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February 21, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-02-21

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The Michigan Daily
ANN ARBOR, M( 0-1G.N\\ \IVVN SAY IL'I BRI RX 21,, 96 N. 9

vfOL. XVI.

No. 99.

Many Contestants Expected to Enter
First Indoor Meet of Year-Bris-
tol Runs Track in :13 2=5.
Thi enittrblanks for le ireliiiiiiiri
ares Sturdas- iiht -r rayin iiDir
ectr F ittricks ffeandiiilall oii
tesatsisholdielaterit mediiiaelyca=
theenitiis clri oo-i rriiow nihtlitix1
o'clock.A\ mnynas a oeniiminiihive
eawork ling oilitteacIevent andithl
miili lc of enriiesiiwleu aitilieted.l will
undoubltelygreiaitlyi rxcreidl tat flat-
,cr wh eniiin satiftihifle et it i ii
netcsreato rnniiiihalf a-doienirsialihat si
Theinlyienstittnttl perfioriiianccyis
ima a Iithatoi Irisliiwlistanii
tillap onithritrisk i :32- ,oer
ifils f i seondulclanri ilacth rackii
reod rstois au ioiiiithughuiiss
-ixishs isutyerithe i ut-isits
Inern efom n tis luutituir \As li
wasctakiga ri-ll eia tec ti-ittis lits twion
years, le wisin-etulgible tIacoratei-isa
the I cii oteaaole has daine par-
i-llysnoitirk wr:fiat three ears
Howsereri lie hias lien shanwing tpawel
bohiniihe forte-yars iani- in the rliar-
ter, ad itmay bletlatihle till eelaa
into asi aiiin iier. tdaynight le ill
i--ter teie twIn riet-s ail sme ie
caniitlenblitnedstu-las tIwa tea n e doil.
lThieiiieletltlury night is fair to
friishionicectng aiiihotaly ou-
teseucse-Pribal notali nyieof the
vetrasiwillraoipetre bltiiithe Istck of
theienuiuiwhar-e-fitgt igsfor stplace aii
the vasityi idoor eaIcticProaly te
pretiest i rae will le Ihe half-milin
whlieh MKinneiy5Walteck Rchartdsoni
tWilcosx atitilk lsetiwill caie teter.a
Withot a doubl-tlioniicof tIeithreeiirt
named iwill itprese nil thicvar-ity ithelt
indo sicdnth iancl the larscitt
meueti.utin the preiliiaiiy t-andfrehi
,oplili usnas tieluwill ts r irte
fnhot. I iiill heiverei siirptisig
if thielf Isis-init gtil leis st -as tfat
s 2:o-f.
Aiotaieurintleetingi'rtee till occur
wh leu teil i es-resuiiiinoeiltolithie
trscksatvi- foritliefufireen sps. I
thisIte tiouille tiiwinnes arc Dull,
Nisily ast h lclt mitd\est. ]DalIlstd
MIasliney hlavebeen ntiiiig otdoorslaasll
witruer aindlar ii siipertconiitiioi.
[fowevere athie avon-ie pratiarilly
notindotrloi r ik iis hard lao iiiudge
wicis te it ilteal bth noi-afiurei-wl-ioi
wis e lpiobabl l e iliili-ell icerut
till enter Sturdy niht.ut it is ex-
lecicl that11hr willhAdans, st fresh-
mais dli-tgr5feeliIte ies, ana ithil
lax LIec1atd Ptr iklie sotll fur-
nshiatie contest.s
Directru eeIe Fit atiIchiill senl
le geaerti-plit at this fterioonIli-
igtmeor ittls foe l-icc relsy teais.
The fresh egiteersseioriawtis atid
setir ingierts prtied lyserdlay
afternioonsut ttnoi-teas tie btent select-
ci. Goit na Scen-tk -std Raneay elct
dlt ill133s.an isthltthe exceltiona of
Ihisols:32, at e iere the bet
Thesenir i-awIstsric nakitg greal
preparation s farthle tWasintgon's cirth-
dayi -prtytolyInei lelil t Gratgrisott
Thurisay ighit.s TIhisi tillhi-tilbs cs
tng ei-tillfltheila celeratsiots helil
oni ihsat i-ate.-Thei-pat is an a-ttal
sittsir.itnsd besises te April FattIparty-
is thIic ni-patieventlot thle larscoial
csletisdar N I-itrge nd-lerthlbsiastc
crowdi of " leryo legsl lights' is ex-
pectedstoDgieethis larty more itisnta
usuasl success.

