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October 21, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-21

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The Michigan Daily



No. 20

Wil Line Up Against Yosts Neo-
phytes Today-A Good Score
Probable-Hardest Practice
of the Season Yesterday
-Secret Work From
Now On.
"1t wasthe tohardest.l trat ie we
lave 1ha111y(,' was10t1he11111111tt00
arril'ved( at 1111gymaium last nigt.
"lIiib11'" Yost' 1 m1e1a1110to will 1hat.
1ldt 11110(111game. Of 11h1s 1100111'ac1
quinedwih i sle-up11 11 11111(11oth1e1
11ihia coach can1111' 111 nt1ertai'n1111a
shadow1lof a'0111u11. 11111atllso1me 111111111
aga( ilin111111me11a111ire lia 111111,bu11d
1wh1ich itwill Wioildown111111111k111w1r111
and111t11 1m1r10work is0lhi logan111, aIf
Th1'is afternoolll lv1 ite, will,
hav1111111tiff w1orko1ut,1 against 11111,te1m
fr1mthePeis dstial 1011h1o1l ofgly
BigI 1apids.1 1Lttle 1is1 0111w11o111110
theirlearns in previ'ouslyears11111' 111'ctll'
et1101 .1(11,'ig iI milite' 1111p'.llGr'egory.'l
gf id1111 bdIittarahe
possilly Illo11111ecorin htbo'lifor111111e
11111111tleo 11111 would'' suflern willoss
a01.1 111111111 1k1ee 1is 1ette, and
I',Fain (lle-up l1s101n1ght,'ad-il
11l 0111111. ve000u1l1101 r(1111.er111
and111arelyl' llps.111 or of he1'roo m-11
111y11,s, 11bill.l-41 hill g'' 1 ll "~ 'K00 iII 1to
The ('('u1111 workllass,1nigh1 onsistedl~
IturnsIloIIlil 11011he11e1'her 1ove1 ahl
1111110 fel if1111' alirotmat10er11
be.iM.thefogillalr, '17,wIfr Oah.
iuNr., 1111nFre 1he10111,e'7op(w0loca-
R0.1dn, 1100e.;1101010( 101011.1 tohulte
,~oitilal 101111 k, llir. 1 '. ng an rrell'

Cond11.'itnis imp~roIving 11011no10e1r1111
resultsl are anticiplated frorti either

