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November 21, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-11-21

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Sixth Annual Debate Last Night- Annual Run Next Monday-Prizes of Noted Correspondent and Explorer
Will Be Played With Oberlin Today Laws Win Two of These Positions Exceptional Worth-Notice to Will Speak Tonight On "Behind
On Ferry Field-Scrubs May Get On Team to Meet Minnesota. Cantestants. the Scenes at Washington."
Into the Scrimmage-Changes
In Line-up Are Likely. The sixth annual inter-department The annual fall handicap race, tn- Walter Wellman, the noted news-
debate was held last night at Univer- der the auspices of the Cross Country paper correspondent and Arctic ex-
This afternoon Oherlin will endeav- sity Hall. The question for debate Club, will be run Monday, Nov. 23, at plorer, will speak this evening in Ur
or to hold the mighty Wolverines to was: Resolved, That the adjudication 4:15 p. m. Owing to the unusual in- versity Hall on "Behind the Scenes at
prhlt m yos e sptopof disputes between employers and terest which has been manifested in Washington." Mr. Welman will
a small score, andarosi sertorput s.employees should be made a part of the cross country work this year, and speak under the auspices of ihe Stu-
a plucky fight against superior odds. the administration of justice. Granted, the exceptionally large number of dents' Lecture Association.
Coach Yost will prohably avoid all that special courts, with appropriate men who have been out with the
chances of accident by advising the resoprcdrmybesaise sqathraeMnyprmsst Mr. Wellman is the dean of the
chammtogeso, ccidnt y dvii the citinrues of procedure, may e established suadls, le ruc' Monay promises to Washington newspaper correspsond-
team to go slow, secause of the frozen if desirable, granted, that labor unions be the best in the history of the club u cps.n Hewaotrgoutesson
ground. Several changes in the line- may be required to incorporate if The Irises lis year are the most int cre He has throeied hisoem
5thp may appear this aftermnon, as it tie-aerbe dniidinsm
up my apearthi aftrnon, a itnecessary. The affirmative was taken, valuabl. that have ever been offereitr aerbe ietfe nsm
may be deemed advisable to reserve by the Laws and the negative byhes th at ae heei offerd capacity with newspaper work. He
some of the regulars for the Chicago hits. Both sides brought outvery sfr socl cue.d the isa liegan his career as an apprentice in
contest. Longman will not play able arguments, and presented them sersn lieil th cwary a country printing office, and at four-
against Oberlin and his position will in a forcible manner. The presiding terse t c t will teen, with a capital of $75 and ulim-
be taken by Bigelow. Heston and oficer was the mon. Benton Hanchett. hie ishi ngr Te wn thl ited enthusiasm, he started a country
Gregory may alsim be out of the game. ifcrwsteSuBno acechv-hsiai mgae t h weekly paper, the Stton Times
tof Saginaw, who was called upon for Wright-Kay cup, along with those of Feakiy teperle w uhao com-
Coach Yost directed the scrubs a- a speech while the judges were iak the winners if erenitus years. Fene in athe paper run by havenre on-
most entirely in fake plays last night ing their decisions. He complimiiente All those who intend to enter the h id iii pra e imp y
The versatile coach uncorked several the speakers very highly. race must report at the Gym this le tried to spread the impression that
brand new ones, which may be tried Th, h he was eighteen instead of fourteen
bramd nw oeswhic nay h tred the juiiges were Mc,.51, t.,Ribbis, murilg at 9:45r, when the members Seized with a desire to see something
tomorrow, and if they make good the of Detroit; Rev. Reed Stuart, of Dc- will be taken over the course of the gwhe dsold hs paperhand
Wolverines will try to outdis the fixt ioit; Pres, L. H. Jones, of Ypsilanti, race anid the details explained. All visited the East, worked as aprind
Stagg at his own game on Thanksgiv Jprinter
ing day. Punting practice, with Gra.. aniJiige E, D. finn, of Ann Arboreitries mus be in by i oclick to- in Cleveland, Ohio, became editor of
b 'They chose the following men tW rep- night. h Cn h
ver and Maddock booting the leather. Tey cig i f ho inneo re- s tthe Cnton, Ohio, Daily Repository,
liered up the men, a he Var an in the Minnesota - which was the "organ of Maj. Mc
sity and nmin ran through signal work ate: J. A. Rite, C. Holdermai, PROF. SCHMIDT'S LECTURE, inley, then a young Congressman,
with James and Norross as pilots and J. C. Bills, with E. M. Halliday Dr. Nathaniel Schmidt, Professor of just beginning to attract national at
in all probability both mem will he as alternate. Mr. Ripple, one of the Semitic Language and Literature in tention. The friendship with MKin-
mied against Ohrlin. Bigetow filled team, graduated from Coe College, Cornell University, delivered a schol- ley then formed continued till the day
Lingman's place at fullback today. Iowa, and while there was one i the rly lecture las cevening in Tappan i of the statesman's death. Mr. Well-
m tregory's aisence Hammomd ploy- Varsity debating team. He has al -Hall, under the auspices of the Sti- man then went to Chicao as a writet
ed center. With these exceptions the says be- a consistent stidemt it ora- dents' Christian Association. The sub- on the old Chicago Herald, and al--