The prograims wrill lie titiqute in form.
OntthIe btick will be a cit of George
WVasinigton. The comimittee int charge
cotisists of A. D. Qtintiiance, IL. R
Long. J. A. Allen and A. D. Murphy.

'Ilesenior scrin of lie VMiebigati-
etisistitis ltcigtimsulcilt) 11All tseiin
usil tapskieitiltlistplace oIiti-Irlthanlthe
otficisilclass phtoist s t i-s, itsnd lis
ia-ents t tiiic thue \Ilitgacsitsissi
toadote-I alitseffect.imuistsitsso at site
t inisure senug itislittedinitshle si-iictilt.
Offiee 636 Fi . ititrstliti-tvetutphonuie
Noted Brooklyn Divine Takes Place
of President Alderman on S.
lie Stttl-itis I i-cttite s- ictiiiihits
teests iiit its itindedin tssecriitg Dri.
Ni-trll lhigistiltis sit I rattlsli-to i
leliv i-s nits ssinits itctsits- hsall
islet ilsdermnti o f itse-Uivesi-r sity- si
Wei-st il iltilittibu lie is tlinsible to-she
ill 5iii 5irb-sI it titsstime, owntoits
ptersencei-sithPe peatee cotatiiss-ttin i
Nit tir. In isi aaiy ei
cluen li ofiis PresidenttAi-itlci
Dri.lHillis 5itcpehaIlstse fotemtoisito
Amria itdt iisitvint aits IlIcis the site-
cessocitt itt iires 55iii I Bcrest andi
lryinii- Abotlti s-iastior i-f tiii-famttis
chitt is ith le moti-litci cintsreaistriNe-
dthst ilamI test auientisces iiiliii-- city.
IlIe is Iatinker i-f ticstiacat abilitysuttd
lie lim o aete faitilty Ilsio si
titakitag lislieatiers ltians. Itsis iat
sthlor is tiell-is a'att rt l-ihaiwi-
tell sieititooks aitichshiow atiltsp i-
sight ittntttl tht l all-ntllift-
sitmotang i- tistIstitisitis slectrsi-rse
Johnlati ksbnsir-sage ti-itlii- Tswci-
tieC en irtury,"I"Tse Pulit in iModliierni
talk ariie inssititserliiostil 1toe. Ie
is i-strttelcysiesatile aditiiis saidi tat
lie caniconsi-suit-htics-tudiecie inre-inhg
si Ificetiosinci i-etri n nb al i- tt ict
wi-thottilesatrsit-idscaistsi ittout irrei-
ecre sir cnitcim. tice titusto10the
test it tumty buh xaellting liehigh-le-it
Itutini idelts. Aleingit meitia-topolita-n
calysays Ifsoie of tiscenttailkls:
"Whtilselt -lstsre as isccciallty
serious intillte Ithiggits liesesntedit i
tias so cilitvetntd titwits caiont it sti-

T'remend'ous Sale of Seats SENIORS VS. FRESHMEN
For the Greet Perf ormances IN BASKETBALL GAME
TidGame of Season Occurs Tomor-
_. f ro - Seniors Confident of Win-
nig --Gme is Open.

- F I T (I.II((R I'?R")\AN -Y l.., )IIN L S IIR

Ili- si-iGre tte t sa esealsen it
Isis listformitnit stirs it knnius sN ot siu-li-
ofsit si fisorilth iso soinug prset-s
ti n its thai t localin strest inthlis
i-stof -i. rc t-sisom illsy ishiglher
tha silt rstu eItslists In thespis orits-it
sit I"Twelfths s-igt- adiii Sush 5ldo
abouit K Ntitus f at erte snis