Professor Kelsey and Secretary Wade Memorial Service Held in University Necessary to Win Approaching Hard
Leave Net Month-Will Visit Hall Was. Largely Attended- Games-McAfee Appointed Offi-
Old Mexico. Prof. Davis Spoke. cial Yellmaster.
Profesoroo' els1,0 1a111Seetary 'The 000rv1000 heldl in1 Ulivority To 1110eP11111:
Wadle (of t1111'ivesity0i,0a011 1111111n111H11ll1yeterday atern(101111in1men'IoW, 111t111-etMinlll'ollalgame, n0w sarre-
a trip1111'n(It,lm1111111110110-11will take- for 11he'lae Prof. (harless 1t'. hGr''e'ne, l tIwI weelis offI 'Michigan will iave
hen! 1111111ghlar1g1e1'numberl 'of 011'e(dean11of 1110e('ngineerig lde'artme't011, 1111('(f the 11ard1e1t.1srggle which
Wetern 0stales11as ell 110 1o1t of 1t11' w0110l1(ge110 11t1111111, 1111'majoityoi0(f 0111e111s1 1ad(1to face- in yearOnly1,
Archaeolo111gical1 11n(11tute' of Ameria, Professor Saley o'penoled 1110110'lvicoI1e(110111(11co11c(h1are 111tt11110foolth
10111 1-11v'elher'e'a111111 111e111rstIIof llNo- 011111111n(1'rganl sel'e'c1111, 1(n11 1Rev hir111hlighes-t efforts0 in Preparation11
Chicago01, aLtheo-St(1110Normal inl Mal- Chulrch, offeredl Iprayerl'. ''Nearer, My one(1(1111er 111111ti110 of success -..ear
111111, So11t11Daoa 111111atIlest'oMIines, odOlto Thee"''w110110 de'0-11111'h('(' est,1tire1111 s upp1 0 ort b'y11,t1111st011100
.1111Ci'll and11thencelllt'oILawrence''00, OMooitl's. Kile'e'n, Willy,811111, 11(111 111111 (I" 115111.11,00conieedtlas
Kansasli, lwhe'r'' 11'e1w11ll eive helin'111 er1101. 1H1rry,0MlIt~lly 1(01'ident'1loIlluoimpoI at facorfi thI games 1(ut
andb CloaonSpr itg, 1"Il bo'thll0 f(ll rofess1111 b a vior, e1(1(11 i 11( ks0eas-1110 m nlnot e r~ 1 10( 101'(f(l iiron. Fll
A ptooraI S1n1,0 i wi ll lIt'o jo 11(1ined 1 (It 1(1-I'I:I00engieering classexpresinglf 0 1110lc' a 1e11 1fl'0'lus'lthi11(e11( n m e
ltmuldor, where o' t~fessorl Kelsey wilt0110 GreeneIo 11111 1 'e''lrt (Illpon 11h1 ig ill (be held, andlit Iis hoped fta
lcture 'to tesetsl' o1105(f 11(1- blow- gl'11llt1("01now successl'0fc1(are, r y- lo1(1al1 01ihigal 01111willtrn
ily (f Collllord. ''hen1 onl tllSalt lProtfesor Davs1)1( hen11r11aIlall anail- 1(11 to(1 maIeIt1( ese1eetings a 11001sIcces,
Lake Ctty11111 10-11(, Nov., 1and11toIS81111n1(,]rItn anl (1 .'Ild a-Iillten b1,0(1111nd((('iri Illo('heer0the Maze anti
f"Olia'nisl'l 11where'l'tey will spend sev1- 1lat1' Prof Ihenry . F"oeze,00, seyersll 11on1( to1icVtrly.
I'll o ight-1011(11,0. Fromt ee 'dMr. 1a1go, Ilqttllltlanguage the quli- The '11i 1(' 1( 1 ilnlll takers 1(10th is ttlo-
a(1Oto11,Stockton1111a111(1lacerv'iWlle. RIll"o il wh(o1(1met'hill Ill dcrbe, 1'm1''ll'(' tl 1of J01 . EMAl'-.1as1(1ad1ylltas-
((('11(10 to San(0Fracsoe i ll g~lI (,01o11 fl itIs (1(11 ((0111t in is oaltlin1(a11(111 1110 ile will1(11v1'falllag' of te
Lor ladIiVresily, 1a(1(1 (('I 1to 1L1(0All Ocel''ltIas 10 1tluilil ls, proved1a1ter (With 1(1(1en 1(1(11nd (000011
geeinIall o(f whichllaces lectures'111(bi11e'thme. A hrief sk1tclo(f ll'Irf'-IIlbIledI-fot we s''old bel Il-able 1o d-
wi1(1 be- Iellv('(0-IlAl.1this point1ia lit- Gelm ''0 life. wih epc-01- ettit i nest( (11(system1111 ,0 of1 1'ootlling in
ieI trip'ill htakenfor busnessha'dl hai c o11( Ill~o(11110his(war i'r'ec'rd, folloed,. he111 s(0
loll'y('v1n(go011 far as 111I'llity(f the 'lifi-tong fr1'i'lld1(11111 whih 1h(aFod1111Ong'
Meioco -IL-I ling0thywolldvi-lollAl-Ill--Ilnlbr.Ikenllby0'Ilo-ldeat of 110his I_____col-_____
1(1(1 0(1 lld o otw 1Mexico(toIIIeague,11and1(1(1 11 ';]e1(1' lolln(Ii'l I GLEE CLUB MEMBERSHIP.
lo.k oer he1111' ns f1a'ig(1111'cillif 11the.tl's important1(111 ll pl1lt~l0ly llllg lb(lae fte c11hnlit'rfcentl.
eII (011111' other(Ann Arbor,1(1(1P(1( ple Ateranthe byn y-te--_r lin f c__dia l o],theUnverit
ut1( (11)1' (f the'filneol 0111 (0i11s('e'll' INTEREST IN BASKETBALL. 1.71111 (ic lIhian D11111,0
mill began11(1 running(1 1110t01Mondlay, 1(1(1 .111 iII(f 111'e,1youngIolaiesf the 1' 1710 t- Faulty byiiIhe' ostudentsl0becase
III -to-date IIf111'h('c1(u11ry. 11(1 01(11' ts- (('i(f baskebal. RLgular brelowed 110 ittrbip such1 110 oterI''Varsity
