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November 06, 1901 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1901-11-06

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Varsity See.ms Somewhlat Prone to Our Freshman Team Should Have Regular Work in the Gymnasium Has The'Valuation Inventory Shows That
Taking Things Easy-Scrubs Bare- Games With the Freshmen Teams Commenced. the Value o the University is Over
ly Mis Scorino- a Place Goal of Other Western Coleges. -Two Million Dollars.
un Their Opponents. lit utllait sork commt ed -ttsthis reek ____
An innovationi tllss egun tthis yar ltlt tly I n titettitiii iy iaatii, and Itis a it]is f the atitthat oan -n-
trath.;Itetottr itm tett-etoo lit 'it itiigtnutis it tii tasiiitasoy or: ll tstrshmen in tis- ofthe s i tit i-s-it isi ; sCud ti
sd 15 ti Ilitilii.stii its iia5t atlel5 -t isa l' s -ta-il I tild i lt ithe auditor (at
:iR it' te firstist-vet-tetWeries-ti
lti t we theseo ire~n mne
til hl eSentlWst olttt a-t th pi- t s mgpoosdgis ti- tlb" i iioatt titttegt t- tuidng iltt eir tl uesit n-~
11 rt tles alIl ot e a rtiti titwt ut atvi t ite P uik a d D . )a . D .a s i
stsft itt i t tititisits liii ld mitils hut ill ais-- leitot hid islrtlof it inetgyte- udtti cteit s , it eItt lrt of 1:101
51-115 hutmi .tnes
stlt- hen ttuu - rotnn t-e-s t-tus-d under-he lt".Iittbastit tizts msum L iltesity titalsit It16t "
Slitabii is--i r, did m " tac , s e t heto a s iit ail lt iBtll g h H rv rd Y lit, Lean t ie and ill a s - ndut- c ts' (oi- its t u l i n itrarilt s 5 fl5
sh uii sho tea h tt m t w s o isyv a a .a d P i c t ll sh vis I 5a 10t i -Itr s-ii se i s i-i ssusss U i ver si t i i taitai is. i s is
hos sh vefr tiu u leens, trine b i. rIi t oit lt itittiia._!1SU iitt tit as- t~
~thet ilt ia iitissit i- it si-ts i-its t a it s uput iitie lt f i nnovaitioi n I- is- illt hes11I 7 5
3ani-;-et 1d i tll i at-it eill tii t til he t .it.i111- iii i ls hh5 ii il~o
ii Uts litilt'i i li i sS il -i t-i i-lst - -15eve i-l i h ia s itsn En ir erng-tilt- 0,036
it it list - ftitti t i~s t te til t slitrestianlt til l i- ia li tu i lti ii t lii ii iiI kt ~ 5ll-i
til l l Ire c s till a vint s l t s tit iitta lorni tt istonest f thei t sitt i iti -Itoreti i s - d vordlt l i ui ttirii titu. - ttiset tit 11 tNi .