smpitluy, cle ti-illsa-i eectola dithii es
it Slut" OtI fitthliiartistis ittittuitsilt
ofit 1 l-tstad's-olitsnit- e.sS~ tress s i d
iiit liiii i itheMa s a tush n erl-s--tiu i(is usslcl
eflect. si tu uis n u ndivsiual mesismbert s
ofi lit 5 -ut sce i tuembelishmenitt, ior
li-litits -Ifets. n M .( etsi com
pa y is it: - .ikspelii ii ttitu e h
Shaks listan ittn-s llhis o an

e155 kvstknbc three Ishssut 1 sthep ,ste isth1 iinehut"iiwhilseisittitg
toi thiiimehush 1 lstage15wn--iissssivltedciiossItmetscad sit onclitits a-re tuthit.
isut du lu fll as sill Shake'spereIfriithereus etitus tutui-sit reasonciutfuss 'sitsg
siotu list u ssssl FIsantk le tta s-intt Benu t i s 115sityIs hiall scsiSathurdaiythistis
Jussscsusasch lkindrei-sispirtss~cuutrtdof ocuts neDilt-tls l- ie-sld lit ticrtsh at tht
tics Pisur us Jostas, F ith, iTsho as an-I si-sntrtus nsitislur: longe us--its hicts si-sts
,Stitr usfsto1udasy. OnesTillifeel11111wsutsd plesres itthus-
AS\vs hecse~-tl estimr oer'is-'gtt t e a fussrtteplays srthur
lust ran es lii 't-tt--i I It S sie stuc ian st 1u-hst it Iti.esworhl. h"iss SA"ehres t Io
use tusn N "Macbeti" uwillhue gutinVeic- silldfti-us massitteeucatus
thus IElizaethcsa it tutu ithu sri-ill, hi'libtIChu firts e l iii t'ts performattnue.
Duosill- IN fS yJUNI OR lAi-s's meutrnlg suitdIthis enthtussmsdissplayedu
OtR--TORi IALisO KT]"STi-i ut-attisseauguirs sielifortiis stuccess.
________ liiThe si-il tiltsitfstheii.stity9is fuse sitki
lossth I )ahil wot-u i rst- i p-l aceuhnu ill() thus- anu esi ats ii 55hsutusss Ib siec si
Ille unior s huts aoialsucstlsastss annIuausu llffir.
us--htIusintt- ti sllysuci s sfts llliii This tuu feis tscoitthe. c st e s o-ci
iudes awaringushmlutist s. Deah ispokctssuti lusts I tt uniohtaloccsiscuititsile
oni ITse CstiltsosithtiCensuituy" litihishtry sitthis organtiza'tion.iT1hte talu
luotitti 1515 5as -It good onsuit d tush (le gra suditlsts itof s ker s still bhu tst-
Aile un c s us itthu i secondtutu ce I lls IThie sommtitle fromiu thelii.Ji- Itssiissi
sujctws-iVonus I litItaIii.st. sit ofsoiest ty aingchsaru-soit -si -srrsnge-
thus foslit of polar utuistop iinin is-htun metis uincluds s1s.Is.t hi sicy- Artzel
hilstori' tutudstci lsusfesrenc it ilt utis sh 5A.J. lson. thus'ieib-
it-s c its tse: is ut. iiSlitses. Wile th c r s soiei.ty i'isittittee is coms edtit u-f
iomsuta~sl its re:liiiotid i r sisuDemoccyislarkJ. II Pss loreltJ.V. irdtash
verss Cntraize \Vcalt ;" l~ae. ushab1 R Is hn

