The MichiganDaily
Vol- MIX.
0o 20,
Regulars Face Reserves Today in
Weekly Clash-Varsity Trav-
ling at Top Speed.
1f the varsity can keep uip the pace
they trav eled lalst night in today's clash
witih thieisrusetthe ist really respecta-
le score ofiithise'osihoutlu result.
\With telin eats otthifrst teami prac-
iattiuntact fo the first time since the
tr at Whsitmuoie bak, the men are
ighting Isaid taidsiasicbhgining to show
smtiglite the temwsork that is
necessarys it hWsohveies arc o have
a clanc i teluianl itIsattlewirih Peats
le.s> hats fourisi esihenlce.
Spurri'ediitfiriius 1liinIby the corps of
1 coaches, Casltai Shuilz and Iis isets
fougltsespra tl agist he srsh
last nigh t ii i uslrotatei srimnage,
soriiig'oftn ianditkepng te scrts
frosms negoiating a'n appreiable gains,
Iis last beings lrgel disc to te tower
of seenisive strengthi giedt hithe sam
i lthe aids i itin fCap11tis Shltz, whoi
wa ighig tis ld spo isiiioii f ci-
let- ons the osilce iMut qiarerack oss
the sdefenisve.s'Tle gissnsTetiisi tias
everywhere, ansdit sillsif 'a sltsdoes
scrubilocis rs wereispitsdagisthisis,
lie invisabslit disoeris theiiloaiosuniof
the baisll'suitflagedl the'sruniner befoie
le hdsasssitheline ofisi iiiiis 1111ge
uilatalk.sDotla s wtie ssighti r
pari clrstr f eat ernosll on' ii s worisk-
s-ill . This--s-sgitisepa l manisasi irl- f
Wid eiil stuhibsills fildi sit
lngs'and spectaculasis rits afterit hsidli
throwns iswitsmaii ll gini, if sistlfor a
hss.AssaIrisustsf hiisthuik heiss
the centeisos attrsit illnIiandis Ilisss et
Coashes'Yostlad 'sditiweslie irie-
s'sfsss'd e'sterdayissais eIrioonslbyiislls'iet
Itesison,.gresatsit 'll A'scisgp mhalf
I "ss'and i'e''rals'concededtit hsavse
bentegetesi plavertie is st civer
climeid. ' f llstinlefiiihis lwii i stice
il Dtros uit sise sittu belts the
taksitosap oithetsoinsg gamse
with Iii 5nth iiiOhioS tit Issit.eTie
sinedafoossillal suit for Isi first timea
sills's'e lilg' tosfessissnsatguie of tso
easago whenss te sstaiedl 'brokess
legsunt joines ithist, is teptck
suitd Rddein itlintsg te play~ensits
le otid ginger iz.
Wh~iletwios weeks sice, etosnsafter
watcinisg the varsiy' swsrk slts lft the
Isl sain is headt suitextrssisg
ear as to tesisstcmise of the seasoss
yeste'rdaysvceryinssg wasidiffer.t stTe
leantsstlat ssshles ouisthe srbsde
finsesyesterday- wia.silot tiesmse ose
lisht wissoutplpaedlasd held ths a score-
Itss ticIy he Mihigans Aggies osly a
Isri sore tsans a wsek ago. Whether
its bseicause te presessce of Captain
Situlsit t he lineup gave themises sore
cidistee, lie for smise oiler reason,
the va.rsiy lyr were figtisg,were
helpinig esshetuher asd were doig. the
hins tat smase Mihigans cams'piot for
. foursuc iscessieseasssos-not iiilong
go A"dui Hesissis s-sin tusiassstic as
aisy f the sisial crowdt of onlookers
whtoswere comm'encstin'g os's the aparet
and111cssmplee rejuvsenation' of the ean'.
