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November 21, 1901 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1901-11-21

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VBTYics. ANN AROR, MICII., T1IURSI)AY, NOVEMBER 21. 1001. No. 51 -
Scrubs H id 'Vasity to 0-0 Score, Thej Noted Actor Gave a Reading of Last Meetinz of the Season, New Songs A Resolutior . wptd in 1867 Declaed
Three Men Hurt, Shift of Chicago 'Much Ado About Nothing, Before for the Beloit and Iowa Gmes the Colrs to be Azure Blue
Gaines Possible, a Larbe Audience. Will be Sung. ad Maize.
Cal Yosts 'Varity squad had a Theiciatrelsoiaonne-
haul vito d 1-t ra~' inedMr.John . iKetlard in a tut e IThefourth Uctiescete singing meet- - It has lb-en a matter of sedisco
s-edwt ocdwno teet omn of taw buikldig yesterdaty -ftr f sill wea cr In University Halootiis sion lately as- to just the Mtor that r
cid cstierday afternoon w-hen the non. The large hssure mo t room atwilt'.in s hioifteiilti in Atihiai. 'V -1w and
httshy icubts gc atefir t-milin the full tiled to ovi-rtlossing wihitavery litre-List meeing ct hld daringiifro-t Ble' ias dehoniteaf ctateient s the
of Y 1-their new-fouindetstrength of litive audiene, aid should Mi. Kit ihai si-son, esry Stude-nt Whoti ti-- mjrt Sit teens etue o
Yistnrciiv t laudt;turn aanhivi egetrtemaolyo h su nsuh e i etr
or siri Du olyiby the bardiest Stecgi e ithtdeuI61yhicanItshould bhitcrwni is cow- iucke, andi is much ewildemnet p-
cv fwokta ty 'rit w +Iy anotiier crcwded hosie. ccciboth lt andclnew snigsfrcrthe ic-isC e stiuigth itnn.W ie
abetn tttoier st vs trimit al-Wits .'d r eiioc-criactatiiabricdgedcifroft i cci c tridIoliv gamie. If te iolui- tighrtoclue'is a often esi nted, - one
thi ieimr iccrforntacv oP itt hc day Mich o tin No-in," oi c it rn r a -cvaiii revaled clro to re- jo' st hn "akbu: uta
cl ndritslttig t cc Ou over th cr glh- hour ittid ithair, tut heticcttg :;ccnd to tetu chitior n crgci ittitosiicl. Oilaes -say the bluei.of t
al ine for a unch of toehdiisno±. the lprintciplc sen-its iboctt isitiththe dioptoo-o wil e used tiiiccomlatlcly mcin fioerimcid aize..The cOtfficil Tco- -
wfee he hal wa vent rrashnr lilt stings.th muio te:sn rs
oi te bl a t rsin iiiisc lc ingers, ics, mniy uill tie tleied to know, tre
i hr li.thfi rst teattiifor long gan- Its aafine prsceiiand an e ixcii- Te pst tiie list-ittis hititi- nIS i- cure bcheat cciizeaua."
ot~ rdniy treeld o - th S'arsiy ent i ole. Is shcdiig of tlis and ry snctcusful ad aici kis-cbiecn the erice 12us ,c cinttsi hi
Sth 1 i where it sets just savesd, imieanncfsh iliin tiii tsocf arousing a grieatidecl of en- stiientc-ii y of the uieiiyrpotd
kid ne P - Iy the- imostdsperteite tcBtird cf Avoitiiswire nos-t idilight- tthsismiandtoiicllie sirit nit sould liiifol cui gto thie students anaci-
te_ a rally b tiche --uri-c e -, ft cdeite scctyldeups~ict b ki ptli11ct ctscely dinig the- f-tot- --~ditiiihe u licgie liapel.