tl nt , i ' i,,, t,".a s, si-i1 i-s i li it g o t it-oi i:-1l- s1-ti t1dta t l s- i s il l s ~i-- wit hi r t lt h e i s n o is it r uS l i 't t t r e4t a irliii iat ,f t it lt
l i i hi- viI 51< i it- tt lt- t it--lt-ti s i-ivt-ti 5SI t itiim nodr- i s is ,,,ite Svuiieeytori .Depa ten St
us-i t , o n h e p r o f t e l u y to n r- l i te i i in tl I-itt S I t 1 h c ti N r 1 , ' h % e l p i , t h r c n , :C d r , d i t s H o i -c5 0 1) 1
la°! sit-lildSattiitiittliitltiitri g o th o t.t ou h t il " uadtsot-it ttdi li )11 10 S ithi Si-nilt t
aalt tlttl it iii Iigi-s o r-iot t-ilit a -- tsit il d n t piii sa slt ii - - i tt-k si tsl toftueirsi t he-r 0t i it-itn" ; .itihri~sti at t wtue tis s-s-tsr
t ut5iitt i-itatIs ttiit-lltutitts.,tc+Irt lhcuiy.h ota an o h ~uiris
'f ^rth Ieillos-lilaertrltiifl t -ois, i- to irttis tttlainten1 ttn, 'tis r-~-th 5 inrini ~~sitli-ilsitstsitatyhsitsuruizi
1 a s t vdl l i n , Itti tt-s t-its""i1 it rin tilt-Illt I sitiltari in chts-;iltfoliti ii iti sis711se itiait,"tli titittii
it s tia riorittit - f rii t~ ititt 1.t diec- {uli ictel . .... .. 11-1S 3.>^
is l stsihoi ttirt-li tititi iig 115 A Mile,15 fi ist-s-i-it iss still. y ato i.bd. el ......Pa-lw heug mttefl]tt~t e[oltilc~iiiitt;n Isi ~yr \l
rikh uvt i of ih i fo tuntie i-ist it ky-ti as-is not. - Nl uy l e orih"i'Vtntiti.t a- 01-« s toi s !Danhuh- " l i-i-i- _ ti st ,slsttis itt
tittc liIitd -- Id Ntli Itis-:I;tiesfCanth tt hiss dotit h-ellat tIls ehitits i stkiii o- i ts oor tandtiti tu tu s-sIn t- uo Iels 1i14tek4h.16t
~elu 5r55o's shoing-ts'ut altis ari Ol ik Il -lsstis Sli -st ltlr, itstite iir ti sits- ait ltsasnt- tttitur {said ixwth-tis h .i-d w eS i
tl" tha the tratit tattiiIshtlsouldtliilltt li-it the iuti ofymtit iu-S rt: m ed tis io sk i h-s--tt ttia
11t 5 a dO h e s dets w h o lit f il sssot yt.iii . its h i it l Isss-ti toslit bttu ihut ilts I '.t rtitrstilily ii rX t w Ii t h it ii 'P t asi ..tik.. t Sli-.s.. t.e.ite2,! i
tha t e otheri t t ih itze oa to a,11 t"ipio it il g~ t to e s ' t n i o t t il t-ts s iiiu I is or sisos t, o flt it 'o l- s s i ls Piis s t - t l f~ 1
' Tal y w itth o. tS. d?..tittiIit Oi llt-lth Sinli- ut ahi l st i s nta et in isg iIts ~ ti tlsiI li- I t li tsili li-ii-iiut lt 1siia
"I lc ttiteicaltiationtat; tioififi l t igd e t M islm toumase ltes1-ns i t ils cvitiittist si t t luotth Isitiats heigtu -ug D p rt e t
mieiiicltssi~ 5tltuI itlr tin Ist A lini-dih Sigimi i tsotun matietisn ult-gy tirilt exptslail tho "ti- ss stl it thw ~
wen5ttiii lii i--tis e~lisN N to indt ht Iuuiti tri -it- i i fs ush fai-u t itee ss tt N tou fos o w iat titst T h h sia1111 t~c i t or it I tilt e l ;y i
Unit55shitivtti tiloftse igesturptriiitshstltilya. tdit ii titonotes1) l o ae islaciarduthistollls. tutslis till l ~riii i-h"missi atune to unt esS-ictl
ereSiltsth is oldrhis r(tui t. nit Is ft~hisetti uhti- slttea uu-t itit t otig~~~l isfati teguis u l onch
idn hi ctami ityitOnIiilfitii 1isiil frv i 7 itotiik0k 5t i s i ludihis ilwork t a opl, hnit n ist ls cutnges ifir -ring to a