'It thesvtesitystll suncosrs anyyhing
ess ini the 'sin of plays ii the midweek
gaswstillsthe scrubts this afterstoon' is
rahler doubttful, but unsless they. howe a
msigty reversal of forms' front Mosday
sui T 'uesday ights, te' students wo
hasve beesn barred fros tIhesworkots be-
ecause of the fact tast the practices sere
secret ave si pleasant surprise in store
foetemsseves. The eans wilt probably
isesp as it wilt at the start of the
Obio State gamte next Saturday, asd
the regulars have anriounced that they
ire goisig to pile ip as big a score as
passsiblelto repay as stearly as possible
te scaresand 'ear-itsubbins ' tst Isis
beens handsed to te ''r'siybytili' sills
erto formidabe scrusa itheiiearl ies
gamsses sit the seasons. ITh ineupstiisilt
tie: Essis. left cud: Casei, lft 5tatle
Priss'eas, left guasrd: Shulztenssses
Bcsbrook. right gusarit Cs snipsit ci
right tckle; Rannesy, rsit endstW's'
snssd, quarter; Dougas, left slt; Altr-
sice, right half; Daison, fullbckl.
Represesitatises of tswelve lis tess
setierssclass Footil Nttassger Arthur
last ight toisrrang'e 111111visionaltssitu
dish isd to disists slts fosIlleIcoat-
tg' setiess ThI ir i stiterlass "'lue
siltiieIsld netisFit's',litsosisnii''to
the l'ck f deeg'tes ftomiiiestsain f te
classs it ws im tpssisbleatodid eichsisl
teasim isshI sdd tt'sntpl'ssThe full tce
stulse'silt e lishstedto50or11relli
Crtalistsgsblstsy rulsts'e'sei esxplies
toi thosesipesint acts managessimustt
handitinl ll ishtiof lltlayetsrs oex-
sestitoisasmpite is hsris byiFIsida's
ightsant alt of lthes miens musstIse
sent iiirtifictessof hyial examtt inat1111i1on
sginsid by Dr'siMay before teisfi s
gaimsi Sptei'stt'st i onss is lled toit
the rule5reirins tgtst ll s'sho expeil
to pitsyithelit stelas series sant twto
aite lin'oilon le srsils,soldsi tu i
their stits o le 'atleti assiaina
ofites t i1a sill itysib'solisthsie il'series
Of'icisessforsasithIei 'almes sie sot as
yet' benssscueisd utit i ti petdsthiti
E'ldsridtgieelleyT at, Giddingsts Jycee
a11111a'sitnuswsilt sitse
Chintg tothe iossfliisofsstudsses
wichsliswill tprobablsst esti oss teslit'
iif slit inalo leit siionsoss iigmssswils
bec slt lutistfis theslit li5 hAt sy suit
Tusesday s'it Nvembie.
EI't'tATIC iRESOi,t?1t'IONa
This recesnt rush hisisagains csils' uniser
thle limieight, this imettlhlrsug'h this
adopitioinis if saresoltisons eonseerninh ~a
event byth si aclts f theu'nist-
st.It istu'ight lthlshis cionis ua
fsisesuner isfsis oteso ientr
bhi'e Its ist'scisitysssicate This'followsingss
is tlii ri hsoltonss adopstedssatiiamet-
ing lihelil tobierlsc :
It is the stils o heiiliii faushi'
thast the anlfassssi 1g ands tal r ushi 'suc
thic attendat's haisnesg etwiten this. hirtI
andiisecondstyear sstudnts'ar s rc
to themmii'scisiy 'smih siughtl toihe pill
hthued; smit thuat if isis trial of stresssts
stntdhskill istugt to tic desra'stle ml
shsouslsd he feld inthesiait imtiusnustlas
tie athletic fieldsmith uster sush egulas-"sl
tions as shalt eiminates this obecionas'bl
prelisminaries asnth accssoiss ll as
tse haszard at usrsghne'sssssit treious
OnM sosda msornss'tfissosmms:15ito
12:15 amd Wedsdassty afterntoons froms
3 :30 lto 4:30 o'csosksthe cmi~ittteott
absenses for thescities'sy deptartms'et'sill
clsciscen its the rgitrars office Iis
cosmssssslle is coms'posed of Rgsrus
Halt, Wott's slemu Jordaln, 'suchProf
" 'We shltitsilsumumon bsentessustico
-appear befor etse commttesethilss ycarus
sail Registrart itaititwio is chismans's
"'Whieher absences are exusestorsi ot
rests entirety willsh the suets. COf
course flagrant deinqsuen'ts amd regular
offensders stittlle ssumms'ssssed. Although'
iwe do it require it, the best thig for
a sudent to do is to see the commititee
prompty after 'isi absences ad get hisi
record cleared up. If hie has ass excuse
it takes but a minute.T'lim tost con-
sideratq way is for te studuent to advise
his in'structor beforehan'd wint he koss
he is going to he absent. In tis tay
the instlructor cast write the excuse on
his yellow attendsance slip', titus savsing1
its all a 1o1 of trouible."
