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December 21, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…e ichiga.n Daily .,NN ARIOR, MICHIGAN, 'T'fI S )Y, LD tCTItIIJB KR 2, t i xf Vol'. XX. No. f34. WINTER TOQUES PROVE POPULAR, xMenmbers of All 7lasses Rush to the Hiaberdashers for Novel EDITORIAL _RAISES ISSUE UNION PROJECT Chicago ,Faculty Takes Definite Conference Stand. AlarntheistideniitRaper at tle 1Liii- criy ofCiao hi faculty at Clhi- it-)thave -'ic ion irecordnilas being op- lohv tletic rclatioin ith ft ilitii nt iii the ltterreti...…

October 21, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…e _______________ o 1"or. X\. PATCHED-UP TEAM ' RUNS OVER SCRUBS} Many Substitutes Are Used in < Last Contest Before Marquette' Giame-Lawton and Miller Star In al hou {)f icr 1 fcr licla -ct the rc tlar'- line-up, P f'{tli Yc s still kcpl- ilte sitill m 0 c~ i lt I state o11cM nday. t--i'nl tr f 11s t thk Imi-t Dci tr o ll was ti(c hr nduedt)tal si t- tt i tt)\ it ccll c- l v\ie r st cd \lc i dtllt ;S eied i l i e the- ecvc lne c) t in ccc 1...…

May 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Dai \\\ f>(iR . I ICIIG.\\, I IDV\I, Mf \Y 21r, 1909(X.). VjOI L iX. No. I66. MICHIGAN WINS ONE-SIDED GAME Varsity Gets to Lien for Four- teen Safe Hits and Wins Elas- ily From Beloit. Mlichipa aile o ae d8n11p8 (f tillthe(1 8rl ((81psoffeed l (the1r ((((8wit lelItnd81consequently88884on1ly score a 11casl sip uns o 1 r opp'- (l8888 81 . Il1 ti 18(1 ti ing (cet ti einhth. he last 1ill 1(rhe 8S0I (8(888e were((it(1at, at1(lea(s...…

April 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDil VOL. AIX. NO. ' RELAY TEAMS OFF FOR EAST TONIGHT Dull Leads His Men to Pennsy With Good Chances of Captur- ing Relay Events. -sevecn iln a roll wlld he tile slogan of tile M\ichliganl four-mtile teami whtici, together with thte onle-mlile sqttad;' will mleet the crack rely teatms (f east and( wtest ont Franlinild01, Philadelphiia, text Saturdai T he rettlty teamts, accott- panted by Horner and Iowhrook, who carnlival. Beck...…

March 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…The ichganDail y Vol-. 1Lin. (), 12" MAY DEFEATS DULL INI THE MILE RUN Haskins Wins Over Horner and Craig in Bfoth Hurdles-Dull's, Team Wins Meet. i te~) captairi Sa trayii rpi l th til i cet tet tt ll tl: u l Ilet tic t r ival' oh i n i fatroftiec tact. ii, rxit ,t k o i1cto . lii:I to Ma tic ii lIt ltilt' ied i~c t ali t i ri itwell n front it f tr M ni llt- thill it tofLecr h lottle (M , .cod;R ics (SN ,i lls-iifQ7Jt. ji wrIADTJO-i...…

February 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… w en u c u o !la V r. ,. '1 y f I f. _ f. .f r- 1 : f a-. ti. .. I mil, ^- .. r^, .. , J ' t. 'J; i Tt i , ..J I ^/ v I j , H r + ffW H-t Y i b4lLD v r I -' I' . : w :: ::.: : . : = w .: ,,. ..,. j o w .- 1' w , " ' ' , > o ., :: r _ :: r- t ,,, , .' 1 ' . .. '_ -- . t. I f, 1 _ . ,V r ^ . .. r -r v , . .., i T _ ^' J J{ n _ 1. ^T _ ^_ -rte ' rt m ^:./ of J . -+ ., H C y , "- r . ii 'c~ v, ! ~ . it J .f 1 .. t G u CJ., J V " r" ' J...…

