Exiting Contests Promised-Prelim-
inary Class Relay Races to be
Run-Rooters From Both
Classes will be Tihere
Trhe attendance at he Fresh-Sph
mneet, which is to ho hld tonight in
Watermtan gymnasium, will probably
be the hargest of any of he season's
indoor meets. With the exception of
the Fresh-Soph rush, at no time is
class spirit quite so manifest.
This year lass spirit i at its height.
The sophomres hve the advantag
of one year's cexepriene over the
freshmen, but the firt year men hve
some ttnsally fhllematerial ani 1op1)
to winl the meet in site of the dis-
All prelitminart(s for class relay
teants will besrunu totigt. Ttt is
alwa ys te most excititg part of the
whole tiet.Followinig are the draw-
ings for the relay races:
itontop vs. Shrtic.
'05 Law v . '6i Medic.
'04 Lit vs. '14 Engineer.
'03 Lit vs. '05 Lit
'06 Lit vs. 104 Law
'011Ettgineer vs. '5 Egieer.
'Ihe teams are welhluatched so tes
reay races swill surely not be lackitg
in excitement.
The officials are announced as fol-
Starter-Keene litzpatrict.
Fiish Juttiges-I+ . L. Dutlap, I. M.
Thtomats, C. T. Teetel.
Field Jtdges-Jiohn Roinson, (has.
Dvorak, F. E. Herritstein.
Scorers-C. G. iedden, Dan Mc-
Gngi, Steve Mlasot.
Clerks of Course-Sid Millard; as-
sistants, McAfee, Wohgemuth, Fink-
Timers-Jas. ifer, Geo. Haler, I.
N. Swift.
The College Man's Problem
Mr. A. B. Williams, honor man at
Yale, and at present traveling secre-
tary of the Y. Mf. C. A., spoke to a
large audience of college men at the
Ill. E. church last evening. His sub-
Ject was "The Colege Mans Gratest
Problem." In opening his remarks,
the spetker assur his listeners that
eery thought he would advance was
the resut of actual eperience and n
of theory. Se gave it as ila beli
that every must had a moral ideal
toward which he is strivimg; some
strongly, others scarcely at all. All
ellegs. mene have os it'lcolege.swhici
they expet to be rid of itt after life.
"But," te speaker cotinued, '"xi
perienice has shown that hbits at-
tained in sttudet life are at to fol-
low one int after life. There comes a
'tinge int every life when a decision
crust be made ottlttoral qtestiots."
Mr. Williams, who has a sitgularly
strong personality, was listened to
with close attetntion by his audiece.
lte iill speak agait tonight ott the
subject 'The College MtanttWhto Wins,'
at thS At. E. church t 7 o'clock. 'The
metintg ill be over ii tim for the
Fresh-Sopht net.
ir. WZilliams will tie glad to tlk
Personatlly' with aty stdent ott pe-
sonatt problemsts at any time drig te'
next Sthree-days.
Junkt Here
TIte tniersity uttttttrw'lt instpecto
Syt he Ltsitg legislaot's ystrdat~y.
'Te jtikelccs ist t enioos to ia
trm. 'Thcy atcri to teI uerit o
Shbout gtcoistau;' aryStraittnthe
mtornittg Pftottt r ot, asiwire 'ii-
rnediately' taken i tats- by iresidetl-t
Amgell, Sisretr' tt'andit r, o
Chatrles Simtots of 1et'it,S, chair
,bititof te '"IriS.' elimuiittt'' tlt Uni-
versity Affairs, 1tin-i Setatos Shrtes
ands Brownt, with Chaimtat Deby
antd Representaties Newberry, Adms,
'Combs and Gallop of the house made
'UP the squad.