Will Be an Astonishing Book-
First Layman to Deliver Bald-
win Lectures.
MienuisPursit RobertusM.lWiils's gave
hus fistlechure inutheus lin tssmmsseies
Islsa u s suma ni ht i t.ii 'udrles's
church, h pavudttlii t, wayifiriihlistusl-
ls thsnk ls is osbe onesof thi stus
astoisinuse'osis ever ti itten11(1oisisauit
foslowii i utinthedoftheeieitts sit ights
setillsliithieiacmilasitcimlpanytof Ness
suirksill pishavolumsit in oumillorcua-
ing all fl itte esi's o bhiselt sith-ii
usl thusesi't-lmres'lmThuesioksmillcoti
8oooo d ssi Foshruethusfist tisse sice
the inuumguratioin ofsthelst insisssisecisues
a tLamaishioccliiuing;th usEiscuslm
makl u tshebtill sthe lmisulitityars-
oreliiionqndthat tirsacituu"lre
parationiis rthuiredsii mesuhihinugmlkfoe
ie publsmetl iteinex t usch.
The sujecti foi nestSusdayis chin
susi l l e -'Cg"mstuiConcsslusion-,usof
"Inliimatties o eiin"si rf
h's tilt lustsitylit expanationioilt s h'se
isetills, suets ~ as a clss 'us's-lisbls-
tol be bhiet byI pecustall iffsicttultiesands
fallacis A poine111tsllesatilleiofouri
sige 15'siis (lietgrowin sintess iplacedspo
knowiledge,''s''nushhincemuponmlmsthus isi-
noneet fintulli i liis em-
deit reseis addeduss andtptuhpssutsrt-
ititlemphis m in's tsum li eut of thistsu-
limttsanstohi is verymuim -umsIand sss-
citos mAci's's hiconshuts nsctat istati
ludntesei ll- mihse whose uth i
hilas-tgiven swisdosn1' potuitmt
cha5st noledg, tickofel ig s'
ills'sfteIliuppio l~lse hatecuusesis-et-
lts illuliItillts conlict ithtumu tm iles of
haitls retigionimhusiabecms'nglgil
quatity alm ai ffa'iltohe sdssmssedh lihtly's.
Ini ly m ist w, Ct hia s's am trag1ic "us dus iiige'
liiis errll.So, itheii cour1 sI hproosse
ris itl whihitliisientist lBtIshusl
atteimpti to siuswiithat, Siasuam's stunit-
lutist' us a muigeri tingthahitIis
knowslede'tshismuiltlts citscl insst 'fsci
a er 'st iulttasklusts riunmgs isse face
hum huces swihthmss'greatirobluemsof re-
ciu ling hleriesiiased-upotutuctcire-
sta still's thu spir'stioshotheliicot-
srucives cspiits IIw tim cus onec go
s'itsmsintsitial conisuensscs andmutmmi
perur shill pisompitsings of hus soth" 'oss
tic ns i oumlst essy thesehprsssmpt igsanadss
still shimskCnith ilut lte knownsfacs
ofsi nc andts cmshiticisms? OCnectho is
ksienty'slimic to bohum ls i vingusmu'assed
thrugisthes inumhiss oiwniptecsuitslex-
pei e esouls attempstutohiarer sties-
tilts Yetiisoma thait lhmhshasbecni-
ftedu'i ltoday 'CuAi tits ussilthtIasill
'hss 'lcamhisumcsmsty mlits annuaul
initiatsum ionbnutsa't te C mniunmlast ight.