January 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…The Mich-iga n Daily ANN ARBOR, MICIG AN,. THURSDA\Y. JANU"ARY 21, [900). Vol. XIX. N0. 84. f OLD CONSTITUTION POESSOI AI NEW- BLOOD FOR I II \I)("\ j.1 Ij\1i1>\' NO SCEMIC EFFECTS H AS ITS FRIENDS Thiroutgiltie wrk o rf.0 . ST DN1OU CL t1101 11tmtmesri l t etx ilek t~tl d of te lliversiy natdieo SUDNwCUCIlltttn>be o 11 tt GRACE SHAKESPEARE he11.itte rsate coottttoe co mmeiotsso t he1w101 11Ootlt il Members of Athletic Association ti Ir1ws...…

November 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

… i ! l CAM " 1 1 i GZ"7 G:1a C C.D .,.r 'r. : r v .. 4? _" fir, J -' ,_ --' T.. ; > ._ V o h o , ._ , "- ._ cn w -r. v: L' .- .. . . j f t .. . C r ® - - . . e- .., r. 4) ,. , '_' f. .,r. - -t ,., - - .. ° . ,J :-- - r . ^. .- i ...' _; r te. «+ J r ..-. J. .I - . " . f . y +--' -. .J' . v,.,, .' J ., ^- .-- . .. i! { w I 'I f X i I L' n^w {r i ; 1 i n I b4 I >, t ~7 i 4)_ 04 f C? f r. f J f - f. .- J ^' '_". J . -+ .-. 'f. "I: f: r...…

October 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANN .ARBOR,'ssICtllCkNI.'sWF"DNESDAIY, CTB(,1908. I Vol- MIX. 0o 20, VARSITY SHOULD MASSACRE SCRUBS Regulars Face Reserves Today in Weekly Clash-Varsity Trav- ling at Top Speed. 1f the varsity can keep uip the pace they trav eled lalst night in today's clash witih thieisrusetthe ist really respecta- le score ofiithise'osihoutlu result. \With telin eats otthifrst teami prac- iattiuntact fo the first time since the tr at Wh...…

May 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…The Mchign Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MTCHIG'j\, THURSDAY, NIAkY 21, 190 8. Nozt. U7T CORNELL WINS IN SIXTEEN INNINGS, Ithacans Defeat Varsity 3 to 2 in Pitchers' Battle--Michigan In- vited to 'Intercollegiate Shoot. After battlinsg for sixteen consecuttive insings in the hardest fought collegiate game of tlhe seasono, Sicock, thte snetw nmembier of the varsity pitchingf staff, lost tis first game to Corstell by a score of ,3 to 2. Fr...…

March 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…The. MIichigan Da-ily VOL. VIII.ANNARBOR,. TCfITGAN. SA 'IRDAY. MARCH :r, 190. No. 128. FOUR MEN HOLD p HOPE OF MICHIGAN N Tonight's Meet May Go to Strong1 First Regiment Team-Varsity Outclassed in Field Events.r Mieligan's hope tonight is practically1 in the hands of four men-Cse, Dull, Bebrook and Honer. Several of the younger athletic stars will le asert from the meet and of "M" men only Coe and Dull will compete. The FirstI Regiment is ...…

February 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…The MYichigan Daily \VOL XVIII. SOPHOMORE MEDICS DEFEAT FRESHMEN Clever Basketball Being Played -Two Gaes Are Scheduled for Tonight. In a ganmc characterized by ceat, coc- sitent work of both teamis tie so~lt m cedics tdefeatedi the freht medics iby a core of 27 to 24. at the Watermnacgmit last eveninag before a itrge crowd. The contest was the cleaest gaae played so far it the prelimiinaries. Tie rough work soi evident in tie ast tar or thre...…

January 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga n Diy ANN\.\RIIO R,'I~iIGII N, \\ It IS DAY*,\JIN\U'ARYN .x qo8. \"xi- XVIIl. 'Yo. 8.. MICHIGAN'S ACTION REGRETTED IN WEST Badgers Hoped for Games-Rec- ord-Herald Editorial Deplores Loss of Wolverine .Teams. 'tC cago Re fxcolcxi'l ci indsixi suf-ii ii impoxxrtill i i -ai n's, xxithdralr'' xii Ixxix. xxxernzc .rix lxix I? pclxx xii' o ixixixi 'alix xxs 1 x'xiiiiiiiii tx bexx' xxxiit 11) 1 xtxl'°x113 S lxxi xx xx lxx rexsuiltxxf...…

