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November 04, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-11-04

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The Michigan Daily
Strong Buckeye Aggregation Comes Senator From Mississipi Has Been Graduates Will Be in Evidence At the Her Alumni Are Easily Found in the
Next Saturday-Organized Root- Engaged By the Students' Lecture Wisconsin Game-New System of West-An Interesting Letter From
ing of Ohio Supporters-Michi- Association-Prominent in Na Disposing of Seats Has Been a Michigan Gradua-.
gan Must Hold Her End Up. Adpted-O SU Game Will--
tional Politics Be Interesting'The Daily is in reciplt of te fo-
O~hio Stole IUniversity, with hei vet The following has bea rerrived ---lewigin~itirisii' lttIerfrm Frei A.
eraii team ai( eithuisiastic'rooteis, by Seret ary Bolgser fei ili Sudnts I Ticks for le O. SIU."sie St- Pole, lati yars, raliate wo
will he Mtichigan's coppinet oni PerryILecture Assciat in:iuray swili(eflaedt oiisale atiM-yisnowirair-ciniigis attoirney i Pea-
Field Satirday, and judigf rom tpast Mr S S olilti e ri-cs Ni-is Staind this aternoon. Only iciy Kaiss
years the battle betweein the ivals Aim Airbiri Mich resriedseastit eraiiital-nd will To te lEdio-
whoi occuipy the bleachers will tbe ttlly My lar Sir-I in in reeipt f be in this sae however allehater I hart- jst iturinied fromc a seven
at exciting as the gritiroictiocitest yur iteio it11viiniist,andiiilireiplly sats bing- Iri-i-as usua.Theiigein thoiiusailcvac aticniti he iWest
. S. tU. has given Mihegans lessiinssI bg lto say that I williiinieIiakiIto i-at aidiiissioiicktrets sil sil liiiosuitdiesitywere- I fii lrieindMc iga iei,
iii crganizied roting in Iast yeairsiprepaetaii aiiiriss foturitlAssiics ity cits-suit tegradstitdlseatsispeciilly i piitessinal tnes. t in.
hiit a change is dust next Saturd iayas itii b eiiistiteedsm iiiiieIiii-durig includinig aiissiiinliii seviityfive iitdIekley itdLitinid Stanftcrd, ut
Itle Wotlverinec are preparing tue the Febuary orlMarci-theIliteixact (Iaito ''hIus gamtestill beofitore ieist thiy aientctiltt heiiMidle Wuest
fray. "l, howhrtaut' aiiilseveral litheiiiiter i-r iinieit As I uiiiiitha itIiniyiofthe "timesits ftr tis staiidaiis ieitheriiioifli tucn liiirItle
equially ptopiulai- yells have beets st-aiidi, tiitt- dsir- iiiioimakeii itt yealiii - tOhiiiilate titis troi-nug lianthiadir theibdlim thouticghi gicwing
wresteilfrlut e Bti ucteyes livtigtlitiliadtdtiress fromia.lDimIcitic at clawrl, aIt usiuatlii acompnithiby inmore-ridlthan cihsoiiils in any
taveecoi-imi-favirits i 'tcigan't Very ince5reiiii orsii ootiie s O.S liooing has -always 5iii~i iof atiiieiaggiessiiiiilett by
reptire.tWt.sJ Stitnut eIhi- ghlt-ticliss, and ichigan men tel'01fi t bt all visit is ii noiiwise
IO. S U.will bhingiia veteiraiiteaii S-iittor Iiiii i'disissipiii mutst touigiiodi wost:Ii iii lit will blie rlto ii iiileea -suan i l f itngs iticli-
'Varsity ti thei ir sualclose sciiie. at poiiiniiiiiiiiIainilis iciiisiiereidone Si--tisfor t-Wiscsin gaiie till pleiasiiietofIsitgs'rct Shrts ri
tier rush lhnt wilthie Dlly s lheavy a liift iiimsititiorciliadiwitghi It e alotiteti-ilcrdring to tlyre sw-ittni tsIihorn teSeat tIHigi Scool
Mtichigan'ssandthle ackt fitlitis cmnislitalit-is ite S-nate. alitcat is recived, it ~lefloiiingaim hunligihI's 'Wasinton Uiiver-
posedufteilii tn swho have playedto.lii lni has-beeniastited ithe Ibeneiifit sity tamt iia pat ie ganeani
geier ticoss-i-iat teasons. .S LT. SIX CLASS TEAMS LEFr, ttof tilut-ftoliwniiaumititi tnt fiendtis tiiiundithat theiitcoast is itittie tatat-
ws rtieienthy idieIsad byl C ase frliiiat-il e lledi teorertahtoli i t b a cil Ias teLbaIbst ut
chanmpionshiitos i Dto b he tcloise 'liiittuar])tug iiticon-iriins-riiiit has biteniiiiomewhat. Ithtndicitppediiby
sth e of 2tis0.Inihi lilstgaice ofi tu tim itatiai'i-- it' Wier c t' b ittg-a8signed Iittothos e wthost a iia iiitctlctci ci liti
the seasoiitCase tilieldih-Wovineiihts A hei u- oIs - an p iuitatics at- firtsir-ict-t-ueivd Notraces visitig tamsnust tartl.
