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November 13, 1901 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1901-11-13

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Geat Interest Shown in Chia Chicago The "Mask Bal," a Farce Comedy in The Noted Indiana Statesman Will The Teams in the Final Class Game
Game Both by the Studnt Body Three Acts, Will e the First Speak on "The Spanish American Want the Athletic Board to
and Alumni. Play Given. War." Reward the Team.
The 8"ale of ticeis fat the Saturday Tie- Comedy (tub have deisded to are Wren orlaktesn T eha nro oe agaio
"Jule with {;hicaghaoelersstWarrenire trte lays his sinte notead"o
g0 hs gratl ex-giv twoplas ths wnterinsead fit eator of the state' of 1 usiana. eoag bte e n~e of the Seio'law
eWded thet es xpetatons or thme Athlilt cone, is has beens the custom ] teea waosane(Altxafrm neelar Union Center. and setior lt football ttiams, oer the
rdard. Iurge ossxinhed it) in front yea rs, atdahlesebeenitcontsiletin sev-Unio ncounty. Ohio in the year 1 7,. lsoeof ethe stenls ht the losr is
Of Mt'yet's store y~steray afternoon. oral-1)i-st for the past leer teekto Ieg anifor led the avantages of a to to,.
and by g0 Owok fee) of the hest se-ta wil~ itOvien to deoildig swhtchare let cmotn uese-ihool ednaion and a eol- toor the ipreent rule' the losig
had be_ e l. It was fear at that toettuited to thior rg:tniza itttt bone tetiteejotete raiting. he wsangraduated toam ep,(,riesenting from the inai
$2sat swotid netetrmeat with reads thteylo id tio itgiest oOthr fitst Ita ftonte sb in Wesltte tt intee rasiont atte(st exept the rleleatnd knocks
taker, hut results stre equite to the .Tite lskoteBatll" tethre-aet ifarc e eott silee182. Twoeyaro lter tee of an itglorious deet.Bothlits anl
contrary esinestMore then two-thirds cottialy whicb rotatirs tiboutetnittet slmittedl to ithe-bar, ot tetuoed testsare tgeooithtt it is iiiijut that
Oftheta have arsey been taken. The'charteettrs. There is iteotsce tin to- teI nditaaolis, witsrtoho e ssincete tAthletic .sseatlatln should make
Wtf-town sales hare be nreasleeg days astly-News ekkeg tie-t all tppi-p-atieed his perofession.ste~noto hegm n hnfi
151 i 'tManager Baird sent.it a siOr- ee'ant for metuter. tip to the Comeeytlyteetoeteaitirbanks, talwa-ys it reiubli- to maeske' some remuneration to both
Olr letes to the' elueneel of(Chicatgo Cluin atea-r in tht Adellphi roossiet n ce n n olitics, bes .receid eety ties-tamosho leemuaedethe incom
I4d it t i eps trot that they with the Utireroty ilelltt 4 t'citok thitleafter-- Itenosrs from his petrty iotti intYt 9p1ossible. The poitiote of1thethletic
uifro roters seill 0make up it srgetootn, tid the tinaere-eot ere-Isteelcid le98he wseslecteod is the cheeir- tetlotitles Is that all class tnne ar
O~ehlti-fretet the widy-itetyt. The re-quests (thttlltUniversity students hneeof tie reublica-ntestate- onenettiot ir6e-sette-lto heeve knwteof the exist-
PrAiveel ( Clu os etro-eit oiI'runoa ehotre' eltll inolufe-elto theaetrials"sted i I'I llee-woste temtetporery ee oe rle- 9 sohotsthey enterd the
aNte"ee seontraelestet eof theat city.