November 21, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANN AIRBOR, 'illCTIIGAN. TOJLRSD AYNOVEMBER 21, 1907. N o . VOL. XVIII. No. 5 ! . ... . ....... . EDUCATE BODY AND MIND TOGETHER Brig. Gen. J. H. Smith Thinks That the Interest in Athletics at Michigan Is a Fine Thing. Prominet nmen bare from time to time criticized thte present-day activity of colleges itn athletics. Criticism, bow- cever, is far fromt bring the attitiude of 'it least one of Michigan's promnitent support...…

May 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…_The Mlichigan Dailly, VOL. XVII. ANN bRBtOR, MICHIGA\N, TI.1SDAXV I:\Y 21 1)07. Nou. 168. ........... . ......... . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . ................ . . . ....................... - MICHIGAN DEFEATS p WILL SOON BttFORMEID ARIMOIJR INSTITUTE Anwdaai raiain ekn will soonse Itolexistence. Ihis is Martin Pitches Good Ball-Sulli- the iprophecy imade yesterdlay by mem- van Gets First Home Run of hers of the Coedylyutb, Freseen...…

March 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol- ..XVII. ANNRMil I, 71(IIG[AN. T I MAR\Y tii GARRELS-COE MEET WILL BE CLOSE CONTEST Ramey and Coe Meet in the Half- Alumni Race Fresh Engineers -Seats Are Reserved. Thei Garels-Cac track meet Satrday poietobth cscst idor cn- teto hr sason . Ii pickigthe l team ti oliect ]tas ])(it it baantic thmso cavtnlitthat, o apetatr at last. heeis co dilercc i thec itumbeir af its that Will Sll ito acit tamtt Ery ,uet will futrt...…

February 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Dailly X'v XVl. ANN ARBO'('R, 1\lf .4 N, Il VRSl)AV.1"1E14tC',\l3'21, t1007, STUDENT COUNCILMEN Coi~il VIic iot fe i (tl llplii WILL BE ELECTED TODAY fo fte<>, r;ecf lcr>ae-~ f~ Junior L~ts, Laws, Engineers and coie',I c tdn ci liain tiedics Will Choose Representa= 1cccIi ti cappr{ in f at1%irn in rete tives-flany Nominations. ii Oefre >1is° (fth >ld V ,t _-- il elc~it tI Y r~ °, 'er i tlci tcil. ATE TAKES STAND N ATHLETIC S...…

November 21, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

….. .. . 'i? J- s -"- _' r ,-t 1. . J ...' y u . .. ._. ors i ". ' - , , c' 4 r " r, .... _' v tl .^. . _ G r n «... =t n+s . ;.r; . .v ;f. ~^' n I f r r r- v . - y _.. r ! r r-n ^' f' j . 'f. 'J. , r,^,. !. J . " ' r . _r r r Jrt :f. rf. .- i . .. J" J. " J. 7" J r J, Ir . , j^ I J. f f. f t 1^ .- rri ;Z Z7' 4 77' f _ " v fem. _ I X f r ty _ I- J - ~ - -/ ~rri (Ti' ,/ ' ' ' i 2 y4. z } , X ' ,. "'_ ' i ti'. O M y l+, h v +y f 1 1 ' . ;...…

October 21, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…! Jam( e..r J f'^ r.. Y e r 2- f - .. F .22 ... 71 ; . s r I r- _. ; .. <- i J: f ,_, rv .. r; . . - % %' -. '=' 4 I :-- W. . _ . _ ! (. r, i s' -' , _ r _s .._... .. 1. " y 'IC f. 71 7: '.r i. ; f~ ~. _^ .+' !- t;.. . - 2 W "J t J ,, JK. . j_ r"; t .-t - _ r - d - j f ,. . ,,.- . " C r rK :J' 77 0 mom1 .f7 n7- t"2 i _.__ r- _ _ x .- r r n r .v , ., . J.., " r: J. _ r \ 7 u .% . . J , r-, . 7 7: r. . 7:, , -- n. .. .V { _ ri ...…

February 21, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, M( 0-1G.N\\ \IVVN SAY IL'I BRI RX 21,, 96 N. 9 vfOL. XVI. No. 99. ENTRIES FOR MEET CLOSE TOMORROW Many Contestants Expected to Enter First Indoor Meet of Year-Bris- tol Runs Track in :13 2=5. Thi enittrblanks for le ireliiiiiiiri ares Sturdas- iiht -r rayin iiDir ectr F ittricks ffeandiiilall oii tesatsisholdielaterit mediiiaelyca= theenitiis clri oo-i rriiow nihtlitix1 o'clock.A\ mnynas a oeniiminiihive eawork...…

