itsuhilinss Sundaity' gsed timte'osethe ressumlt" basll thamioinsip to sthin Ilst-thustndisses is oss lrseitthum Stn Frni-
Itt if t s it)s~y harp. Dress sutsb- - - ug tn sut liusI usriisssith'
Et thea . All1instutmen'tts aset'to NO'I'tC I SHNI 'sircard isusiotg sui'esitii's. Sit the Stu4lily morinltg etussllxss si
lloih'stth tdi.1lhligunsunsiuuediors have''dettidedisshctussdin iniu teestingtutd sptiritisi
SMt ITsilutitgee. Mhiatehiaynownhathadut Rnit-tha t its itspto lt-ni tio gttout ua usiuutsr. Itt the ssftermnootu Dr.
l'1t~ IONMREttst1 1011. i-ss-elrs. lixituser's use Rruitsls tn- clii sits : i ts'besun "f1lt lii'suirprisse, Toxils." A sigorosus disctssihonfol-
sol c itt hutlgite-13, it- of the sits. Biecasitte liousis to ht ut nteOts Itis t-xps'ts'd that it It ilieIssited towed tweens'st''tDtr. Iltiset of Buy City
It y tullntsitfthiss-str swill osesurtotnth sarier thsantbeforsesll pitures I el1 uutst als htt sus nadtn 'uthtt iit u utro
Pats 'itttutiig-oism tpmtsut psositisily'belit' i by- lec. '1, 1 tr1.u itsteic-iilt~ faui-tit udls~ ctoi;tohgn
fi iil it it itc ishel- itecndbsn tgt--tr ls eniorts atuind sscI titess Isdesiredt. ;# the~usteusgrits'cttite cxs-lesi sit timaes;
'Sud Io t~ii-l h 1 uetsndne nts itIar 'tS i I SO i X-t o-hfeture sssopruttg ye'ste'rdaty In lintDr. Vauighatn. with his wiealthtit
Tcsme Il'l limtthirIN-Ilee- - - - - - - - - -l'NN us 'an teIii ssuing of bislaseforpsesonall sht- exicst-ientific ktuwid ge, rove ito
vt 5tedmng. Thecmmiiitee sottnsisselistics ctainintg siu-liqustionus of thisbeitoo mucthi for his ottoni'nt. Thu
'ink ANDtssuEPsGINEERSir!tn - seniors its thirst's Whomsmin your cus ssssiniten-tded yi'sterday.
SiX'itm onIst.,cirr;
R"- -hear 5g. Ph55i Ka~paPsi; GeorgeXNIll meessIIIhtfronttof 'Tappan stall an(ildo you consider the motst pospulatr nman? _________
Delttol KapitaEpoion; R. tutuchbout tolilt-laiw game ItIa body. thu' shrew est'polithiin,this shgst Thu uo-ds of Haunovere college gave
py tht Sigmaa Phi- Gerald 'Rc- Proess osn starts promptly at 9O a. m. joke-the'cities fresehman, etc. All a sheiet and tilltow-caseiruide in Ohe
pt T. i~ha Dlu Pi; it. Bll(ttetZeta iBring btanners, cane .andlhortn. t.htsvoles areregarnesed auseicret aid thestret s of Itanover, Insd., hsothe
T. w Usenhury, Chi Psi, and 11. ilit hat-s north side of field. resutlt st'illtie atnutttnced tetors night, much to the orise of the
', Bta °ThetaPt.,- -Comiittee. April 1., -citizens.