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December 21, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-12-21

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The Michigal I
VOL. xv.
No. 69
TWaRt iring Michigan Star Receives
athas Token of Esteem- Coach
(Jt ives Squad Some Advice.
Plans for Big Society Event of the Michigan Graduates Form Alumni
College Year are Well Under Way Association in (queen City-Organ-
--Committees Elected. ization Made Last Night.
Arrangements for Vacation Trip are
Completed---First Stand in Cincin-
nati- List of Clemhers of Clubs.
Latngtc om fii fot l cni NN hen the tdntitbitytie trn tter Anoterh tn Iproof t h-e ee -le lhasiiji i
-i e t i h ttnIa i titet thle holdait thei rertint forlet the that MN iu:nWe don t ettt li o- Aa;nln u:hl-d. I st ight 'es
WalIaf Mltt t I 'l- IIw rd re t- ;n eal in is h try t 1ttip c l e m n nt lnii t ii iii -of te -of iiip t-tci tlet nder t ile iii eititi
ee C pti Ilet~ it a wac a ate I int l i ititt ti allitswic at ne l iti ll t - -----1uclr .n e\aII tit et, t r l e n f .Itiet-t the 51e
ok n o hi , temiii w ic th im nI N I , i its tilt seh rtv liefortm iif i est pla e InI C iii i tin (inin i ;1, h i in ln a x " o k d i to , c lc
a1ipeia d It loryrtrh m -IIIthtie-- ltte-d eeti frer l ses t ntti ii tin ii nitdt rete-es c~ \odym«i n a rn 'lc
"ould ii- ; j ,p t tinwa t ic istripiial tati;n i( I\ Nts h ,t h-l . ifihei nirai t fmtile T.<ii N Vi dept ad te frs
i-nil N ah I lle l Nll nne --mitt nilben elctd tie-v te i litic istightl Ji t h ti ts rutl - pic wi llIl-. tn ittic c ln n
I~f lulHl it etilinI cle etihi to nwwltliilleriitray. I Ihlit ;ti I lt it(e.i-ito c e nn A bo i t hstm - Cii--~. r. hre o n n
e citt"i.,ach aiiiipr: h te Jn, CCl ril c aimal.t ,'iandiithe tin c iit wh aregrai t tuth c~ tu iiitilears i tic mam I.mmul t'mi he-
itt I litlut(pieri Ni iiitIh lie fileilt iil nld. ~nln~r min
it lt tiltn- u i cr i } an lo o
ii iii t h t- cla- c llge rc-orl ra- -, . I roks im cgii aI i oih - ascain opds iti I -Ka i i ty,t.
tac ithe lt\-ar e h ie it IrT. Y l t l ea 'T iiP, IItI ld eI~ I 1r I '. St-Itt iii iani iii ;Io' cigI
i he "tan whei-ittgats i le- lReceit ittn-i con nniit tc C In I l.an lo " (I h i ci nt lit r 'tn ie e-titi r nt i~i t -o nitccie th
feet 14"o l< eili ,li ht a hlet cs. -1an M . I-al o, P i D lta h et , 'T led o O . it i mii al cont nge t fr nt h etintm
tca f t e Id ad c tilen e i N i N iMih 11K 51 .Tal orisitg I'l-i cat n-itt f il i c nnt o t e l
te" elts eh rac tilttn Ia eci1lo
titsr th I )l ti eittiigiv e t . L nsl osii in t ,I li.i i- iit ttti n ln f ICeii 2 .I ol ta Idn e. ;Id d n ,,
tea )inNn, Nit lie iii tll I liiton -Ch~ ir (t .G.: i lt o cle teitnh te} tI iihet til g i u iiet fI i l nnl -t f uc essfll earn.ti
tl e hiBio tit a. ic Im ay sli u cit-n- ticn- , Deilut al elt a Nst i rtIll.;tN. the l r11e i air a t dd t~ fr te thr i lu s I,, as fll
e etfla d a n ae y n d - A .\ g ei A hS.L us o i lrI)h ie fe te cnet o% Sopl i lre ,1.K s