January 21, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan \N',\ RBOR. \tlCITil. \N SFUNDA) J\\ 1 ,\\ F F N. 32 vIOL. XVI. NO. lcu INLANDER BTTERLY CRITICIZES ATHLETICS Current Number of Inlander Contains Arraignment of Michigan Ath- letics by R. C. O'Brien. Not to tIe outtoie by tto'recet fren- zied1 athetics of Lrdwaro Jodaitwhich appearedl io Colliers', R. Clare OBrin tos contriuteitd an attack oo Michigiol athletic sytemi to th nmber of the tia ooiuwaitch tame ot yesterday nader tt...…

December 21, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…The Mi1chigan D--aily VOL. XVI. ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, 'I [ I ['S)_A , lDECK\?11 CHICAGO SHORTSTOP I/I rN"' 'j' C) vTTO PROMOTE MICHIGAN IS A PROFESSIONAL iY1 CLUB HOUSE PLANS "Patsy" Donovan. a Star Infielder, lio1111f tegmit eam01(1111111111 etiolo' ig Mass Meeting at University Hfall W Played on Angola 'eam-Case ".ctltOrloIresutedIinthetlt tlloailI111 Last Night--Proessors th Will Be Investigated. 0oro--otlbas-.i.Atisn 0 Make Speeches.pi Iloi...…

November 21, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…The MVchigan Daily VOL. XVI. FOOTBALL TEAM MUST IMPROVE, SAYS YOST had Work Ahead For Varsity-Chi= sago Spies at Wisconsin Game- Team in Good Shape. Wisconsin hat a great team atd one tt it tat anthotor to defeat. Te itplay edgooodlfootbaltl'ait itts, adte tottchdowntm'rch dtrect from -f n tle eond half tros a a piece of twork as I ever saw. before Thanksivtittgf we are to deet Chitcgo"ays 14. U Yost. IToeit all camie ott of tie gatte itt goo...…

October 21, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

… The Mic h igan DaIly ANNARBOR, MICHIGAN, Sl\]I ' RI[).11 t > ( ) I 1 ,f -l Q105. VoL. A"T No. 23. SENTIM~ENTS OF FACULTY MEET WITH APPROVAL Michigan Men Want to St e a Mem-~ orial Club House on the Campus. TheDaiy oucedtheabtlCthong'llcfli'- av its [(ilgt1hiatthas ilstaitc ca'eda lol M11icia e.Stdnan lo st are at altiot th n eingcitat at cl ilt t~c is c t Jliliiltinta cto -Stop 1thi a q ibl 1 laain. L t tleydfaitll ba ,otla ' i lattert I ...…

May 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily V0L- XV OBERLIN SHUT OUT. Michigan Defeats Oberlin in Baseball 1 to O-Wendell Allows But One lit. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MAY 21. 1905 DFEAT ]FOR No. Iz6i SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL Ty Charm ingtitomedies, of Vaster IDram-t T H E V A R SITYVatist at W~ee.k lmd Lecture byv TI E J 1i~ Professor I) ittiitt. Oberlin.,Fl., Mac .-Special to Wzs theo~es y creo IDtil).-Mlicigauttencuntered asr ria' ~1 ulCrtStb cr f prise palrty lieret...…

March 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…1Vv I Z'(}l 'II4I '1 . 1 I AYE %I>''1 'V l'>N . CRICAGO CL ONOS RI1R L-FRES.H T!RIALS. IANO RLTA L. Miss Anne [Huber Holder of 1 003 4 Scolarsh,p loprtd Sudai at Newberry Ha ll th-isAlm1 ~ 11i i e, ( 110111 'n~n~t c (1111, it~rl ~ 111a01 tn la - it r; ~ r. I t 1roy ' '.1111 cutI i 11 i 1" at tltr , me1a0t'for 1 1the 111hull. l i s 1Tah, < ,lx11 , :" ,ltilcI 11I (1111 ide l t1 1or11 11, 1.1at~n:lr ~~ 11111n III~ ~IInth,~ r 'mll .tt! , wc l if 1...…