liii mistakOlest ins ue: AdolputhmSchinl,
Josiph Kielei, JacisMhitseus,'illiatut
's's smsumtsslRoist etcehEdw tsadtHet-
kel ISidney R-. StmlNelsonitsllttieiu
C. 'sillsiuBenjammmsinTutmi .IT.Syes,
andsu J. M. Oilsa
]hscusl(uoits's Isof JhiB tua-s Josephi
Kllty indmitthsllers'sposk.
liii!Aoytessthissphlossphil iso-
cicty csompttosetd of faculty -anad stiudents,
which wass orgsatizedh last year, heist its
first mseeting of thme year last night its
shie Msorris semsinary room. Or. 'men-
sos' readl ai tpaper sun "Whasst Is Realitvy?"
la sitf uohhii thi schosli ofisi rsit
uf sh smCsep 'Cat h h -sithissehld
inig. lie gradtinmg cl-ss cosst as itf
ofiriig si-sins r tv t1. ilJdale;
sf dilm s Ja'timisush th. ''Angell. usiuh
snhilism ds s Jimmi es I ra's uas ,Re-
"sient Ba a hlu-sieaaig' of thei
hosit a "uit ''sW e 11s mu s s'tt's'lizete l 11-
tumul ts ti cs t osf lthe timts 5ttut'.'t'
sentrls ineza tin int slt limits.s IL issiot: ffor-
11.11to ttthis ay whtahus Slli ttn sill
l eis hostitas sil l it iwhen alhsil 5
Cs'5sl o t himm unihut s it Itspitasluas ia
NOW 'sIN ls)Fh-'sN1
C'san it s o u mear a ims sie tts ss ts'e-
esumisugl's- hno e ee eie
tsui this'choruits ''irls"iiitelitS pr
sill w1ear1 tem, luts if Y'su think von t
wosauld toouitswits insontitus slmhad btte
dtsispl t'ytyour tuletsmii ehtoIsssthis' y-rn
om Isc ist sdav. -ith'si'stt
On thi'lly, hi nchsiailis t c hu i rl
itor sm Cn, mpcsts stt ir sssand sita it
datill it' isi'se mslec tedt or th o er
Whi ne ti hut eauttr ,in De 'a I Isi I this'
sills In tsui o ts mtmiaylul, a itsouncedsu
ysisssistrbttthecntie wlnce
sa siternon ros4sill6,ins oo
sit 'still it Ha5ml ustlien ttitli g
mmce butts frm ae cii. fors
5the 5chor's.5s' dsuhi ' t wtut is ths-i'wts
lets. u mts gis,"s ahid onmoits os
sum's'ority. No ex et ialVocal ta l-s
Tholis ugrle l"au-ugteio'r usml, olswil
be welcmet is ht liiite 5115ets1and
Gsmibsnshowm~site s.'aritsd'ssireds. 'Cite c
sscannotm sigiwll, Ity i'splather l
ensrhe si trahh lso tshum itssm persi ts rou
Gotdstlhiiiittlshisgr ae sune frbthiithet-i
menuti'su r ilhits aits to t rru th m si
abityinactinstill his takens istoiilsmssemu
A ll smsn I hist aliiiany i 1 ifceisaimusm
seletionsmthwil esunr ssmsusely ime rehs assls
co mtte willre beA sum it s tedii ill uerosf,
s's an his thu tismla Sev st usit s -il a
sitys il l btils siuh sitsh sth ci ts s isfs
ut hoes oin ste srsut aconides bl
l urter s ua tutiibesiletsesum tlime eset,i-l
my itetchamisrare l'sr iithfreeyosue
weimhenylle n lit s si rs'sf lnuuu a -s
tsr th-ee reasatlstrogresems.ism
li tm s tfi tsfhum ptim es th etilt ti slts
tril llle Iochosithesissits ornt
by wh'05'misicn'stn-sre is's trie Teyare
'timanesUureidsinsoy ifeh-ntuititn.ume
ts. ~Th ue lmtesof asChristmasfVEeekiusi
Fusgismers till hldaunusopieismitcing its
S. L.A. Management Makes
Clever Plans For Obtainment
of Seats.
