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October 21, 1908 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-10-21

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'r ICI It AN I-)A I LY__________

G. H. Wild Comlpany
'the Largest Stick n
the (,itt
Exclusive Styles in
For Gentlemen's Wear
Everything required for Saits
Ovsercoaso.Fancy ctings, and
Tioscriogs, and of high clss
labicsit and special Styles.
Full Dress Suits a
G. H. Wild Comfpanly
311 South State Street
Gym Suits
Running Shoes
Foot Ball Outfits
ai-d all kinds of Athletic ansI
Sporting Goods
Tennis Golf
Sweaters and Swetaer
Elegant new liere, special low
Students' Bookstire
Sheehian & Co.
A. G. Spalding & Bros
ii ii ~ ret icl i in tihe
NVi lof (i iAthleti ic u le
Foot Bal, Basket Bal, lee Skates,
Hockey, Gl, Gymnasium
iisptii.. taiii-d s i y Illust~iraiied
(ataissuticoal spri.sttains u-
eii; ~ais iicii. ttn, ailvesairc y-
NeiwYirkh Chiiiaii letroit

Manmaging Editor-AsCHER F. RITCHIt
Busiiiess Mnager-JOHtN F. WtcZ.
News ...........Lee A White;,
Athletics.........C. E. Eldridge.
l xfhatge ...... Robert Montsier
Music ...............Roy D. W4telch
D~raiia........Raymnotd Visseterl
\Womn'ts Editor... Louise Van Voorhis
Ch acics-Potcher Leoiari C. Rii
Mtichael B. Mllugli Fred L. Goodng
D~onalsL1. Kiiiney Dana E. Joies
Water K. 'owers Louis Krat
Paul Greer Sanuel H. Morris
1. S. C. Williams Paul Leidy
Hosiard Hall IH. 1. Amstrng
Louteli 1. Cart D. A. Hickle.
Carl 1. Atlatm Harlacd P. (Gouldi
Address: MICHIGAN DAILY. Press Bldg..
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours: - P. i., 7-8 p. m.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
Withi ihica-tuunsiicsmiiitieach weteh of
ih pormst ii fiithle uvarius lierry
stcit-iii-e aesitenittrmisitdedltilt her
is anoher intancsitofioipirticiies, o
le lt ittwellca.raceried by sotiecne
a-. "golden,. which are uthe-ded by icc
uaetofti. Aciive wirk i iese so-
ceis i uissrly utdervlued, i re
gadto le luenifiti cfereu, bt is ii
act otetu disparagedl by i cerain class.
Th iis mall clssitweregrei it say, sems
tocosinicidet iaidlis idetie si'atticclass
wicht I s li is rceized as being "at-
letcs raz" ;thee fwlesstntcaiset
nothlii~ ing foodilorite se ing f liraist
or glotryi itsnycillege acruely ules
coctedith sottetitbranchteiof aileittis.
Aund iltid. le imiimiers f this clss
arit aloine ii t'-sufferes ii in t' isi.
lly'oft hem ir o inigitrance itnilnarriw
ness:intismtie thilac iidiscret mant-
neio bittliig literaryin tclitioncis:swe
hanthl ut litliesc that itichliof le
h iaped upon istiletis Itanlbeltraicedtosl
tis onte ctse which is rally a jtsitise.
Itsstint deitce ci this, shall we say
bgedclass, its wilt to ecuracge
stirvroisictoiafiliae Ihimtselfstnd ic-
tire It ssrb withilocie oi our literary
toite ties ofthle character of the Adelpi,
Alpiha Nit. Jederssstisst, sr Weser. All
f str bscsisrtisrs satnildebaterslase
delopedlthtiirosighi prctice gaitedcin t
tiigpantiinsdeiatestittd ctests out
dutctdtitnier thisictes of these so-
sieies. Etc itenitoutanshes ntctaspire
ts deasiiiighoinisrs, a drill such ist hest-
soieties firiishi is ivsaliable to im itt
gisin tim titatiesy earitg ticcarrige,
tand ithe Ioser to stand on Iis feet and