February 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily targest u dates on t it'Spec.i tlir~i tip ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1905. tHUNDRED OUT. SENIORS TO BANQUET. RELAY TEAMS GET BUSY.I WAS] imber of Baseball Candice 1905 Men Arrange for (ireat Spread Trainer Fitzpatrick Says all Entries lion. J Reccord-McAllister Pay- at the Occidental, Ypsilanti-- Must be Closed by Thurs= jcc, al Atention to Batting. Special Cars C.hartered. day Night, lb ed II) a t.T m irlp1t s ...…

January 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…The iciaDal ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JANUARY 21. 1905 No. So M~ICHIGAN VICTORIOUS. Northwetr Lost Debate--Victory Gven Michigan by Unanimous ' Decision of Judges.f l can ha 11,111Nd]' taken hi, 1 cat 1 t i1 fior { 'N:t 110 1111 00 td e n im1'k m rI or fl 1101 ;tn t[Il~o 1 I h cii n s m1( 1 1 1 1 1 1 l u r c c a u h u t : if t i 01 1111 li1ll 11 . 1 {1 ~ih dU t 11 i11111111111 cri t 1111110 0 1- d to9 l~t at 111a 1;l1 , 1 NI gtg11o1 loo J1 1...…

December 21, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…The Michigal I VOL. xv. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1904. No. 69 RIESTON HONORED. TWaRt iring Michigan Star Receives athas Token of Esteem- Coach (Jt ives Squad Some Advice. JUNIOR HOP COMMITTEES.? CINCINNATI MEN ORGANIZE. MUSICAL CLUBS' TRIP. Plans for Big Society Event of the Michigan Graduates Form Alumni College Year are Well Under Way Association in (queen City-Organ- --Committees Elected. ization Made Last Night. Arrangemen...…

October 21, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…The Mvic iganl. r . VOL. XV . ANN ARBOR., MIH., FRIDAY, OCTOBER '21, 1904. No. 22 INT[RCAS FOOBA[[L SUPPORT Of [ACULTY fiASS NETIN6 POSTPONEDI Schedule of Games Announced- Pres. Angell Promises to Help the Bad Weather Spoiled Yesterdays Af- Seres Inaugurated Net Weeh Women's Leage in Their Effort fair-Will Be Held at Satr- -Stroog Teams is the to Improve Roomiog Hose days Game-nteresting Field. Situation. Scrimrmage. ithithtl 'airiivalo f thi ...…

May 21, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…Te Michigan DtI VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1904. 1 No. 166 BADSERS TODAY ' 0 v ' l q11'P 2',' - ',P, '2'WEBSTER WON 'Varsity Team Stack Up Against Is ''TH NVESTY CMDYCU Debate a Close Contest-Affir. consin This Afternoon-Game rnPRSNT atie Won by Small Margin- PRESENTSLabor Unions Should In- Should Be a Goad One- sPcoprae,"heQus Coach and Players 2 MISS HOBBS crprtete. u Hopeful.' ___ ' ATHENS THEATRE. MONDAY MAY 21. h 'pdbt w...…

February 21, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…The Michig n Daly. VOL. XIV. ANN ARBO13R, MICH., SUNDAY, FEB1RUARY 21, t901. No. 98 FRESIVYIEN THE[STARS. ! I iiii'i5 in.5i sec. ANNUJAL ADDRSS. SEVENTH EDITION. I l -is d H endrytied for irti Srie1f0ii tdns C rsin l (ii 5. tise' New Men Made Fine Showing in Last !SevieIofth-tuens'Chisin heseelth eiton of Cole' Nights Meet-Dead Heat in Mile 40 Yard Dash -Final Association in University Hall To- l'iiivit III iat I iiatis upon vithe Run-Summarie...…

January 21, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1904. No. 81 ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. IMPORTANCE OF nYnlN'ASIUM. TIE NEW DEAN. INTER-DEPARTMENT DEBATE. ot p t y s e rThe Inter-department debate lead- - -For the past two years Director of . ng up lb the Wisconsin-Michigan con- Professor Van Tyne Will Lecture Un- Athletics Fitzpatrick has prepared sta- A Sketch of Dean Cooley's Life-His test will take ilac tomorrow night der ...…

November 21, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…The-Mi-chiganDail VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1903. No. 49 LAST nOE GAME. DEPARTMENT DEBATE. CROSS COUNTRY RUN. WALTER WELLMAN. Sixth Annual Debate Last Night- Annual Run Next Monday-Prizes of Noted Correspondent and Explorer Will Be Played With Oberlin Today Laws Win Two of These Positions Exceptional Worth-Notice to Will Speak Tonight On "Behind On Ferry Field-Scrubs May Get On Team to Meet Minnesota. Cantestants. the ...…