regulars prsmntet the sai- tine-tt ory, both while at Coe and since his ject of Dr. Schmidti's discourse was most at once won fame as a politcal
asowill useagaimist he Maromss emitrmme imnt lichigams law itt-part- I"hit Permamuit Value of the Book of corresponden, over the signature of
as willleksemail r nmnt, where ie is now in his second Genesis." l'rofessor Craig introduced "Mentor." He predicted the nomina-
o Thayksgiving y s. year, the spaker as one of the most emi- tion of both Cleveland and Blaine in
Tod.y's comteste shoumlde aweltnat- Mr. Bills, another member, graduat- nent scholars of international reputa- 1884, causing a veteran journalist to
tended. Yehlmaster McAfee amiuces ed from the literary department in '98, tionm. publish in a New York paper that
tatthehicaeerigmsystlletef ed tafter which he tught in the Allegan Dr. Schmidl told how the scholars "this green young man never before
, High School, where he had prepared. had doubted the exact truth of cen heard of in the field of national poll-
As the fia htmei gun today's con- While i ere hie had coached in debat esis, for te different accounts of the tics had a better grasp of the situa-
hiicagotheisto tu ity mug atit years age again caum -t us of t tardeu of-i tien and the ion than any of the veterans." As
to seethe. 1903 team in action. Sev- to ichigan to enter the law depart food are contradictory. Nevertheless a political student and writer he be-
efthe players, who have coutrib- men. Although ie has attended the hithe idueas expressed in them are im- cane an authority whether on nation-
cr01 of th sma, classes n oratory for two years, thisIuportant for us, for hiy are the foum- o cnventions, campaigns or legis)a-
haed insuccessesialldegee ttheotwas his first work with an outlook eation of our religion. lThe stories five work. He has published some of
balltsthreeyearswillneverdugin . face for an intercollegiate contest. in Genesis were told to the children the most remarkable campaign fore-
past three years, will never again face atesrnsadtmls n eecssee eni h mrcnrs
the referee's whistle on Ferry Field. Mr. Holderman, the third member i it shuriis aid lemples, amd were casts ever seen in the American press
Because of the proposed California is one of the junior literary class, and handel down through the ages. There and one of his contemporaries said of
trip the scrubs are vorking hard in hails from North Manchester, Indiana. can be no harmonization of science him that he "almost seemed to have
hipes m hbeing among thi favtred, in His first year at Michigan was speni with these stories in Genesis so long second sight in discerning how a state
case the game materializes. in the law department, but upon be- as ihiy art interpreteu literally. Gen- ur the nation would vote on election
coming a literary student, the follow- esis was written for religion and not day."
Chicago indulged in a rough scrim- fng year joined the Adelphi Society ufor science. The book is not true to As a Washington correspondent Mr
mage Thursday night, as the weath n this erggniai n he was a membhe bistory itself, but contains historical Wellman was in his element. He be-
man came to Staggs assistance, with i of the 1902 and 1903 winning cup conceptions and historical material, came noted as a fair, impartial, and
comparatively balmy breezes. The feam. he also took par in the I9i5 and the moral worth of the book will fearless writer, absolutely without
Mam-ons helieve that they hove aclass oratorical contest last year. last for ages. political bias, and with a love for get-
chance to win against Michigan, and Professor Schmidt is enroute to ting at the true inwardness of affairs
their crafty coach may be depended Mr. Halliday is the alternate, a Chicago, where he will deliver a se- and telling the truth to his readers,
upon to have his men trained to the senior literary student, from Fenton, ries of lectures, and is the guest of io matter whether one party or the
hour. "Wolf" stories, which are won- Mich., and although this was his first Professor Craig during his short stay other was hurt thereby. The ruling
ders in their way, are finding their prominent work on the platform, he here. principle of bin vork has been and
way into print with astonishing regi- represnted his class in the Uiversity is, that the reader is his client, his
larity, but Coach Yost has yet to find oratorical contest last year, PROF. MCLAUGHLIN'S LECTURE, master, and enitled to the truth with
one which bears the stamp of likeli- The debate was an exceptionally Prof. A. C. McLaughlin, formerly of out fear or favor on all occasions. His
hood.:he line-up for todaygs game is line one, and Michigan has a very this tniversity, but at lresemt with character is well known, of course, at
as follows good chance of winning the Minnesota targi ivrsiy at Washig- ashington, and perhaps no other
L. E. debate. The question will be the Sun, dehivurcu the last st his serieo writer for the press enjoys a larger
Redden.. ........... Metcalf same as that debated last night, Mich- cu Sectres at 'Tppan Hall yesterday measure of confidence among public
L. T.a igan taing the affirmative, ufternoo. men of all parties. This is true under
Curtis..-....................Bellows The lur s Profussor McLaughlhn all considerations.