pall11, 111s0bui(l11 2(0 mile1s (f Iprlivat 'Ie ('111 t '0(i,0e1ha-already Kenn -in lthe 'ltlrll' lrgaiilloit 1(1(1 re('e' itted l~lto 11111;
Canyon~l, Illre'0 ilsy will sendl tw10.11 0-lml games1'. NI-Ill-y all (f 11he-old Ithe ohld t'embers0. 1Illl-bi'e(that oth
1days0in0 0ig(1 0seeing. 1F11(111ere(-he1'lt' yer,11s are 1(a01, and11sever'l'1'ii 0ilcornplain5111tls '1r'e1notoxwelfonded1(but
((iii. 1as1(10'ow t lanned.is 1al1lamw'r.d111ldiesfl-I-Illherlih nstitu(11(11101(a(0('I'l- :riefonft('((Ill 11101111110ing l/,0r lao-l
Ihen 01a01 for' home- Al 1101' the01 nhe1aml th'Ili-s11(1 ((5yb-ar, as0soown by" 'radon11(1s, 1that 0,0als 110(1tho
do111( not xeclo rose1(.Itllhomeefoete ftill' th e Prac (ii ticesl 1- haveI'bIe(('I'liswepri tted0 ~l (''((IIl a ra1011; 00111-
aill 1be'gtin tlailtuto-e midle of 0'No (ti.lt- 1(t1(t, 1111'disco'rd'ant01e('11(10
SHAN K'S EXPE RI ENCES ABROAD. t'llryln'I I' after0 Christmas~b. till eaIls (f 11(0(01'iI au~toriy. As a
1H:. S. Siani, OMihiga's broad 1111'fl--hne1111'11101'n11(1 110yttIll'rnatrlt(result 01th(ere iaveI-been to
lwtekliago. Ibi con hisvariedi 1(0 ave sent 1((111ery0, isd 111t(1r0111. 8-0Sev (- flty tat-hell M1(111( , Ctluo-b tls
Stank11wa(0intervi0ewed1 yesterday 110 (If it'tst layersontolast year's gtIltI~~ltiW-l ili'It1010
rd lI ttiis trill abroad0. H aingBerlamtiweelal t cin
Otfhl (lbWfI h'iht Crim f1101-1011 (11, 11 memberltOof ilt' 0(1101 (tt tthetilItl'0it,. Tis aco is
weelti canvassing inIlnor~t'ern I'.lan lies 11h(11playd 1(n11111'froshmn ti os h~itsenll, v01.: 8(1u1sicaliliy
lie' ea~rnedtlsufitcien:nyto110(10IIsillndLo101111last year1'110"t llnthandl 0(0o t'0.10asoI thl requliet'0(lf (or me t-
1110 England 11n(1l(Germany. Cornell ttgirl, is aso out htiro11 .11 oung0,0l words Ithat thlieIxmliation of canti-
Via soulthernltScoland, Londn(, lit'-'.for0 training,. 011ss 0n0y Siart dails 1(0rtt(-1(111 has been us(0(1 .10s11
-where hte spent 00.11'weeks ; thence-'toobeen eletedt tIcattainl of te 'tit mean"sbfor11(0011ling ptliicl and11(1social
though Hoyl11(ladir1cty1,0toI Ctologne, girls, 11111 Miss May Green110111 11-oct.Iets~. orars lil0of 0e1(00i01100'o0
itt went1, r~itt theRinetoillMaiz, vilsll-as siib-ctain11. lThe young0 ladis 1(01' tecu enti'(1111c01'111onvl~icedt me that
ing the(1'inil tlcastes antI cits ((0n'cofient t-hat 11(e,0 10111 haetheIlthisiticimis1 us0t;151hut, tiliis a 0110-
blitt'rotebO. HidOleberltg loccuptiedlhis slrotlgst:team111 tis year, and t now11(0.e1111(1and1its cause1' should11 be' 00
attention(1sev0000111lays, 1where0ile' 011- remOanslor010l thnito provtie 110nitt otd, if tpoib~l. T'itt oltlIIhse
toe 2tt1Ito'famous unliersiy 1and11casile. I Bertha 0(tuart: wilIcolahtlIeito 1-11111 lljtt~liott 1(0(1establtist t at isfatory
Tulrnin~g toward01 t' noth he lt' ent11 againl tis saoni~l. jstatus((0f(If aiaroPresietln tgtll has
troulgi Frankfort-on-ihe-MainIllottor- 'lT'he (ma0a0g00s (f11(0 ifereatts- appoin111te0,1a00(111,ty ottle 110(1a
ill ttovsit friendslonnected01 ith11 lttoektall 1tea1s0a000 110fotllws ((0w lcol ation 1(1101(0(0n ttdtpttd.
Ameitricanit embassy1. Of all te ito'oios Sophomoio.-,Miss 1(11111 Brahbrige; The'sonobctijoin is tet'c11110
hie saw 'Berlin pleIasedl hin tos.Affer ;junior, MisEthel Safot', seorw, of tt'too' atile f te cnttu~titon.
11 s1(1(00vi0(0t1a0 Bemetni Shankt 0.011ntiMiss $lttioahe Enylat.11ur10ng t- last wt'o'k the Faclty
IHaoburig, o'llnlI0 Itosaiedotn tho' -- Ottcomit00' 1h10 111(1u(0(110considera-
Blichetrfo Ntw'orlYa'Iii41spealking PAUL C. DICKEY. 111(0.111an1 has 11inal11,0aotedttIthis ti-
ofthe blot' age'1'he llreferredli1not1 ti )iclIy'"0conition 11(0 ghlotiti ath- l(0001oarilei. Insustoatce,it is as

tdwel llll toelialeiftul subjet (f 5011- rally tchanged, seems trotlllint t 01" followso: "''owards teclose of the
sittness. tpo~n r0011000 No'o ,York 0(1000,. tHe has run10ditwnt so, hotw-cotlege year the mtemhersof 10(toeGlee
he setot immtetdiatly for AtA t'-r 0000, thaitIto will notObo'11a1ble ot par-' ChitshallIloot a ltatder, who shalt,
btor, and arrivetdhotrc last 'Wetnesday. ticipate in athtletics again this year. (Continutedl on Page Three.)

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