October 21, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.- XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1903. No. 20 FE[RRIS INSITUTEI. Wil Line Up Against Yosts Neo- phytes Today-A Good Score Probable-Hardest Practice of the Season Yesterday -Secret Work From Now On. "1t wasthe tohardest.l trat ie we lave 1ha111y(,' was10t1he11111111tt00 arril'ved( at 1111gymaium last nigt. "lIiib11'" Yost' 1 m1e1a1110to will 1hat. 1ldt 11110(111game. Of 11h1s 1100111'ac1 quinedwih i sle...…

May 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…Vol".Xl. 0s OF 0M No. 170 AINN ARBO3R. MICH., TIIVLI,'SI)AY. MNAY 21, 190:3 INTERT-HOLASTIC IEET Nicol Cojot Klno -inos. Itinins: Largut Nnmbbr of EnIesEver :s-it o. Atis,. Ct'*-~r-.Mothn Knon-Odas on Exiition liii ,OW -Dlance Friday L220 Yk;tli-oASIl. __________.AdtriniC. Wet -m~i, iti t r l I-~ 1-Lit-ti Delanoi-(-tusitis tari- siati Fintl 2'r:1011ntshav hon ~ld jArio, IL-iks. IDodd,,s. nil: 1titit for to'hi ti- ts-o-tistn letti- Is o-i bieiC...…

March 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…THll Us. 012 N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MIH., SATURIDAY, MARCHI 21, 1903 MICHIGAN WINS EBATE Defeated Wisconsin Last Evenin by a Vte of Two to One-An Intensely Interesting Contest Madison, .Wis., March 20.-Special to U. of M4. Daily-Micigan wins the debate with Wisconsin by a voe of two to one. It was an intensely inter- esting contest throughout. The ic- igan men were at their bst, and were able to meet consistently sit the ob- jections ...…

February 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…THE us. OiF N.DAILY. VOL. X111. ANN ARBOR, MIH., SATURDAY, FEBRUARIY 21, 1903 No. 103 FRESH-SOPH MEET Exiting Contests Promised-Prelim- inary Class Relay Races to be Run-Rooters From Both Classes will be Tihere Trhe attendance at he Fresh-Sph mneet, which is to ho hld tonight in Watermtan gymnasium, will probably be the hargest of any of he season's indoor meets. With the exception of the Fresh-Soph rush, at no time is class spirit quite so ma...…

January 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…' LL 1 r1 FNr , 1k," Cn cc w IL z : :7 M F- . rr - i 1°'r y- + 7 r" n..1 W F1' w F-i Q ' 's , . r 1i S S I r " x I ' t JjOct LLAJ Oct - 1-? LU Gl c f _ f i.r 44 ., W .z cz ... f . C, O _ r C.,z _ 4f '. 1 :- I f. .' 1. ..--. s J - f W v 'J. - r W - O J. _. , t-' "' sj f 7Z 77: 77 - . y i_ : . r. ':1. :r " t. f. ._ -% 1. - -- - , ._ - - _ ii _- .- j- _ .. a _~ - /' f. _. 'f. . A _f 77 _. ,. T i / .7 . - .! ® _ _ -- _ - . rv - . .f - .. _ . - ' -...…

March 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…T= . - 1 _ r ,-, _ _ _ / ,,,, ,,,, 7; 1 _ . 7_ "' _ _J :! . W _ e 77 r °5 ^b w, ° _.. r. tc7 C! cI _ _ _ J r ._ ' , , . r' :_ r = . ' t; ,.. c "I, r .-. ' . w i . '.- -- t i. l: . -^ _ - - -- _ - -r. " f' -- ~ r _ I' ~ ./ R ~ r ._. I / . - :.. ; _ . - _. i .__ __ " ,. _ -- .r. t- " ' -_ -' _ . 7: / ' r 1- r ;> _, a.: - ' 1 y' 4- Fi .ti , , , ,: .. ' : . :,_ i C, 0 z r r .. - .- 't J= . j :! Cr . CJ Cr. 0 O cr zz Cm J. _ I)- fl: -4 m C, 0 z -I ...…