All day loing students saw this little
group perambulatitig about fromoinemi
bttildittgto antothtert. It the itoctibig
they visited tt th e,'- msie ila building,
Otto set-med to bh e s-l lplt'atedlit It
te resttts of their lstrtappropriation. Sophomore Medics Adop Resolutions
'Tenice they itspeted wvhat ttti is on Cribbing-Student Committee
of St-esew tgiis't'ric-5 bitililig, adtoittihrg O utr
visitedite library ittad to aveChage f Ftur
ioonth iey took lumtelt witli P'resiet:t Examinations
Angtell tftecrivwihiehthsey-ws-nt thSlrught
te hotsptiatls, antiroitntedtupitil tte 'fhe Sothomort' Medicsieditmti-
gmittsitin about the hit,it'-e':lasses lg ith ie uper lectur room of the
were onthie floor. 'Te varittus ii)-soti Medical bilding. yestertay afte-
paratus timd exercises of te cltssis noot atit almost unanttimotutsly adpitei
seemed esptecially to please soe of the hotor systemi to betsetin a tll ex-
the miembemrs ivho had nto titr'fiithad ttaminattittts of their class in ts- futusret.
a chtantte to see te insde'workintgtsiT'e titis ws wellsri-irpresetedt-botttt
of a great gymnatsiumu. at tftir ut'full tmmberstipt ttof
Seator StiSmms is welh knotwnthitt-it- utietttsbeisitgprsenit.'This ationti
its Silstitigas old Sie lhtotntittioriator s ittakSli-tonly tafttr itairifulitn
is asosn atluimnus. At lteitihltatds -'soif-tititen sti shed- whtoly hby
stn ss suc i-teriwe tmy rest'as'sredt-haltitheSltaitss ist-f lits. MSIOti cli
t'ecohmtttit'tittiis f this sotttiittesplan. lit slid istSactivelyt-h entggs- Ihlmit
it letsi.will be ftiir tand hiit'iriil. Wh't stitts ilSl it-thattai.
the legislture's withi ti ft- si'chiimtotit Atti cltss isi-i-ing ti weetagthltit
as lta'rmt'er t Randatll sill dthis ii istto o rlt i'thiitisisios itf cntsideisg tils
betsen Stit tirli-i'goodsesslt' tittliy tississt. Slr. rit, kiats en'-s'tedts't~e
previils. ifolowing rsossluists whii'ltasitti atltl
Msht ouf thie junmketS rs'turnedt-ti to l i ittitiiadotpteitbi-sihiy ls:
troit iso ite 4:5S Scttilist eeintmg. R lingithat teitspracttice itfshntt-
lg ini i'tttiittttsii tt s I s'h's tiis' tiltn
FRESH ON WARPATH -vitgtitst-hilt-t decisice stils
___________ ishou Stibe tae.t hreforesttt'be 'it
Res'olved'tthat it iis itess'os-sth'ii
Preparing for Defeat of Sophs-Yell sueti-hsg tuat ts'Ihonour syste-mtitutw'il
Practice Develops Great Deal ilt-itiper i tintinoxsnumb sitosolgsc'sis
_________ 'sis's-ietto estis toward'ssslits atissosn.
.A ronomtteehs's vtthis-itaqpiniteissiby
Tielt'atrgest and tios 5 tilit ii i i I rs-s. t'ktlh -sonsistisg sitSitsss.
meetinig s-ct's'hldtbythelii-hlis-si0s of-ismcitittt :i, ittset. iBrtdlesy Miss hlty-
wats cedhstit orderie's'trday'iI' af t-i' isisisatutthis- presiesnt.
noont by h'residettotSmithl.I ieisioh At lii'etimetig Ihdytsedaytilte
te ftct thatithSie baske'tll Is iii had ssi ttiiitts' epcotetsd thi rs-olusshitios gv'
Sill t-itt thesir taiill :tiei tt.tiig eowsih wei r-is'aoptedi withm
gamne last steek, lt'e laiss titnitiislis onitly lts-ceiissentinsg sots.
decidedi o py' ihtlfof this'stsio h elt iliy ii'sri'fullysxlinetdsssbhy rss.
teamu's eqimtiemt. Merke-l, whoitsal ttutty hdiheSts
Mr. F-redh Ambemoom, iihlsthisdibeheniifuhliprl oftsiDIesamst3'Vaughntitimd
electedi yeliniister, tienileadi te cl-ss oter mms-hrs osithue fatiy.
itt enthusiastic yell practire. Thle fol- Onemi alliotibsijsct-ed thatti lisitie
lotting yells iwere elected o beiusd ssotts hitdsitssntitrim-si by thi ssiso(f
in winniiing a iictory-alitheli-meset hi- 'pStimd htdlpitt-ii'sasi ilut sre. 'lie
night: ilsusios. wtihich followed'i, brogit
1.outte ftct ht thus'classohatdsiabtain-
Nought, Notight, Nought, Nought, doted the systetti. iecust titer its
Noughty six, Nougity six. uutdoptionslt'e fteulty haud continuetmo'
(To tie givemiaso a locomotire yell.) police te rooduring the "xsms."
iHowseer, tS lashss of Di)-resslvedi o
2. ry' it fom' temisitts.