iii ii Iitii~~~~its ittisaitdiiug ini regardto-i l (lie re, appicuat uii io w ilie cnsdeeduu l ess is iii iih uh li- ~tti
huon ci travec r, whois i Chit aut o, i liiit i Appithattionus lutst bein uuwriting. liigisetilt"I-rme"t-hIt-ttits ltt
liiint' la1 st unights huatie ' . iuuuuu-uuunc m t s tutu iu itessaru.I'tu'tise uiau uttupaitt by it hut thung ages
ickuling tutuduuuuuuy ttuisng swere te ttCiorads ii iutun-titrtt lts-uuil(----itl illy
s-eut the- Varisity throuug'h s51115ytnssu mustliii madeiibyii -tt titrsutuhtcago,--n-iukuitus Ithu- liiiMieitssNi'ioYhufhhIliii ag
ntathwork.tThet'egulais lhiedtl tutu 'Of15Mti , 'li asil '0i5 uti hus aundi IC uu lt-I tui (]alruut iuuusiuuiiu ilmoney HISTORY 01- UNIVERSITY.
followus:.- L. HI.,IRedden;t I.I'T .,iCIuuEng ie s 'this uaf teuuton iiuct s 'ide'riii i-uI0 to -Ch urls Bhirdic atI
ti,, ., G., Shultei;sC,htregory; It . asdepspndgPebtenteAnAbr Prepared by Prof B A Hnsdae-
I tn;IT, adc t .,la-0 eitcs-tutuIllIngIxignuer',;silttbe -cu- this gme li the il-ligtutuCentra l Will e Published by the Regents
msuutd; Q. u-ms; L.II IHist-tutuR plyed.u batchu-till beuitIts- edtTht-urs tuttu n uiliiuuArbourI tu ituaos uuutucu -vey Phase of Mchgan's
I-I, Dcre-IF.,I ciugutanui day Situ 5. I'neitt-iu iislits-LeIrusurate oi onifistclau iss tiumiit hute ormrothis Covered -
rhessfhiturteiof the tltaf u terospa-s engthe I '04IDI itts andi i'u5 I uguuuur s t-- rountursi thatutu inttuus euuuthir....
tutcesas thut stilt matesbysCoachsuittYilISatuudayiNovn 7,t t auunoItetltnes itthiia raiustiltI25 1iniuls I The "Histouur ofheiiihusvesity rut
ini tute fullack hosition.u Longuman, '05 v itussit imet te i nneruucs ofItheut rnt u tiu i utAtrbutu, ti udintuts Irututul Ytluuui i urlithich IPror. It.A. IlHisdae
sh itlultsometot ihut tshtnutu O- ituti ~i;i rgaeths re:i, bt!tn e ;taoea--di--u oneutit ut uituuil fo ilt u rl-ut tuCmpanhhty
tug itsu uthe iepmumlis gameis' nit toling -muatuhtu-lu t chtutu-i illiibutpttyeId luhl i-euts pl it-u- i n etu auchu tduire tilt houty beoruhu i s deli t hulihis beenutat
fallbacku, Ilasutuuesnd takintutthiuglt Tusay, SNv.hutween stu-thIIs- tU frouhtuitusls liituai tutuandT-'hum ittu-itby the Bttuait iofIttgunts un
chansuge s pmumailnient timain itle tutuhuton uuuidNuts 2,-he inneturxItuimtsitai tutu-where temreg lri tut-sia-ishu mudi-itthe preiiustltleugtyea
sesen. Iasuuuuuuulis counsideudteuu ofullout itchaemus ullan it-sith pay thus-rutiltis tso-it i s tutu mutill L~s~i utheiigrausp uautupowlutist muhIeiihadling
hefastiesItut ttulbn I sunuttutuea ad is flrintemulhsschmi ship-usu i tikt-s uwiiubeutull]iioIttrauns ofi- of itor~uillutateriisuwhicumure au-l
shouuithutsumwel atceiii it Yost diI HARRYIM. lIt ER, 11 -uit-u- it ruauhutng \AnutiArbhmo umi Iuutufll ntheiiotherluwuuksoftIhehu--
cites Ii heth thehu nit tIhutps51iiti s Itimi- ssottull Mnliugr. ul u-tIer stn :200 .- _,of ha tesh liltuelii sut tur, aue exhibitedh iil
they payedmllast night.Twit yasii e ItlillIteialid s--thu tu ri-I iumsli-ut deget-- iin-I-retiueuti mf
Islets eelwatranmemrtu ofmii ts IHye LECTURES UPON JOURNALISM. nmbfr oebrI; ll; ,i ujc.Temte sds~i