February 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…_. __ t ; _ _ j 'I, ,.: '. " I J "" r t' i i ~1 _ ...2 e Y a .. \" v .r r a , 1, r . ,..5 . r .- i L- i. - - C CA xa m «.; r ; t A" i 77 '" - -. , r . -; ., ' cn -_ m y o' f. T I ?: _ _... -- - 1. "r: - f- r. i. J. _. ! , . - is 'J r- p. t "". I _ "" . "1', - y -J _ . -._ tRt .- J / 1. ..1 ... J. . J - f "' f ; _ - 1 -r _.t zE z 0 r r s :e r. . t f. . r 1^. l f' u 77- G_ r7l r° r t "1. ' J. ° l + .o r-r ; f . m !. l '' …

January 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…1 %" FsTYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MC., '1UE SMALL POX AGAIN. Senior Class Memorials. T ONo.atoni egr 1t5 .ls nw1 'io Iaversity Students Down With i w his:is 'iiyetIbeen -l nI t}i he sni or ii. lss. Tit,' iiimoriial I -sisllm iii's the Dread Disease, Many Literary, hasisn W nitse o:t(isi-sdcisin Dental, and Law Students ara til prohsil dlls ils i intingi the Eximoed. csbr y liii'sof l m s msteiisr. of th + ~rct o o. 5t,1 ,11 fi omi h liii, 'i Uan 4 5the...…

November 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…VBTYics. ANN AROR, MICII., T1IURSI)AY, NOVEMBER 21. 1001. No. 51 - HARD PRACTICE. JOHN E KELLARD. _ ONG SERVICE TONIGHT. 'VARSITY COLORS. Scrubs H id 'Vasity to 0-0 Score, Thej Noted Actor Gave a Reading of Last Meetinz of the Season, New Songs A Resolutior . wptd in 1867 Declaed Three Men Hurt, Shift of Chicago 'Much Ado About Nothing, Before for the Beloit and Iowa Gmes the Colrs to be Azure Blue Gaines Possible, a Larbe Audience. Will be Su...…

October 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…-z r - b~r- ' d G , r -- -----f ! c- - - - - o C G i t r J r r 4 , _ -1fw O . J% ' ~ J- H . F - G : ~rr C U. w .':0 T., SZ= l~ r J low 7 fq -L~q 7 E 7. y0 V = v X 7' r F Gm C p T 1 1 , J r , "7,5 r G /r r p0 p 7 !GC. +Gx r = G~c ../ ' J ,4 1 '<. ToIi y~y J -3 F r G- _m ' h s. ,, i _G yc r -= cT !. E r5- ;#1{ _ a. o" '7' t, If q .MG °F c J s vc c {! j j i 'i i i ,, i ,, It i i 3 f i N a H C1 -, Hom z. 0 rtlA …

May 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…VOL. Y1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY MAY 21 1901 No. 173 .Our Special Line of.. REGENT COCKER IS DEAD Who Gets the Gym? DEFEATED BY SYRACUSE Foreign and Donmestic Eminent Fiend. of the Uivrsity '1'tl'tery 1after011noon MihianLoss n FelingEror Il.ePasses Away-Introduerd Pros- bocce ] th110100 *1111oft1a'it -orliSrie et1 e FA~II5ent Succesful inancial Pol-. "Fonth AniaItersc11'10'1hoast' icllane" Bt Gives 9 Bases on F O P G ;icy of the University ...…

March 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…be o at VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUCRSiDAY, MARCH 21 1901. No. 130h F( 1 I' ....Our Special Line of.... BATTLE OF THE ORATORS for (allege at the :Detroit high school,I (10111 who-h he Iva-,graduated ill1900. ISUETS UD N DAT ore in andD OneS¢ llC He entered the law department in the Annual oratorical Contest To-night fall of 1910). with the class of '(03. Le' ABRIC Will Be Unusually Close-Winner 1lticilahted and wn-1 second in the...…

February 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…Wbe AL ju -94 Ila VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDJAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1901. No 107 ....Our Special Line of.... IMICHIGAN 42 -- CHICAGO 30 FoegCndD m s I Capt. Hayes and His Men Give the FABRICS Maroons a Trouncing thu M alolry 1and1llds lets fall before FOR~ SPRING 3to'lngaol s troek mn at the uiest oft iragto gymnoasiutolaolsg mlittthe score heing 42 to ,l) in favor of the has arrived and is ar- Inoize oanl thne, andl lovadentalty the range...…

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