<an"t 1I' Ctetrdaer The tickets
i 5 titis stesilett sill Ii,- gen ts1 i -tint-n
tt util tti Mnds5-tS
te( fee"t tiletitiey tte- t stiff piseoe-1-a. ftm
li Ifoteiesse lethe- 'teroatode-
eeIixt Saturdtay- Accordiglyr
-utter a eehndill ptesthem-teerougethe ue
ga t rtt kited of Iseot-ise e-hssitietol ';sse
I h estiiremaesineer o ee eek.el
It Inni tls ste
S ]set 1c leet thast Ierslberg-t
4d illt t sent tthe e oliittttuo gamtes-a
eC oh bost isloin to taeksno
slettle50 lt gie
15 off Sitingdurieegte re'nain-'
ico the Wsek tourles eestiiven a
ie place ittthe trinegtle.
s~t, ts -kl 'stetryig for the bjar-
t ra -Aside frone the fact that
th roy t es hard sitd snappy yes- TiHESE W1 LL SFi- t-tV't-110 f bATTHTIC tp S Sb Old-
tedl feneon, little ef interst
itautetJ fromeethe'Sttet r seetgri----
nO srirest themsieltves-athee aftertnon s eleere ittle eoitie-he-ttsemalire-ublicates-teries'-o I-seteamws tomeeeid to en-
tts---t- re:te-sit fe-es tlsee-s to tit illediblee teen -e tii t sleeotinSeelt nist eid et Insoea-tes contets whasoteete ,emantd if
Fis tltic Daece. teevs- iette-ise I However tthe prospec-ts oniinaeesteloi tiiste Piesident i bMaes- ti ey-sre- willinsg te sas-trt ithe hain-
irst athi uc ftey
kfiesthretiticalty eleothif etebtiforgeWnt itties- lee 94 r .es- el Fa--l irnsr--teletethleerdtierleotwtstiett e thartsteyegrlinsthey
°' ticu ext Satuirdayeen o-insg lt sreeen- Ititu ifootlittes-nbes hcit th elsn iitt int etislisrt ofthis er-fites os-sk te e eltertonsesin the'
eiM000ilt itettitgym i um 'Ill, s aafe il seerthat 5ties- eei- {lute lit is-I osf thes-legislaturs e r '. S. ile- sile ties ole-s e tetst ig the-ne
to -ITe on sistineg otteriis iRtalso ezli 0ustelitlis- sll sit- shorsseof p51asteeltnorl test tets d-iIsessi atovie-etotr se-ives.
04 R Oil seeiet ierlts P]1 EletDu tee-tes oi-tesaseeceliesge- eflTnt-pis-,5asde-t iteot. -Ottlteeinuary 2t)
let ver v et ie b leye11elere t ,e5toeseoshaiss(oeiee'.(sesaet-sf1sir ile-iset-Noteosttat-litMiigctshitgtainign
"aco s sa s esc is t i t se Itr e s scurese ttb, 5-sos-ire tt tee rage riss te puo echi--san. Ithe s chsese ra
s-s ndit goodtimeis 1as1s5rel to emeanaeger.-- - -or-to I ate-a Olt eet- t-ssst Se A ntiltyinttcolege dsiliniee s
lt~ ledneospue-tee-ty etesetesleeee introduelseed ttthie terisle tnditee
thatbm ii lese-i tie tfroety ese- ss eeseo5 setii' Osse-ese i tedlt r htole
titl ITbe {h ssseen tetmt tid the blit hi are of Unverity Prop -- w-'~ er g nbnlqAt~ssho.' te:tiet tytesle
15tti 'biite eed se-uls haeeen O~sin- T'te se- setosettle segret Isittu it l t11'es-lehot etl ie Lodon for- fo reatcheees testisge- regltions tnd
ltd d te-Uiesity- tbaned sill frto:is- t ttls-sits nulei tto ther ord~inary-)the- lstrpses-ofecse-is-lest-expressos a tll nibsrofetnes. iFo this purptose a
hethoii 0 u-sti d steioletefforts ate oseere iseeatr et e 5 lerge tnisi,nzat ion for tthet telrmtein tst Itet ,nties-te-rtoteefsttltabeisi h
to g~~ o-ite ll obe Inttiii peitsc
lat lker. te-$I1r titergntearr-emplyedeu. They iThis invition wasii tt reiodcedb
Senioreal msefulness esetti ies-s wim tradses - teedettof the- InstitteIt works td-
li1ntor and Fresh Laws Meet re gveeneprefere-ne-Siftfsitemaeleimiremlly It srss the school iuthori-
rirs ofthesenioer uirad tteeinneo esn ot tteties front the- troub'esnd odium of
-ahute lasteSts i this ets sWde-m-col harlserefithe seiter 1ltfftassist trying ifeces etetelplts the students
fOIsere'i- le-divreste-rolrtfternoon te careeg fsr ties latwsns ie sutitnterteeftell thee-i goodi beaveisr. leerearea
foratheipurptosofee organiig ld this ws oil nsesieeralte' etosoetis nof- - tosndeiyioneg Iniameienanotid to-
aiglegtniIessityx eriengemetislofet ted amdil, teemuoenge-to tie sesrvits-) mlsettee ls pain Odifrn
ties-ttlee011119'foottltl cot-est teb e - sncttired - laingit ste-sets-nde sathugetgfs.