useustu ly su em w-hicuuuh uuon Suhe ttp mlp- i'rilts I hhit 1 mii mtti i tu(a trl u-twill uttr uu ii 11t uue nI ino see i t ichaptr15suove--
ssge wcihoowltchimhum s i S lI-cinm i- mAlihil iltAbhrl'1, il ftr n-vrypaiti tiut Itils hutittltSm tl Iititts t h lihit std gowh
Mhichign Itas lad lielrpointstruis i sit letluts tlt upmultrnItou 1: 1 p iln Rturi-utit-- ill ssutt loieuiaitlllrats dowhnCthe liprhes
scored ttuit emr thanmany limbftutbahi I isuiniitheii I telml Slats liie sit iAnntAt-iottu-mter lthe gamSti 1finitstes.lou- i itue,. Seimen potrlmiItits, itt the
team esju wt he cu euga c tt ofil(,ileturelii-s aet-astfoloussa- 11 ul tI s-riter c t 55or il 111111at rwst ersoin v in iitille clumns ot
euagehush game is hisgher-I thuasumny lit-)liituiiilist s au Profehssin; e -itheAlumnstutittr5lmtitgtheliiciiienutslear
othuer teasuitSlei s stltchutm ionIlsuconin 5) sttsiltNI11i11e ittience o1fm iiit ni istdentitbodyii
ot te wsest. he ~uer - hit lectilllmn t itiI'Illi-sttliihlly SENIOR LAW RESOLUTIONS
In is te Ihe hoile cotwd s suti'asuItditiitaait t Oocok t uturowmuli rmiinish~ auttuim it ulttii ii tuliiug rm itun
hostle umpie ansinsan; i-umspitsubitls-mret tit tm-s atmuti iii halitmufosettihssill beIt-eitie t n tedetio snsiH~wa
ofth us o usitan uslaingoit-is As s--I forib by Pitt Abhoruustutuisa itt-se s Nutss Sn.ahuts pplicamt iihereils i ast tltasedItihind Pu-
Miinesota-tesm slut wis limit mtiattdurnaitilistmof51wiltemmiiivamruiNilium titli mst dpthu h lim itsh111istiialll- I ilt etu t ake from t~t itliourlstemends
Saturduay.Site camurus the1mm'uagnay ocit- lsiatuetuuand-the postis i ii imlt to tligaciti-i-ill ttu i ttunmmiieloveutuclasmate Cau-hPoteru
chanhmion'a tlt till sume tii ifts -- tuumuuSu tu- tfici-ihI mtt-situd Iffti-liThIteiapp1limitils mw... ibe tukie llltsatg)
list. innuuesota may disuste ibshuts st ye, ausho ul- l u-cottu i htl at once sImimlhrini(it(itotuturhum theiitatilt l . u h lIutl t hsi i usts uut
it besuoovues Yost'ssmutingmu iahuiettoI liiiI- andit oiiI i 111sua til- hsciencehand 11 t ilIlbeiignt utuamd is b I his mhis hus lst aismenmber
git thugrinduinmg iseuthuors-itte -tilt tAbbot t i ihllutitiandsu ssfuls ei uuitess et ely lulart iiof 'A nex tmiit honuouredilttu hus dstinguished
yond hqtustion.tI ohtMihigana schre wlthtsihd5 uu i ui hsu ets edhui mthmsiym etIiesui uvs
againstWisuctnsirum mmiiiIsghers thaniauthorhutndti t:51piisshtu-edtor 1f1The A try-rhtyig ieeustis bhingfrhsgnamisoiinadknl
inneisotcas wilt he omut husnls'mvii ltus 'ittahtsmkustenuy u iihe isontsinutae bIthutlte usg-thillhthhi mt iuul
Day andi letChicagom hutgivenuua de-ial idtumltits way muslimrintiltheuday hutv uiutu who i util coing utio huteiigame e tu i tsiivtuihatbswmrsexpendutoi
cisive deets arihliMichigan' spostin its-c ,etnorumuimirulnouse many duay usimudis-ge uuunues The.ihuDetroit I iii uumruit mt ttue i h
as champhmm vioihut beyondul dtsel itt I hu tis mliiot uiossile tfr.i vusiahy (,ilhuh alne haiis-estgnifiditt itt Ieuta ruttiehuartfelutisympauthy in
Minnesouts plays threesmire games lauliiiemoucmnesoft hes etus eist ii of0oinng n ,specs~ia ,I tueirguet breavssmsnuuc,-andsmthassure
