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November 11, 1902 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1902-11-11

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SNAPPY PRACTICE The Michigan-Wisconsin Debate FOOTBALL AND THE U. OF M. p1 yess are retired by- the four-year
-Pogrjess is being adh toear ie rtiul____els.and assweak eam, not rereset-
Yost Pleased Der Iowa Score-A !iXlt11sai-vv ltA'tisttttt~t t , tate ttls11,11llMichigan Graduate liscources Inter- ti tsisnke-I-tnhis
inx' ihelds i Mislisonill 1,oatie a rst t-n- sin a u siss t has otet lt-e
Big Attendance Expected at the atMsst.tteSiest se scsses estingly of the Great Interet reentrked thaiet rnee n foetr sears eah
oft Marce.aliegeelstenkess testleenhis- gty
Coming Chicage Game on Ivth tis I n itersi-ty sotXv'i-onsetn si's Michigan has Awaken in it uetnute ss-t it en-ortwsatim
Saura tatfese r Treltoil st tSthey eIst4oIts Eaetern Football Circles itsta. St us tiei stit- ti ad
_________ itteItttge titoe systems t fttthat ned _____tk d-ttae a tis Setn i
Soakiteds5-eteat So)tiatitg}be-sets XXai
Stinuttlel Sy tie treat vitr o et atil-Atis
cosn hl s however, trsesitaI t s i ttieNeteeen ma t -ethaeto ts atit s t tsts- or5
n-t hSnatntsay. 1-; -; men tt lst-en ma i aints Sits-w1 s t hi astettttIs nlose set-ac eising tktn frtm eti e stet tsi tSts a
thnssegh ateaof rie fastest sigttai ptsc- s tti it It stit. MIeL ctes-it tilIt Is-e -a est atfte tmaaty aatil s t laes-s woNto-Sd-N.i2t.
kites of the season t satFerry 5-ild e-e-tasweek to tmsake at ettseeeo eatsts tpteatredt-itt Se ittsblttg tsstssts tis ___________
tershit- sftenoson. Thesetie suad tl ifatllis it tsta t it reatise ts te etstess ot A University Hospital Libary
W5ith tits5 Xsstt i tt Sftiat-et, tyas ott lit st aefl rae o ae tmlieteduthotas vr tdn ilth ncrfyWl
i rilestatrk ofthlit ttsttttisetrl o ltuttS ti bae an Ish s 1at t i, Fl.: nmbrcfya s-s-S-ISsehattveseis icbtei'lit s l
eairwi~. T e tctt s sot ealy issl tt5stI t ti st ltlit tt tttlst s sse St-t 55 tllredou t e glsad ie iott i s itu
it- sIss - ssi tsr<sets ttttt twistois-Is shitishoisebs-t-ses wtirlls- fli i tu 1 Ittitttin15wtest sits t alt lutsselt sss 1 ars' iuSe ( trade totteslls-st iti s tests i
it sss s-ssttltS n, ansteetsis hot~SlsIv tits 5iis-ao.Nt-i sstil eoese1te1 ortobgittts- tsost41"]par o alitry insIsti it-ssm-~ ~sthe
es-tets-. It i n t iIt} iht1htttur--pes-ivits listre to tac. Thsttu tasturttlby th
t451 --ifore-sss tistit ingtttt-tltlua5- s- ittl ie streits 111snlts ts iii Ipr s- sWsr tl ticsl Sts. ssi- sin h tsi aI - I I-iis iiis I s it
a 01 go nst sis a sss il- -lltttinrl t tI i it siiss - -tts 555 5 lt Iy s i t ssst l t s lit ilsl- it-s- sitig 'nl o h v
tsIsst 5s~ i 5-i tsiiiss mt I-is aIt t ,lt 5 s h si bett tiltoh tre sstre ita n t paltr s it ear.t ts-it 1ssisis tit :.ti s-Illedti te 1is st1 si
dssetll ita~ t it s ltittsti- tts,,t stll ;t, s it st -si-ite.:1(1Am utt t't mlteNss ti ins ssssslilnt o ii sss ss-sshst 11 is
from ( icsiY'tlls Billit wok.lits itt hn, hus ritlfsomstilt,5s-irting se XX 5sstllv-5ysitst-t su-etsIsNtiltst5-ttt
Sisis isss isit siitls~ 555t -s-ssi ts --ssi enisin h i4 ntthv ittI ll sees-ilt- stit.st:Htui st--Is 55--io .t11, 11 t1s- XXgod -sin~ llsn~
- 511ace st-r P hir d ft ill siis tiltyou sltltss ts Nt-st- strl
~ ~ ss-~~j ~ itits Is its tt sl ire sju t i, tttttlitti t Isrstit t iis nt 551is tatf it-e iittittts t SShall Itstei oSssslsttl -titd isiii om
si 'tn m S t l. vi ut d r-f"1ts tISti h514115,1 tsstiti . tilshssiti sststt i 5s t1se14ti et tttiit}nfiset e ist-s still s-all t si its- ru
Sritssssssl it in t-itm last susit. 15 Il'rst _________________ s-els sof t tshe ii gtifitlt-tt i-t~stit- f o theI s .
