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October 21, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-21

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e _______________ o

1"or. X\.

Many Substitutes Are Used in <
Last Contest Before Marquette'
Giame-Lawton and Miller Star
In al hou {)f icr 1 fcr licla -ct
the rc tlar'- line-up, P f'{tli Yc s still
kcpl- ilte sitill m 0 c~ i lt I
state o11cM nday.
t--i'nl tr f 11s t thk Imi-t Dci tr
o ll was ti(c hr nduedt)tal
si t- tt i tt)\ it ccll c- l v\ie r st cd
\lc i dtllt ;S eied i l i e
the- ecvc lne c) t in ccc 1
cii Ic i.. Ts l fak hunt fIiiti~
wchl as's ec p v Ott ef ci ie
ti fi lri tnd ci cccii i \cc p n ia}in clit
t (llc)th alc cm silt v'r h t
made ih i Ic aill tu f't u )fT t -
a- bert in teta ~ rek lvn
ilt all t rf ic lir ht ha ci ~ clr
iiihi or ( fari Itill'; S ii) andi is
inf from c cte showin t h c l tl
last w i tw id-cllta M lran
Roger cill li e c ked t-, stlrt th -acl
,t li lvu kep 1ec ittturda i c-ici
[ \\oi (of h. ntc\\ s tutu still o

f lit c cl (Isl l i e ca11 1 h l
thti theP'tliiicar fl~cr111ciut
fr ll tit, \1 ll e ilcs \I itti i llit i

1, y;c
r z,

IIi-* t l t
l) it \cull twlf

1 if r

Lack of Support Prevents Manage-
ment Securing Kates.
r ccii cc ? tit c ci (t Pilt t t lit,
wflll1) c)1l t ic\'di l lt" ha lt ~

PP t tt tt lrt- ciii t() 112c1it ict tollc '
the rosscmiiti- rn s tsni (-tiuji
Ma1-t til it tt ictitttt-lDlot IgI
' \ t Cornitellt-te ireitic lltuctilcuc nd
ttIi t ii 51 tttlfi te f( ki t he1 - (ss
do s(1tl )it.i c i ltl rui
T "he Kissing firl" Stops on Her
;t Way to Chicago.
"T elii sstittg I ii I n iii i tlt i n I i tis
ils .r(it laud ieneti cli til t t he
I ( Il isTh t e Pitt Brd th" c \tl i iit Ti c ii- iiticc-ci t i i aI
n(Xt t is c)ilan ill ()pen the l \\t
V t t. II llt d em d \ he I)1att>- i ltip
li he ii the h st ic"i ii h t r i t wi ll.
ARCTIC HERO APPEARS 111ctieittutl itr )1f,~,1(tfte
Cook "lells lis Story Before a tint i i otli PliMcsPuttlia t ci ii
versity Audience.ite tilt t )le clsharcdl icc iii c ithiltMrl
I())(} M st it)k( it)te labii ci tintittiI cii' ii iihliii t I and with Ii s 1(it ch
,)rrislit-ndArmand alcit. the Hai
Iiii lilik ito se it icucitip Iltii
ti~ ' j()sl1' im c (it it ltttii it tistlaidit i )1a all t tl -c hell
ilcc (f Ir.F e eickitti (I ,ilkirt t is t ,,; itri I ;t!. i ti

"T I t ii i ii
T()ii lIIiii t iii

3 l t ii. ' ii l'

)rmic( u a ha t ar r t'. r it iil
itsignl irct t: h t f'ii 11c .
sta d f)rthef:res"fallhd )"X heil I
el"se i t~e + ii1 a t i \ec'itl+t
I'he rO~tr (lid i l it i uc !w r
t());, ai\c ii re ci i ~l hut fi ;- a
1)c bIi ilcer th c iii -a ti Ic
it s'trall. i il uu lii t itt i
a) itie- raher cccii ccc ic cf t ll ti-
Ii litwee Xii l 1 m kiiii ti
ii the re tityi a d piia it it1'it
t la, e W1111theii i to- itt Or it t he hanli di
th ti l rive ill ilt aIIkc "intt ite
ilP tth n)c it,)h i I z i Ih
iiw ukea t iltha t IcvlinVtP
al iii ii i iiiii,4 t) sa e i t eiii- he
l Iit i( likOfi t iiist.
V 3' is th' tl!( 11h' i ic ci ciii tt
Fir Orh sta Iii it Iha\r c el
))tue ,sln ln l it l im i (ii ill havei
itm iimode , -~th ipogam c this
(cisittitcOithe ititi iii tutu ~li i
-c sm tik s ind the ii th ir w ilt-ein-
ita.( n;t) h ~nmyo

