The Michigan Dailyi
Welcomed At the Station By a Large Extracts From the Minutes of the
and nthuiastc Crwd-Dawn Pleasing and Artistic Number-Valu- Michigan Rooters May Now See Their; Senate of the University of Mich
Through Town By Students- able Historical Article Essays Favorites In Action Daily-Light iga, Held October 23 1903
Spechs y esonan Pemsan Eciin Cllge Work Last Night-Glimpse At ___
Speehes y Hstonand Poem an Exctin Colege Football Situation, East and PROFESSOR JONAT1HAN TAFT.
Maddock. Story WestW r seuli onal or
When the 4:58 express slowly pulled Teseodi od vsiabliltexrssiiiiioi'iresect
into he sttionSendaecinenoossue iii this polairiNtit htningstt lie oh treametac- aid esieni I ir iiicassoc~ate DrIn
uictiloti is at hatnd, atdii isa
iiver six thioiiatnil ter.iiiis were pdiii P idt tim xi Mineipolis ll the aila ii TalIItle leni tt he I lege
crciwdetd uton the plaiftrpi ind Ileuire ireie1is Xrepo i-itrtdlat Fer ieI lii51lii g ihi iii Denal Suirery lior liiipast tweny-
taclceilout in the treet, cheering, liliifritorlir- ear tetnhii ile itst leu craiiici since itle eight yeaisa wotied at ily Fiiay
yelling and osiging sotigs, while they aii execlchi le l-eo ett ,ysPiii . eirsi ofLliy t'Ithe al- e ree I iii tiii siiiiet iviiik wo moni ing Otobtutu.16hi1)0.
jammedaroundthe cas eage to g ttieclineni awtieprtmeet cas ii c e ,I xii A tha ime C oach i I ii IFoiii:mt l ef Iat was bIn nSepag nc at hefoblhres Nob diighs ot.sinsaeyfe hr li ,120 in R slvl,
jammed ariiefillthe carr eagerctotgetpviceiin
t:eans etitlid have receiveit a nore g ,letnit apolcapyasui iit fiu-ir Ihee liuiur-uu-uarenow iiii w n iis CuitytsOhio ti was cii-
thiisiastic swelconme. tBeore the train xis the hUnversty iof thicagii Faculty a te o i scr IBrmtses ae urer st e iniitlitdistriciiIscooutls aiidlin
hailrouitnded le curve ire wirks lit Po.Vco f ae otiue .tua iest is andii Maitilckbeig ihe'a snall acaemy in tBriiwn Cinty.
lip the csty, andilfront that siginalon n suutc i a tsaeii ifSi siii iiliirti un i iithatti peel IaanI His lithriss a tatierif Masac-
the welccome was one lrolonged cheer- M ce ' wr:ie-e nlad ua t-i Iby i le ticesence cii liistie sits aiiiitaatnr y ccpation.
ing.I e Egads tic tis Mciutat otbalt last An njuy, wicii Iwaas nt proerly
When the men clinmhed dotwn otfthle Siisitt iiahtlut- cii iii liiay itas a.ireit Ito the l In i I reuteresulted in ermanent ly crip.
train they pushiedtheir way through tew SiydhrvSlt-tie litt is er n i iaisi t. EveIsry miii plisedto heii limhttit tiltgeyung ITaltadl heiprpared
the singing crowd to thv s i. The ciontfatalt igtilettu iiai is abhits tty, andti he'icmiiitliichihimlitsel it tiltcihichwhih le did
horscs had already tieen remoreid, atl i itanud itiet Ili i - - - - - - - - - - - - gula l ucktledtuldotwt hutstgnual suitceissuty tutufout yas
fifty studelcnts stirtedl pulling Ithe earn ssi t- le antttIor i i sbjci ttt. iTe litttstuduy utit--Itiuugtsluciiuttutsuc n111h tttiticsoy tS he-
ibswn town.ut Nearly tiih etutntie cutuwdt intuu rnii taii t uu stuuuly thu iithliii luret to aunniuty tunt i lst ry adtbega- itslpractce us 14:1.