Hila, Hilta, hiligtsm, Belowi-is ii ful txt of thei resoltu-
Hla, Hilta, Hahl, tioms tadoted.
'06'!06 !hecognitzingte fitct thsat he um-
Rah !Sab!hah wholesomesssandhperiieious hait of
chattinig oi examintionisms is grinitg
to ittltimmitimg extemt, amd elizig
He, S-e, He, thatt atm injustice tereby- i eimg per-
I-Sitw, SHats, Haws, iemit' tttiom lisieot e
'(I6lLits, eitduo ou lsm ,ord-
Shah S-partmentitour isituioms tid our
Hal! a !Rlf!commnwitelt;: ttdiuknoinsmg htum-
etheShonimdiiosusits they mows'exist
4'our insrtot'misrs fato gaits trims'rel-
a)! 0 0!it's'knowl'eg-sitousr idiittutllim-
Ai !Ah !Alt ligcii'msy;
'0u6 Itihi iiT'er'efore-,iwe,. t-seSimb-miis oithSie
hal !Ra !If1i lass sit 1105, sitfte tephartmnt oS f
mseib-ie anmisu rgermy of thlii-vesi'ty
sitof is-iigam, detsir'ling thplae our-
Wtho ctamiY We icnttt ,elets tiltec-srd s isopposesd ttall
Caint! tnt ' Witat sulh practices-santhblit-lg tnxiosism t
liBeat thu sopsitlletblishlittsmttit tat stillii's-i-hiy
otiuserw'sist tututhus-letgistitesefforitmso
"Foxy Quiler"Tonight ofi'liii'Stte'Medictal Associttiionssin ipr-
Siss tDa isy Htamliniti it lsii ventinig siet froimiprhitilcing iithis
Dapn th silr'sswetear, n tt shus- morattl tundsipofe-ssionaltt
"Foty-iillorthis llgshot itsithstar iitttanuimmss'ts atims'nmttSostfte igest'
tmilliona il l ''isha les t amit i lerfribyteac fsbsrbn
writen fr he. Mis Ilmiinh it' exectetie st'lettan'iit f h
ofr 'itlt iirethrghits t theg iitisaciltosetieie eotes
herne vntue." ox Qiler"wil ntliihe gatduai uilti ilts' or 'Itis:
bei sieniaithle Athis -ts ttss'to Itttutr igte o gr'slol'i-e
suight. ___________________fl_ To lis(, to ufiitsilts to tush
St t'ltO h''1S NOl 11-, i ou'selres's orsircltssmtetis.
;Mill: ! 1Mille!trill. 1Mik ! -wits-isliotr
'(SI. liii, 5:3) Tolpsessn-stt'oshives t this'hi-
S8-lt!Sill: SilkL S.Mlk ! gliinmg of hut-i-xttmiattionsswit-illmus
','SIN, t, prinitds scrswrtten- not'sr oher'
Milk SMilk ! Mille Silk 5'. tsupplements55intededmstisis l itte
'06, 'oot, examimatom.
(Tiger) A!! (4) To reosrt o a committee to be
hereimnater procided for, anmy miembier
Charles 'Donnelly Rtafferty, of Yule violatig atty of Sue Shove conditions.
has betemtumnamnimously elected to St. The comumittee to which reports
captain thie 19103 football team. ate to be made sitall consist of six (6S)
memubers, the personnel of this com-
mittee o te subject o he approval
of te faculty. The class presidef
shall be, ex-officio, a memhber of this
comunittee. The remaining five (5)
msembers to be elected o serve until
the succeeding class election. n let-
ing this conmmittee at least ten (1)
names shall be placedin nomination,
eat-h mesmber pros being ntied to
oite (1) cte for each of aty five (5)
etandtidates. the five (5) candidttes
recesivitghe highest nmiber of votes
sshlhi' decsltarsedh -is-ted.