t-ists itst tit sIit t- sit it f i l u HE W N E Skist it 4 lit s isist 111lt Sit ________________
lies still p itiittibtets tll i it its ITHE WI N ERSittisits I-thslirt-t t en tt are
1i1t' at tt. TSlitlsss i-ss-It Isi its stltitmesr teoitis sits-sSIts NEW SERIES OF LECTURES
aIheaty 1 l e isa tt te - ise t-st Junton bats' Stong leant Easily sthetr-isisitil usiit i t st stto statsr
iedt. l tilsaibandt 11 hits foot- ea 1-0lan iiiseakin; of i wsternstt t l5 HalisA aknngaGra
Pitn tls-siit til t- fist itlesi is-he Defeats Sphomore its Ittai itk l I tstttsl~ tTe Coure in Bible Studies i Tppan
Wsitis ttt s s-lim. T e leylbye age t. Deal of Interest
dltS slt ti ii-io-ftttigesttiiliis-nstsoss- iihtes sworltsskis sia-ttsts-titiltglsssts
i sit Ihie it iss thisIt t o a1h o [frhs W oI it:1m h t-st-Ws~tm stir ssplasne Ti slti 551 t ittsprl e t tl-niun t - lss-t--i is-tll-ssst tsi-ii
u n ii l tlue tist t-st- i n-t s The ins-si Yolst-It- atisi gt - is alo t slistl5y s-sast ii,. iit-he tiidea he tiritt I Ft isis -s t helit S lss (x1tt sin t ittisr te
is-tsi-i i s lit s-s-ssssssgevlii tcarr-ite sft-iirs ths t ird t ne1t1 tysit 11sitis reitt T r i-t e 01 {tlttttlt
ThemLst s vi- si-ti rsinlt- ie tedt10 li th -- e fs :-i-Ind stimItssilt- s Prdilwtoniyoritig itsstlts sits- tcIs-I-s Itt tillitlttt sssdeittires
but ite-etgit tc itt-i i ws ptos suth s -t scoiso fart madSlIt issea-si 1so i sitsirmlitfitedlins tin erta ittli- sin- usst -lith (hrst- i tits ti.