ahout the si taton followedl utaa wi histry. - t itphitt-c- u- urIitlay s lucci lit hi t nu edtuucinitteguhltr atd ut scesa
triumuphual proucessicus Cheers anti cutal-iir ttaul xiit t itt will ut-t dinttiMichigan fottu lhaill prtuactce ututil aout tao years
lee scungs swere intermutinedIwithithut we arcitreteditoisomtuthits--e et
shouts Slut"stpeech" till hsinally thu Icu tuau ter citte g mte Itthe preIiin arytutn i ngau rt agut cinnUc headatmovend ts tnnir-ic
tuu w as stopptted ontuMats street while trhyme, n is p ishica i its thottt-u x li- ic-uuuua ~cui utI tt-tughtuo. ew sin tub ntiuusutAsrvc-
h-It chituhd uta op ttu atuhr asedithste ikiti iltutti i iof liDo n .Nut- Maduoc. hRestutuand 1Dclre suc-ess tt t-wn iituuuiuuut evc
esusn if-l l ustdtirm-rucui p hiti-- a i tfor unieitly sixty yeas thust nmaing a
afew wordstoi Iithe ttt1 tnu1tt Iti i ne h utlg ftei~_ eodslo qaldi n rfs
ceasiniu Ati . xib ert y stcclMaddoiuckh ast hsott on tr uu itbutecs a sotitch an-sohnututiy11mm stona-- is d l- ct ionre it i-L850u hegr-quta teanyromutuhe-oi td,"h os n(e]il"Ta a de otepry tp n ail nti eatet h olg fD na.Srey n
At the Law ButiligtheIinhual shu atop a mutene hthiaing. uiuil t iu ~ta uu i Duu ilc etl tigay at
wasmad, sudthenucm tummulcut tc A4 tlta omio ure origimal tunul mumlucum tugtwie itt suces tuitntutum tie 4- t urc yarsalat-c hut e -uascaldto Iuthe
torme e arg te nu ass tsec t ot sl u ta be tuuait r rtcuui cmi <i-l u "d it leImit h bticeitf lit sappujy Professorushi ittDperati- Dentistry
sr the gargemac.tngo sn
Sit git. ub imesiuuecsen was lus I tutse I i I ttia aut taiti rsht- ilt-i - prac ttill:th S teml ne-g u pait s iguluigat. col. H87 filutah h s u haive
picaeul with tim nhuuavtug uau t het i uguullugeofshim m ancu Edithss follows1,1.ic 1.uI ReI en;muu L.AhT. hu- entat/h lt. i orntiilwy-iieIhiehios, r -
wilfit ttuaeh ugasme. mm -ui-s i at-.mum hutue C I-mregory;cm C .., try nhag tli 87, tha I heWbagt:en ut
tiuium the out j umtcwhuylem shectugea
Th i cu'th e w s ttue e t iiwahytht um se rL-s- o,-a i ii- tuuItItt a s :urlh it 1. adk;R .,immihm uu u Lng-ue iwui hh m u msefuit-tuncw shaugorkhyeu
Michiganhad hada hard aine, bt is no anmiminttillyhewconayetu-u :A:ah asumedhum:-is ILn iteuci
tuu huetng clen utic u lii muU i rsentdcuu aveyu voabuit tt: t ulelfors all i: Q i reislicim L.uul lt, Rston;hm:u 5 u tt t iR.:is u ii- sthyc
hato veryceul hahte ith inam s wit euull uuunuu nclem-u hmi:- si :u: it, G uer bIc lanthy clutu Afii etuul1ie iwi:::IonneImct i th themu h iol svDen
gpye a utd wt te h ngiu utha st urAmet la ingiuc uuI-u-u -u ::-4cls s t i u:-mu iu u :u I iitt xus hi: htn vtlm s usity I ~h~ i
'thecu-uwdgay a hml uhutet utu t e llus time iAmanIdc uholir-sathe uuutri :1 t p t i 1Triner c Fu emitzp tris iipre- ulta tllegeulcumwas1fory thesr ger parmst
temImadi . iv urnt. wxu--sc-uagaincsicw, sut ribed: uuul t u ho i tnt:lt. ,ll ah n iicsutsa I S teimsemu i t hien. s hstii1watheut
th m; fie on june, srage Thsui thotit- olloewing riiseuuteurus ofuc - i-ill:dhtnual collegeimoigIathin: islicthe
wit in brvuty, sig s hhume18J.itt"hi:a cure fo fit(-ussuiscsaandinwithin
filatlargne htyi itoIfihos itie rooersng hut tic iuuiu nfuguieimonthin book:lttlul :iifro mueM:m imnesthi:- gantstt ic wo l ng- a nd i o twl argtinslthuo ii
