The Michigan Dailyi VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUIESDA, NOVEMBER 3, 1903. No. 32 RETUJRN 03FlMEtT[Afr.t OCTOBR IN[ANDER. OP[N PRACIC GAfrI[ IN MEMO'IRIAMr. Welcomed At the Station By a Large Extracts From the Minutes of the and nthuiastc Crwd-Dawn Pleasing and Artistic Number-Valu- Michigan Rooters May Now See Their; Senate of the University of Mich Through Town By Students- able Historical Article Essays Favorites In Action Daily-Light iga, Held October 23 1903 Spechs y esonan Pemsan Eciin Cllge Work Last Night-Glimpse At ___ Speehes y Hstonand Poem an Exctin Colege Football Situation, East and PROFESSOR JONAT1HAN TAFT. Maddock. Story WestW r seuli onal or When the 4:58 express slowly pulled Teseodi od vsiabliltexrssiiiiioi'iresect into he sttionSendaecinenoossue iii this polairiNtit htningstt lie oh treametac- aid esieni I ir iiicassoc~ate DrIn uictiloti is at hatnd, atdii isa iiver six thioiiatnil ter.iiiis were pdiii P idt tim xi Mineipolis ll the aila ii TalIItle leni tt he I lege crciwdetd uton the plaiftrpi ind Ileuire ireie1is Xrepo i-itrtdlat Fer ieI lii51lii g ihi iii Denal Suirery lior liiipast tweny- taclceilout in the treet, cheering, liliifritorlir- ear tetnhii ile itst leu craiiici since itle eight yeaisa wotied at ily Fiiay yelling and osiging sotigs, while they aii execlchi le l-eo ett ,ysPiii . eirsi ofLliy t'Ithe al- e ree I iii tiii siiiiet iviiik wo moni ing Otobtutu.16hi1)0. jammedaroundthe cas eage to g ttieclineni awtieprtmeet cas ii c e ,I xii A tha ime C oach i I ii IFoiii:mt l ef Iat was bIn nSepag nc at hefoblhres Nob diighs ot.sinsaeyfe hr li ,120 in R slvl, jammed ariiefillthe carr eagerctotgetpviceiin t:eans etitlid have receiveit a nore g ,letnit apolcapyasui iit fiu-ir Ihee liuiur-uu-uarenow iiii w n iis CuitytsOhio ti was cii- thiisiastic swelconme. tBeore the train xis the hUnversty iof thicagii Faculty a te o i scr IBrmtses ae urer st e iniitlitdistriciiIscooutls aiidlin hailrouitnded le curve ire wirks lit Po.Vco f ae otiue .tua iest is andii Maitilckbeig ihe'a snall acaemy in tBriiwn Cinty. lip the csty, andilfront that siginalon n suutc i a tsaeii ifSi siii iiliirti un i iithatti peel IaanI His lithriss a tatierif Masac- the welccome was one lrolonged cheer- M ce ' wr:ie-e nlad ua t-i Iby i le ticesence cii liistie sits aiiiitaatnr y ccpation. ing.I e Egads tic tis Mciutat otbalt last An njuy, wicii Iwaas nt proerly When the men clinmhed dotwn otfthle Siisitt iiahtlut- cii iii liiay itas a.ireit Ito the l In i I reuteresulted in ermanent ly crip. train they pushiedtheir way through tew SiydhrvSlt-tie litt is er n i iaisi t. EveIsry miii plisedto heii limhttit tiltgeyung ITaltadl heiprpared the singing crowd to thv s i. The ciontfatalt igtilettu iiai is abhits tty, andti he'icmiiitliichihimlitsel it tiltcihichwhih le did horscs had already tieen remoreid, atl i itanud itiet Ili i - - - - - - - - - - - - gula l ucktledtuldotwt hutstgnual suitceissuty tutufout yas fifty studelcnts stirtedl pulling Ithe earn ssi t- le antttIor i i sbjci ttt. iTe litttstuduy utit--Itiuugtsluciiuttutsuc n111h tttiticsoy tS he- ibswn town.ut Nearly tiih etutntie cutuwdt intuu rnii taii t uu stuuuly thu iithliii luret to aunniuty tunt i lst ry adtbega- itslpractce us 14:1. ahout the si taton followedl utaa wi histry. - t itphitt-c- u- urIitlay s lucci lit hi t nu edtuucinitteguhltr atd ut scesa triumuphual proucessicus Cheers anti cutal-iir ttaul xiit t itt will ut-t dinttiMichigan fottu lhaill prtuactce ututil aout tao years lee scungs swere intermutinedIwithithut we arcitreteditoisomtuthits--e et shouts Slut"stpeech" till hsinally thu Icu tuau ter citte g mte Itthe preIiin arytutn i ngau rt agut cinnUc headatmovend ts tnnir-ic tuu w as stopptted ontuMats street while trhyme, n is p ishica i its thottt-u x li- ic-uuuua ~cui utI tt-tughtuo. ew sin tub ntiuusutAsrvc- h-It chituhd uta op ttu atuhr asedithste ikiti iltutti i iof liDo n .Nut- Maduoc. hRestutuand 1Dclre suc-ess tt t-wn iituuuiuuut evc esusn if-l l ustdtirm-rucui p hiti-- a i tfor unieitly sixty yeas thust nmaing a afew wordstoi Iithe ttt1 tnu1tt Iti i ne h utlg ftei~_ eodslo qaldi n rfs ceasiniu Ati . xib ert y stcclMaddoiuckh ast hsott on tr uu itbutecs a sotitch an-sohnututiy11mm stona-- is d l- ct ionre it i-L850u hegr-quta teanyromutuhe-oi td,"h os n(e]il"Ta a de otepry tp n ail nti eatet h olg fD na.Srey n At the Law ButiligtheIinhual shu atop a mutene hthiaing. uiuil t iu ~ta uu i Duu ilc etl tigay at wasmad, sudthenucm tummulcut tc A4 tlta omio ure origimal tunul mumlucum tugtwie itt suces tuitntutum tie 4- t urc yarsalat-c hut e -uascaldto Iuthe torme e arg te nu ass tsec t ot sl u ta be tuuait r rtcuui cmi