l it 7iitSls ttltils ii-Iirt - ii s utI i Sutl i is tu iuit lly sltsir beetinit tlhi fpsiti epili r es lugts ssstSig ottt
OW wh ti h eid tiiC l )1th t ubC iii i ins o~h r vis-ks aol tuu f i t leb" -itu itis eatr hru-It iierisittth.sit -ilts stousastoridl
4 t ins rts cef Ittt lir toos hi. a o tu -o of u tfal -' s -s s d l-tuu g it ls i i d s i it il int i tter Ivt 5111 akif.g I t s-ri u m tt-
ttv a t t tback.i etiit It shut itd Si l i ils it - tisuth ti u -I-oftth i s hatiln tt-l t-S oti i-s e i t s Dt s ,0 rS liiit te isuuhy liavtn
ySuittrI bt id he sht.ittesa illi i o itth e Mak igi sitmeiRun. ittuls lbs s erhattc-e itt si-ill.Ihatiltio it;11tueaLth s atute i axse r ittitill uify Lnug
Yl Tob there sI legoi Girl-illiv entotitillisliiisi"'a, tit tiltt hilihstais-tilt hlu, ivv-suits i-httt itsbs5 to Pitamuphiet, cliv is-
---tis isii 0 u it. .- -- t hts Pldtush 111rits ii it tistseht utrtist 10forlthisi i-itry
laynet.u-Is tus no o inotuotd t isvr ngen tinsdt toitnulusI i posin i iihhuti wtii h lin-v
th e sltr Nlistthowever.it ndstiut iii t Gr te A LaclIss Dat(sl ighe ffs tu t t h ai i t-i- s-stllilit thi-it iuit f oe tt suiwottrhi t - it I itlo li tsit l N itrt t l l -
wtl gr.i tet~5~15 Si svsdher tfrom..ill . ---uI-u- sit i h il tiim iui i sti sutPots is :ulles loutts thislette
dtyi hh tluttl<it:. S e ius i t i is isi-tutu-sfi01 10 stilts I: t ilt;~iI ne 111th hii uIlsiioushtutu itl ;ist - c uui ie lht i issu~I 5 ltsa
I one 11 >lillthe 5 ittandithtniraisei stilt-i-s iniithis- liiifslist fattiesiuntirhthe alIiiteoloftthetilt hits sholt-e itt ttullilssif
811 tti N is lit ~ it i thllt 1shhsutuuIlduetgrshll i-isgstut t0h-11tui -ist il-psitstsibl-ue-11-N."
flit. II I tuitligs aliii- t il I - .It) it sI it NI' t.adi-ilt ti-u-suil i lies- is stri--' its itit '17111e.
lI 1,Ilt .l id hI its trtis lie uisiustu Qulit e a 10siz-edti rowdh atutentduedI Baird Left for Chicago.Ts-rei-5s ta guutue Ithut- foe uisitngroll
1151 iliiiitituuul. ihue daulutu s i ll 1 ot l se etotuti ititjtis liesusls. INlitus itt e Idatirut tuft itist tilhti far suit tie-l~att st td faro ffsce fliourst
N ithiit
ic'st } ltibtiii veruses. (lini ofithis- Susth hs stuit iii i i1 tilt h s ui tti sut Sits htuitporktit 11taIt i T 0 hanktts - ntP f itt sut is-vtiig lll i ii hs turt
c25 t ros stlts-es initheis uuusgtuuius-is uerichedul 1)yta gift sit $1 t.uts swih Nsti " isinugDIv.- - uu-o f thli ii inshug is as, silusiths austhe
ie tin t"D hiby C N.Stxv. usucisifi t hutetorm of a ichek. IDr.sr tug un t ttian -it slos- I
15l n-tt titttilte tou th iiit itmorw.P ie I;.I)1.Sheppt rd.u t o Is o lst thus it1 i- t Ntilist-il thus tikI itreeietci 551111h0t aritti tIiteylig suit hitsptauts.
Was 0scut.t eotulsi lu saOil ftrsitu siltl i litst . {)penli-it fil e ltlugutgiuiuts. - u - ----
Nei 0-_. -u-u the utititi)cvoetutufut iesalithe dnorIhitit mbesrltttutitli Its isrecept01ttonhurchi NOTICEI-
5u uuis a ls ulusln st Neatsuhty uhui-Ir aitu hah e li li-s octitals. Termus and tirostehts t ,l0 )- ni teaiult se no tilshnuvp t -4:45
llt-li hi gift itf thi aumnui. in GO uto.iEtitst rI-t. butt) 1D5.MAY.

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