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November 05, 1901 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1901-11-05

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LIGHT PRACTICE. Theodore Thomas' Chicago Orchestra. Lockwood Historical Lecture-Recitals. . S. U. GAME.
--- U ivvniity Hal Iss wel illed last Te-Univsty.siiv Il al society hs______
FotalTeani Goes Trough Signal ight whets Prof. Thomas an(1 his ('hi- Jutaot uncedtss a Series of historical Special Train Over Ann Arbor and
Pra~if e w1I n ad Reden ago' rheortra gave the first of heticour - rcitals to lb-glvens this srtes-
Prcie snai edn ('loro 1l Uoo cocerts. ter byIs'lltrt Lot sol, h-idc of te ocking Valley Rys. Laves 7;30
Not Out. 1Thic ,( slog tnumttsro(t, lort'. 11105f ste de11rtm01nt (of the Uirt" a. m.-Parlor and Lnch
m rt'l, tE-at,10:1a h euitfat ele- 0sit1tie oif No it,. 1Ii ro eictfe-re
iftlt sorin o an earig tioll vwi ch t heti large 1)0d1y (f us- tal s are tis 01c1' zt itrvas(f a ot ar on Train.
'ilt 11 '('lac iosticnsof tmo g ri g l l1(1 ts llered wth exquisite1thaImony twot weetoo iWlt is 'ot Memorhl Itol
rtilt are lunsanytiesu the an-diexpression. and ireitnded to rlce the history (f Nioto ragcr airtl almtsrsthat r
-then the aren IsoC the sn eastmthe rot litls seo0101Sympl~hontyloeof music frootlte.erlier cot 1110sots downasg tisfr h tl",;~tg
(If hetssetld ow 'cithe tt r the est of hiis orhlestra1l cIoposiions, 1to 11chose o odrrn timos. AlIeture
shoud I 11101 '1 joyitO111 1 Iltvas .1 plasiing seltciton a d etil 'tip 1recital, a ttMr. Lokw~vodigits it. c('00' viii ea oo oletd, fid tht the
Ors andl saag iets I preH a-Iir0111iattI 1y11veryone. sit of t h rit'f coilro u1on(the ('011' (his mens are exsniot'slg a lrge crowd
taOdisla sh reroctttheo inionthatth111 r.1 Loor ld K~tliramer t io 1111 i l- osr und1er discutssion, 111111te plthi- to iarc-)051tiy out teamcn. The special
'h1a10 are s lit fte off iitir t isntii 10st 5111on tat:io tf hisi A tud iec ig oIf su1111 f is works(0118as rex hiit train11will lev tileAstnsArsos stto
lttddlthat exxrt lit g ritiroul matittr',tottll ttitofirt ' 'flme rc, fisrh is lc of is M . ~sic l deve limet an ~tyl e.('1 i:it ll o i ituym it ngitt andttt. lTlc ri
'151 lreetriite of te11(t) t oNws "It Fsiotie 'lTh i hllullneil s'soifii t i jogwood 1'toued1118,autida ti yer ritil e t C lumbis fatoa01.cheta pin
100(01 itltmuctio Ieu siith lythe me Mr.ili r iran o t insucnhiwoni ertut' agot.llliti ingtse oitir 110a(1Stinepof s th l e 111 rtil l'is'rloftltyictat es,07 it a .
lil it i it o1tthsem1(to t s atitr- laudti dis antatit tthe clsieof tilt fat- Americlcti t u it -IttI'-lliiit. ia rr 1)1 iv at AtttArir at It ldIp. t.
- (itte tld lotOt~'50to o t0 tatie, tielt 1(oist 5wa18oligedoIto rt- flitirst stoices of the hiorleold le- Tit-tike1ts for the rotntltril sill e
tilt 011natp tt. cliaraeterisgctheill o
It is C lilst a ' e maI eret The ovetre'Iotf Oltrttts is it poto i f Misic 10t 1:81p i. otttht folloinrtg whichitillWi luel i)1 0ti)irer e et ftta
pr1te 1(1efa t t ttitiitat any tf WNlt't'btriiaiint operi, itbohtndig datsh tiitdlt- (f tell itit. The batnd and
th li the atil e oft. ad1107 t itlte 1" di-lightful lmtigtty, 10111 of wh'icrh I .Nloc. ( 'St'Irlati, .11111 11 I Slt i.sitgr wtil go oth e tiiiltrail, and
etas 1lItiuti totlfromof te 'sotlrit ' as lst 11 iut eetionlItlast night. Itityti, Mollort. 'vryee ff'drt is teitg madl~e to makile the
the') Inita.11 "tl tti il''ii ih I t -oh-der elodly thius heighten'inig ti i"IN'.rtai. S5.H tl02-o1lt Schninarur"iI. Nn Altor( an' osiltcking Vly ral
1w,11011 11o11)18 s. h_ outu renafiomsili se.- Theii isecond' 'li- tt111 rits, of ix 0recit lls il)))habsOttInane1 t Iy whiich ihigas
of Orris'. c1 . is - ____-___ -- .t(,rsttO til ftr tht tprie' seure re-
UrIodo il er. last 0se1nt h i ltW +" "&k" "I.. h:""t3d~ +"31$ srttIble'iher stits. Tihe gmt~e has
uil 01111 down h it.lN sotfetimeslullus111't t +++++-+++++.."m 1111I toed 11an1ldettisll111ovr
toI eepthimfrwth e tti ngafo siohr ttlidfom +ttittat f Oiotan l it is certinlStdil
th rot- blats that swetlit Sotet thte t * ilt It itou ac x'ill te, it i. lrge t t
110111 .' - a tiltotsie f hi M c h i a n, , t, lyed itt the west. 15.