esxiress himself itsa elear, precise anid COSMOP'OLITAiN CLIB
inielligibile msannier, a power which few INCREASES MEMB ERSHIP
tiossss Actice niemtbership in such ats --
oregtttizatiiotnimeacs iecessarily a knowl- Fourteen news iteis iere elected i mt
esdge ofcuresiticeents in the outisidecj tembsershiip of the 'Michtigant Cositolioli-
stir coilegewostitch thle extent that ste soiltight tmore applicutionss arefos
arc utterly ignorant if cwhat is progress- ini ihe secretary's hands.i. WNe expect:
tng inisteiworld. To is a gotod citizuw to do lug things this year.'- said Presi-
whelcieit is trosttgh hs college curse, sdetnt Conrrad Raps, of Germanty,. last
a tutu isust lkssip iostedI cc ihe political, ight. 'the club toss-has represenisi-
litiltisitlan sosl cial iproblemus about htmutises fromu Germanty, Spsaiti,Russia. Bul-
nec-eesarily oibeti face.tsh'essbest way, garia, Peru, Greece, Turkey, Armetnita,
pserhaps.-.far a studest -i he.ep uabrast Nortwtsy, Cinta, Jaslit. Potlandi, the Eaist
if ts-ettes is li icusglilt-e papers.Islit-., the Baitaiisn st1tlandis, atndlof
theses antil iebtses givectsbyistir literacy coutrse' iromtsthe Ctiteil Ststes sistilCani-
soscieties. ida.
Ment-whotl avsie sailthesidvantage cif
cillege trainintg are nturtially lookeid
uptonitas leade-rs. IThey- srscalled spots WANTED-V iotlintandtiano plattyhtser,
is led andtirsiect.XYettimany cifits aceenttintgs frorn f6is.to 1 ist-clock.Cosik
inoranti iioii the smoit eleta-iry of pitt Htousst 20 U
lIsretr ue.O sceisfrih-tis tparlisamiettasry dilill sihich is ntt Schaebierle & Sisnt tre showingtthle
onily reqiredcti by o-sitsniicharge of ci celebratsed .\ar ttin simandolinis andittig-
ts st-i- tirisitsemcbilly, lust wicih is alissi-tars. Petit-ct tesonanices, ti-tifulil tonse,
sits ly nitssry o t he it-eiiilligenti tar- eais sy tlts 2eot
tilsatit \ttais- t-mbarrarcssinig sittiaticots - - -tif
ini lt-clift- cniielit c silIy a hlhttitmse
propery ise t ile in cosllege. N e hasve dotieexpert wscldsrepair-
-Mieofi is .1should get actisvely inter- itig sitice 18.. tHallets Jeswelry Store,
etdin in iteiof sitrka whichi is botunds216thS. Muli St.cd-tf
to ailit s mti-ally is intrin(g it least a ____ ____________
bsttt- ctitizet. A ts-ny rttwe hopie
ilitti tertaini few its suritdctst will REXALL -ANTISEPTIC TOOTH
cectse sisoisshwthesirsiarrowi mse-ntal scopestPIIWDER- ti lig cantifor 2j cets. If
bty frowingii oniitho ttse siho reatlize the 5ciii snce use tsiiyou will itot he likely
ttliltitig forre iof-a literairy soiciety *to try any oilier Iitnd. 'Io leIhatd only-
trig~ at Brownst'slDrtug Store. 120 East Lib-
estyii eet-c

Anything yotuned, from a
$5.00 Football to a pair of
Shin Guards or Shoulder
Pads. Our stock is complete
and every article guaranteed.
Ask to see our 'now styles of
Sweaters atnd Jersey Vests.
University Bookstore