thin year uthan mues Michigan-smith nay beu'a biolt., and IthatuMichuian. 1111 tmliii-'andtho ittIusbuurg atuuutin isuctilt smeu sshushtn
these threeu games have asreeady hi-n tlimh it-ihe havens-omischstilloitjourc- ai--ilanitt tut -aht st endutitt -atboduy te--ussusy rmmiulehutthissulass;
played Athpreent Mnestasby talusum hrltsi utay uIn tmis urnishsill'tslus atge titegatioutns us he tiitfurtuheirs'Resolvedlthatis cpiy
ieaton ot the three extra ames liads exptt-mlicuuiuecisuttmem ut -iti ttruth tlhiagomliableti Ireetli t ut isuutius issss
Michigan hby 70 posints In the fsour chum s hut jusaluimsmithrand apidus Iftii m ritih-tl anmily of it-eidsucsased, uandthat teuy
games 55yet t e payeld Muchgan nmay____________ neighborihntgteu-iusis iusithihtssutusutstates.usuimttismi h
he able humovecomie that leautf .It 15 CHO RAL U NION AT WORK. clgasuueuu tau sand tutu blihdinmmthus Michigan.

ccnsnitgaineswas playedh on hrscticetyall Thms Csut ehseshy - AIRtIES t13.hl3tRtD'sVS,
time-ante late an the dnnecta ganme -n unusually welliste nde ti- s-I-REHANGM.CLSESMEAIS C. YIiES,
thin year, ansIonly tune touuchdouwn usueEey etmsmsstanin I'ecopusrygynsim lsss Ii A AKERl
'w a crd h tStra Mch lutfehmesn issallutudepat menmt s hbtgan Comiinttee.
ignmd cr f107 hum 0agaist miniattinses hiss teems at a prenmum. ________atrnona__arunrth
bItsa.Is it posibleto rpttlttthatThraeatpesn.heamso
ncce aaint DiuiStle ext ,atmm peoplue cc time waitinug litus PTt- cllteuofmtDti.ti-ay.twotu classes areilMEMORIAL FOR DEAN GREENE.
scr aantho Stoenext M ign silse iu--tas utstlsul Ildt-tey sftuernuuua ut4:15tiatumult 5hi!-At. smeiuttng mitthe 'engineering
dayP It that chuildahdstihiee i sisey inuticatioun omint d shtakehinp a hattboute Freshmen I- smithy Sundtauy afternooun a coiimit:-
by next Saturday night woultd havte-as' cuutuu-~lEtou' athtiendtha- ittofthe-sie t-e ci 51 umeuts invited the Faculty tri
reachedt the ivell Inown 550'lt-scoree -- icensuml concet on ecunitte 15i !cls-i se--sn-e mit-isi.Light minuetwass mumotuturailwithitthem in gltting a
In she 1'ast fonr gaines 1ast5yerbitch 3lbegunMomtlny swih titsetudumbeltssuiutale trstibtuetou htthurminoiry itt
igan scored 214 pointsyin.,Iowa 107, OFFICIALS FOR- CHICAGO GAME. bhul,-situr thuesuemtsibucottme versd-DeasntsGreene. The Faculty accepted.
Chilcago 21, Oberlin 63i Minnesota231 NTfhne officals ftime tsChicagom ganse me that deill theuy milhuseifaniliaerisut ttus itnvitatimun mamdsappohintedlta cmmit-
'lbe ti01. team scnred 21 points (inn TIhankstgiving hay harts tueen wittmeveirysieces ofiaspaatts its the - ltshm tsmuet sitbthus tudinents.- Noth-
against Ohio Slate, and the 1902 team a greedi upiont between Coach Siagg and gmussimmciAftier the deill the.isayi ing defsnite svas arrangedm yesteerday,
86t points. Cane thin year heat Dhio',Manager IBaird.T 'hey are Rienehat,,geaspednilt--esopporteuniy htmgives theut tthus jointmucommitteet will meet next
State by t12 to 0itofLafayette, andl UsachanmitfCornell, tushmnna lbriefand esoncise talsktin ,'huutsuay andl proibabily decidee spout a
(Continued sun page Three) both mn ,A unquestionabmle tairnesa.itygsene, inmmortal for the hateDan.

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