til 1cig ut>eotict or lie ascrub d - sif i ti5uig es ows shim- iccalitseasonil ht throuighotut Ctcc enire- Ytriii~it iiittilt e
Duithds it ls-:ladccic oitclitstisid crtNi silpssal cesvili-u.cu Iiilcititiic citt-s fecr ccr U ierity
luf ic ip Pirdtoicnge I-f. Ti-nebiooci. i rciioiniiga 5yoiu-a i icc itlon oficiitae ]ello a nle du nanit cictimously gri fn pr( -intItlg as
l ih li-t - nt ci liiear c ccn itas up, f ttiinksto ctin- gust caid:t"I li-i -- ue sncg backib siittll rucght ourt M Ic biv ticcdcs on edd BLUEP AND
ce itt ~it n. cc is-i-ri-ic- ii cccicion ("r a y reai-cntgs of Miuihi a io h situ-ome f lice-gpistildcii sngs iof .1'itds . IN- uuIr-tcccic-icithiat the fo- -
i-it iictt h i tt .giticc 'Tis is the Aboccut No thicng' lit I neveriiiisav en lf-igiipct acccii -cciiif oihi cc i- cgupt c ciic --ci r i1t cctt
laauaDyo etc-socIii- mu tl-'s-l s clti-if lc i i i cs-i-tlchsa ITii"t t A t E tlt:
tlia tis seatsn ta tipraticei - -wll1Wprntd o-iecciheetuv ltt A ilit ic-Tt AZli U Rtt E BLUeNTct-
tu )ha tirco - uctt-i ic id a ccidcttt M. ilI l-(It, iccn ecccccccccccwith miny tags. -acccit is topk4icii-theii-stite-it isisdy %11 - Z ea olUda h m lm
hed 'cttiicp-rih rti he-i c-i' cdi iitc ccia tctr Aoiotte 1 e,,sicn staige, ccas i a icioi-e siill sic to it tcatctIila ccclii i-c ii- c- mvcf csc.- utisesity ccf iehi-
I suit dccc-blu . tc-t-ic l tti- ir fi-rtei-cocf c-cit-ps life- be ket u p t l . ",'
cccliiind cult ie t ,I' c-v tc- 1.- weetic-cth
cci cceiiaticiiatc tii5 cii- l t c iciis itetraici1cc ...c-ioox i. P -rttCIL
til t-e, e xct --thct. the ieiTh t so seuic- at tt-u i co.cthese.nI-1.1u . J ( e(ON
ha0 t :h li toi ii tYlii 'tiii tgt'ii tiicit mii--0,t cvicnctp ic ctO - on t ictI -.
-cgtcmtccum. Atdayan Iin c-c-v.so efthon t . st. t -e'iictviv ecdtlii.
Ti a"t ciiii c, t c cibt r, />tihelin r to acis oldIutmcii ticct etti ir- C
n It i h (ic ;, ll eii lmie os -cc-i ccvcpidtoli stiotctt- ~ eWetise Cha-Book.
ietic e+it r hiid lu c iiiha ul i f oiici -- fuccuc clii pcosic:tuteei'itt-cs-oeofdttiaculi
fect. - ani.cii t ngto 'iii° f nr rt stndtoa tdt e iiahutit icnn-iittf i itl
at a' r ~t -it J1 tiilil-itii c I ')ecclintielp todatiuistiteImiciphittaut onehunuttoMbe ie
57;r l tiitor fi landcreattusfir hItrsi-il -lit'n o~a ha sn' o u Po.1.N i notu o the c Esngishc
tug' Oth'nciim-ii o : in, cuctted timci-55iuolccit frommi te iciti ninesimm c-crtt-s tiid utuera -
hit-ida def--hiss-s otticcucupihe l -gu tt- cl-b tt-r
t ea t tvmt cl tuc timnl i it l.,ci anoud incingsti hsait d.litx-
att cI it h i tti ti c-tiS aest onun agzn s tnt tob s
13 td;tC ai asicn N rtsc"4ecuic ti1btLccit to c t c-cft- ccltedcfroithct-ai-cschop. it-i iil i
Os ii iintustandardii time tocfcthe cic e o fict he
iuctv iate"flos clptihod \taclii- e Id u. w i i a ldtheli Wesnt minasteifr