Explorer's Man of Business Ex-
presses Interesting entiments
Though he Missed the Lecture
"--I0-kits tti ittilcove-redl the tl,
I Imi ih«is cthe mittstpcolssal
frauditIt te it cu halitcver knowini,
tad ictutuagpt. W. ic-. IGray last
IfMicotrsce I latit- i nte iiire n i t
wdciiiciiat-theidoctrslcIntre. I d
trat. hetssciaftfitiontas gina spe-
ial rat fo I r the appeairtance. I cot
the -ii Ptute. Idid no tiwtt ti ccmute
t~ Putt fAri , il the Idcoicniilstdl
ci ftptt- rii liclut ismunityuic-rsiy
it c istumed ht it ites a certaii
leit toiiii t th cicfe-xplorr t appear
ie olee.tetilits. The manager
itt amcitnirttis ciar andlbetwen
lifv rer, tescrtary ahout in ait
-ifr to ikepcii p i th clii t i-ccttoitos co-
-- li icliwt,-itsOtc a tiusand letters a
lat" h li-c t il IlStst iof them are
ii hic lttert . iOnehim hal cainle today
'~n ii-i iincahi f icottunshpeditilcia
1mni~u ous tc. Ii said, Dear
Itt cittt i tc I cami glalto ear that
-- tisc tre thett nl NriliPole. En-
-lsc trod si cottttcttnto iistuff in your
cattIkeep l thbuscout.i
IhetDoctorispcinI liii-afer part of the
cc iii ; I ift. II ssc-rc ouse When
the Ioet~'sn iriws mtetoied at
ite Whittle ' clast-veitnupthe packed
homirtoric- i iiacloud cciiguffaw.-
i Piti I XiII P:1,1, iDOO(RS ARE
c 110 110 101RM ER SENIORS
Thec 1 roic/doorsfor tle lMeorial
till i pccntittilplte ite lrary antd n-
o iicc itsdic iiftri) iwere set ii
11 c tlitoorc indItrtitsomti, shic tite
tut cict-ilf csolidi Ibronize cand glass,
:,i ir t tic-ds iie. iti Iariit ii dsignt
P'icc -c cthel -torkiof te Flour City
t cc dcccii iroInutWotrks ccf Minteapslis,
i- reei otrctedt-t a -icost of $t,oo.
The I )Lteay n Egieenitg
,assechidceii327,If ihie the renai-
lirt ic cnrii lii iithe PAtui asso-
itm The tanso ir ers the
foll~in~ginsciin These doors
~ct t Il cheli tit-ry aud Engitiere-
PThc etiptniloftheliidoocir atd other
cinm and Ibiome wori c t ietmorial all
ic mc iertheiisupeitcsin of P. E. Peter-
scc of MinneaoiiitIs \r. Petersoni also
sueitiel thinstacc cii llicit of the iritnt
trod: i cons l ctrutunofFerry Field
"Threilcciihiccnoiiftll teniis itouria
iet iitic 1c c- sitt IFrcnk ?Ayres, cap
tain- ~f the t cii cteicmiii"lie wether
has 1bceni cc mtits cutile lieortis iat
litica;1bcci ithuh- tt.ipirttity for
co icc t cprctic.
"AP turnamtiitttwtill ice held in te
,pi tiaind tisc%11tiepits icnitopporc
tnrtoicepca-ine ni cc- tuuac-itoiy mac

t ccito and dept h g ele
"f the glen h c Op -hmln
fiii oo gai cc i n s.t li Iiiro
a li-h r !iii atIi cii cn-r hn 1
- us liii g p l~n h o ifii>r
cac risfr1i rlkc
Ite-pitna ih w m cin
liid th tlt(- "ill 1li r
lowing {l<"y. Acc)rdi t 1 "c
ie is tititictt clii and ic ccs
1)ave c-li, bu ('tadl cliie
noti a4- hadc is ticat.
'cce sd r t l -irgcci

cialii t cicmirs. Thei tiaud ice was it) <1
rcc clm t; 111 1 cietirel- i l in t oic i sic-i
t' ci ,dcii ccc f the cexploricr cani
t;,he cc ciiin Iif hisc cciii Icmercitri ci-
i thrn hostu cc givinpg cii tidcict t o i s
hP lrir cschiipIcc-il d unili at the
liii cclTry darn cii t'i t heitt c liicii
alli ioii w it uly cc ptlic t ()p-ci
Dr.ii cc ccliit i i a clear, sri t -br-
war tip oncniiofthec t iii icytci itsci
No icklimt 1ohis lning it Cocii c i-
h:; ina ic thacwasc i st i c iv\Xandt
ili cii 'c I tprt iiof ithe hall
Th irpnrhws iterstinglytoldi
h tii cuhm 1 tc arou s cgs chcl-cc-
cii c hci~ c c c ic-tincteretingucasccthei
theci i it ciich rs Iorhin applause
iTh it i icip a t tahillicit i

c n ie is. Thetuch ccc c ti c ci n ,it
tio itch-c ik ca. Ilarrv ,-~nc i lle
ti t iic has pro ide - hc hool tm
sccc th ic e, andtit it ci 11"cul cii
I11o 1 thelii cc s iiong i hita li h i es-ct.
nihtcc ut I hi sing ar-cccii lcidup hicu
cciii << P Huh ,"a h utch aly cits'c
song; -\Vh icni istht wli. m;cii
"The airt fci tceliii T wc it i lt yii ,
and 4cli util i nf o G l.- Iniena
fu nih s trtin l n c cliii cciii ii
iitip ccciiif c l i llct'.. c
1wocntt hcn n ic i tony-in
Ih licitlip btc lsoi incc thei beautii- cf ithi
initil wce mark it a a s I it-tht i ll
nn ica C mi es.Ii tiii cii ccii
I t-ti ic iccwitda ily nI c as an


at 1 t> :2
kfas -t ci
cccsal thec

Donald Robertsoft, Pla.yers
-Matine 3:15, "The Art of Life" a modern comedy Eveniag 8:00, Molere's "Tartuffe"
Season Tickets for- rest ef co-.e. $2.50 Sadle Adm ession SO

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