uSl t tss ssi itat is studs I i Y st wgs i it w s aig Itt y l ist- g t ti ll st lii sti e- ass i t) utiik lt at ru51sts mlittiit -tsi 5of 5 I il l Un iverstytrof. .la is it
mitills it its-ri taulli5at thes-5k tslit lil list- d lissoi;11s11seu s-Is--sour t f s-tire
Th5ok dd 1tIn ilLr h ud e it Is isof thea ;tissles. Sbu ti tsit t'1 iss Satesn ssssts sti We sentsigt s-Wtiee i I t- it lstt- tt- s
i-Set sitist-Soi--f til si t s-iBtst-oss W e s'ss s o e 11 t it-nt Sts- Isi siiss e l lissi iu s I i llscolors'tt i es t' td h
bit stiiI li ttsts tisisis 5111n
sTl l oais lst itstlst let tsttst tills i ilad r s o .l fht ca s s e tv. Thttey- u he- I 91s teatelits it ttt-lof lso it-tteiu t t sit i
t pr p reflit ig v ct r Isis -it -ta frond i-tii Iitietit k c f o ntolt-I itii l : ust P re s-stP of lit tn r ril in os f le iiioi pt, .i
itit-SIote ls st it Satu r ay tialsfrom thei ewi - , li't e l aw I Slit sst s-i -Isis is ie-' stisho l c tylstisn a -t -lisry t , Is-y t'h ialts is i i nd AXi-sttit T e
1-I 5ts-itt-it-llc i; I iill slist-uplilt hsit-ti 1t 5 tisitsits-nldotkItn, atltshstiltied
W l n t he i mpols t s-m consstill it s t sIto iiion, teit -.st l s su-ssg usi ltr i neit -t I ,t 0o S ui ga -list Si-jtlt fi lm a rilntstttlre sin v oo ru
Ctltie XsllTitt si t otIlls lSu it ,5 doub ii t listng an l sts- tits r n, is i Se i 5rile 5l5t lis t Ilsts to iss ist lives-s- tile , lstilts-s rsl st
ise ait ttee o e ot it titit 111 S utgg ii s it-i tisirti ll li sti ll Is aIs Isis hst , of F 15555stl ts it lihe-ssstas-sst stu ltcti sis- is lti- iti to te
Iie i ss i-lssg u l f15 in a lnstat ititt O-I n S -fr tests l is- t t ra . T e hl f n - Tli : fcly-stI ueIIslits ltttisitve. - I s, sit s ,tttit11Sit
1 ingt nsslisi ttl lialit- it-tsstexsspetstlits- asId iutsr-isliss tillcotmstlts Selt-s s-l - 'Ptautu lssisl i-s-
e55s ttti~t ittl is ~ t l l ittssheib l n til 1 S'pr - is itwho 5kn:WStif tillii titlist 1 andiil be i eliveed i t - -fiH.
Fo t , - f~ m h r o h l el f r ''ls ecnli 1.I1- , 1sis ls -- la its-d tiffe eni;T rS bie ou tr kn wt t r S ltt sit t-ti 1 ist s e it e-ilet f r e ii itt s- i U 5
ttsil Cshin-s siselit~ ~ J ss51 to hapU n ight ofinsse l u rr e si es ssslii tess-st lusll No. 7tt liiettstssi iesefure-tosi
Oilth Siehi4:n enra povde12d 1W1 . eron te -s sf lail Ittitle I tlist ultl5liu shot tst- - 1aeiit -lug ltsili te t55555555t-55 s ksi-te iel it
JuPtkeal n ior o cial eh-issrte siusi--t it tl tlitt-'sic-ert l isis hth i t Neii5 I. t sinin ttt ti ti t itis S-SX-5 re s il. I tti- 55 5
111 thoe listst-sf s t-snits lt s iress Is lass (li- ill(, ls- i isi i t-u ti e r str si iene t l tttt(tillst st us tsite a ndst-t enuil ho S-I t s 1istsiiis i lii Isil t f ()rse ls -lis
It i tt l-t -~ tit, tsau s-st, ls- n ss4 st-il lte eisk ffis- titts 1Wis s-, ell ilt bal.Itti s-is I h it Isi e tes-s lt- liss isti - -se+ts ait it i o-t i- itr tt tistthss-i i: tisd flc ite
Ttis soits s-pss ibug N t ss -t - st titt lttl m nt 1eI rt iii lt- iitti rntiit- list-Waters. Th15555 s-f scItoes tu denitit t i11 s-ctin er l ist t lie+il defgs nses-susfusthes~
ti-issssgts5tuuls-t-t Sts Iss-istss- -s ilts 5It-f usl ee s a d e-sus in oh t tms he ti wstirous s-eiosite itg-t 55hi5155 to t s-5tltttttt i - t ss u4]t ity.-u
Junio ile esssu S ocial-ss--t-l Itg lits utus-rilusix-lsstys;adn, - sfiolst! lis tsisectlsthifo uie ea s b Ik: lu l ridg t -ls t i lst -Xs- 1.silli s of ls.eS Is-IuIs-IVlus
ittSutss slak tsksIses--l Is- ' istssiii Io Sil ;:1ttts ititlt Itntithes-si 5511 5teStolumn 51ofusf ititIt new.lit' ie hst sitoo h ~il yti-h
gttivn tbyteest iits of19suit llsie isis-islesd 12 li. e esttit- sutti ituitii i i t s t tat' s ht- it tls netuItseettl r us u- us advansed inttsiitsufls seits- ls
7l titisi y vz1111g No .- 20 1&r. hlt- 'rowncan et a ti]ti(,irtu elitoughthe-.s:131 is tsit it tt0 t-sti-tofa w ten g li. The iil 5 511tilts-its- t lt lel s eret I Ii
S 15 I usi sst it ii sshad gi jgo 55t stoublIesits 551151liS1i-it1sit-i-se-sadiitu ii isI s of tstit 11tis-i s is lushtsiwtsril
tt 8:i -lists- ites il h prs in ~ tsittifo s stutes- ai t -ioTt- is ttit l t rTiii st icgofttt 5tUtSand X1 ifih rits.