rtic ltiobi-ins.th- e cur hut wac m eti hacti
hg' toth os -tlnIhossilic- e-se tid it Ixkindwl ettrcllgae
c-es hutd f'ille . i c sfths Te Icdg ctitu tot ciitie icvbesui t o l ie-si-shasfri-ri-ti lcuit clth utate r te t. The uci tiIo atoc lefs ilan out
0111ntu-notocalt,-ph'rtorit meit(,iquesgibookish
riapcto Kthasd-etis- n n - cit cutitLu c n a Iiumiu'n mit ccdMiiiiaskd 'hetc ro1crin- b se s s mthud ptaivdlfort uthuit iei-osfm-iblsufrei
5h Rah( ti o tuixi ssi lcticforciii itt ithemmttooffeitrtiremungertartionhs torusirb ct iucc
p 'd h- i et o " 'w e.t 'L- h i-tusy l s ir h . H e W s or at th t i iliupo ic-l rg lt o luic in tc i i , k t t o l g r t r m n o k s
of wt b ttdri sl, t hof an Nva '- ' ucs Di l ci +, i-i3 ti-hi-is I icf itath e h vi g idi, t o t o h st u ' mud t l dlaO u im th i st geo s o nth E- g is
rtihc re-lets. btuitiouldicrsscuee ia gmcibmiocelicmn
t toh-e btct-umda imii'fori al l dg dr ayn cii t augtr of a ilot tusci ic .-istudem-ii-n o avcimutsi f r tiitc nle sm st o -
Stlhfe t a god h pttudce c-f hxer a Iai n ftd df mlihiuc-r; en lg td i al o r p ari h ag zn . T e is i m
ti0hi 5 hi' 11t ilsicui ttetic frtmuui r' u cthn t-eis utoi-cu p lt t of ehctc ci oi-td
wC11 'i o uhictfeit thB is ctmcmi Ceoud mexe u-t iin' cletetucugum voco witlhaupacuta7lyitic-mi- si-c-mud
c(q lv ic icc i u x l eccu n iu u i a'iii t tu c' li t t o d s o y o m e h n i e i a e
raat o t of lia' isue iic't- I ltb ie cct uicc iii o alti.he ta udiildt Iti
etue t eifelt' teanksihuvt. een }fciring d ys'cmo l ii hi'2iye irslotuagey silthedsatus uihup ct te c consii midhumv a wst- Swipeth Pont- es.
Ohce t t i fhieiit t isct tlcucretu eh as ath-cteter u tf uttiortbco liInd ci-cuathuhetouwaissd-t btli-uttatre Wlcitd ue otys
his cenxt tihcce ront this yoarentsin e dl tothe ocimofs trangersh an-S thi ueomris shctf iice f ta t pThr ut tlcuu o m-ut ut iittcptdiiatc il
r hafn i iooters of h eitvtc- l(, at1bt a a rp a . ebus i sto be a11 p-cu fr au.hb -le lt ern tiveofthact eu-of uiii 'i-cs- fobl u s a
teic motf.1~ I ta ls pit uddn.E Ieri ed o ago ccii oiuldis-eic-to iculd iy I tticoin egi nn t7- X tadr ie a s wpPses
- h ihht kuit th t ti n d at-lt ictandceverhie-il h ithuelgitig Byc- itsmieanhusiO dt 11cm'uld imi otuii Rgiils-itt ioi-" sltaodC lw
mih auidist sr i s otic--I -an 1-s h - wa .eni aif-ta'quirei s he wtiluc 11th builduingspwosc-ine du-to e acugt sight ofbinunit touchedo" him
St cliii cot I ciii sitsIdneveriwvi t tpWitic. d ould -icc'shumItcilr t cnd y htihn fr allIIhis poses Thishitsswa--ire-
heb~df r' thccetl 0 ar i -tto humusf uxp tli"e It 'In-u ivittd
i't citttc3 iIc}iic Oitso sWo h i<rhf'"tte t engra,
sik' iineldhi' noihlcit tA couphl' of atiit ts al tinmateuhim act- Thaltonccld Iecequiat t olicruiiniug ___________
ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o Ieas~dvi tdi5i rsighu itiflosi n~ dnitrshrtandcuardi itintscud begin- Freh-Eng Meeting
ii~~~~~~~~~~gr)ls n IcitchIi 'fsic cidtupuic of on- si-thu cc lortrtiicctof Itunci t ct the ing ct . o'clock. sCt oulgo h -e -I le
vl1Irt-n IQIit steaditIs -tetump hootned SKing's Crmos theateIhnhu otutdon from a'c-uurdiy cafternoiic a yei, stcy awis lect-
tluft "P-It ' 't -Chicaigo on 'Plunbsi-hit-lihis prof'svionalcarcueerm cdatsa Wrikle Tmorurow. el cpqttin cd mnaicgr of the trck
i 3 tisli t ctlc')v fihugutai and Il~e-theinmaccasptetd ccl rengacgemenuut ct 10 'hi- -ootballdi i nleki'stfed, like t-tteam A c ittutionuwsits cioadopt-
'cm erus 1taytry uonueiuuions. - thn- shititlumpa wc k tic ecotmrthis lueaiit i 'Picksphtuup tuirky sihhjoliii.es. Theclcs.sotd to btiniumeral
thiI ka l e ienIIkid ust d night if nonan -f the Lyc-cu tuu uiutim mt Shf- tcrsus d i.. atiM rh aur lcdotmd ,foeotuti eccet-couta. biingt hercoilctr e for tehmfr it cngnems who
fet 0-t kil ttnow'; I chave not hard in "'PlusSerious Faiclny" itud Sir liter- soumeicgooch footballsrctli'itxeatd temitrsei hnTfl by. Lowecdu and teauotm."Iiohy teiccbySow mre-_______
Itl11ric itmIii fiu gamne Is hacrdt all the ic'muehe pa n asrioushltadttng feaurucs.'Thecieter lam uge Is fMr. nd Mrs. ShirleyvV. Smith wet-
i c ranta te ab'ottauucci tuhelago alum- lprovinciaul tcumic's cndcinlttyfitled u Craetiutd'tumiIcol-tored'coeormbly' conwmd cmtccc icidsn lIto their fnmily
hhchtt ticirbi l thuethu andi utiltfor it- atingemgentt ctthe Scidlies ells Sa.''eeaeohrda-nNb iceTedyngt
thheusam'lucr fure-otheaterosInuLondIcn.c.'attea'uiafouryof ght
ries0ht thsx'. pruiotiunue-, his .a-t iederoui the iei Cs raits knid s-senh in attUuivei'mthy 1Hct1. Out
ros~itc --- sttcgeenduue. tHc macde hits Amterican o_________.cf the-csix con-teshtts three wilt b
thuduetisrrowof Obueliut siltlmd- debtit mtthi s nuttttoston, as this Coluumbsc iUiversity hits offeredto chuasen to mieestthlie Ul rith ihy
S s e tucinlutitvesitys- llthDec. tMaei Todfoc in Thut''is tr'u ~or" anud -get tfri-s tuitintomiatueatfitt l-s gaiii t o ruthwaeste-rn.
sp)11;'r totR r ows s hfuenot later on ciere t thi Bosot heater tutuos. tic berecommsundicuued by thse1 "t tr GorgeE. Diess n, 07 laiw, Is with
cdliii( this C.A.,snerunos ' '. ellrs t ls veig fr cabentu reeTuelved to. uupic Hto a uiccas e s hcco olf let lste0iiup fr1uueleullaw.cu.Itutc i- s Iss-ihth Otto epgen
itl rehi etre. txilltue pixven,- ecum- Mitlwaiukbeefroum wheucee cwsilltakihe - Du ccccmisc' cunlof thetlingeat ims In
Y eiea full attenidane. ciiiextecndud wiesteontirti.Sutiecrib- for the Daily-News. tiumots'
*m,' C 1D A , , at 4:30, in University Hall. Fburth Singing
.'J L 9Meeting. Everybody Come.

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