aren iseleisws Idtiesits OThioltes t raiedeeforgeofell heyarene - Tierelpresienselof seversael earge sset
the-sroneg teeamtsthis year, toneCofiael ideslahy til e yes.rA liseeefthe' , lgos tead usiersie telse-ine-stigting
testeontettishesert ieee-ilhles Itad seorkeseisseitthtieir slerisofoloes: teId-nsho 7sean ti
ort tl jairorsst-illins) lio- i setleeetsthe splaon-ste-tie aido IteIs
paverydtessnlieesltighth -itr fhotta deste410) inlee estiesolsliege -eend ster Is ttit-
Ptennsylvantia Mcbtgan Debate.
Tl( 418(tict l) tienefo eltsI ,iiolvaoia-_t'Iiehi-
It e 1"'s .t~o it lI- - -en eeed.
r('-tcs <0 felleats:o Itt otlo eelthaet the
'tidetifet em ~ rvngslodh
trep~ort il te tits-s tso Pieladelpehic.
aicstNll 1te hteldi list 7 etndsi
FireIl omeoaticHospital.
bioaobprolb1out in nouts room of
h° mtic hosimital last night hut
tore Irreledmand extinguished be-
Onydamaiege tres (1tot0e
but1 the nsIfr tie mory serves us
eI' th00tig deed twoshigh school
ez i itm - e ,st feali.
I ltelseeteteei osl o fs t litte is suteseso sorileel
t hief et t ite-st 14.1. 11 t0letle- I o t, Y lit esac lte, tsp-
o:ht st - - - tt Ii'e tl sete
stelfr eeme ler ay ..f. 1t5secli lst S tee c t l e iae
liere- iesht Ii ser tudeonoebmet;pr-IN(). 115 tilS05 II ilI N KS is esestitcnsit eof titttoniis ot the
toss to slng trhitestthe' crlteimo Is e fistetlittentat elIlilct tee siteetlti be per-
itts Paeoseth legridtironetenotiO etit gret Intersittl V aseses fettlleiizse Ill aeeiallr -athlletitaseitthe
110011yhEi.iyou're :t goiter, td in teeth citititntritean test 555 1 iesss tlset Xf inteoteOlt
Ytout-lists- of hlts' be-gis t1feel, tie-itsill furter-liteaiitg the lnittl~sc
Somethineg tells mete ot-arselooltig toss -ietas-insetriilseiof iBritoset:"ettIe The eslegcetotblee tis tht tire
Foranlolter oeott Yalis Americ-anes.:sethle s igin~g at W,01htaitslteingsetrerrngineg ceit 1t-seaSot
See the- erinson leniiers so t iii igton, in Maty, 1859 of tell agreemeelt g~teste- 'cOdelthe weeste-rti c'amtpion-
Aned the baend tbegitns to play- for the creatione of :in Anglo-Aiotsrie'al ship tare sot throuzgh wth their sched-
tiark I her the fellows eheering, joint Itigle Caotmissionectee adjust ea sites For moitideset'seetortlsttg ee a
For this Is IHarvards day. ferintes possibe l emitoutbtsof contra- sollegeomn.
Thinek of snobhii thing tooting from veisy bestweense lttonilnlon of Ciii-
Itoston.'rhe writerevlientis took ..t, ida and the Unite 1 -Sta-irs.The IteI- iFromipesent Indiesttiona the tnobi
'hance- that the weords comuld not be conneci of theis toomiscietonebettesi of s-oret seill te' in first-e'ai sheetaaout
hard ebove the nobs of thoe'Yale Fell. (OennInrsd 1m Tmid Page). the' niddle' of ta*nmry.

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