eEVEtraten n atmp lt (1hig 51 loste is alsost the soe as
(iiy turt*i'ywet he teypltt Mchga
"Sltlhisgregular practios tok tate.tlohs tt t'.rhspt fthey isfrtMie
nSil o0 hostpital list" Is the ti- tt tt}n tit fth ifro
uaat t totst of tOtho managment tht.hetiathis sfftrdit
atnd the are dt this sugth V .AIs going to extr every effort to wh.
rorn sf "enttrill -' -. (,at+I rTh i01toole say "If we Min te
thri l tleSSt7 5111 S.± l ligatt s ontiown go-nd w-c15n
thatax oroter0sOthotugtlw5h sawl-s-- -.--
hI°'a l~l 0i13oSonesthParkgrit55d0i0r'on) in 1± Second Singing Meeting.
'Oal en Is sf the stuff thttta t ic'klyot 0 Is tgllm
anditt 111tomorrow' illtsee Iims nFia fti t t41 hs kai uta h oiin titie +i.itgu
ill t+C litus,55 1e tie tote ottray shtsll lp'ear
If hittd tin 11ad1retiols I litidt 111l t so -'rioulf ro r oi f 1 1'tt 5titiof s-lew
Igtii~ tiltI s l- ' aftty- SaurayNov. q, -2:15 p. m. ont. Uni'11111v'e510rsi1'tryosl 00(11
Nfl, reservewoldhaeoadno+ i Ii'- iaeings"l-t)sli(itht'a I'ho
I -de 1)1110artll illdunning up.he Same +S1Flw.11 . uI (includino- eseat(in: thet+ i
t 0r''n h ''olius tat 'il11(11 + beacer)+ R U DTR PF R1atq0 hirI ie)'l'pu't 1101 1)1 t' s'iionoa
1i)1t was'11 O 1)1 M o Ollle i01' h oit +))11ll'hl' ltlIlstiOOtl I n th) f I I)i i i l Ihpc e t N Still
-Dli, 0 i))O 111inct'telud)' itIng, tre'erved'5seat'n t he t iiiho 0 uIbitlI 01)0'w~ o on
it5': t tf at-ist'o fio5c i' gi0c fhhi111te olre1111 tllace11d Ibtyl t'itstt-i M rioMoo- I'i ttllt s-ltli-is 'f file vtri Ithhg
iII 01st Otttlitxg ti-tis 1h 1hi ot hiligtha-tis ietiisb111enioie fr b-lteacheIf tltr)ti-e'it otg th$t f tt11111.00s',ort
1515 10011'0i'11s 1"i h t hlnd it teI l 5 as -c i-lis110 nta(inee'o.tf11(5 '.Ctio isit'!]srh r t eiiut rg of ~ tu 'ts anditO wafor sotttr
It 5i s tacittro thi at t i 't tin a l- 'Metg us l e y f s tsit cho l.loiI-all It sosg lhonk cut he beta (I!(]
Istrl iiew, anti Ha110 hy 0coditrnert: + lil t$t l)111i otd lsc _____________ Ili(-t wilthen11101o s sluh t hye w it
- t . t0 It illis thtcoldtie t111e1ll x v 01 ta ooitI tt te 0'001tl tsi't 01'lttu'Irstttm
1 tit>t"s It--111-r-r t'the ilestt tteus 1111(01 1sos't ttu Miiauoa-inkel ndas Gme tiititiitasd tfOok -~
0Otl) ei li ' il'him.Th t-rthe tem la d :tt Ie srog il . hll h hos Niitepfoli eseMitdts.,No. c(ptc hahs:is__i__Chair ___P of.Albrt______ tn
I 110'ritttrsonly its eir den IIt l e Ito- Ii itllT'Oi'511'iii f t' Mih ig Tall m .111' 10 IIii lii"N''. -hi 11111ltls b 11111 {oso IiIfO S
rue;t '1sCiodgsntchlott guti' Aits ltlglu tt, itAs hl t ud -of litlg, o tt~ (11 tu 51i1 todluitis, Stto'o I ii iG. itortost oilE~ms o I'tu.
ill 1 (Ilan't111:1khit-"o)l'0 te to 01 t ilsli s( o l (111(11 ol hir1' lelh I s ift ------as pstpnedfrm- -- ll' ilRigle le fur gailt. .,
III- N~lt liii(' -Bh't l re1' S ist sil o ill I lits e Calie StIh di s atittl i l i .,a eut' i )11 e d ilo l t scgre of illsolti t ailgt' h a or us t 11' (1511' s'il
t~is t'Olit its-(1 the b iast to to'-t ille:12of Imh ih l f oOI t15s t itd t. thle. Ttthyigan 2 ; fo m is 0i.-ii ' 'l t~ie li stt ilyth' IN ll st uehi io 'ld e o
0101 i t' ttiih setl l t'lthe p sosp -ctstolla fnet i rsit of tl IIth (y-0.'' d iltt sl 11 it - - aus s s'i thtictotstforit n.stutditstri.--S
sihtiittg Iit chtr 1115ithe ois t or-ty rl"1 M ciho1'x ie fm od Ie ir 111wtok il Isse toMr:111ille ctsit adl s.
11511(- 15Itsc~slsti 10 111101) 1W ~ elt"1 trthetNaotstollssppinted tetystraMaywreMr.oowtlin
WNPas IleItof 1-5Tyid Ptage).stslleis year theway. 1lleif''e<ef(l(e2s le\\S.l( lA dold, sodfl y, T'rs Slerfr :1 t ~s e D d ~lyn -s

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