el 1i itliic tiwh iiitn t i l t eitint it N t hrit ( ('hi t i ,n l l o, N .ig t iii a fl i leesi t iatel eiii N t it n e at i m r R c y cr -1 f c m r , D o
dii Iil ite t -t ilt -nimient Nit~ g e - o k M ich -Nn11i S.ir iNit- l , iN N Nut-i eN l represented ii ll lie- lth e ti li -4 1 i- li
liii cite) prnrincniIretile\ wt i, iin et C. Smith utitt
at tl liii it, iit"Ill tw iht h, lii ii tra k hecorai ontu tu if ht tA .uB Nifts, IV\ cultatnd i (: Ri C ark mun l
11)41 ° iatoini'mc heirspee Notilt is ett tit I IIt cIArbor,-mI te l. ; li. t i-- ittnNk t llt -Scdy, H de
, d li-illcari playe n lii lli imit I titayLe i tettPiiieLosi nglttc C l.; Clltit krioi~fC ttn
C ttegtn m P ir M m rl lied mtmmm ic il. I etmeetimi-
itle li ie ticm titiite nittt In n - C arm n F.C D y i g m maii itad; [tiltfll iih t itt mci IN , : st rbo , .loc .; W .11Wo d,1ers ofthe Sch oliftM tilt-d
li t ttiit e eilti ilNoi II tgrtit Ills lourillmi eNit I mmmFi l- im it isis-i 55at :,;o Mritee in c
Ittu e n h re w l , P i K p a s , M < o -is tngotegrNat IN tileIll-ilettheI iiit of a a ri s o
liii ii p mitentimitlitisislet
lieuluhi rn sho ld iot ti.Lerc unithe Ietmmm pend ienttit cX-m eli we~ittnt ittl
tips mimLc11. A.i piB.in I met ' ii p NI 1t e - ft Ai is ch ntil emmi -I N ~ .Il-N I S N P A E
illati li im i- ii hummmm Son>- lntmei toIe I cilmeim lt's k tlnal t o nl C p i i' 'Ipe na, S i-
ii mifmee t ifry asbal ititielt I limed f peaton
i' IIt'. \, r s t a d l eiw Ilty t a-iittlid t er i1tn ip1 K lg ul fco, S h rr
I umetuItmfactutaIt-eanip t ititpaid Imu l l aer l aohr i it IN tfter , le ite Mictt IIttc1I- hi ilt i jL Ta uhillciGavott :o I- i-m atl-
it I heil mii mm -p mmmii of i ath__vacation __to _discus's _____ im;uit(ctiteans.uScherz-ul..-- uuulices imitttrollteu milloi.
sh t I i- --t e ate ofmemoptlrhaNIA1nNI( cI r I I leail liummumtim-mm lium if I.vcn ti im li
tot liii r Man i lst u g- gt11,1tti li d o Fteimletil ich i sti fit' 1 n i i h h I ~ I' r al} s a l h mgm t E ;-1 in m i imtttiutm
himr mmrcan o tuf1)wih the 1 F ida iiaf ~ - lui I utmtmte xa m tos Iiedmitt iii J_.. iidc) nd 1 tisNe i2 mit mm lii mm-
me- mitlr t ia t tle rml m inim oiiiARRI ThElR S gmitttttUlilt l - R c't dai0 I h ttu htf .n r m s ri
eitt ci aet n ~nn~t
Wt cii ut lmmciI ie mcl cil cic Stttiti, use rde un iitII mli (M siahl ic-i ianfro a on tai forecin t is-
Ite ifa1' 'er,,i tltiliuire lmtin m uimt le Ilite N tle rgn-i ii ilF1minte1,.t
t i mn~ vr~h dt a ner} I feirue1tt l cim e Iuti-reheld if sa-Nlieli IIant t uaie etu mi nte eitmt-rfN.et
I n ptIt-he M t lhll n anc iIrt tiu o cro
r~p i f t le tiram i" ,1tti ae en I i nlt m l eu t n r sl mg . m dwInNt1 1foLu r- uesn [m Iit t l
lime otIiv,. m D minitfoits iigo nm huts til leggrllm
si1IC 1 : - iiie i it u t1m it tm i 11'( L m I SII y m timmig mm tme-aig lu ettsI le ite t ii -i te 11h ella il nil itii I ite
of miirt hfiehtmiecomlsltguinn lmm t .en t all git n . M ris i redn lle I ien till I ti l e l ee n ut56 1 91

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