Theitird illntsclsitu iiisteIl 1sga he
of- lteseason istilt occuriti-idvtter.
no n,\,5ntrt iliia u e m etistitshut'
seiors in 511th hut S instsiini-t. is-Ithu
team Ishstilleen hard atuuik iii si
te coactilt ilofti tis. lituradth
fres man- i rlulull lake a iLan ithi -
fort-t cut dow~ tite 1151 i iils advan
tg hicIt sthillsciihiii h~d «hl h
seiior \vll nda~o todefnIsis css,-
fuly t ei clim to he thnli--h iui lt
ofNvn pae t igaseitlis yar,
3hte us he 1 lcut ths dfehatiglutr
iipoed-uh snc ith utis istme iudsoul putt
lipi sa i-sltia t cstcIts
Te psoisususoIftthu roo6 thteana i
excitly thus suit s scit ,ussilIst yar
sliiet, il defetinsitthu r itsuteaiby a
si-irselufIrItosorithisy twsittie chiaspins-
sitp sit theu iit usitts s CapstiReynsick
is udutdts h l est ii.spltye'ithis
stvriaditt wasrcat lar igel- to
lie eftorts thutithblurtamtutundeduthebu
champishtsiptuaslt 55ar1
Wh'ieni skedsbhtrontion si toitthuroatt-
ca-si i-fsthebias metCastaituRyi-ctltsof
thes uoh tmsid
'Thusgors hvbitsi-nhi woi rnsg hastd,
sn as wecares si i tc-uiditionusthan
aniliy tutte lst yaus I stirk ewil
hasve litleiffiultysinwusningui"
CssttniusLtwettciifstheii treshmuia t
couildi nut its uocated.
The gattmeswill hbe ialled Iii hsBaru
gymnatsictist Fidasy aftrsnoons at five
o'sclc. This tiuseciill hu oeto tsall
menti reeiing 0iittils. Ter tw
-tm siinsurbalt lieI utu iasi-iflotws:
mgofi- F- sr-s Reynick (isaptt.),
Broadbrihssdwe isby;- ientrs.Retictk,
Davsiis, socfet urds, Gire-en, Sisark,
lto9 -forwardsIsitseli (C'slt.), Sar-
tait-e, Fri -stcinters rtho'sisus, M-tn
si-i-i. trsi-sutcii '-ut-us, -TiiieblocodVats
Ness, Trsgi-s
IPP.F,,X SNh-iisCOMhb-i ROY-
i-,lYtY hIItS ALM~hA 5ti-Si'E
Stitme i side fthle us-sin its s-lu- ls
dets sitfutir cllges'slisisrat tPresdentl
Angcl, ushdsit thesmsitesuits uwuitchlithe-
wrcoes him, s ait belrehis zed shiest the tc
reeptions -iten hit'tBrowntte ilet
On thlii-e irccsi it of iuis visit to Ihis
alima mt t;cc Iicsty fwil
It(,is - ofts isthi lsthgradsuiateras, I
the unalspot h tudts it chapelsi
sie ecrtsiScPresdenit i-Sielacom
panuiesd iy tDr s uusc, rcsis 1t os
Bross-ia -scsed b usweenctlumdtlbs
cheere-d the ixsciorentusist iclly, si-
ithirlu-t-i a-h constnuing the ovsatton
fuseseeali nutsuafte~sr ble cupileirhds
i-c8 IUT isLASSS 111E h''lNG.
'TleijsoS hts huldh a casisi muetnug it
d si-li-i-rhyste ri-hayto dei-hehe earcnig
he propsedu --clascai-sc 'hissmeeting
ic-scalleid tbusordercsbhoVie-tPreset
"Cshet Tit liareuumotonsito sidoput class
caswacsc usiantimuly lost btllthae class
dleidedto hutolsd taisanqult.s tiecueiebs
Buisbiy wi st s tbustmusaster.e The
banquetu Icommuittecwas uspintuuuedhastifo-
on's : [art AShebehr, Doun Steling.
iCyrust JGoodrihiaAll-et Nadeaand
I-enny A. Montgomery-


cuiss-in anctspsertinenc t othur
shill momenit.'si
It sisalotIknownuc icie s hisl1cc-ures
tr. HI iltsisitlguse tonightt, sut wsih
cs-i- on suis bschooses, the ur enicce is
assuredi-hoita5rase Isreat.
C[UP hlhEhATh'hSisuJECh.CiHOSElN.
ble urbhject fori te cut deteles tins
ti-nsneleced -hicthe commusittees. hi is
"Reslvei-st bhit istpoicy of subtatl
enlanrgemenss t ite kismericansuiiaty is
prneferable to ltepolicyiof minuutasining
it sub itsharesenct stretigthi situefficenucy.
Bo-ths sitthe lteratri-etsstngcubhs
si-tush laof the aitclubstakI -pi-titni
thecnetTh tpwihiawreo he ue ccessftlcb itus us larsge sitter
onr tdonated isy tbluesI trtusmni. Icht
sutciety tiill tolt prelimiutnaryconscisis icbu
choosscetheir sdebatssers.I'Phese 15 d irtiti-
anus titlist nl li-ecompleaited br-i-s riii6
'file cebtsesbetwcenethlisciisswsill
occultas follocs c:SWebiste cc.Alphas
Nut, April 27; Juensosuissss vs. Aielpii
Thtsi-up cntestessnaistbly esalloust
this- scimastei.al'b inthue vasrioclssditubs,
au-h arc ussuallhy ascwrmlty ftuughtl outlas
blue struggle of representivoes fti-hle
intercllegateethes.sT'Ie utameaof that
cinnuig nutubs engrsave-hupuonc thurcusp,
atuhe luebh rititus tecupfteblencu-
suinug ye-tn. IThue Wiebster society las
beena successfsul inaintning te cusp Ihe
gre-the-h number of tiumes in the past.