darl, S Ietrit iucac ututim C-sa d svl sANDt'p6mDIC lowGaME l nt:e nut:eny fot:bminlt s m ittin ins ine harac tt.utthyatsitmleth ee
dieouce dof tn arlyhetill owstem rens hamad :)f trIc usl x guimmums I nii5 the t S :cp ctnow u-In a ec idedrytcmath Itio tc mumnintin. et enoau tt I-mut u maon 'ttues u bsjegit
whch h arilcrsoy c tme bt nly a u nuium lo W d " t he g -ieu i II: ts-mmrised: tuhe grs i rn s ge 1e -. .)a gh.Iad:l: 11. h roe
iuyrandact-u-muotin:tisome suiipetut-. tnt Iexca s ithu-tysievcot Shto
Toe r avaufnlche adth theI msIll: Headis ar - tic-u- tim:f mm:th ia 15 innt; Iiut ty vr ic on csIinS merim e nicu cu sut ultermpulis~mh
re todtwa r.maexin tlannt bmm itrevioh , t o rt bmu g-amm x owhum- ne of l t-he bigv urm seemuts T~uhishot;:1wasu ititsn- murdlieou-s:ourn
Time as en ine as no yet ully I mc Ot emtin s ,bletMcmliirs s e m su mm ae tt u inl a ay itltonthmpS ion mmii sp- i s stat e cte or-m ore Thm anclenti - f iny
reahe srfclon i hs arueu a-buns hlritlof limf ehuse"mumot-spheretimt wthn:- c u ctuuuum u of 5 the1:Bad icus :~v-s ~muuums i:huiliammmo
the ame stag co paraivey as h abinut tbthe mIas a eth t mah-ds 1 chr tIn t guEat Sauitrdaythemmiii u m yearstn- hs'ltm uh tb : 11h wluum h
wa.Sie cmaoru t spaywatr n te itte limite im zie.ttulgrus i er:- i prventina- us tmm he offeive--- ntll h:hlsu 1auh i mi u
cyin. a mOtnghaf thetEtwinth r i 1 mtetn t--b iu Itoiiun u tc n~ : inniam a 11SingD.n smmW ac mmaof uegia, hion: i
thSo e Fr isaynwghot SrouE.lg .Ste ose- h clinwmuu-a a- Ifuasr1:-s eto n nel l acsit-us-i- athc-niulu ml inumiii mum Dthu lw Regis
ofrd Shfwatroit, clueS. onflu e "Gauum shtoh 04 LIT0ND Shin-titusME utti tubtu as i nicus gsioftihe Tgrstuwn ,ASicit:tuni ie Iilleashin itin i hereic wuatis phc eathumluhc -timee1defeted Col tthumbical hue it-ive hm uly, dite tins pulitsedhms ruil Jamsi
of theeli-sitgut.a'relga contgestewsdtit:the whleHut rvardiiinhadumutimo utlininn:hdi:n uu:gs ii itsh m s umchc~u
din e n e do f s h r ly 2 a ft e e r sh e nmm i s - u i nmiieurclhan: lasist e c ititine a p a ed y s e _ mT ayo , o fmu irhy l n n T s a:h s n tu l h s a anio s w ill-t l n o e h e e a f e n o e w e n t e 'i i st e C a l s e I d a s b 2 t o 1 ,l i n e o k a t e e w r t tl
Siux filu iain.s, hc anin dMuthme- - - - --csCit a~n ric Theminexuthopporunc ituforin 15stioflint iwteo lutwo t her1m dlnac:- p unualsd
into teaSarm ei ar tag :i Sin uci ted na coe .f t sinfaorof heIet sule lof t h u oling smihic met- pultisht atn dm t uin immre sth
lotion aof etime es hassm oengi e fully t Meics. heMedcs - - 'Payi terSturduy, th OhioStaceUniverity satesluiehcontin ed incsu: p~hi it h anytuhl
'the 'as egino prtvl a h fte istammoperatcd hy vsg~pd oobal ndakser_ hisurt al uut up tt mu00as:withsutc thei
mteam gns eihdng amine ofgasshen ti - - - - - ' V lih gm taprnhtm lra- lap binf asingleI in:-e. h es mmima
rciu ie Iitn h oshmttnR E I N IE R G M itlt-c-muhm:nun Srise niaufshomcuheu rna 'lu
raisesthe ustm pray waetorshout he005 ah - - - -Sm ion 'ofmt'15 MeasniTheIiBuckginees hstilmus rlin: h thu ineowScingigs
dhegpree s . nti aot thousante se in- eupws 'folws ooes wooumusyermhv a :-tdal mmiourait inea taw o al or
o he wamtirae ofTeinc ile foes ts 06 bin., "alli tit- assuwhhut ic:u u hig n:-o ittuuh-cs imuc-nit t h itsebur t afsutiw stkn