ffluelc ant) V)rama
Viihye, liiti and11 as te trst
ctsiilt-.rs represenutesd, ilt. AlbiertiLochk-
iso wi sill present list irst oi the strut-s
ofi lcitirrccicals thissltrnottntt The
reciutlstill c-stousn i sist oftwo tigs, ian
anauslysis toil iescrutptiositofiitheStotkst,
givent by til. RoiylDieckinusonu WVlchi, aid
heir perfeotutuncee by VMr. tLcwoosd.
At firust iit htiuit ithtthliecc-ials
mut be 1i 4 lin-l tihue St-Iotutu itusic,
btiheus-hight schooil tall hits litc-tisecuredl
an aitl-il iconierits wi-ll iie-givecuthleret
The sectital this aftesrnoon tt ill cmsuenuce
at :lito'clock
lite Comtedyrlyhus is iiiakuinug tutueeffrt
ho securethe tug htl s to a codern iiighs
class layiouriprouct~inhlien the
its-ut iutuire.It is adite thsa1t ai cr-
taut play- that has lbeten -tagedh by ctne
of ilstshe most amous mantaigerts ittthe
countury is lie uparticultar octe stnow,
btthectue cantulfurtuhetipatihculars at-c
wsihhield. The mtter was 1pu1 before
JamtuesO'Donnuell Benntti while hue was
lucre Sunuday-, tud hue uwas entthusisastic
itt his etncouragemsetnt of the plati One
oi "The Servate itthe H ouse' cem-
puny has voluteered to look afier ltme
matuter ofisiecurintughue local rtghts from
te Nets Yosrkc mattager. A attyrate,
1\lichigan is practicsslly assured ci a
Cioedy cli uttcrductiontubefelreethe bolt-
25 centi kittd iou 15 centsi, at Brown's
Drug Store, 120 1E. Liberty' St. sod-au

WIRITERS-We still sell you a hype-
wsrter, censt you ci typewriter, or do
yourtulyphewrtinttg for you. Jolliffe&
/twsuuski, 310 S. Slate St. cod-If
Wn hare sold to your grandfather
atnd to your father, so let us sell to you.
Establishied 1~88. Huller's Jetwelry
Ste, 2u6 S.Main St. cod-If.
Gentlenmen: When you nueed a pair
ofi slippers Inc study ini, you w sill ftud
thsemutat Pufiteltis slioe shore.lWe have
the ktnd that: satisfy becautse tey 15-
$. ti $4.00, eod-24
If you smoke atud cliinotsmuokce
BISIACK AND WH ITE cigars, yost are
nts gisving your pocketboouk a sqiuare
deal. lice them at Brows-'s Driug
Storte. eod722
PIANOS FOR RENT-A choice lot
o lfthe higher grade piatuos for renutotn
easy ternms. Touning free for thuesear.
Root's Miusic House. eod-hi
Moudern seven-room hotuse on Kings-
hey steet, completely furniosed, itt best
of condition. Bath Agency, 12o N. 4th
Ave. If
We nuake a specially of duplicatitng
lenses in our optical departmenot. Hal-
he's Jew elry Store, 2m6 S. Maims St. cod
ichigan tmusic antd hale operatic nmu-
sue at Root's Music Houtse. lu-lb-st-sn
Rent a Kodak, tot iper slay. Lynidoun.

719 North jUniversity Avenue
Photo Supplies
-Printing, Enlarging.
Banners and Pennants at lower
prices than elsewhere.
!5porttno Goods0
220 South Main Street.
A big value to a 3 pint Dish
handles on pan and altl~
itnprovtnent __ J- UU.
Tea Kettle
A Brass Kettle Spca_7fb_______$ j

Will lie itnterested in the following prices itt
Football S~zppfles
Utnion Suits-------------------------------------... ...$3.50
Football Pants, Regular Price,------------...$3.00-$1.50
Football Pants, Regular Price,..............$2.00$1.00
Shit Guards, Regular Price, ..................... 75c-25c
Shoes, Regular Price,-------------------....$4.00-$2.0
Face Guards / off High Neck Sweaters z2 off
We Itave just received a large stock of the above goods front
another College Store-everything is itp-fto-date and in first
class condition--tivestigate. you will he pleased by

The' "MUTO" Over-
coat is absolutely orig-
inal and thme process of
constructing it is pro-
tented by patenut, as
shown in the illustra.
tiotn, it is two coats int
one-the first as a dressy
street coat-the second
as an Auto-Driving or
stormt coat.

It .4


121 Washington E. Th.e Randall Studio, Randall d& Pack, Props. rthoe 59

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