RALPsshi st-te l ist11)Ih-dtI bsut- till aSS I --s --tnstS l - Sr
NSLs-- s- -iasis. si ivsti e lts si- 'Sis gtssss- s 5 s thud 51 Allt'tt5ttl'i5 5St hiss 5teit- lit .thtstt-- ese-slt in D bt
'ls l s t Si1'1 s ee ss-usus I Is tsut( s-s, ,ll 11us sei 1ts hts- s 1Usss isi I ssussissu tusilt f s it us- elihus- i ft--ssl tt-tx i s-lsl'n'll 1 c)t- Iliit t-s-t'12i lit
MICHIGAN NOTES. un ti1t li uslssu of it iii- sususi I llll s-its a4 t o t ilsi(to st ul"(ssus situ1)(1 lssitis uit 12(1 li'ft-s-nilss esu
is-is wle i ssuss )utly hli t- let i ltsus leti it us lurt lst- ;st. ,k dils ais-l it -sslsl itlir, tia ii hs t t s (Ili, t it-l 1),
tihC'iltttut ili-iit ttt hususuIssal pSt s 'ic lsits inu ti th:11tiih lii-tt stil1(1ts '12I l t 'n('Eiin' }lt
Sl1e-an ~ ltt i istow Aulathts, mid i ll ti Is ; itt1 ' s555 s ill:111 s.' 1'2(1 thu 55555()1 .211:x" 1 lIsts w il silt 11" 1, -( m v ' 1 t Itit i t I :
Ot(ti - it uiislt i ils huss t iSlluss ill-s it-tiis it-il 1it ls ii stl' :11( i1it ' wlI t t ii i 1 i I :su i\:t 551555 ( t~'sl tl
Shu,1 St t i 'xftu sit Its st tit tu- 55titIilts si xi litui~lt)I t 't~(. lis r ( t is s uit utitiiof le e t11is 11 12,:1( }' llsl l'
ht is ills sssuse-11 syD . sst it .1s lI 1)a 'e 11 ily (iv \")t c l I'i s l~sl~e a r.Il'l '.I.l(% 1"1~w l 11( i)J
211(' is ('s thus stilt lit-isis itl 1st 5 slush1lit stiltilullses iii(sits-:11111'2. li t'sit
ill 1W ;(tsils sush n1 5 Goddardii l I -s tis -_nuI ic ts tI"Ori(h tittutitit"ti+siui lull ios
elltes ts21 st s ss', 11lsselis us sttts-'itt 55 itS 5tis ttIlit- adXsssls :112u I a 55s 11('tiututs- i-ut-- -stilsl l lo lt' :1.21 w I l(s'1
___________iwill__('_:11_1\'_-_____-t-_1111 11lutiti hi'itti-ut-i I tittul 'c litt-' itaitittut ust+
t'!l lletucsisus- 11et little atutu ittussss -scit tu its istti itil istl
N '41st its IS-sitI usehu tilt susls- IllAl 1se1 _1 -I it 1iiii' I 1 i I t '111s Ia 'e 1"st''l'l~ t s s~rli 11( l'~ li 1'1:1[ s) i~ t' il'12
555 s(_ I~i I( ha t ilt s s Nuuu 5t s utiattsttt
111 I-I0 lt(sit (111itl1it" eu-su tils it I th oll~-ilsw til ls the l ds-I s -sse-u ov. lt2s-s1tilI.i
a5hsus tsi-( his ICI u\1a its tssuiis -stree(. Iis ui

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