ifs-s-tcdse as fo it,, fit hum s l tulw es
i tsre SIttud Iis's I shuts 'u'il i tintpro
huts lr tiss t'sb ii - a- lgo o
Isl 'Sattu rd y n i t o o'list i
hotm Ill f ti''ni5 i tt's al.'seprig
sie yc ris fit u t t t- us sit u si
fo ter eals 1slits be Ii mi ll elit
I t il hg a 5555ut uu1 tat issandts
o i t - w ic i stu te jatis IIidetthis'-t
1sts's' 's's lstxsel s- Cs lssu s will
Tits: i 'sts I t of ' t h s at pat o
the intorad ac's' U lccst
sll sill mait thei rslu t its uIts ous
lustbe's lftont 5(o us h t werp'5itltsh si
toi os 'lock,'I5 itlh iuts Iftsom huloo huto us t s' -
pc~ ho 'ttu",s aftuers his ntu 5us's.'
istr is a a
th umsh- lu s sit I 5 be 'sock uddlo
lie lusts o trel at t o ofc
Halus's 'c~c. Thi u le
imo iw, s d [t-S . l I -t -A, luard
qSuhrtgiu'tisussu. i
Its' suiths th usu utho r ad nt he
setumwith'-s itgs'n- 'tfohlmotutu' tr
hou s. lw l tusahi 'ssforms lut- tis
hour i ll b(is IIill us sitse u o- a ll's ii' sush
csfucul .huit thessss isuu t euut anit .sl toi--I
ithsutueh sfiei e
A clear-'sseem'c 'i ut-of alt'sst h i 'sin h"t
sct, ilelfs beatsm thltsi- C mmu d oftike
silres w ntes pan a c first seitd
Stursas 'morininstila t iti ts
abtsm emcly i 'sis shy ttaulsics holst
beifirmedsits h usinss in' for's er i a 'smit
anditstth usara. emtuh forn t haa is reassul hi s i
b nde ied lti Iet rid f hits o f; ait
'nvst' t yNa l wit uh its f2uh5 sut s tus l
safford amblesityp11visonfo l,ai1thmauguhi
tite. mleeosit hinc spises b pr
tic nuas's large, steshils ythis Iuu hit 'lu
thes esi t offeredhi'si i yetar,. s hs ht
Thet s peakermsss are alls prsh ontsI ssofss 'is-m
wide f1155'i'ands rpus 'sttu usn. All ufth is-
aresoratortswhocama k hmsle
toiite.susuuemsh one u fti e drses u i sist
is-s the as-st htrit-il.mcids-Isquit cea thm'
s-sulieur shiuse a sss dem'st tat a lltit g ''
heis e of's uthticktlste hts evrhas u ch f
a geliious frintLadehustto 'Cstu-li
ustr celitycefltsis ilu dite rutd isi
Roomt 'otrticss- engineering bisuldsimg, sitshunse stsicets tosell.
7 ocloack tounighut. Althouighm so speasksers
'slie -beens sacvertised, tse general lottic 'CslsOfficislsiIsis'sf thouse sinsfit ls whso
of time erening stiltlbeasssidsisciussiont's satvise ssiut their clsass stilts its full is
the good poinsldserivedh froumsbeuisig asuitpstssedi'sms lie hbulltlin bosarsin its ii-
early msemnber of the sscisty. usesi t- lfalll smut h'sspism iMall. Ag-mum-sr.