Spirit ;"' iiirttstsui - -i- issiiicu Cor-
rluption." liThe-judsges Prof. Ociitiiisit
Prof sI [P , a wt ss.1scyer Jossss' ndi-_h11rt.
5511 110[,1) 1I5IN L'iCTS
hisfSi,Ihteu andtubeusJufer s-sitll its-
ba-tuing socrietit'esi-fths IaccdIpsuartmen
have5 ltidec idto ishdhiltithius uyeait
sit Whi-tmossureu ak.' oh oieis, fuse
this lirst htimelist stneci-earsi r.tohs ci-
l sus-insis'tus<i uss Ititl ent i i n s ths' uais-
sqset festuiiss, athelii ffair uspromusises
busthutesaltougsthir e uts t htsmstIsuess-'
tufllshcialsfetuesoisfstths yeaus
The banus ws~ iill iseshbsitu Ssatur-
i-hi-sr. Ni h 3,ts nd tuhu embsuthersofthble,
ttoisoitiss tiill is iii- fis t lih ltske sit
S6 o'clckss that l eveli.'i.guusby sscsi-i tratin.
hss bster, -soity slut-i--sitiltthut
situe ait hlii-I ii e Ii css i-suitthe
tJerstioi tut wshu-lusill ibanqisutIa-i-ths
islifton55 I lutist
ti C sutsiiitt us oft hue tloiiiiii"isutis
are alsso pepciinsg sttu'rtives progras
i-f aftsr-ingerspesi-i-s
IThtsis banquue t oliii-Jefftti cus sxssi
-c iii.elfirci of tciits indhel-hfotrseeral
s es btte snges scns fti-nisi--'s-st,
ehaweewercace authorizuedthby thiesunant-
uions uction of the society iat its' lat

INDOisOR it551II kit
Akithueuchiose Itt thie si-ilyt' o titusIs
i-sun prctceessterdai-n Coay h (scsiliSi is-
is's gave thitslitisballtttentfit s scc.rt
short gusts'osfIindoorsssbisei-illihi tic'ssi
hto thit fasst tworktutuihissnecessasry us
n-stilt'- fitilsltttis kidthe hoti. ititsk
ths-at itill tip-o-i-i- iely' tbeecili,h i-t
tug this rl hitrulls itu shape.
bWt-rt tS ti u'-' I-uttesh tasnd ilv(iiir
usgs uwi.re plai-tdci-estrday atesnoon.sl
thu Ii. te sitOuswhutshi CuacliMcSit-Sisterc
huhl iint itutwdLo-15
somintion 55155 cii itscosi-intg fIc-us
as heut' I ussss-itherei.nu'scsc-itny' hoitu sf huts
this's i--reu iiitclassd his I susiucsl 1
slhter byt lCal lingurthus ilte,- bi t
eiicting-fromsi ti-is sitthu isi-ld tytves
thus'teusingh rhmtrki isaust"Ihusy-ss t'
Yes ti-sui t leasr -ttutmber' ittcact
t s r itsthurei.seatsu-ttre litedfore ibase-
hush pr-tiuceitsthiscase. 'Tlucre wre
proilti-lly sixty ut-u i-tsha sdereses-of
nuealytiortny ftrsituthus lunchfewir as.tp
hhit tinhug us imp~roi- rgIatily ut-h the
feelintgoi-strsan'eniess has sbosut worn

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