o hthe sineton esenaon' gs eie It oile L- - - tP t T reatIi:c n umhiattwilsuseinblmum inchein dP u s(all i inimshnwalthcwa si
w s eof the first n T egscengfie uuws.M n r. .... .....cen ...]ow odtillhint in h i: t nbth a ooiu-lan- a rt- tpc artit u s h arbmhnsninmu ie(hns cumuli c i
Otitv ted scdrturly 4fen hentinS the i e Pt- - - - Vnnic lchlt-tutu raht-in tlin lyugt-besanhearly hun ak-don;u his willn-
to lut ine ui ou g sthingisthtcame. II .. Cl 'Pdeitedii, ttan vs us fotoh s t nube powenseemsn thavin mouhdomiiin a c-
it e vetoar aryhsager nt acthev- L Gmadatmsecue.. . . .ehindusectve ndthe hnt mcinlsyptosomtiu memn haundg
g"ruehas enieisv s oad ed bherisCt.1p1rinnse suimgsith ncrasedmcsoi rga --
andasf mxploingma ixaterm hugss Ktis..ah ...p....... ts s W InoirDsl thati ti cinh soonhanulhemlargesnlt-anduuimstn
his. eng in ucr a eofhpyetoure mf Trc e P.l ci mofmunus tutu th in m t nmtse nnum o
reus eo hav itsesalaysfolowe oS es.c hCn2"o- - - -etni Shit uutotfilig li:hthosennh anly s , cmni ncenivend
riot closely, which argues will for R.tin. tInvoleisn deunt atem immiie, which in
the future development of this style 'lamen .....c .. Strirctner, Bacrett those days scene conmsderedi 'Trade
of motor. The explosions of a gas INTERCLASS FOOTBALL .tecrets."It us prohahbty sale ho say,
engino at the Centenial Exposition Owing innthm: gamses ii time icier- Paylr .....Schouecrofti that he alt tnedmorc meetinugs of
could he felt for blockshut now they class scheuelie which hassebe tieduc.mG.lyde-ntcal sotieus, atn traveled farther
are tpractically noiseless and jarless. anti posponedthie scheuleuuhcSam beno I tt: un ..... ...Pwielltotintsun thuanianynother nman.l nt cob-
A Frenchrnan, Beare Ic Rochas, in slightly chngedh, asdMulanagerc'sWicc L..'.un :1thuns mm:einhodu tbfieinuitationnhighly,
1862 laid down the fourr great coundbi- utorbuuiseatime folloinmg announmce- hnt un:ioz............. cFrinstntdawillintlytiandcgreat sacrifices to
Lions of economical gas engine chin- nuert onutnaes f-StShut:remainderuc ofiL. Ei ecomuurge mlciii ajnne hun hun owrn
struction: (I) Largest possible cyl- the seatson: Itcuinatbu............Deikrm;-s-itt-baituhlust hue profssionn might
finder volirme contained hy a minimum 'T'uesday, Nov. 3, 'till Medics cm. '117 - I. ieralizednabnn td givn thth umumetus-
of surface, (2) highest possibleo speed Lawe. Wedinesdbay, Novc. 4, ti-h Laws! 5n tin c isarlin(Cutt....McLean whih mate teus:d~eelopme-nt uphenom-
of working, t(ll maximom expansin, vs. 0Of Medics. TI muucaay, Nov. 5, '05 it.I.,enal. Becaunse nub Sins unhnest in this
(4) maximum preissure at bseginning iinrgneers vcm 04 Lawm. SaturduayiBcagle,- Iasssti-r- --....... Rciks nmvement;Sn:- cntribulntedh largely io
of expansion." Nov. 7, '115LitsS vs. winners of Wet/cubQSttnt-e procedings of henso conven-
Following Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Dun- neaday manse. Tuemsday, Nov. 1ll, win-.tGreene ..............Chain:nons it' papsmnrant idsctussiorns.Ho
isp, a charter member of the sotody, ners of match 7 and 9. Finals, Nouv.F.wss a funrcible speaker, and took part
- (Continued on Page Two.) 13, wirnners of match 8 and 10. ItRuse ...........Rohins-on j (Corntiued sn Sage Two)