L. G. delivered were five in number, and Mr. Wellman has done very little
Shulte.. . . . . Hillis FINAL GAME FOR FRESHMEN were bufire Assistamt Professor Vat lecture work because of the other du-
C.ga Tyne's classes ii American Conatito- ties which occupied his time. He has,
Gregory. . lyduMcDaniels h by he " -resh"sthy tional History. He developed the pe however, a good voice and pleasing
f ge lintd lhthe "AllFrehwillact-iod from the time of the stamp act ch, together with his
Gooding .... . . ........ VanCleef t m they ec n in 1765, to the beginning it the 19th choice language, makes him a lecturer
.T.ter the strong team from the Michigan cnu nsal fascinating and interesting.
Maddock- - - F. Dolan School for the Deaf. The Freshman century. unusually
. . K. . . E. . . .. . . team leaves this morning at 6:45 Prof. Frederick J. Turner, head of
Hsmmod- -Shurtz a, m. on the motor, arriving at the history department of Wisconsin.
. Flint in the forenoon. Considering will begin his series of lectures the PRES. ELIOT OF HARVARD.
James or Norcross.-......Huntington the tiresome journey and the strength week after Thanksgiving recess. His The Students' Lecture Association
L H, of the "Dummy team" the All-Fresh subject will be "The West in the wishes to announce that it has been
Heston- - - -Miller (Capt.) look for a hard fight. American Revolution." These lec- successful in securing Pres. Charles
K. H, Coach Johnson has been laid up for tures are to be illustrated, and will be W. Eliot, of Harvard University, who
delivered in the Museum, The hours will speak to the student body onthe
lie wilt falk ace Monday, Wednesday evening of December 5, on 'Democrat-
Higelow F . . .... . J.dondevelopedntotyphoid feverisCoach and Friday at e, andaTuI'1esday and ic Remedies for Industrial Strife,"
------- -J. Dolan Yost has detailed Assistant Ctachw.

M gn te a A' President Eliot has never before vis-
Fresh team until the end of the sea- Prtftsor 'turner is one tf the two ited Ann Arbor, and the Association
CHICA S som. The record of the A-reah fr t three leading teachers of history in is particularly pleased at the oppor-
CH ICAGO RATES. the country, and he will undoubtedly .ui
this season is as follows: . ' . . tunity of presenting to the stdents
All who wish to make the Chicago handle his subject in an entertaining, the president of the oldest University
trip should secure their tickets at All-Fresh 0; Al.-on 0 as well as instructive manner. in the Uited States
once at Meyer's News Stand. Two All-Fresh -43; Detroit Cotlegc I Duing the first week in February,
hundred tickets must be sold if the All-Fresh 0; M. A. C. 11 Prof. Albert B. Hart, of Harvard, will
$5 rate over the Michigan Central Following is the line-up for today-s lecture on the "Monroe Doctrine."
is secured, and it is therefore neces- game: -ADELPHI MEETING TONIGHT.
sary that all who wish to take advan- Rummey, R. E.; Patrick, R. T.; FINAL GAME TODAY. There will be a meeting of Adelphi
tage of the offer, -do so at once. The Clements, R. G.; Work, C.; Nelson, The final game in the class series tonight at 8 p. m. The program will
$5 tickets are good on the excursion L. G.; H. Hammond, L. T.; Workman will be played this morning at 10 consist of music and a parliamentary
train, leaving Ann Arbor at 8:26 a. L. E.; Becker, Q.; Bartlett, F.; Kirby. o'clock on Regents' Field. Coach drill, with Boyd in the chair. A busi-
m. Wednesday, and returning on any R. H.; Allen, L. H. Substitutes, Sin. Yost will officiate as both referee and ness meeting will be held immediate.
train as late as Monday. clair, Davis and Thompson. umpire. ly after the regular meeting.

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