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January 21, 1905 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1905-01-21

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The iciaDal
No. So
Northwetr Lost Debate--Victory
Gven Michigan by Unanimous '
Decision of Judges.f
l can ha 11,111Nd]' taken hi, 1 cat 1 t i1
fior { 'N:t
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NI gtg11o1 loo J1 111111 i N Rest lnatio Sent to Bo
1111ig lI111 t 1 a1t11 tilt1trioWasaRespectfully Decl
1110o "leool il ncpi
01h111 .lio 111 olfu th oll t' (, tlooH x o r s
1 lr soof h oo 11 li 11
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1110 , to lapi0111 oo 1 1101 l c A l l.Podo 1o II11 r
11111 1lo 1dW.Hola alb 1 o ooo o10 1
1lut be00110011 1 a.1to th H w llN lrssi
011 1111011 tl o 10motlo 0.10110 101 s 01111
1 t0r1011110111' w ic M chga '11111 01111("fool Noocl It ooo~for..
thaooo r te0 amlo ol~~oIo '1 ' soolls''o' foooou s lo e 1;, ts '11010'' ~ t d iin o c
liIifr111 010c111101lsoospo r )s-cth Yldet to1 O dd tjl, e r ct~rcfittcl1ugar1'" n 9n. 1 lool10000 1101111V1 a
( 111 0r f tl. .u)a t, 1ln l f at) t t i lc; d t a ~ ie c c
1111rr 11101001 hfool' ' td , 11 ''I'«bs1 00000o loo(I d11
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11 GIN0 Ail oo president11 o ieO ra- 1 1 10111 ofni
1001e atb~Ooo b llolloo ~o o~ ooo 0 oooso o~101110'
byt G00 0110 ne5P es'lnt l'lo 1 00 1 1 c , lct~te ' b tfl
Duco.bTheyIllsrh-otd tem5 colcs.ll the fol
6flo they the I fact l that ool Ilt s 01he aoto le I00101 atthehord foolll
1 olaowso neesilsar o r its' 0enf oe tbo ar 1Ie1.1,I11101I n h o nvic- o
(COtinued on page two.) 11111o1n th 11100011111r1001r0011 00011 or olo,
Dfeated Freshmen in Basketbali
Game by Score of
3 to 0.
005. 0.se 1o0d11ame'of tIll s ketob all
1.00 00111 bosot .oooand ol 1111f 111e
.. Thcv o .rc 11110110110bers fh
th 0gir l 1'ked .1veryo natt0011111101
ilirchd o t i t 1ir ew o8bas'e0111111
bl. uscs. T 1110ouses 0o the 01 3r10
freslmc-n th~i the eili}r lool: fth opre
I1 loot lmlbito n for11r1110n
l 1ega eretoo 10a110 re0o0' t
. Irk 1'lter s fo 0l 1001101011 creit-
0r. ' llllfa tlthat1 he'f11 111 11001101011 ebo
dmvii t0t0110 11110 seak f w llfor
ts ~ ~~vr geseray ;011 th0010. se oot passes were quit
up NI toom rk.T "h101 oleso i 11 lah
I~e~ gae 1100em0pa111101ch oreoi
hat 0011110 mig w l pr111o10ba0b119' lly1111
lion. t1110 irst 1-at 1,of lihe: 1311r11
"11 01 loapt to osonl' l N01 erv011 ous111ess
L L.ST A Y l 's0to just skim orthebor'im'' of'1 11h1
1.01ss1I too too t too dido' of h1e1s9011r
0 ooo'oSolay lgooftoo'gaN e.o wo 1010h' thr00
T h t un Iheomn ctchitngfoorli1)iloe
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Lion" g a vr10110ty 1.ach, 0His 911
01g 'o laeeihr otdotoo cav tohe 901a0011 Bhtskos
r, th mli ersi an ao gtesno nooeswxdhg
le lv of the o )- wii h ate b c: it h a e t
tard of Regent
ned by That B
ed as Meaning
sHis Resignat
01 nta~ orilc' :
j i11 valli" 00 o l''o 'o' ic
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- plc.
I f at a7 1 III IIo i
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-vllll will cliccrftill
i t: tcc itJ -11c1; f{n-l
'I hc rc >l ttic z7 ti:
Il1c9111)cl" 3f tllc Ilt):il't
,cCI-0:11,V ~ :i(lc.
The of th
hy faculty-
tooim.110e1 is00no01 o 1at11theIu11101-
sit'1011 111 rlboo 110t .1st11e1101r11would1' iot ('0111111'' 01tenderd 'them
toool oaln.oo enu1 hd be 11001nsa 011001e s teec
1101 o 110000 0100011101wideot of111101g 01101'.C D vo ffic11 at001
11rin0'hN 0001110as b ery1fi''1luig '0'l'c,'' tPr'of. N1.. 11E.
nPt II op .01is 10.11tro atte trie I A hc cs ,.S to r s-
s1t.0 F01 ll loo b 100000110 e as th "'e.L dis, G11. l001150 .
lo100 wa h" ctn peidn *r cope, Prof. J.10I;. boavs.
m,.' to.. 0er. g in fo t 8 7 ) " la s ,171t,1 .1 Nb*,Jos ll
m1010sterlb 0111 to 010 Atti tm Da I NNN lot N 1 01ORGANIZE.
It. 11. 1inci ns bhea inl' esetoooo .'oo' I o wa101011111 e1l101 a sheet'inlg in
roo Aobnive 'sity boll. yeste'rday
add1 on001 lo4 III' ollthr nito
ooeots(' aooool00000111 ota 01101e 911111t1
1 _I RNIN C 0.1001:Abutforty 1men1 froomlth1110 re0t01co00
sta 01010re pr000111 Stetpsow1100 1ta11n
Alot~ c .000.0 loft0o01110cIlo'yes-''toiormla 01r9a011nt orgaizati 01111
10r0011.0' tenda eectngof he 1 h-a ommoooitoee 10s00apotedllls to ldrawll up
letc dret, s o te u ivrsiiesin th 1101110tuio. T1elo e11001 etoin~g wilt
"bi' nio., 1111 0 too t d to rtun hehldo ba1110 lb 1n 0010111C of te 10aw
Wn anot wiloom'd y.oovetoutthottuldingat setnto'cock Inexti Nlolday
00111110000s0c10111110 of 110.1or00 000010 at o've'ingo andoo versos o Iwa m11011is urged
11100 till. to be p~resent.

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