III. 'flitssmmonmit-eshasutll hold it.
stessionsise tics-Stimd after consider-
Simsnittthus's'dcetstu''of whichth ie ac-
cusmedhshaltuhavluistfull knowsleg, they'~
sa lutuct's't Pe r st''t acquit ot
c-onvic-.tissul if tac-useod isci-titl-eth
thus-c811it11lmstkt-a tinsmority asdmihna-
joitiy eptor tofthSlurinings tothe
facuthy sithi recosmttmndtations.
IV. .5 sy stusmushu's'retfusingto su-
st-ltribets l''thesemmonditions shlulimot
V.a inteeammintionmm-witihtheSlt ahs'
condsiiosisits-tssirs'ttike utulictrge
of sumsr conuturIis-lgsextaminations,
tfts-c thi set-liing omithei-ls md he
uimg oithsitqustontms efore it by
ts' profiestsor.-
Initt'acctrdance' withi this plant he
followsting its-rsteletedh to mutke ap he
c'omumittee'w ihliwsill et as a jury hto
try slis'gethhtutmysrs: 1L. iH. hIetor, t7.
P:. Batrnett J. It. Reesd,IF. Marshtal
tidMis~lslRaymtiomnd. irss. C. W.'
Sls'mt'is talsotex-oilo ti membsr.
Ineligible for 'Varsity Track Team-
Will Run for First Regiment
Club of Chicago
humuss.1. Nufr, wsho, until he was
recetly deslared inieligible under the
four-year rulem'hiy the Wetern Con-
f erences' Cotutittet',is-ms countd on
a. stie sit this-main.ays of te 'Vrsity
tratck ti-omi for the comimg year, has
mutw anmoumced hi. dtermniation o
rumm under the color, of the First Rel-
-memt Athletic Cub of Chicago.
The First Regiment will snd a tam
tim Cincinnitit to compete in te big
mseet held there on Feb. 26 , under the
aumspices of the Amateur Athletic
Nufsr siill rni in the F,-yr dash,
the 60-yard hig'h hmrdles and low hur-
dles, the quarter mile, and will also be
otto of thteim' relay Sean, etch man run-
mimg a quarter mile. The other mem-
bers are Smith, Batrrett and Hayes.
'hts last two sre old "B"V men, Bar-
rett being on Michigan's team last
yer timd Howard Hayes having been
captali anduheampiomi half mier 1In
190)1. Nifer will talso enter in he
saumemenc-titt the big meet of the
\Silluukee Athleic cub ott March 7,
.Nearly all ift he Wetern untiversites
except Mitchiganuetter teanms in this
tusttS whit-h is alwatys of rat inter-
esot St'gout he wsot. Chicago,
Wisconsiniandth Beoit htv alretdy
stronmg ttams.
Nmfsr is uwithout doubt otto of te
ittsttll tarounmdt rack athileteseue-
proucedm'sin tuhissWest timd SMichigtan
sui-stsiill it-i' within iterestiis pefor-
siaus -ssfr lihe First hRegimtet. 51is
rc-trd for the quarter outdoors Is 50
smutsoIds tituttusndin doors 54 seconds.
Teha autotlsosu-irSunthe41 ydhhigh lust
thiss ini 5 '-bosec.
Yost Heaud From Again
Thets'0. ST. hLater ha'ustttie tfoltw-
tug tsaty f l'ost'o sc-s-sitlo thehu
"S'iucihlu ost, ofcithiigtan, svisit'd
Itt Colsttuusooveri'Sunmday, atmd sent
hrt of his Stie wIth tGradsutMas-
tgin tightirs. X'ost diu no sek
itt titicr' stisguines'toilemofitShchign's
prsctiotfco fr neuxt year, ftr, he says,
his s'stilizeus thatt every teamuitihe
Wet't'w ill traini especially to defeatt
Mtichiganu. 'This mentsht te Wol-
cerinues swill hiss- to keep on edge from
October until te end of te sason,
wchichi will ho somewhat hard to do.
Still, he does not expect to fail in his
unidertakinug to again place Michigan
at Shte head of the western colleges.